Whirlwind Missions

Monday, September 13, 2021

Podcast! Mercury! VHS! CPAP! 9.13.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:06 pm  

Read an article with this word in it. I always thought it meant cheating.

Interesting! Can’t say I ever saw them walk. . .


No surprise here.

My banana plants are doing great. Still surprised I have the variegated type.

I like all my new wiring.

I talked to my mechanic about the Mercury check engine light on. They said they would repair it again for free once I showed them the bill. It was less than a year ago. They said they’d work on the emission issue as well even though the car doesn’t have to have emissions tests anymore. I hate seeing that Check Engine light on, especially since it could hide an unknown issue.

Jason, the owner of T&G said that he had a Honda Fit which is one of the cars I was looking at to replace the PT Cruiser.

Went to Stone Mountain to record an episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Maximum Reality.” Excellent.

Then to Video Impact to take a VHS tape of my Dad preaching back in 1993 for them to digitize and put on a USB drive. I’ll then take that file and put it on my YouTube channel so anyone who wants to can look at it.

Warmed up a bit more today. Looks like rainy weather could be coming.

Went to the bank to deposit checks. Amen. Saw this sticker on a car there. It’s what the bus that Ken Kesey’s “The Merry Pranksters” drove around in.

Went to the Post Office to deposit bills.

When I got home, this URGENT letter was on my car. It referred to Kathy’s CPAP machine which is being recalled. Hers is almost five years old which the company says they recommend getting a new one anyway. Pretty alarming!

Immediately put a call into Kathy’s lung doctor. Couldn’t get through to him. Typical.

Mas Harry!

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Podcast! Nana! Rest! 9.12.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:33 pm  

I’m always looking up words in Spanish.


This morning I worked on getting the recording I did of Verbal Surgery yesterday onto my MacBook Air. It was having a problem seeing the Sony recorder. Eventually, I got out my old Mac, plugged the recorder into that one and then Airdropped it to my new Mac. Later, I realized that the problem might be the USB hub I’ve been using. I had two adaptors that I bought when I first got my new Mac. I plugged the Sony into that other adaptor and my computer saw it right away. AMEN!

Español! Cada dia! I normally study on my front porch, but Kathy wanted to sit there, so I moved my operation to my car and drove to Stone Mountain.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Big Sister.”

Had a good talk with my Mom. Always a blessing.

I’m working on getting a sermon that my Dad did from a VHS tape to a digital version. I looked at three different places and finally decided on taking it to Video Impact in Decatur. I’ll take it over there tomorrow.

Transferred the new episode from my recorder to my Mac.

Watered my plants.

The two patch cords that go from my iPhone to the inputs in my car stereo and power came in today. I installed them. Looking forward to not seeing a bunch of long cords there.

I found the receipt for a car repair that was done on the Mercury. I’ll go by T&G tomorrow and see what the deal is on that. It’s giving the same check engine light for the problem. It’s still running just fine.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Log! Yardwork! Housework! Podcast! 9.11.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:55 pm  

I’m still getting all my stuff accustomed to the new car I’m driving. Cables are in integral part of that! I had some that worked, but now I want things to fit properly.

When I painted Jesse’s room, the cable for internet came loose. I put it back where it belonged this morning, above my Hello, Kitty piñata.


Lovely, cool day!


I decided to do yard work since it was so cool this morning. I always start with the hardest job: cutting up that big, heavy log that fell a couple of days ago.

I used my portable chain saw to cut the log. It was really hard. It was ME powered.

My Gorilla Cart is SO useful!

The second cut I made with my mitre saw. It was tough.

I hauled out the branch piece first. I put all the wood in my recycling pit.

Then the heavy log which I balanced on my cart and wheeled up the hill.

Gathered up several loads of branches.

Raked and swept the area in front of my back door.

Watered my outdoor plants.

Cleaned and refilled my hummingbird feeders. I expect them to be flying South soon. Some have already left.

Even with the cool air, it was a sweaty job!

Used yarn to tie up some plants closer to the tree trunk.

Vacuumed the house.

I usually clean all the pieces every time I use it. Makes it work SO much better.

Blew off the driveway and deck.

Watered the plants on the deck. Then rinsed the deck off. I used a vivid filter, it’s not really this red in real life!

Scrubbed the glass doors.

Gassed up my car, cleaned the windshield and checked the levels.

Went out for Chinese food with Kathy for lunch. Delicious!

Came home to rest and play Borderlands 3.

After resting, I went to Stone Mountain to record an episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Now Time.”

Listened to Harry on the way home.

Full day!

Friday, September 10, 2021

Everly & K! IHOP! Azalea! Penelope! Podcast! 9.10.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:43 pm  


Cool morning!

Deposited checks on the way to pick up Everly.

Love my girls!


I took Kathy and E to IHOP!

I tightened up the screws on my door know at home.

I trimmed Everly’s fingernails. Worked on K’s toes.

Swept the deck.

Detangled, brushed and braided Everly’s hair.

Studied Spanish.

Everly had a nice nap.

Picked up Penelope, got some pizzas and went to her house.

Penelope brought her Chromebook home from school!

While I waited for the kids and mothers to come for our after school program, I worked on reviewing verbs.

Then I worked on the top verbs in English with my ESL student.

Helped one of my middle schoolers with math.

And the other kids with multiplication tables.

Penelope drew me a picture with the dry erase markers.

After we helped the kids, we went to Walmart to try and get a VHS tape digitized. They had no idea how to do that. Back to their website!

Set up a lunch gig with my buddy, Rob Martin.

Uploaded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Road Sage.”

Learn what you’re really like by examining your driving!

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Grandgirls! Azalea! Tree Limb! 9.9.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:23 pm  

I’ve been doing a lot of work with the dry erase boards and markers lately. Especially focused on helping the kids learn their multiplication tables. Pretty good deal for 36!

I sent a donation to Wikimedia last night. It’s a project I really believe in and is worthy of our support.

Another 100% night’s sleep, although I know I woke completely up at least four times last night to urinate. I drank a lot of water yesterday.

Español! Cada dia.

Cloudy and cooler today.

Couldn’t remember the word for “smoke.”

Beautiful sun rise. It’s getting darker every morning. I was talking to Everly about the time change coming soon.

When I get to Global Mall I work on some poetry. Rebecca Elson’s poem is one of my favorites. She died very young.

Everly unlocked herself from her car seat before Ashley had completely stopped and bonked her knee. She didn’t feel like looking at the camera. She was fine in another couple of minutes.

We went to the grocery store to get fruit. I love it when she eats that for breakfast. She had orange gum on her thumb. I threw it away for her.

I focus on Spanish stories and grammar lessons.


I found this interesting.

While I was studying Spanish this morning, I enjoyed watching this crow talking to his family.

I installed the new oil cap in Kathy’s truck.

We had a fun time with Penelope this evening. We went to eat at Taco Veloz. Glad K was along with us.

Of course I love Everly SO much! I gave her hair a trim this afternoon.

Kathy helped me work with the kids at the mission. I was so busy I didn’t even take a picture. Wow. I was exhausted after a couple of hours.

I’ve been watching this massive limb near the side of my house very carefully. It fell today. Jesse said it really scared him when it fell. Glad it didn’t hurt the roof!

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Grandgirls and K! Azalea! 9.8.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:19 pm  



Always great to see my girls!


I enjoy studying Spanish on my porch. Beautiful light through the trees.

Everly was tuckered out.

After she woke up, we went to Hot and Cold for Chinese food. She ate great from my hibachi grilled vegetables, plus some shrimp and rice. Then we had a treat with donuts and puddings.

While we were waiting for Penelope to get out of school, we enjoyed looking at the plants!

Took us longer to get home because of this wreck in the middle of Peachtree Industrial.

We had fun meeting some of the kids in Penelope’s class who live at Azalea!

Then to the Buford Highway Farmers Market for lunch/supper. Everly even ate some more! It was good to have Kathy with us.

Then to the mission to help the kids. Pretty hard homework, but I really enjoyed helping them finally get it! My voice gets pretty tired though.

Penelope worked hard with us outside and then came in to do do her homework with her Dad.

The girls were thirsty when we were outside. I let them use one of my water bottles and then the top went missing. I’m ashamed to say how much that irritated me that that top went missing. The girls were really sorry, and of course I forgave them. Eventually, I found it on a chair. I’ve used those bottles with other tops before and they never work very well so I bought all new ones. Still. Surprising how wound up I got.

Tired but very good day.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Everly! Ann! Azalea! 9.7.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:21 pm  

I worked on my iPhone last night trying to figure out how to auto correct when I spell ans rather than and. It came up correctly when I did it just now.


Paid bills.


Cooler today.

Everly was mad because she’d forgotten her bracelet at home.

I gassed up my car and checked the fluid levels.

I was teaching Everly about what I check and how to do it.


I took Kathy’s truck to get gas in it and check the oil. Discovered that her oil cap was missing. I topped off the level and then used aluminum foil to cover the top. Went on Amazon to get a new one for her.

Ordered groceries.

Went to Walmart to try and get the sermon that my Dad preached on missions digitized from VHS. Their system was down. I’ll take it to the Chamblee Walmart next.

Went to Ann’s house to check on her. Noticed that her screen protector had cracked. I ordered a new pack to replace that asap. Way cheaper than having to repair the iPhone screen!

Kathy’s hip has really been hurting her. I know how she feels after my last bout with back pain. Wow! I brought us home Thai food to cheer her up.

Started Book Four of Harry Potter. I getting a lot more words every time.

Saw this decal. I reckon they’re long hair hippies.

Picked up Penelope from school and took the girls for pizza. We also went to the Dollar Tree to get some prizes for her class’s “treasure box.”

Helped the kids with their homework.

It’s very rewarding to see them making progress.

Went by my office to pick up checks. Amen.

Siempre aprendiendo.

The clouds were fabulous on the way home. Powerful clouds.

Picked up groceries.

Went to the bank to process and deposit the checks.

Came home and blew the garage and driveway.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Calls! Garden! Podcast! 9.6.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:18 pm  

I’ve had the good fortune to see most of my favorite works of art. MC Escher is one still on my bucket list along with William Blake, who is also one of my favorite poets!

Escher’s main cache of work is located in the Netherlands in The Hague.

The largest exhibition of Blake’s work was supposed to be in Los Angeles last year. It’s to be rescheduled when Covid is dealt with. I’ll make that trip.

I’d also like to go to Hawaii one day and see Kilauea!

Stringing you along.

I talked with my buddy Anthony today.

I’m helping him check out his new website.



I was talking to Jesse about some of my favorite TV series. Dark Matter is one of them.


Good chat with my Mom! Jesse chimed in some too.

Took care of my garden.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “ManiFIESTA!”

So tasty!

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Podcast! Español! Underground Atlanta! Banksy! 9.5.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:48 pm  


I thought the was cool since Ashley has a modern Jeep.


Went to Stone Mountain to record an episode of Verbal Surgery called, “MEasurement.” Happiness depends on what/who you’re comparing yourself to.

I have been looking forward to this for months.

Beautiful day.


I found it interesting that my lesson in Duolingo this morning focused around going to an art show!


I’m nearly finished with book three. Just made sure that book four is ready to go!

I don’t like trying to park in downtown Atlanta, plus it’s expensive! I spent $6 and got a round trip directly across the street from Underground Atlanta on the Marta, our train system.


I liked this sculpture.

Today’s visit was the first time I’ve been to Underground Atlanta in probably twenty years! There weren’t very many things to see. It was still an excellent location for the Banksy Exhibit.

They drop the giant peach to mark the New Year here.

The Banksy Exhibit was one of the best I’ve ever seen.

Went by my office to check the mail at FBC Doraville.

Transported a squirrel.

Fun day!

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Podcast! Painting! Groceries! 9.4.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:53 pm  

There is some truth to this.

Two 100% days in a row. Astonishing.

Nueva palabra.


This ain’t right.


Mas dias!

I usually clean out my hummingbird feeders once a week. Sometimes more often if they drink all the juice.

I love those little birds so much.

I redid the notifications on my phone. I turned nearly everything off.

Deposited checks. PTL!

Went to Stone Mountain to record a podcast. It was a good one!

I also cancelled Showtime. There was a UFO show I enjoyed watching that JJ Abrams had produced.

The big project today was painting Jesse’s office.

I wiped down every surface to clean it from dust.

Vacuumed the room.

Scrubbed the stains with my heavy brush and Oxyclean. I cleaned all the carpet.

I covered the floor with plastic sheeting to protect the carpet before I painted.

I used a putty knife to shove the sheeting under the molding.

I put painter’s tape on the ceiling to protect it from paint.

The prep work takes almost as long as the painting! Cut in the corners.

I let the trim dry and went to Walmart to pick up my groceries. I don’t ever intend to do my grocery shopping myself any more. I’ll always do pick up. Today was one of the rare times that my order wasn’t ready. That’s only happened maybe three times out of over 150 pick ups!


Gorgeous sunset on the way home!

Came home and prepped the roller to do all the flat surfaces. I had almost exactly enough paint. I gave some areas a second and third coat.

Once everything is completely dry, I’ll take the painter’s tape down and pull the plastic sheeting up and throw it away.

I did a good job. I’m pretty picky about painting.

I’m really looking forward to going to downtown Atlanta tomorrow to see the Banksy exhibition. He’s my favorite artist.

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