Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Everly! Covid Scare! 9.23.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:30 pm  


OYB! I learned all of Isaiah 40 in 2005. I still quote it every day.

Beautiful Full Sun Moon.

Deposited checks.

My little miniature rose bush seems happy.

Cleaned and refilled my four hummingbird feeders. I keep expecting them to head south any day now.

Their have been hummingbirds tagged from our area that have been seen as far south as Costa Rica and Nicaragua!

Swept off the rug outside my door.

This little cherry blossom tree I planted a couple of years ago just suddenly died. It made me sad to look at it so I decided to dig it up and put it in the recycle area. Not sure why they suddenly die. Made me sad.

Everly and I went out for Chinese food at Hot and Cold. She loves oranges.

On the way back to Chamblee, I got an email from the church secretary of the team that came to work with us last Saturday. Turns out that their youth director has covid. That’s not good. I was especially upset because I specifically asked about vaccinations and he assured me they were protected. Turns out he wasn’t and exposed Kathy and me. We were outside and the team wore masks around the kids, so I reckon we are all ok, but still not zesty.

I took Everly to immediately go get the Covid test. We should find out that everything is OK (I HOPE!)in 24 to 48 hours.

Even though Everly was scared she still did well.

I let all the family know what is going on. Ashley came straight home and then I went home so Kathy could get tested. I took the test again because the results will come back in 24 hours at the place near our house.


Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Everly! J! Rob! Penelope rides bus! Azalea! 9.22.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:29 pm  


We had Jesse with us this morning!

J went to get some blood work done.

Everly and I enjoyed looking at the mums and pumpkins.

We ate at Waffle House and then went to Petco to look at the fish and other pets.

Everly and I had a fun lunch with my good friend Rob Martin. We used to work really closely together hosting teams for years. He’s in a new position now and seems to be enjoying it and doing a great job. I was really glad for him.

It was a big day for our family since it was the first day for Penelope to ride the bus! Everly and I waited for her here.

We could see the bus coming from a long way away.

Helped the kids at the mission. Penelope did some exceptional work with math.

Everly liked playing with her dolls in the puddle.

I had a new student this afternoon who wants to learn English.

I’m working with the kids on their multiplication tables.


Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Everly! VHS! UPS! Rat! Azalea! 9.21.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:15 pm  

A friend of mine got a skull at Good Will. I sent her this diagram since I think it’s from a bob cat.


Love this.

Went to the UPS store this morning to drop off the charger for my old Mac to send it back to Amazon for a refund. I didn’t charge it. Jesse had one that would, so that was good news.

I’m in a conversation with a dear friend of mine about vaccinations. I went at the discussion in a different manner than he normally hears it. Still not sure if he gets the point.

I don’t often get this. In the last couple of weeks I’ve done it three times.



Work week starts early.

Another rainy, cloudy day. Started breaking up in the late afternoon.

Cada dia.

Gassed up the Mercury and checked levels. Turned out I needed to add some oil which I did. Then filled up my quart bottle with by big oil jug.

I love the oil/water diffraction patterns.

I got Disney+ on the Roku. Everly was delighted to be able to watch Frozen and Frozen II again.

We are working on finding a back up plan if something goes wrong with the car or with my health in the foreseeable future. First part was to get Penelope into the bus rider mentality. I had a detailed discussion with the rest of the family about it.

I picked up Penelope this afternoon and had a talk with her teacher Ms. Lehner about all the ins and outs of going on the bus. Where she will get it, who she’ll go with, everything I could think of to help Penelope be absolutely confident about doing it.

I saw this little mushroom poke it’s head through all the sealer I put on the tree.

I got all the garbage cans and the old dryer to the street this morning. Everything was heavy.

Rained just over 1″ yesterday.

Kathy heard a rodent scurrying around yesterday. I cleaned and baited three traps, two downstairs and one upstairs to catch them. Just a matter of time now. I always get them.

Took some hide a keys to Ash and Miles and one of the kids at the mission who now has a baby and a truck.

Swept. I need to vacuum as well. Haven’t had the chance yet.

My shoes got muddy hauling stuff to the curb. Scrubbed them.

Picked up the digitized version of my dad Al Cummins preaching his mission sermon. I’ll get that on the web tomorrow. It’s from 1993.

My last day to pick up Penelope as a car rider. Overall, that process took way more time than I anticipated. You either got there thirty minutes early to pick her up on time or had to wait for about fifty cars to get her later. I was in that line for at least two hours a week. I think it’ll be a lot better for Penelope to ride the bus. She’ll be home faster than I could get her if she rode the car, plus it’ll be fun!

I took P for a happy meal. We got this one. Cap’n JAQ is what I call my buddy Anthony Jacquin. A riff on Pirates of the Caribbean.

I love her so much.

Helped the kids at the mission with their homework.


Mas Harry.

Picked up the mail and watered my ficus.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Anthony! Mercury! Plants! 9.20.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:03 pm  




Rainy all day long.


Had a fun talk with my buddy Anthony Jacquin.

T&G worked on the Mercury. They put in a new sensor. Weirdly, it still gives an error code for that and the emissions part. It runs great, so I’m not going to worry about it any more. Got new wiper blades on.

I decided to cover up the check engine light, since it really doesn’t serve any purpose. From time to time I may get them to check the codes again, but if it’s not running poorly, hard to throw money at a problem that doesn’t seem to exist.

Downloaded the edition of Verbal Surgery I recorded yesterday onto my Mac.

I got a charger for my old Mac, but it didn’t work. I sent it back. I’m not sure if it’s the part or if the computer isn’t charging. My guess is that it’s a computer problem. Just one in a series of issues. That’s why I got my new computer.


Wrote a note to one of our supporters.

Kathy said she was hearing noises in her room. I’ll set out some fresh traps tomorrow. Also cleaned out a corner of her room that was filled with boxes and recyclables.

Watered my indoor garden.

Been enjoying playing Far Cry Primal.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Editing! Mending! Podcast! Nana! The Sessions! 9.19.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:25 pm  

I thought this was a great article about Copeland!

Edited the video that I shot of the team yesterday.

I consider the team complete when I send the Thank You email which includes the link to the video on YouTube and the photo gallery.

I spent over an hour mending tears in my comforter. If you keep it stitched up, it’ll last a long time. Otherwise, it’ll just be in shreds.


When the washing machine overflowed months ago, it made the plywood warp which stretched the linoleum. Over time, the plywood got pressed back down. This morning I used the staple gun to put the linoleum back down as well.


I actually came up with this word for a podcast. Hadn’t used it yet.

I worked on Kathy’s sister’s phone yesterday. We keep getting SOS notices from it.

I recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Gold Mind.” Tasty.

Had a good talk with my Mom.

Thai food for K and I.


I had a fun time doing a presentation for “The Sessions” which was a series of one hour presentation for a span of 24 hours! Mine was next to last. We had over 400 people register. I think there was about fifty people there for mine. I killed. Surprised? I had a hard time getting my Mac to connect, so I used my iPhone instead. Still looked great.

Picked up groceries.

Deposited checks.

Dropped off the Mercury to get the sensor and the emissions repaired. Also getting new wiper blades.

I normally write a note and put the envelope with the key inside through the mail slot. I’d talked to the manager about it last week.

Beautiful sunset.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

New Canaan BC! Azalea! BHFM! 9.18.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:25 pm  



Had a fun team from New Canaan BC today. Great briefing and then safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

Great weather!

The to Azalea to work with the kids!

Good times!

On the way home, Kathy and I stopped by her sister Ann’s house to check on her. She was having phone problems. I took the case off and replaced the cracked screen protector. Then restarted her phone. Got it to work!

Ordered groceries.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Grandgirls! Dryer! Azalea! 9.16.17

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:43 pm  

Thursday night I stayed at the mission helping kids till nearly 9 PM. Too tired to do the blog, just showered and went right to sleep. Today is a combo day.

I liked this blast from the past.




Cloudy with showers Thursday and Friday.


One of my water bottle leaked. Had to use paper towels to dry it up.

Woke up early Thursday morning to a text saying that the dryer was dead. I went to pick up Ashley’s dryer in storage at the Kendall’s house. Sadly, Kathy’s back door to her truck isn’t working. Jimmy Kendall let me use his truck to transport the dryer. When I got it home, I realized that the plug didn’t fit! Had to borrow the truck again to take it to my appliance guys to put another plug on it that would fit. Then finally got it installed. What a heavy job that was! I used lots of things for ramps including an old door and a ladder.

Once it was rewired, I brought it back to my house.

I put gas in Jimmy’s truck and in mine.

Called T&G to make sure they were ready to work on the Mercury first thing Monday morning. New sensor, emissions filter and windshield wipers.

Gassed and checked the levels in the Mercury.

Everly was very patient during the whole process. That was a blessing!

Put the request in to get the old dryer hauled off.

It works, but with used stuff you never know exactly how long. Could be years and years.

Cleaned the lint filter.

Went through all our little plastic containers. Gets to be a huge amount. Recycled and gave a way a bunch. This is what was left.

.5″ of rain.

Swept after moving the dryer in.

I have a team on Saturday and speaking at a virtual conference on Sunday.



Took the girls to the Buford Highway Farmers Market on Thursday AND Friday!

I found a banana bike for Everly. It’s super cool. She really started learning to ride without training wheels on Thursday!

I got Penelope a scooter.

Helped the kids with their homework on Thursday and Friday. Also did ESL on Friday with a couple of the moms.

Working a lot on the times tables.

Got a microwave to replace the one that was malfunctioning. This time I bought a replacement plan.

Kind of dreary weather.

Talked with Barbara Hays about her knee surgery on Friday morning.

Always studying.

Had fun with Everly.

ESL class.

Went by office to check the mail.

I have a team tomorrow morning. It’s only three or four people. Hard to get too excited about that.

I’m pooped.

Took the girls over to the other grandparent’s house this evening.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Dryer! Microwave! Azalea! Podcast! 9.15.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:54 pm  

My buddy Anthony is learning to sail. I liked this note from Van Gogh.

It reminded me of learning to fly ultralight trikes. I gave up the endeavor after one of my teacher’s students died on the very landing strip I was practicing on.

I ordered this microwave and got it today. This is my third one of this type. First one lasted about two years. This one lasted just over one. This one randomly would keep running, even when the door was open!

Jesse has been low on iron. I got some new supplements to help.

I sent and received a good email to my music teacher Rick Beato. He has over 2.5 million subscribers on YouTube. We will be getting together soon if all goes well. We are both really busy.

I liked this article by the First Lady on teachers.

I woke up about 5:00 AM with the news that the dryer wasn’t working. Ashley reminded me that she had her old one in storage at the Kendalls house. The start of what turned out to be a really hard project.

My girls!

I called Jimmy to see if I could come get it. Later, I discovered that the trunk door of Kathy’s truck is now broken. Took it to T&G to verify that fact. Sadly, it’s messed up. So then I had to get back with Jimmy to see about borrowing his truck, which he let me do.

Beautiful clouds this morning. It was an absolutely fantastic sunrise, but I couldn’t pull over to take a shot. Hate it when that happens. It’s like it doesn’t really exist unless I shoot it.

I’m working on getting a new CPAP machine for Kathy. I wrote the letter yesterday, this morning Everly and I took it over to the UPS shop to fax to the doctor and to the CPAP machine place.

I also mailed the hard copy to the doctor as well from there. Always pays to have a Plan B. Although with the dryer, I was working on about Plan F by the time the day was through!

Interesting effects with the hazy sky.

I saw this on the ground. I operate by this idea.

Kept texting back and forth with Jimmy about the dryer situation.


I liked this vase at the Kendall’s house.

It was a challenge to move that dryer in and out of the Jimmy’s truck. Especially in. I’m not exactly sure how I’m going to be able to do it tomorrow by myself.
I’m good at figuring stuff out. I used a ladder as in incline plane.


I used this old door to get the dryer up the steps into my house with the dolly.

I got the machine into the room and then realized that the dryer had a different type of plug.

This is on the new machine.

This is the receptacle in my house. It was like every single thing that could go wrong with the project did go wrong.

It fits this kind of plug on my old dryer.

I went by my appliance guys to ask them what they thought. They told me (the whole conversation was in Spanish!) that they would change the plug for $20 if I’d bring it in. Which meant I had to get that thing BACK in Jimmy’s truck. That’s not zesty. Fortunately, he said I could use his truck tomorrow to make that work. Wow. This has really been a hard job. But I’m making it one step at a time.

Everly liked this little bow I found for her.

Cool mushroom over where we were waiting for Penelope.


I gave Penelope a little envelope. She spelled out Tiger Bucks (their school money that they give kids when they do something well), and drew a picture of a bunny and tiger paws plus some flowers. Super proud of her!

I didn’t get started studying Spanish until later this afternoon. Too busy with working with that dryer.

I liked how Everly put her doll to bed then went to sleep herself. So sweet.

It was rainy today. I set the table up under the front porch to help the kids with their homework.

The new microwave came in. I got it unboxed and plugged in.

Old one went into the garbage. Too many different types of material to recycle. Especially glass.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Measurement.” So good.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Everly! Parks! Azalea! CPAP! 9.14.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:41 pm  


Called Dr. Siore’s office this morning to start figuring out what to do with Kathy’s CPAP machine dilemma. Phillips put out a general recall for her machine. The doctor’s office spelled out some details as to what she was to do, which I followed up on this evening.

Facebook started loading my newsfeed with stuff like this immediately after my enquiry.

Beautiful Full Sun Moon.


Cool morning.

On the way over to pick up Everly, I saw two trucks in front of me, both with similar skull patterns. I’m not even sure what it means.

Work week starts!

Sweet girls!

Stopped by Publix to get some milk. Didn’t make it onto my Walmart list yesterday. Bad luck.

I talked to Everly about Costa Rica this morning after I saw this license plate.

BAPS temple over the trees reminded me of India.

Super damp/foggy morning.

Fruit breakfast.



Big weather will be blowing through the ATL soon.

Took Everly to the Doggie Park.

Dropped off some gallon jugs to a neighbor who is making an igloo out of them.

Worked on the CPAP project off and on all day long. Insurance cards.

Because of HIPA, these doctors all use Fax machines rather than email. Weird.

Once I talked with the doctors, I took Everly over to Evergreen for a quick swim before going to pick up Penelope.

We were right on time for Penelope.

Everly rested for about an hour.

Penelope dressed them alike.

We went over to the Buford Highway Farmers Market for lunch.

I worked with Penelope a little wile on the Sight Words.

Her numbers are getting a lot better.

I always enjoy working with the kids at the mission.

I’ve been setting up a meeting with my buddy Rob Martin. We postponed tomorrow’s lunch for a week.

Kids are doing well. Allison is Penelope’s best friend at the mission.

I haven’t seen my friend Abir in a while. I helped him figure out ratios.

Beautiful clouds.

Picked up mail at the office. The response has been good to my call for help for another car to drive. I’m still praying someone has one that they’re not using that I can get.

I’ve been studying hard.

Deposited checks.

Wrote a letter to the doctor.

I’ll fax a copy of this letter to the doctor as well as to Lincare where hopefully we’ll get the new unit. Then I’ll send a hard copy of the letter on to the doctor’s office. I’m not sure how good a quality the fax will be. Still can’t believe they’re using fax machines!

Monday, September 13, 2021

Podcast! Mercury! VHS! CPAP! 9.13.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:06 pm  

Read an article with this word in it. I always thought it meant cheating.

Interesting! Can’t say I ever saw them walk. . .


No surprise here.

My banana plants are doing great. Still surprised I have the variegated type.

I like all my new wiring.

I talked to my mechanic about the Mercury check engine light on. They said they would repair it again for free once I showed them the bill. It was less than a year ago. They said they’d work on the emission issue as well even though the car doesn’t have to have emissions tests anymore. I hate seeing that Check Engine light on, especially since it could hide an unknown issue.

Jason, the owner of T&G said that he had a Honda Fit which is one of the cars I was looking at to replace the PT Cruiser.

Went to Stone Mountain to record an episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Maximum Reality.” Excellent.

Then to Video Impact to take a VHS tape of my Dad preaching back in 1993 for them to digitize and put on a USB drive. I’ll then take that file and put it on my YouTube channel so anyone who wants to can look at it.

Warmed up a bit more today. Looks like rainy weather could be coming.

Went to the bank to deposit checks. Amen. Saw this sticker on a car there. It’s what the bus that Ken Kesey’s “The Merry Pranksters” drove around in.

Went to the Post Office to deposit bills.

When I got home, this URGENT letter was on my car. It referred to Kathy’s CPAP machine which is being recalled. Hers is almost five years old which the company says they recommend getting a new one anyway. Pretty alarming!

Immediately put a call into Kathy’s lung doctor. Couldn’t get through to him. Typical.

Mas Harry!

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