Whirlwind Missions

Monday, March 15, 2021

Anthony! Covid Shot! Garden! 3.15.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:39 pm  

This represents completing 800 Spanish lessons! It doesn’t count what I did in Portuguese, Hebrew or Swahili.

I woke up last night thinking about the Israelites making a golden calf when Moses was receiving the Ten Commandments. I had no idea why they chose a calf.

Rereading a book on dreams.

I stuck my toe back in Facebook a couple of days ago. I was glad I saw this post from my neighbor.

Brain training.

Paid some bills.

Uploaded the episode of Verbal Surgery I recorded yesterday to my Mac.

One of the projects I’d like to do with Facebook Live is sharing the Story Tim accounts.

Looking into getting our septic tank serviced. I like going with a Mom and Pop organization.

Scrubbed my shoes with Comet this morning. I’ve found that really cleaning them thoroughly regularly really does keep them looking good. Duh, right?

Went to Stone Mountain to talk to my buddy Anthony. I had planned to record and do something live on Facebook, but the pharmacy said the new shipment of vaccines had just arrived and that was a priority.

After seeing the Covid post by my neighbor, I went into overdrive about getting a shot. March 15th was the first day that Kathy and I were able to get it. You have to be at least 55. K is way more at risk than me so I was really glad she was able to get it, too. Total procedure took me less than 45 minutes and that includes the mandatory 15 minute wait after the shot to make sure I didn’t have some kind of reaction. Got to say it hurt a bit more than the regular flu shot which I also get every year.

Went to the Post Office to mail a small package to one of our supporters in Montana.

Drove by T&G to give our mechanic a report on the continuing over heating saga in the PT Cruiser. It’s so bizarre. If it starts to overheat, I just restart the car and that seems to fix it.

I’m always reminded of HL Menckin’s remark, “No one every went broke underestimating the taste of Americans” when I see something like this.

Watered my indoor garden. Soon, I’ll be taking the large plants outside.

This is a tiny Nepenthes of a different species that is growing in my plant’s pot.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Facebook Live! Drone! Yard Work! 3.14.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:03 pm  

Time change! It can be hard getting up, but I LOVE it staying light longer!

I watched a bit of CodeMiko. Very interesting mix of digital and real. This is from Kevin Kelly’s newsletter. He’s one of my heroes.

I think this is a big deal. More big stars will want to work with Netflix.

I’ve subscribed to a Poem a Day. This is my favorite so far.


Brain training.

Gorgeous day!

I’ve been impressed by how well the grandgirls can memorize things. I created an ABC song for them to learn.

I enjoyed playing with my drone today. It flew great! I’m still learning this controller. Just takes practice. It uses my iPhone as it’s brain.

I had a friend of mine in Italy challenge me to get with Zoom and start teaching on line classes. First step is to get back into Facebook, which is where most of my contacts hang out. I did a live shot.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery. I always love that!

Came home and ate lunch.

Vacuumed the house.

I’ve been wanting to rake the leaves in my yard for weeks. It’s been raining consistently which makes the leaves WAY heavier. This last spell of dry weather motivated me to start working on it. I did my best not to overdo it so I don’t hurt myself.

I raked and hauled the leaves on a big tarp to an area in my front yard.

I decided that this stiff rake actually did a better job. They each have their place.

I also used my blower a lot more than I have in the past. It seemed to be a good combo. Then I used it to clean off the driveway.

Cleaned out the little garden in front of our house.

It was a massive job. No biking today! Too tired. I worked really hard.

I got it looking really nice.

I cleaned out my bird baths and refilled feeders. Also checked on my wisteria plants. They all have little buds on them! Woot!

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Podcast! Calls! Bike! 3.13.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:06 pm  

We’ve been having trouble with our TV audio. I’ve rewired it but it needs to be set on AV3 and not channel 3. Just in case you needed to know.

A friend sent this little pop up book to the grandgirls. I think it’s so cute.

Stone Mountain is so beautiful!


I’ve been thinking about Hawaii a lot. The girls and I watched Moana twice this week. I saw this car near our house. This sort of stuff happens to me all the time.

Had a great talk with my Mom. She’s always a blessing to me.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Overheating.” I usually talk about whatever I’m going through at the time. My car has really stressed me out with, you guessed it, overheating.

Rode my bike 10.27 miles. I pushed myself today and rode quite a bit faster. This was only my third ride since my winter break from vigorous exercise.

When I got home, I checked my air pressure in my tires. It’s supposed to be a maximum of 65 lbs of pressure. It was only 20 lbs!

This is good news. I’ll set up a time for K and I soon.

I helped a friend get some information. A couple of missionaries to Vietnam are coming into town. I help people get on the right track!

Studied Spanish. Surprised?

I’m so glad it’s getting warmer. I reckon we’ll have at least one more cold snap before April. I usually wait until Easter to put the plants outside.


I’m sure there’s a lot of this.

Brain training.

I see coyotes from time to time.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Seize it and Squeeze it.” So tasty!

My buddy in Houston is doing an art exhibit on Covid. Should be really interesting.

Friday, March 12, 2021

Grandgirls! Art! Stone Mountain Picnic! Bike! 3.12.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:38 pm  

Have you noticed this on your iPhone?

Studied Spanish. Every day, JACK!

Gorgeous weather!

This is one of our favorite songs in the car. We heard it when we watched the movie “Wreck It Ralph.”

I thought this looked cool.

And this.


Ten year anniversary of meeting my best friend, Anthony Jacquin. We’ve traveled the world together since then!

Love them!

I’ve studied a LOT of Spanish on my porch.

Today, I first noticed that the Sharp Shinned Hawks had built a nest in the tree across from our house. Thrilling!

Braided the girl’s hair. It’s a gigantic help against tangles!

We had fun using my stamp pads!

My Pink Magnolias are blooming! The girls and I look for them on our drives.

We went to our favorite picnic spot by the lake (We call this one “Splashy Lake”) for pizza, orange crush and some powdered doughnuts. Yumbo.

I had a great talk with my buddy Anthony Jacquin while we were at the lake. It was fun to talk about our 10 year anniversary! The One Year Bible is great for tracking fun events!

After our lake outing, I gave them a bath and we watched Moana.

Miles came and picked them up today and I went for a 10.60 mile bike ride. Gorgeous. I cut the ride short because it started getting dark.

These Bartlett Pear Trees are so beautiful, although they kind of stink.

Soon, we’ll start seeing banana plants!

Delightful evening.

After I got home, I cleaned all the bird baths, refilled them and the feeders.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Grandgirls! Repairs! Azalea! 3.11.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:29 pm  

Good news!

Love the girls!

Gorgeous day!

Studied Spanish.


I worked on repairing a drawer from the girl’s room.

Finished project.

Trimmed Penelope’s bangs.

Made the grocery order. They were late getting it together today. I’ve probably gotten curbside service a hundred times. That has only happened twice.

We had a fun picnic.

I sewed up a couple of holes in my jacket and a hole in Everly’s pants.

They enjoy playing with dolls.

I studied Spanish and listened to them play.

Penelope and her mayo moustache.

Helped the kids at the mission. Some of them start in-person learning next week. It’s not mandatory.

The girls enjoy their neighborhood.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Grandgirls! Stone Mountain! Fair! 3.10.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:14 pm  

Good news!

Love my girls!

Saw a parakeet at the very top of a power pole where the fair is on Jimmy Carter. Probably up from Florida. Originally from S. America called a Nanday.

My Pink Magnolias are starting to bloom.

Studied Spanish.

Took the girls up Stone Mountain.

Not as high as it looked, teehee.

They had a great time climbing the trees. We decided to call this location “Campsite 2.”

This old cedar was great for climbing. Lots of handholds and not too high with spectacular views!

Helped the kids at the mission.

After the mission, I took them to the fair. I was glad Kathy came.

Everly and I enjoyed the Ferris wheel, although it was kind of creaky.

Released Verbal Surgery -835- “On Purpose.”

Got gas.

Dropped off a squirrel.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Grandgirls! E. Phoebe! Fair! 3.9.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:11 pm  

Good night’s sleep!

Some advice on dealing with the time change.




My car started overheating again. It almost immediately cooled back down, but I went to my sister-in-law’s house to pick up the mercury again. Because I was running late, Ashley met me at Rockbridge BC.

We had fun going through a gift box from my friend in Montana. She’s been a big supporter of our ministry and loves the girls.

Put braids in the girls’ hair.

I’ve been hearing this mysterious bird call for months. I finally saw the bird but never really well. In the last week, I’ve gotten some good looks and recorded their calls. I FINALLY figured out what kind of bird it was! The Eastern Phoebe. It wasn’t easy to figure out. It was their calls that really sealed the ID.

The girls had fun playing with their new toys. I love how she does the accessories.

We have a lot of fun together.

Helped the kids with their homework.

The girls have fun with their neighbors.

They’re filming scenes from Ozark near the church.


Processed and deposited checks.

When I got home, I picked up my car to give it a thorough test drive. Never acted up again. I wanted to test it while I didn’t have the grandgirls with me.

During my test drive, I stopped by the fair to get some funnel cake. SO good.

Car ran fine for the whole trip. When I got back home, I checked the engine to see if there was anything unusual going on. Looked perfect.

It cost me over $800. I asked my friends at FBA to help if they can. Never hurts to ask.

Pray that everything goes well.

Monday, March 8, 2021

Calls! Groceries! Bike! 3.8.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:38 pm  

I believe this.


Not good.

Studied Spanish. Watched a couple of videos by a Spanish teacher I like. Here she’s discussing use of the word “ya” in idioms.

Brain Training.


Gorgeous weather!

T&G thinks they finally have my car figured out. Cost nearly $700 and another $150 last week. Kind of bummed me out.

Had a fun talk with my buddy Anthony.

During the zoom conference I did yesterday, many of the students were talking about websites. I shared this link with Anthony about that.

Had a fun bike ride! That was the most exercise I’ve done in months. SO glad about the warmer weather!

This tree is a great example of how destructive English Ivy can be.

I found this book on the side of the road. This was the page it was turned to.

I love Pink Magnolias! I’ve planted three in my front yard.

The cammelias have been so beautiful!

Picked up my car. He wasn’t 100% sure it was perfect. He said the only thing I have to make sure of is not just starting it up and leaving it. He said in that scenario it might have a problem. I never do that so I should be fine.

I went to Stone Mountain this evening. I haven’t been able to because the sticker was on my car which was in the shop. Just looking at that big ol’ rock reminded me of the consistency of the Father’s love for me in the face of all these financial challenges.

Bottom line: It always works out. Amen.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Help! Podcast! Calls! 3.7.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:33 pm  

Some nights I’ll wake up and think about someone from my past. Usually, I’ll get up and start researching them. Last night, I was thinking about Cedric a friend of my from WTOC-TV days. He had worked at Fox 5 here in Atlanta. I got some information to see if he’s still there. Just got off the phone with the newsroom. They said Cedric was still there and gave me an updated email address. Just wrote him. This activity is typical for me!

I liked this from Tim Ferris this morning.

Talk about a blast from the past! I remember printing off reams of these to help me get somewhere.

Studied Spanish.

I’m also watching a Spanish novella called Casa de Flores.

Brain Training.

Cold morning!

I’ve heard a bird sound that I didn’t recognize. The bird is hard to see. I’ve had a couple of good viewings lately, but the bird isn’t in my feeder book. Did some online research.

Hard to make a solid guess. I think it’s the Eastern Wooded Pewee.

The Shema!

Gorgeous day!

Went to Ann, my sister-in-law’s house. She needed some help getting a door open, TV working and phone case installed. I thought all of those things would be easy. Man, was I wrong.

YouTube for the win!

I’m going to help her get some handles installed in her shower.

I got her ATT-TV box to work. I think the box is going bad, honestly.

These Otter boxes are kind of hard to put on.

The door handle locked by getting bounced against the wall.

I guy from Israel came to fix it. He managed to get the door jamb to squeeze apart enough from the door to open the latch. I enjoyed quoting some Hebrew scripture for him. He thought I was Jewish!

Went to a parking lot near Stone Mountain (my car has the parking sticker and it’s in the shop!) to record and make calls. My buddy Anthony Jacquin was doing a graduation for his students over Zoom. I was part of the ceremony! I gave them a pep talk as well as quoting poetry by Auden. My friend Amit Badiani did a magic show for them. Supa coo.

Recorded an episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Keep the Change.” It’s very strong.

Came home around 3pm to have a late lunch. Rested.

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Spanish! Calls! 3.6.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:21 pm  

Studied Spanish!

Cloudy and cooler.


Had a fun talk with my buddies Anthony and Caruso. I don’t have a sticker on the Mercury, so I parked at the roller skate place to make calls.

Watched the last episode of Legacies Season 2.
Enjoying playing Ratchet and Clank.

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