Whirlwind Missions

Friday, March 26, 2021

Covid! Calls! 3.26.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:45 pm  

Tremendous thunderstorm rolled through the ATL last night. Almost constant lightning. Wow. Rained just a tad over 1″.

Beautiful day today.

I continue to feel better every day. I’ve had a headache and tired, but no fever now for two days.

I was glad to see this news.

Studied Spanish.


Good talk with my buddy, Anthony.

Read a fun book today called the Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse.

I spent time trying to figure out how to drop off our newsletters to be printed and pick up our mail.

I had our groceries delivered today. I’m not sure if I’ll continue to do that or just go pick them up. I hate not tipping much.

Transported a squirrel.

Spent hours on my front porch studying.

The ladies who delivered my groceries were Spanish so it got to practice with them.

I called Ashley this evening to figure out how to pick up the checks and deliver the newsletters to be printed. It was fun to see the girls. Miss them so much. I’m glad they’ve felt ok.

I’ve been sleeping about ten hours in the evening and an hour nap during the day. Fatigue is still my primary symptom of COVID as well as headache.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Upgrade Great.” So good.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

COVID! Calls! Letters! 3.25.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:13 pm  

Spent almost twelve hours in bed last night. Woke up and was still tired. Good news is I don’t think I had a fever all day. Amen!

Studied Spanish.

I spent most of my day outside on the porch studying and making calls.

Had a fun talk with my Mom. Of course she’s concerned about us.

I’ve been worried how to get my groceries since I tested positive for the virus. Decided to go ahead and do a trial for Walmart+ and get them delivered. For $2/week they’ll deliver them to my door. I get .05 off per gallon of gas, so just the savings on petrol should almost pay for the service. I’ll probably keep the service.


My little wisteria plants are growing nicely.

I caught and transported two more squirrels today. That’s five in two days!

Set up my new bird bath to replace the concrete one that started leaking after the freezes.

I sent off a series of eight letters to supporting churches to ask for help for the septic tank bill and to pray for our recovery from Covid.

I made some brownies this evening to cheer me up. It worked.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Covid! Calls! Squirrels! 3.24.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:14 am  

Catching up on the blog this morning. Didn’t feel up to it last night.

Hopefully, the Biden administration will be able to do something about this!

I have no respect for Ted Cruz.

Sad to say that we think Kathy has Covid too.

I study Spanish a lot during the day.


Had fun making calls to my Mom and Anthony.

Beautiful day.

I caught and transported three squirrels in one day.

I’m always astonished by stuff like this.

Stayed in bed nearly twelve hours last night. Still feel tired.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Covid! Spanish! Podcast! 3.23.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:39 pm  

Last night was fever and chills. So far not nearly as bad as the flu I had in 2019. I think that’s thanks to the antibodies I have in my body from the Johnson and Johnson Covid vaccine and the hundreds of people praying for me.

During the day, I have headache, body aches, fever, coughing and tired.

I still study Spanish. I like my spot on our sofa outside in the fresh air.

Never knew the word for bacon.


Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Overheating.” So good.

Watching Wynonna Earp and playing Ratchet and Clank.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Covid! Anthony! Drone! Rest! 3.22.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:39 pm  

Pretty intense day. After hearing that Miles and Penelope were sick with Covid, I’ve been expecting the worst. Did research on my shot and how fast it could go into action. I’m on day seven from when I got the shot.


This was an interesting word of the day for me because I talked to my Mom about dreaming for about an hour yesterday!

Always great to get texts like this.

Kathy and I went to get the Covid test first thing this morning.

The swab up the nose wasn’t too bad for me. It hurt K.


It’s astonishing to me how often the One Year Bible has texts that directly relate to me.

I’m getting a new thermometer.

Went to Stone Mountain to make calls and fly my drone.

Called Anthony.

My car was parked on the hill rather than flat in my garage. I closed the door and nicked the bridge of my nose. That’s not zesty.

Beautiful weather. It’s supposed to be rainy the rest of the week.

This was scary news. At least I know.

Running a slight fever. I’m hoping that the antibodies growing in me will really stop the virus from getting too bad.

So far it’s mainly headache and fatigue.

I let the Board of Directors for Whirlwind Missions and my friends on Facebook know about my diagnosis. A real outpouring of love!

I’m watching movies and resting. Drinking lots of water. Some Tylenol for my headache.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Covid! Calls! 3.21.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:48 pm  

Got a scary text from Ashley this morning saying that Miles had contracted COVID. This is especially concerning since we just had the grandgirls over for an extended period of time. Father, protect us from this virus. Amen!

Studied Spanish.


Brain training.

Cleaned and filled bird feeders and baths.

Went to Stone Mountain to record an episode of Verbal Surgery called, “The First Time.”

Good talk with my Mom today.

Because of the Covid situation in our family, K, Jess and I will go for testing early tomorrow morning just to make sure we’re negative for the virus.

The pollen has been especially bad for me this year and I’d rather know it’s allergies rather than if I possibly have Covid. I’ve had a lot of headaches the last couple of weeks.

Watered my plants.

I was looking at 23 and Me our genetic test and read this.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Grandgirls! Septic! Sleep Over! Stone Mountain! 3.19-20.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:09 pm  

How to have more creative children.

Who’s the happiest in the world?

Funny. Seeing that I just dealt with a septic tank issue!

Proof positive!

The grandgirls spent the night Friday night, so the blog contains both days!

Beautiful sunrise on Friday.


Back to cold weather.

Love my girls!

Septic guys came over to clean out my tank. What I thought was going to be a $300 charge turned out to be $1,500! They had to completely drain the tank and septic field to get everything back in order. Life is more important than toilets. But toilets are pretty damn critical.

I was astonished and grossed out that he just stuck his hand down into that fecal matter WITH NO GLOVES ON!

Covered it back up.

The glass on our table outside cracked. I broke it up into smaller pieces so I could carry it to the garbage.

Spent a long time cleaning up the tiny shards of glass.

Cleaned the driveway after the septic truck was there. It leaked some oil.

Nearly .5″ of rain.

Cleaned the front door glass.

Cleaned and refilled my hummingbird feeders for the first time this year. Looking forward to having my little friends back soon. I hope!

I bought this little blue guitar for Penelope several years ago. It was really getting beat up which made me sad because it sounds great. I cleaned it, worked on the tuning pegs, and put new strings on it.

I played some songs for them from what we listen to during our drives. They were dancing and having so much fun! I look forward to teaching them how to play if they take an interest in it. I only have six guitars at my house.

Azaleas have started to bloom!

We had a fun day and a pretty good night’s sleep.

Cold morning!


That’s different! I sure understand why.

The girls and I had a fun time at Stone Mountain today. We have an annual pass so we get to do everything! Most of the stuff is only open on the weekend.

We pretty much played by our own rules. Didn’t do the course in order, just went to whatever one wasn’t being used. Kicked, threw or whatever to the ball to get it in the hole. It was pretty funny.

They liked the movie, but it kind of scared Everly. She sat on my lap most of the time.

Train ride is always fun.

We are so lucky to live so close to this!


Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery “Keep the Change” 2 today!

Took the girls to the other grandparents around 5:30 PM. I took a nap before taking them over. I was exhausted. But happy!

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Taxes! Grandgirls! Organizing! Mission! 3.18.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:55 pm  

Last night about 3:00 AM, I read a text from my tax guy that I thought said that he had NOT received my and Ashley’s taxes! Of course I went into freak out mode thinking all those documents had been lost. I sent it certified mail with a signature confirmation. Over about half an hour I did the tracking and verified that it had been delivered properly. I sent pictures of all that info to both Ashley and my tax guy. Eventually, I reread the text and was stunned to see that he had said that he HAD received the documents! That’s what you get for looking at something half asleep. Sure was a relief!

I liked this from Seth Godin’s blog this morning.

Picked up the girls in really rainy weather. Driving home felt like we were in a hurricane!

We had fun looking through things from the trunk of my car.


Studied Spanish.

Everly said she had a sausage coming from her nose! Pretty funny.

The girls will spend the night on Friday and we’ll enjoy doing some of the attractions at Stone Mountain that are open on Saturday. Then I’ll take them to the other grandparents.

Helped the kids at the mission. It was super windy! Almost blew one of the laptops off the table!

The girls had fun playing under a little bike protector.

It was so windy I decided to get my little kite out.

Very mild day.

I gave more toys to kids at the mission and took others over to St. Vincent de Pauls.

Went to my office to pick up the mail, process checks, and water my ficus.

To the bank to deposit the checks. PTL!

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Grandgirls! Tire! Clean Up! Mission! 3.17.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:13 pm  

Crazy day. Started my car and the low tire light came on. Never good. Fortunately, one of my absolutely critical pieces of car gear is a small compressor. I HIGHLY recommend you getting one! It’s way easier to pump up a tire and take it to the tire guys with their power tools than trying to get lug nuts off and put on a spare!

Got it pumped up then headed to pick up the girls. On the way there, two series of lights were completely dead at intersections. I called 911 twice to alert them of the problems.

I thought this article on grandparents was really interesting.

Foggy morning.

My azaleas are blooming.

Studied Spanish.

My goal today was to clear out the hallway by my bedroom. The girls always enjoy looking through the bags of old toys. I decided to take the stuff they no longer use to St. Vincent de Pauls. It’s like Goodwill, but right near the mission.

I gave some of the toys to our neighbors at Azalea!

Ashley got a tattoo yesterday. The girls wanted one, too! I have lots!

Helped the kids at the mission. I just found out today that one of my main students will be leaving the mission the end of next month. Their family is buying a house. Exciting for them, but I always miss my kids when they leave. It’s the hardest part of apartment ministry.

Took my car to my tire guy. He fixed it in a jiffy.

Checked the mail at the office.

Dropped off the toys.

Deposited checks.

Went to Walmart to pick up my groceries. Got this message as I pulled in. Didn’t take them too long to get it ready, about an extra fifteen minutes. There’s always Spanish to study.

Gassed up my car.

I always find the stains beautiful.

Had right at 1″ of rain today.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Grandgirls! Brownies! Clean up! 3.16.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:16 pm  

I’m enjoying reading my dream book.

I’ve found this quote to be true. I recorded three dreams last night. I don’t write anything down. I just record and let an app transcribe it.

Studied Spanish.


The girls and I made brownies. SO good!

I spent about an hour and a half cleaning off cluttered surfaces in the kitchen and living room. Clutter really drives me crazy. Mountains of stuff.

I put a new glass protector on Ann’s phone. I try to help her as much as I can, especially with stuff I’m good at, like fixing things.

I decided on a septic service company. Called the other two I’m not using to cancel them coming over.

I’ve started having some headaches. Wasn’t surprised to see this pollen on the ground. Some years it doesn’t bother me. Others it’s like a few weeks with a headache. Rain helps clear it a lot.

The girls and I watched Ralph Wrecked the Internet this afternoon. I really liked it.

Went to the mission to check on the kids. It was really crappy weather. We decided to do what needed to be done tomorrow.

Went to the church to get the mail. I’ll deposit it tomorrow. I don’t like standing at the ATM and getting rained on.

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