Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, July 24, 2021

UNconvention! Music Theory! 7.24.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:00 pm  

Wild morning. I got up and went straight to Stone Mountain to get ready for the UNconvention. I wanted to be there early to check out all the tech stuff. Good thing I did. I had planned on using my iPhone. Never could get that to work properly so immediately decided to go to Plan B which is at my house.

I got home and read that Safari would not do well with the AirMeet app. So I had to install the Chrome browser instead. Then load the app on that browser. Seemed to work ok after I did that.

My presentation went great. Lot of fun and very high energy.

I thought this was funny.

I’ve been studying Music Theory. It’s kind of fun. Some of it’s hard to understand.

I’ve had a Yamaha keyboard for years. Dusted it off and used it to figure out chords.



All the pool gear got dried out. Back in the pool bag.

I can’t get over just how fast these banana plants are growing. Once I transplanted them they’re just shooting up.

I enjoy being outside.

Una palabra interesante.

Cada dia!

I was in touch with the Pastor of N. Gwinnett Church. I’m looking forward to tomorrow morning. Mr. Google says it should take about 41 minutes to get there.

Mas historias.

My buddy Ian takes his kids into the forest. I wanted to make sure they have some meds for poison ivy.

My garden is really blooming.

Señor Potter.

Transported a squirrel.

Got my new hat in. It fits really well.

Friday, July 23, 2021

Grandgirls! Swimming! 7.23.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:05 pm  

One of my favorites.

Cada dia.


I saw a sticker on a guy’s rear window that was in Greek. I figured it might be some Qanon saying.


Let’s hope ALL of it is.

Talked to the ministry’s insurance agent.

Nueva palabra.


Mas alto.

Took the girls to the Mountain Park Aquatic Center. They had a blast. Cool wet slides and the lazy river were the best.

The girls were too short to go on these. Maybe next year. Everly would have done it if I’d let her.

The current pushed you along pretty fast. It was fun.

I got a lot of sun.

The girls had a wonderful time. We picked up pizza on the way home. They each devoured nearly three pieces. Then we took a nap.

Trying to track down where my hat is.

Took the girls over to Papi and Gigi’s house. They have some cool stuff there.

Transported a squirrel on the way home.

I’ve been studying music theory lately. I can read music, but I don’t really understand what makes it tick. Rick Beato has been my mento on this. I’m really looking forward to meeting hime in person soon.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Grandgirls! Fair Recon! Hummingbirds! 7.22.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:47 pm  

Emerson FTW!



She’s a good friend!

I always have to think about this when I’m planning the logistics for buses.

LOVE my girls!

Beautiful weather.

Shadow fun at the shopping mall where the fair parks.

Fun with binoculars.

Alien Abduction ride from the fair is behind them.

Wasn’t 100% sure what this meant. Why underline “are?”

The girls helped me clean and refill my hummingbird bird feeders. The little birds finally showed up.

Necesito esto.

I cleaned the carpet outside my porch and also the St. Francis shrine.

I have seven fasciata plants. This is only the second one in all the years I’ve had them (15!) that one is blooming! Exciting!

Penelope has fun with her food.

I made banana and peach smoothies this morning. Super good.


Palabras nuevas.

Y Harry también.

Gassed up my car and checked the fluids.

Deposited checks.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Grandgirls! Bike Repair! 7.21.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:58 pm  

I’m always learning. Siempre estoy estudiando.

My girls!

Waffle House. Our normal place was out of power.



Everly’s bike had a flat. I fixed it. Pretty hard. I took a series of picture to help me remember the order of the parts on and off.

New tube in!

Back together.

The girls have a fantastic time with the little cookie cutters I bought them. Playdoh never looked so tasty.

Ordered groceries.

Everly was missing a little toy. We took everything out of the back seat area to look. Never could find it. Did clean out the car, however.

I got them home around 6:00pm. I brushed and put a braid in their hair. Then played about seven rounds of Hide and Go Seek. The girls stumped me a few times. I was amazed.

Checked the mail at my office.

Picked up the groceries on the way home as well as a pizza for Jesse.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “ManMachine.” It’s so good.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Grandgirls! Rick! Metro! 7.20.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:18 pm  

Kathy has a small one of these. Fantastic!

I’ve been watching a lot of Rick Beato’s videos on YouTube. He’s a musical genius and really funny. I sent him an email last night. Apparently, we live pretty close to each other. He has over 2.4 million subscribers on YouTube. Whoa. I reckon I’ll hear from him pretty soon. I know he’s super busy.

Got to Global Mall early today.

Great to have the girls back!

I used the Nutribullet this morning to make us fruit smoothies. Our favorite was the banana/watermelon mix.

They got these little fizzy balls with a tiny prize inside.


Español. Por que no?

We went to Metro Cafe for burgers and a veggie omelet. And cake. Sadly, the Oreo cake was gone. We had to make do with a Snickers cake. Tough.

Everly fell and scraped her shin this morning. This is the scene of the accident.


Un poco mas Harry.

After I took the girls home, unpacked the car, and played five games of Hide and Seek, I went to my office. Checked the mail and picked out my wardrobe and show and tell for speaking this Sunday. Decided to go Asian. I’ll be doing “Outreach Greatest Hits”

Rained 2″ in the last two days.

Monday, July 19, 2021

Christ Church UMC Pre-Site Visit! 7.19.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:20 pm  

Would you go down this road?

I had a friend whose place was being vandalized. I sent him this idea from Amazon.


I had a fun day with old and new friends from Christ Church UMC from Birmingham, AL. We met up at the BAPS Hindu temple in Lawrenceville.

I was there early and studied Spanish.

I also did some research on the temple. 34,000 bricks. Turkish limestone and Italian marble. Two years to build. Carved in India. Sent the pieces in 200 containers to Savannah from India.

You can see the difference between the limestone (cream colored) and the marble (gray).

I love these.

Beautiful Crepe Myrtles blooming on the property.

We had Somali food for lunch at Madina in Clarkston.

Then to the Clarkston Mosque. It was prayer time for them.

Safari continued at the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

Also took them to Asian Square.

Mas Harry.

Got the license plate stickers on.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Calls! Nutribullet! 7.18.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:40 pm  

One of the Facebook pages I really enjoy is called “Unique Trees.” This certainly is one of them!



Each time you complete a lesson you get XP or experience points. Until today, there was really nothing you could spend that on. Now with the timed challenges you can “buy” a little time to complete the set of questions. Before today you actually had to BUY time with actual money which I never did. Using the XP points lets me gain way more points than I usually could because I could have a little more time to answer all the questions.

Had a great talk with my buddy Anthony this morning.

I saw an interview where the word “nihilist” as used. Wasn’t really clear on that.

Mas con Harry.

Deposited a check to cover the ones I mistakenly deposited into my account yesterday.

I’m looking forward to speaking at the UNconvention next Saturday at 11am. Fun!

My Nutribullet came in this evening. I enjoyed making a smoothie with KaChava this evening. Tasted really good.

Watered my plants.

I’ve enjoyed playing Uncharted 4 again. Haven’t played it in a long time.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Pre-site Recon! Bank! 7.17.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 4:55 pm  

Siempre adelante!


My flip flop had a blow out. Bahd luck.


I kind of eat junk at night. I decided to try blending fruit and other meal replacement ideas. I got two bags of Ka-Chava. One is chocolate, the other vanilla. I thought the girls might also like it. It turns out to be about $4/meal. Ka’chava ingredients. Just click on the link to see more info.

I spent too much time trying to figure out which blender to get for how much. I decided on this one and a replacement plan if I have a problem with it over the next four years.

Un poco mas cada dia.

I spent my day working on the details of a group of thirteen staff leaders from a Methodist church in Birmingham who will be visiting on Monday the 19th. They will eat at Al Madina, so I worked up the order and talked with the manager as well as with my buddy Ben Birdsong who is bringing the group.

Called one of the staff at First Baptist Atlanta. They will be changing from a snail mail check to direct deposit, which is fine with me. I gave them my email.

I recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Strong Love.” My overwhelming humility keeps me from going on and on about how good it was.

After recording at Stone Mountain, I went on my Safari recon. Started at Madina to check with the manager about the order and when we’d be there.

Called my buddy at the Clarkston Mosque about the group coming.

I thought Madina was looking pretty good.

I got an extension for my earbuds. I use them with my computer and PS4 controller.

I was glad to touch base with some of my contacts including Abdi.

Carros volandos en Español.

The mosque in Clarkston has been completed.

Saw this on a pole by the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

This struck me as funny. Ever watched Little Rascals?

Went by my office to check the mail.

CD Tower to see my Buddhist friends.

The Hong Kong bakery will be open on Monday. Amen.

Also went by the Vietnamese Pharmacy to see Dr. Nguyen.

Deposited checks. I used the wrong card, so I wrote a check on my personal account for the amount of the two checks I deposited to reimburse the ministry.

Gassed up my car. Seems like gas prices are always higher during the Summer.

I’ve found this class engrossing.

I’m not sure I know all the words to the Rosary. You?

I just looked it up. Kind of complicated.

Friday, July 16, 2021

Grandgirls! K! Backpack! Nosebleed! 7.16.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 3:46 pm  

Too close to home.

They were good!

Fun to see the ISS last night!


All my girls! Missed you, Nana!

Waffle House rocks.

Dark side of the ‘shroom.


Nueva palabra.

These are the kind of jobs I do. Taking out the playdoh from one of Everly’s doll’s shoes.

Those little cookie cutters have been a hit.

Everly got her backpack in today. She was happy, but not nearly has happy as Penelope!

She was tired today.

Sometimes Penelope gets nosebleeds. I was glad that I’d done the First Aid course with the Red Cross. I knew exactly what to do and for how long. It kind of freaked me out a bit because there was a lot of blood. I finally had to pinch her nose for her and hold it for about seven minutes before it stopped bleeding. I tried to let her do it, but she wasn’t squeezing it quite hard enough. Poor sweet angel.

Miles worked extra long yesterday and was able to come pick them up pretty early today. I’ll be picking Penelope up from school soon so I’ll be working at the mission on Fridays as well.

My back is still hurting so I’m glad I could go lay back down.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Grandgirls! School Supplies! 7.15.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:04 pm  

My favorite birthday card.

I enjoy seeing my calendar fill up.

I dig Tom Waits.

Love these girls SO much!

I thought this was cool.


Vacuumed the house.

Later, my back started hurting. I hadn’t really thought about it, but K reckons they are interrelated.

Cleaned my glass doors.


I pumped up the tire on Everly’s bike. Didn’t hold air. I just ordered another tube on Amazon.

The girls have fun together.

Another mile stone.

Always trying to figure something out.

Mexican food ftw!

Then to Walmart to pick up school supplies.

Packing her new backpack.

I got Everly a couple of new dolls.

I was talking to a friend of mine about binoculars and decided to pick up a new pair for my car. My old ones are falling apart.

I thought this looked like England.

So beautiful.

Penelope had a great time showing her Mama all her new stuff for school.

Mas y mas.

Went by my office to check the mail and water my ficus.

Saw the International Space Station for the 71st time this evening!

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Live On Accident”

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