Whirlwind Missions

Monday, May 13, 2024

Español! Zoom! PE! Parks! 5.13.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:09 pm  

Came in second place last week.

Cool weather!


Keep going.

I got an email from a great friend who is changing ministry. I hope it goes well for him. It’s super hard to raise funds these days.

I had seen on a video that the application “Copilot” by Microsoft included Chat GPT4 for free. I asked GPT3 about that. Not so much.

Went to Publix to drop off a prescription for Jessi. I’ll go back tomorrow to pick it up.

Cool wavy clouds.

Had a good talk with my Mom on the way into town.

I’ve been enjoying rereading sections from some of Carlos Casteneda’s books. They had a huge influence on me as a young adult.

Steve Parr interviewed me this afternoon on Zoom. He’s the Associational Director for Gwinnett county.

This caught my eye.

Picked the girls up and took them to the Buford Highway Farmers Market to eat. We had fun at Plaza Fiesta and the Sliding HIll Park.

I create obstacle courses for them. Some of the stuff is really hard, like climbing the basketball goal. Penelope reached the top and Everly was only a foot from the top. Amazing effort.

Don Cheto is always a listening challenge.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Hike Bike! Clouds! Podcast! 5.12.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:25 pm  

Happy Mothers Day! I had a fun talk with my Mom and took K out for Indian food. Fabulous!

I’m doing some research about this.



Hiked 2.37 miles.

Prepped my bike and went for a 12.56 mile bike ride. It was glorious.

Perfect weather and interesting clouds. Looked like they had tentacles.

Did some research as to when Don Cheto is on live: 5:00 AM to 11:00 AM. I’m pretty sure that is California time since they originally broadcast out of LA.

Released Verbal Surgery “Past Lives” on Facebook. Really interesting episode.

Looks like I’ll come in second place this week.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Español! Anthony! Dirt! Bike! 5.11.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:06 pm  

Did some research on K’s health insurance.


Perfect weather today. Much cooler and drier.


Talked with Anthony.

Hiked .91 miles.

Recorded Verbal Surgery “Past Lives” at Stone Mountain.

I got some mud from the lake for a project for Jessi.

Don Cheto.

Got gas for the Honda and checked the fluids.

I studied the difference between the B and V sounds in Spanish.

I saw two hummingbirds today. I was glad I redid their feeders yesterday.

Prepped my bike and went for a 12.46 mile ride.

Keep going.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Español! Bank! Hummingbird Feeders! 5.10.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:28 pm  

I have a lot of Brazilian friends. This is bad.

Carlos Castenada was one of my favorite and most influential authors when I was in college. Then I heard that the books were all made up. Hit me pretty hard as I had assumed the characters were real. I’ll looking at the books again. I still find them fun.

I’ve lost hope that my banana plants survived the winter. I ordered another set last night.

I kept hearing this word on the Don Cheto podcast. They were talking about their buzon. It’s a dream of mine to make the call in show one day.

Did some contact research.

I kind of doubt I’ll get up for this. But I still track it.



Went to the bank to deposit a check.

Nice outside today.

Did my laundry and some towels.

Cleaned and refilled the hummingbird feeders.

Rained about 1.25″ yesterday.

Keep going.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Español! PE! Gymnastic Finale! 5.9.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:08 pm  

Rain and powerful storms blew through our area today.

Miles asked me yesterday if I had any box fans we weren’t using. I decided to give Penelope the fan I used while I studied. Last night, I took it all apart, cleaned it, spray painted it and put it all back together this morning. I gave it to her this afternoon. BIG difference from the little one she was using.



Had a good lunch with Jon Paul today.

Today was the final day of this semester for gymnastics. They worked out and then did a performance for the parents.

They each got a medal. They were thrilled about that!

Went by Azalea to check on the mission. I had some equipment I left there. No kids were out because of the weather.

Picked up the mail at my office.

I was glad that Jessi went with me to Chamblee to see the girls. K hasn’t been feeling well. She stayed home and rested instead.

I was tired coming home. I kept yawning. Reviewed the verb: to yawn.

Just keep going.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Power! Hike! Ann! PE! Village Park! 5.8.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:13 pm  

Power cut off for about four hours today starting at 7:00 AM. That’s not zesty. I think a tree hit the lines.

I filled my coffee cup with my usual mixture and went to QT. They let me have hot water no problem.

I used my iPhone to generate pink noise so I could sleep. I had the same strategy when I was in Guatemala except I used headphones. Stopped all the rooster and dog noises.

Got a confirmation that the registration cancellation for the Mercury worked.



Warm and sweaty hiking 2.5 miles.

Visited Ann at the rehab center. I took her mail, some chips and salsa and a Coke Zero to her for a treat.

Picked up my mail at the office.

Met the girls at the bus and we went to Waffle House for Waffle Wednesday. Everly wrote me a sweet note.

Village Park is always fun. I created an obstacle course for them.

Processed donation checks and deposited them on the way home.

Got the groceries and put them up.

Cleaned the bird baths and refilled them. Put suet and birdseed in the feeders. Birdseed was one of my grocery items. It looks like they have started putting a lot of “filler” seed in their mix. I may start using Walmart’s version.

Ann gave me letters for her girl’s Mother’s Day. I put them in envelopes and got them ready to mail.

Worked hard this morning. I studied while I went up and down that hill.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Brian & Pat! Tags! Joyce! PE! Park! 5.7.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:14 pm  

Keep going.



Called Pull a Part to verify that they’d picked up the Mercury yesterday, which they had. Amen.

Did some research on the pastor of Church at Main in Snellville before I went over to get some video of him.

Met my friend Pat Barrington at the church. The pastor was running late because of a hospital visitation going long. So it goes. I wasn’t uptight about it at all. I used the time to teach Pat the basics of editing video and how to use some new gear I got her: small tripod, pistol grip and adapter that attaches to the iPhone. With that equipment and a phone you basically have a mobile studio!

The pastor has ongoing work in Kenya, so we immediately had a strong bond.

After the video shoot, I went to the Snellville DMV to turn in two old tags.

Once I turned in the tags I went over to visit my friend Joyce Barrington. I’ve been driving her old car for the last five years. I thought about her every single day. She’s now moved to an assisted care home. She seems to be happy. I know it’s better for her to be there than at Pat’s house.

I took the vanity plate off my old car (which had been hers for over fifteen years), cleaned it up and took it to Joyce along with a prayer card. She had the staff put it on her walker, which I thought was hilarious.

Don Cheto.

Picked up the girls from the bus and took them to eat at the Farmer’s Market. Then over to their house. They’ve been dying to show me their new carpet and canopy.

Everly has a little door hanger that tells you the entrance level.

Then to Brook Run “Monkey-bar Park.” It’s a great work out for them.

Seems to be getting warmer every day.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Hike! Mercury! Kars 4 Kids! PE! 5.6.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:29 pm  

Came in #3 las week. Big milestone since that’s the 100th time I’ve been in the Top 3. Not easy to do!

Good news! K’s retirement disbursement went through just fine.


Got in touch with Kars 4 Kids and Pull A Part, which is the group that coordinates the tow truck for the cars. Since I wasn’t able to meet them at Ann’s house (where I had it stored), I needed to make copies of the back and front of the title and of my driver’s license. She was a great car.

Got the workbooks for the girls for our Summer School program.


Hiked 2.89 miles. Getting hot.

High humidity and storms popping up.

Checked the mail at the office.

Picked up the girls at the bus. They came with me to gas up my car and check the oil. Fortunately, the QT near Cici’s Pizza had a good price on gas. I’m still learning my car.

Everly got a booboo on her knee this weekend.

After eating pizza, we went to Pet Smart and Dick’s sporting goods.

Don Cheto!

Deposited a check on the way home.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Español! Bike! Rain! 5.5.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:25 pm  

I got a call from my buddy Anthony Jacquin last night after his 50th birthday party. He had a good time. It was great to chat with my friend Marcus as well.

Confirmation from Kars for Kids.


Off and on rain today. I got a 45 minute walk in and had to cut my bike ride short due to close thunderstorms.

My rose bushes look lovely.


Rode my bike 7.85 miles. I did a small loop five times that included a really hard hill. I was staying close to home just in case something unusual happened with the rain.

Listened to music in Spanish.

Don Cheto.

Got J and me some Thai food.

I should come in #3 this week.

I’m enjoying watching Resident Alien on Netflix.

Did a small load of laundry and some towels this evening.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Español! Rain! Podcast! ESGRA! 5.4.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:28 pm  



I will ramp this up significantly as it warms up.

Keep going!

Did the laundry.

I filled out the forms to donate my old car, the Mercury Grand Marquis to Kars for Kids. I’ve given them several cars over the years. I did some research on them. Turns out it’s a Jewish company. Then I saw this car driving in front of me as I was returning from Stone Mountain. That’s the name of God in Hebrew. It was like a sign to me that the Father approved what I had done.

Rainy today.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Too Tight.” It’s excellent. Downloaded it onto my Mac Air and then uploaded it to LibSyn and Facebook.

Kathy got a letter in the mail about the money that she had put in a retirement account when she worked as a teacher. I was able to get an account for her started and then request a refund of that money. That will be a blessing that we weren’t expecting. Thank you, Father.

Keep going.

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