Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Grandgirls! School Pick Up! 8.3.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:57 pm  

The start of a new week working with the girls. Except this was the beginning of a new year for just Everly and me. Seeing that we pick up Penelope around 2:30 PM, I still get to hang with them both for a good bit of time.

Sure do love these girls!

Don’t remember any meat legends per se.


Everly and I were working on recognition of letters, E and e in particular on the signs around a shopping mall. While there, we saw this Imperial Moth. Fabulous.

I’m interested in stuff like this. My English friend Anthony said this is not in standard usage today.

Muchos dias en Español!



Everly and I made banana smoothies with Ka’chava this morning.

This was an ice cream lollypop.

She cleaned up and organized her work station.

Mas y mas.

I’m having her practice drawing and manipulating the markers.

This is me.

There are 88 sets of stories on Duolingo. Most of them have four stories each. I finished them all this morning. Although Duolingo just added some intermediate stories recently that I’ll go back and do starting tomorrow.

I trimmed Everly’s bangs this morning. I’m definitely getting better at it.

Filled out my mileage report.

Everly and I ate lunch at the Buford Highway Farmers Market, then went to Huntley Hills Elementary School to pick up Penelope. It was my first day to do that job. I was there about an hour early.

We joke around a lot. I told her this was my new hat. Not sure where she got it from.

We were SO GLAD to have Penelope back with us!

Everly just hugged and hugged her. They stood like that at least two minutes. It was so touching. I felt the same way. She’s one of my best friends.

I brought her food back from our outing. She devoured her mac and cheese in particular. Her class eats lunch at 10:30 AM!

I was in Ashley’s bedroom and the fan didn’t seem to be blowing any air. It was so dirty that the air couldn’t get through it. I took it completely apart and cleaned it in the bathtub. It blasts air now. Amen.

Of course I got the bathtub filthy when I did that. Then had to clean the tub. It didn’t drain very well so I plunged it and pulled out gobs of hair. Pretty gross, but needed doing.

Did some research then ordered this on Amazon. I’ll work on getting the drains working in a couple of days.

I had a call from Chester of One Heart Church who wanted to meet up. I suggested this place. It’s very good, even for vegetarians.

While I was at Azalea, I talked to some of the kids as to when their bus got back home and when their homework would really start. They get there around 2:45 PM. I’ll probably start helping the kids around 3:00 PM to give them a chance to get a bite to eat and let me feed my kids. Also talked about distributing school supplies. I’ll probably do that for several days. They always need stuff.

Escuché Harry.

Gassed up my car and checked fluid levels.

Stopped by my treasurer’s house to drop off the financial report that Ashley compiles.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Podcast! Groceries! 8.2.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:53 pm  

Viktor Frankl is a powerful author!

I didn’t sleep well last night. I was concerned about Penelope’s first day at Kindergarten! I assumed she’d do well and she did!

Doesn’t this seem like a lot for kids in Kindergarten?

Good one.

I had a great talk with my buddy Austin about bringing a team of Middle Schoolers in the Spring. Excellent.

This cracks me up.

I had another team call to cancel for a team coming in a couple of weeks from Alabama. Covid concerns.

Ordered groceries.

I picked them up this evening. They put in some extra stuff that I took back and didn’t have some things I really needed. I went into the store to get what I needed, but the place was packed and eventually I blew it off.

Cooler day today and for this coming week.




Cleaned and refilled the hummingbird feeders and bird baths.

I cut this sticker vine off my fence. While I was doing it, I noticed that the wisteria had reached across and was on my fence too, which I was fine with.

Harry! Si!

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Strong Love!” ” It’s one of my best!

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Calls! Yard Work! 8.1.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:14 pm  

I saw this and had to ask my buddy Anthony who is British what it meant. He said “Eh up” can mean a lot of different things depending on the tone. In this one he said it meant, “Check it out.” England is a beautiful country. Way more than just London!

Anthony is my best friend. I let him know about Penelope starting school.

I like this concept. I got this from the Cool Tools newsletter.

I’m a big Bruce Lee and Yip Man fan.

I thought this was funny.

This also appeals to me.

Palabra interesante.

I cleaned my bedding this afternoon. Everything is fresh including my comforter. Amen.


I’ve probably bought at least ten pairs of toenail clippers. These are by far the best. I trimmed K’s toenails this morning.

Cada dia.

Had a fun chat with my buddy Anthony and with my Mom.

Harry otra vez.

Definitely cooler today and looks like for this coming week. Amen.

I helped Kathy order some new shoes. I think she’ll really like them.

Since it was cooler today, I waited until after 7:00 PM to do some mowing.

Turned out I was able to do the whole yard because most of the back yard didn’t really need mowing. My lawn mower ran super rough. Smoothed out at the very end. I’m sure it’s fouling the spark plug.

Finished with blowing.

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Podcast! Comforter! HOT! 7.31.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:31 pm  


Love this from one of my favorite artists: MC Escher.

Cleaned all the birdbaths and refilled the feeders.

Picked up my comforter and my suit pants and took my old comforter to be cleaned.

I’ll pick the old one up next Saturday. I’ll doubt I’ll get back from Azalea before it closes. Ashley and Miles don’t get home till around 6:30 PM.

Escuché Harry Potter esta mañana.

Another really hot day. I was planning on mowing the yard. Decided against it. I’m still healing from injuries. And it’s too damn hot.

Recorded a new podcast called, “Is it New?” So good.

Got a note from my buddy Bennett that he and his family have Covid. I’m not sure why they didn’t get a vaccination.

Transported a squirrel.

I’m happy to hear that people are taking this seriously.

I started playing a new video game called Red Dead Redemption. It’s ok. It’s supposed to get a lot better the more you get into it.

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Grandgirls! Penelope’s Graduation! Goodwill! LT! 7.30.31

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:53 am  

Big day for our family! After a year of being in “Pop Pop School” Penelope is moving on up to be a Kindergartener! Our last day with my little partners together was fun but also kind of sad. Actually, I’ll be picking her up from school at 2:20 pm Tuesday through Thursday, so I’ll still get plenty of Penelope, but we sure will miss her!

Cloudy morning, but the Sun was trying!

I’ve never seen a crepe myrtle that had two different colors on the same tree.

After eating breakfast at Waffle House, we went to Good Will to go shopping for toys and clothes for the girls.

J joined on on the fun.

Lunch at El Torreros.

Fasciata bloom is coming along!

Worked hard on Español. Some weeks the thirty people in my group are all pretty studious. Makes me up my game to stay in the top Diamond league.

This is a great song.


We had a party for Penelope completing her first year of school with us. Oreo Ice Cream cake ftw!

Music theory.

I use my little keyboard on Garage Band most of the time.

Lots of stuff to memorize.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Grandgirls! Pool! Newsletters! 7.29.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:39 pm  

Mas Español!



Hot one today. Whew.

I bought a window unit for Kathy’s bedroom. Keeping her room cool and not the whole house really helped our electric bill. Like at least $50 cheaper.


Vacuumed the house.


Normally, the girls play outside. Not today. Too hot. I wouldn’t let them.

Tomorrow will be Penelope’s last day at “Pop Pop School.” She’s been such a blessing to me this year!

I took the girls to the “Lazy River” pool. We had a great time. I didn’t take pictures because I’m afraid of my camera getting wet. When we got home, Penelope’s new bathing suit was in. She loved it and wanted to wear it as a school outfit (with shorts). Her mama wasn’t convinced.

I’m not even sure what a Buckhead experience is supposed to be like? Expensive?

I folded the newsletters and cut 150 plus Red Threads for this month’s newsletter. The box of envelopes came in this afternoon and I was able to get everything put together. Penelope helped me with labels and putting two threads in the envelopes.

I always like to see this.

Just kept getting hotter. Ouch. It’s the humidity that makes it so bad.

Harry! Si.

Siempre estoy aprendiendo nuevas palabras.

Went by the office to check the mail.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Huntley Hills Open House! Newsletters! 7.28.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:00 pm  


Cleaned and refilled all my hummingbird feeders first thing this morning.

I dropped off the newsletters at FBC Doraville for Renae to print for us when we’d finished at Huntley Hills.

It’s not the easiest school in the world to find.

I saw two EU plates today. This D stands for Deutschland or Germany in English.

We met up with the Kendalls a little before 11:00 am. Went through new student paperwork and then went to meet Ms. Lehner, Penelope’s teacher.

Penelope went around her room and then played puzzles with her sister and a new friend named Macy. I thought Penelope’s class was the best of the whole school!

We went to Pho24 for lunch. It was really good.

Harry. Por que no?

Went to the Post Office for stamps.

Gassed up my car.

Added a bit of coolant to the radiator overflow.

Deposited some checks. Amen.

I checked the mail and picked up the newsletters.

Folded the newsletters. I’ll have the envelopes tomorrow night.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Grandgirls! Stone Mountain! Sky Rail! Newsletters! 7.27.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:12 pm  

Always more to know.



Un dia mas.


Full Sun Moon.

One of my students is getting ready to graduate to Kindergarten! Way to go, Penelope!

Deposited checks.

Rained about 1.25″.

Paid bills.

I need to make sure they get this in time, or else I’ll do it on line.

Ashley got some documents for one of our church partners.


Love to see my roses blooming. They do pretty well seeing they don’t get much full sun.

Dropped off a comforter and some dress pants to the dry cleaner.

Got some of type of mildew on it. My guess is that it was put away slightly damp.

The girls and I went up the Sky Rail at Stone Mountain. We had a great time, although it was pretty hot.

We saw lots of tadpoles and shrimp. First time I’d ever seen them although I’d seen pictures of them in the display section at the top of the mountain.

There are tiny fairy shrimp in this picture, but they are almost invisible.

We go up to the top because it’s a great view while climbing trees.

The laying flat tree.

Encountering nature.

Beauty. Yellow Daisy.

When I got home, I took my scissors and cut the Stone Mountain wrist band and also cut my Israeli Red Thread. I was able to sew it back together. The Red Thread repaired by red thread.

I got the hose out with the little blue pool for some outside water fun.

We went to Metro Cafe Diner for lunch.

Powerful thunderstorms blew through the metroplex.

Harry! Si!

Went by my office to check the mail.

Worked on my newsletter.

Ordered more envelopes.

Printed out the labels.

I love this shot of Everly.

Monday, July 26, 2021

Calls! Music Theory! Car! Groceries! 7.26.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:54 pm  

Supa coo.


Certainly the most growing.

Mas palabras!

It was hot today. Rained hard in the late afternoon.


Spent time on the phone today.

Called my Mom. Always great to touch base with her.

Kathy helped me get my car to T&G last night. I was in touch with them during the day.

Susie, a friend of mine in the UK, made a presentation on marketing at the UNconvention I spoke at last Saturday. We discussed what she said today. I have an insider’s perspective since I worked in the news business for years.

Fun talk with my buddy, Anthony. We chatted about the UNconvention and how we can make it better.

Also got in touch with my good friend Bob Burns. He released a couple of books this week. He’s a great friend and one of the really good people in the world.

I went to pick up my car after the oil had been changed and a rear taillight repaired. They had to fix a seal around the light. It was full of water and had shorted out the light.

I saw this copperhead on the way over to my mechanics. I decided to walk. I had my bike but the road doesn’t have any sidewalk and is really narrow. No, thanks. So I walked instead. It was really hot. Like 97 degrees hot. The humidity was 60%.

It’s been pretty rainy. I saw several beautiful mushrooms.

I’m enjoying my new hat. It has a slightly larger brim then my old ones. I’m still shaping it. You have to do that delicately with water and mild folding.

Ordered and picked up groceries.

Studying Music Theory. I takes time to really understand but I’m making progress and I am blown away by some things I should have noticed but never did.

Mas Harry.

Heavy storms blew through.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

N. Gwinnett Church! Podcast! 7.25.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 3:19 pm  

This looks interesting!

Which one is your favorite?

I spoke at N. Gwinnett Church this morning. Had a fun time with them.

I did my “Outreach Greatest Hits” presentation. It went over very well. I did some research as to current populations.

Kathy went with me. We ate lunch with the VBS team afterwards.

Good reviews from the UNconvention yesterday.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Offensive Fences.”

Break down your barriers!

Spent time with music theory.

I never really understood how the two staffs meshed.

I knew that Altos could sing Tenor parts but I didn’t understand they sang the same note on the piano. I always thought they sang an octave higher.

Rick Beato is my music teacher. I’m looking forward to meeting him in person soon.

Got this message on Facebook about our new neighbors.

I just sent them a message too.

As part of working on Music Theory, I got my Yamaha keyboard going. While I was looking for the charger, I found a comforter that was still in the dry cleaning bag from years ago. It’s in WAY better shape than the one I’m using. I’m getting it cleaned up but I had to repair a hole first. My other comforter has at least forty of those repaired rips!

I’m still figuring out the instruments on the GarageBand app. I use the piano mostly to figure out chord structure.

I put a fresh set of strings on my guitar.

Transported a squirrel. That’s four in the last four days.

I dropped my car off at T&G this evening. Hopefully, they can knock out the oil change and tail light repair pretty quickly.

Beautiful double rainbow on the way home.

I got a letter in the mail for Jesse to help prove residency.

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