Whirlwind Missions

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Webinar! Azalea Christmas Party! 12.20.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:42 pm  

I liked this.

I talked with my buddy Rollin Hooper last night for over two hours. We talked about the old days growing up in Kenya together. Those times could not possible be repeated. That version of Kenya is gone forever except in our memories.

Studied Spanish.

I added the edition of Verbal Surgery that I recorded yesterday to my Mac.

I have a month’s worth of shows in the can.

We had our Christmas Party at Azalea today. I called Bill Doverspike about it.

Mild weather for the party. Amen for that!

Had a fun chat with my buddy Anthony.

We traveled to Brazil together. I saw this sign after our talk.

Later, I was on his Zoomcast to the iLab folks.

Went to Pho 24 to get a couple of egg sandwiches.

Cleaned my shoes.

Gassed up my car. It’s hard to fill up. It keeps cutting off like it’s full. Aggravating. I’ve had this problem fixed before. Can’t say I’m a big fan of the PT Cruiser.

Checked and added some oil.

At our party we decorated cookies and I told the Christmas Story.

Everyone had fun!



I was glad my good friend and president of our Whirlwind Missions board, Bill Cordrey got to come.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Podcast! Calls! 12.19.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:15 pm  

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “In the Safe!”

Gain control over your life with this terrific edition!

Studied Spanish.

Brain training.


Coldest I’ve seen it in my room with the new thermometer.

I sleep with long underwear and last night two robes. I don’t use heaters in my room. By the time the heater is effective, the weather has warmed up on its own.

Frozen bird bath water.

Had some great talks with my buddy Anthony as well as the President of our Board for Whirlwind Missions, Bill Cordrey.

Turned out to be a beautiful yet chilly day.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Grandgirls! Sky Rail!12.18.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:26 am  

Picked up the grandgirls at Global Mall. Always great to see Ashley!

We always find something interesting to look at. What’s your favorite fruit?

Must be difficult to make a suit out of grass.

Cool feet.

Up, down, repeat.

Testing temperature.

I had a low tire pressure light on when we left Global Mall. Took it to my tire guy. Couldn’t find a leak. Topped them all off with air.

Went to the office to check the mail.

Deposited checks.

The girls and I ate Sonic for breakfast then went to Stone Mountain to ride the Sky Rail and play.

Lots of ice in the puddles. I wasn’t super happy with them playing with the ice, but that’s what I would’ve done.



Headed back down!

Studied Spanish.

Cold morning!

Went to sleep early last night. Worked on the blog Saturday morning.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Grandgirls! Global Mall! Shower Handles! 12.17.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:32 pm  

Cold morning!

Filled in and mailed my vote for senator in Georgia.

When I have time, I record messages while I’m waiting for the grandgirls and send them to friends. I usually pray for them, too.

Never too much Ashley!

Sometimes, we just look.


Never really noticed mannequin feet before.

This oversize wheelchair I call my “Cadillac.” I have had great fun blasting down the halls at full speed, backward! Watch out, girls! Global Mall may never be the same.

Came home and the girls helped me clean the glass doors.

Studied Spanish.

Folded my clothes.

My friend Manuel came over to my house to install some handles for our shower.

I like the Sleep Cycle app.

Took the grandgirls home. Checked on the kids at the mission. I told them we were canceling our after-school class. I actually had a girl who wanted me to help her. But at these temperatures? No way. She came wearing flip flops with no socks.

Talked to my mechanic, Jason. He told me they had figured out the problem with Jesse’s car. It was a crank shaft sensor that had gone bad. I’ll pick it up tomorrow.

Beautiful sunset.

Went to the bank to get money for my buddy who helped me install the shower handles.

Got the new wifi range extender for the mission.

Freezing tonight. Dripping the taps.

Our Christmas area.

Fun day.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Rain! Global Mall! Azalea! 12.16.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:12 pm  

Woke up right at 6:00am.

Studied Spanish.

The Duolingo course in Spanish is always getting bigger.

Not the best weather this morning.

Went to Global Mall to pick up the Grandgirls. It was raining so we pulled under the covered section in the back.

Ordered groceries while I was waiting.

Always great to see Ashley.

And her boots.

We have an exercise time while we’re at Global Mall. Long runs!

They are both winners!

We have fun checking out the windows and deciding which one we like the best. Here are my favorite shoes.

I like these colorful backgrounds.

Penelope was a fan of the camels.

Just in case you wondered where it was.

Watered some of my plants.

Even though it was so cold, I still had four kids show up for the after-school time.

My girls were covered up!

After helping the kids, Penelope and I did some work with Duolingo ABC for kids to help reading. It’s marvelous. She usually puts in at least ten minutes of hard work.

Went by the office to check on supplies.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery Practical ways to overcome fear.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

One Heart! Doggie Park! Azalea! 12.15.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:08 pm  

Good night’s sleep. I took a nap with Everly later this afternoon.

Picked the grandgirls up at Global Mall.

I’m having fun with the backgrounds.

I liked this picture at Global Mall. It reminded me of my buddy, Anthony.

Up and down. Up and down. Up and you get the picture.

I got a text from my buddy Chester at One Heart Church. They had a gift for me. Global Mall is really close to their location so that made it easy to go get. Great when things work out like that.

Beautiful clouds.

Studied Spanish.

We enjoyed Sonic on the way home.

Went to the doggie park. We were the only ones there. It was pretty cold. We didn’t care.

It’s so much fun to watch Penelope growing in courage.

They made it to the first little station. It was pretty hard for them to do. They had seen a lot of other kids doing it, so they knew it was possible.


Penelope made huge progress on this obstacle too.

Helped the kids at the mission. It was very cold and many were having wifi problems. I just bought a wifi extender on Amazon.


After I finished with the kids, I came inside to give Penelope some one on one school time. She knows if she does that I’m guaranteed to stay. We’ve been using Duolingo’s new app to help children learn how to read.

To my office to check the mail.

Low on gas. Filled up. Checked the oil and cleaned the windshield.

Christmas from my Mom in Texas. Thanks, Nana!

Monday, December 14, 2020

Christmas Party Prep! 12.14.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:11 pm  

Wrote an email to my Board this morning telling them that we have an Outreach Event of a Christmas party at Azalea Place this Sunday afternoon. It’ll take the place of our business meeting. I also wrote a short summary of our year end report for them. They really knew most of this information already.

Heard from my buddy Pastor Steve Peoples today. He’s sending a check. Always helps.

Studied Spanish.

Got supplies for the Christmas party at the Dollar Tree.

Includes all the gifts as well as all the cookies and decorating supplies. Kept the whole event under $150.

Took all the supplies to the Chuch in our lock up closet.

I’ve seen this word lately. Had to look it up again.

Great talk with Jesse this afternoon. I needed it.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Podcast! Webinar! 12.13.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:42 pm  

I’ve enjoyed playing Horizon Zero Dawn in the evenings.


Good night’s sleep.

Released Verbal Surgery -813-“Fake Baby.”

What are you crying about? Listen to this one and feel good, NOW!

I have over two months of episodes “in the can,” ready to go.

Studied Spanish.

I love my new weather station. I look at it all the time.

Of course I have droves of other sources of data.

I had a fun day. Got a greeting from my good friend Amit.

We had a great chat. He told me he was the entertainment for the Jacquin Hypnosis Academy’s first round of graduates.

100 people! I was invited to give them a “power up” as Anthony calls it. Of course, I did ny best.

Enjoyed a restful day. I’m still not feeling 100% so I was glad I had some time to just hang out.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Grandgirls! Global Mall! Library Trees! 12.11-12.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 4:24 pm  

Just keep going! Duolingo.

It’s wild to be in the middle of such an important election.

Warming, then back down.

He seems friendly.

We always have fun at Global Mall.

Never too much Ashley.


Up and down. Repeat.

Studied Spanish.

My Mom has gotten on board the Prime train. Amen.

The girls are always so much fun.


We went to the library and drove around in one of the empty parking lots.

Crepe myrtles are fun little trees to climb.

Sidewalk chalk.

Good times.

After climbing, we went to Dairy Queen to get an Oreo ice cream cake. Everly fell asleep on the ride. Penelope and I split a banana split. I think that was the first she’d had.

We went out to look at Christmas lights later that evening. We went to sleep about 9:30pm. I woke up a lot. Got up about 6:45am.

This is Duolingo’s app for teaching kids how to read.

More Spanish.

We went to the bottom of our cul-de-sac and rode the bike. She turned too fast and crashed. Got a boo boo on her elbow. We cleaned it up and put some antibiotic on it. She was brave. Bike crashes are scary. I know.

Vacuumed the house.

Re-taped the rug in the kitchen.

A strip of the moulding around the outside of my glass door was coming loose.

Got the hot glue gun to fix it.

Looks better now.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Grandgirls! Doggie Park! Azalea! 12.10.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:07 pm  

Picked up the girls at Global Mall.

I’ve had fun riding around on this big wheelchair.

They love the escalators. There’s no-one in the mall so they just go up and down dozens of times.

Making themselves at home. They’d been running for about twenty minutes straight.

Ordered groceries.

Ashley does a great job as the Office Manager for our ministry. I turned her documents over to our treasurer Jon Paul.

The girls and I went to the Doggie Park. It’s great to see them getting braver and stronger. I thought Penelope arms looked buff.

We ate Thai food.

Did some research for Kathy on stands in bed for her phone.

Cold, but turned out great.

I was surprised to see that the pathos had survived the freeze.

That’s a lot of white happy faces.

Helped the kids at the mission. Lot needed help. I almost brought out another table, but some left pretty fast.

I bought my cousin Jerry a 23 and Me DNA test. He is the only link to the DNA of my maternal Grandfather.

Studied Spanish.

Went to T&G to pick up Jesse’s car. Unfortunately, the check engine light popped on, so I left it for them to check out again.

Went to my office to get the mail.

Deposited checks. Amen.

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