Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Grandgirls! Stone Mountain Sky Rail! Azalea! 12.9.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:27 pm  

Another cold morning, but warmed up nicely this afternoon.

Picked up the girls at Global Mall. We always enjoy hanging out there.

We go around and see which dresses we like the best.

Maybe they should use my face.

Thank you, Tiger.

She reminds me of a friend of mine.

We went A to Z to see if we could think of things that started with each letter. I’m always in teaching mode.

We met the lady who turns on the escalators. Fun.

We stopped at the lake near my house. Love the reflections.

Over to Stone Mountain to go up the Sky Rail. Cold up top!

The masks helped keep our faces warm. Glad I had hats and gloves!

Lots of pollution in the air. I wonder where it came from?

Studied Spanish.

Helped the kids with their homework. Definitely warmer than yesterday!

I put everything in order for the next day.

We had fun playing a game with this tire.

Went to my office to check the mail.

Had a hell of a time getting my car filled up. The gas kept cutting off like it was full. I had trouble with this once before. Hopefully, it doesn’t keep giving me problems.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Grandgirls! Library Park! St. Mountain! Azalea! 12.8.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:22 pm  


Got to Global Mall fast. This is just the last few minutes. Usually takes around 25 minutes.

Brenda Lee is one of the artists in the Essential Christmas rotation from Apple Music. We listen to Christmas music on the way to my house.

Christmas gifts!

Always wonderful to see my little girl.

Icing on the cake.

We had some Global Mall time. Escalators were working! This is only the second time they were moving.

Cold birdbath.

Kathy got some girl time.

We took books back to the library and got new ones!

Had fun at the Library Park.

Had discussions with my mechanic Jason, about Jesse’s car. Still some small device draining current on the battery in her car. So far they haven’t been able to figure out what it is that’s causing the tiny problem.

We hadn’t had our garbage picked up in three weeks. Wasn’t too bad.

The regular garbage wouldn’t shut.

We had a picnic at Stone Mountain.

The girls did great throwing rocks.

Lots of fun stuff to climb and play around.

I helped the kids at the mission. It was in the low 40’s.

“I can’t feel my fingers, Mr. Tim.”

Figured it was about time to call it a day.

After putting up the tables, I had fun working with my girls doing school work.


I saw the International Space Station for the 64th time this evening.

Deposited checks for Whirlwind Missions. Amen.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Mac! Mercury! Podcast! 12.7.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 4:27 pm  

I worked on my Mac last night for over an hour. My disk was super full.

I went through my storage management very carefully and freed up about 40 GB.

Enjoying playing Horizon Zero Dawn.

Studied Spanish.

Called Jason at T&G about getting Jesse’s car in to get looked out. Probably needs a new battery and some other work.

I was missing some pillow covers. Kathy had them.

Went to my sister in law’s house to get Jesse’s car. I had to park behind it because of where she had parked her car.
These jumper cables were really expensive, but boy have they been worth it.

Talked with my buddy, Anthony.

Recorded an episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Interior Design.”

Ordered groceries.

Jess is using my car to get to work this evening. Hopefully, her car will be ready tomorrow.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Podcast! Mercury! 12.6.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:22 pm  

Studied Spanish.

Put the “Day Day” episode with the other editions ready to be released soon.

Had a good chat with my buddy, Anthony.

Watched a Bible study with my friend Jim Herrera. He talked about the 5th Gospel: the Holy Land geography.

Got Nana’s Christmas gifts in the mail. I’ll wrap them soon.

Put all the fans up that we had been using to dry out the living room carpet. Dry now for sure.

We’ll be shampooing the entire carpet in the house too, just to make doubly sure everything is clean and good to go. I need a few days to rest my elbow and shoulder since the flooding incident.

Looks like Jesse will be working tomorrow! I went over to Ann’s house to get the car running. It ran great, but sadly wouldn’t start after the road trip. We will take it over to T&G tomorrow. It probably needs a new battery.

I’ve enjoyed playing Horizon Zero Dawn.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Podcast! Supplies! Yard Work! 12.5.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:27 pm  

Cold day.

I thought these were funny.

Studied Spanish.

Duolingo is a popular app.

I’ve certainly learned a lot from it.

I like Clozemaster, too.

Had a great talk with my good friend Jim Herrera in Dallas. We went to Baylor together and played in a band for years. He teaches an online Sunday school class on line. I’m looking forward to hearing it.

Read an article with this word in it.

Upkeep on my car. Gas. Windshield (inside and out!) Oil.

Went to Lowes to get some good sprayers and ask if they are renting the carpet cleaners yet. They are.

They have a beautiful arrangement of flowers.

Paid bills.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery.

Enjoyed some cashew tofu today from Sweet Basil.

I try to change my sheets regularly.

Filled all the bird baths.

Blew and washed the mud from the driveway.

Blew the porch and the deck.

The iPhone 11 wide angle lens is really cool.

Turned all the fans back on to keep drying out the carpet. I also vacuumed the house.

Studied Hebrew.

I work with a lot of Bengalis.

I sent this to my friend Jim Herrera.

Friday, December 4, 2020

Flooding by Washing Machine! Grandgirls! Rainy! 12.4.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:32 pm  

2:00am Kathy woke me up from a dead sleep with the words, “The washing machine has flooded the living room!” Boy, talk about a fast start when you hear something like that!

I got the wet-dry vac going. Jesse ran that first with a wide brush then a thin one to get the majority of the water up. I worked on the linoleum section scooping the water up into a dust pan and then soaking up the water with a thin towel and wringing it out. Hard work.

We finally got most of it up then turned on the fans to dry the rest. Too bad it was rainy today. It’ll take a lot longer to dry.

Cold morning.

Picked up the girls at Global Mall.

We do the elevator and escalators. The escalators were turned off. The girls just wanted to climb them. Ok.

Talked with my Mom about her Prime account. She’s getting a free trial right now.

Blew the deck and the driveway.

Rainy weather blew in.

It was pretty intense for a short while.

We liked looking at it pour down.

Studied Spanish.

Released a new version of Verbal Surgery -819- “Sticky Remains.” Free yourself from bad memories!

My early Christmas present to myself is a new weather station. I have it hanging in the corner of my room.

I kept my old one, too. For some reason it stopped communicating with the outdoor sensor. I got a new sensor and it still had the same problem. I enjoy collecting my own data, not just apps. Mainly temperatures and rainfall.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

PDK! Azalea! 12.3.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:49 pm  

Good night’s sleep.

Another cold day, but better than it was!

I’ve thought this a long time.

Had a fantastic chat with my buddy Jim Herrera. We played in a band together at Baylor and had many incredible adventures including an unbelievable road trip to Mexico over Spring Break.

Studied Spanish.

I have the Kindle version of the book I’m listening to in Spanish. I like reading that, too. Makes it easy to look up words.

Brain training.

Went by the church to check the mail.

Went to the mission, but the kids weren’t out of their online classes until 2pm. So I got lunch and went to PDK airport to watch the planes and listen to Harry Potter in Spanish.

I thought this was interesting. People who had done their solo flights at that airport.


This mockingbird came just a couple of feet from me. I was astonished by that. They are usually quite shy.

Helped the kids at the mission.

Teaching multiplication tables.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Podcast! Painting Supplies! Groceries! 12.2.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:04 pm  

It got so cold last night that I put down my curtain.

It doesn’t help much except psychologically.

Got an email from my buddy Caruso in Italy. I recorded a short message for him.

Woke up at my usual time around 7:00am, got dressed, and headed over to Global Mall. I was about fifteen minutes on the road when I got a call from Ashley saying that Penelope still wasn’t feeling well and she was going to stay home with her today.

Miles will be watching them on Thursday.

Studied Spanish. Surprised?

We got about 1.5″ of rain last weekend.

Needed some supplies from Lowes. J wants to paint her office. Got the paint and a plastic sheet for the floor to catch drips and dark brown paint for the fascia boards the roofers replaced.

I also got an aerator for the faucet in my bathroom. After I installed it, I decided I liked it better without the aerator. The water flow reminded me of Kenya.

This piece didn’t work at all. I had to take it back to get me $3.89.

This one I installed, but didn’t like it.

I’ve been doing research on more powerful leaf blowers. Took a look at a few while I was at Lowes.

Everything was covered with frost this morning.

I recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Attitude Altitude.”

I always take the mp3 file from my Digital recorder and put it on my Mac.

Had a great talk with my Mom.

And with my buddy, Anthony.

Picked up the groceries. Their app wasn’t working well.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Podcast! Newsletters! Mission! 12.1.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:55 pm  

Cold day!

I brought the carnivores in because of the extreme weather coming.

The library has had an upgrade since I used it years ago. Everything you checked out is online and they send you email when your stuff is coming due.

Fortunately, I knew where the “Look at the animals” book was.

Studied Spanish. I don’t do all this stuff at once. I do different things depending on what I’m doing. Driving? Books on tape, usually in Spanish. Waiting in line, simple quizzes like Clozemaster.

Ordered groceries. It was a very long list.

Released an episode of Verbal Surgery called “Sweet Time.”

Make more of yours with this terrific edition.

Fun talk with my buddy, Anthony.

Dropped off a library book. It will be due in a few days. The rest I have are in two weeks.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery at Stone Mountain.

Got Kathy’s car from T&G. Ignition coil problem and needed oil change.

Went to FBC Doraville to get the newsletters and check mail.

Helped the kids at the mission. Only a couple showed up. Not surprised, it was 40 degrees.

Went to my church office to fold and stuff the newsletters.

Beautiful sunset.

Put the letters in the mailbox on the way home. I like to get the job complete. Last time, I let the grandgirls put them in. Too cold now.

Monday, November 30, 2020

Newsletters! Grandgirls! Truck! 11.30.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:18 pm  

Cold, rainy day.

Studied Spanish.

K’s truck was running really rough. Took it to T&G.

Brain training.

Downloaded and printed out Ashley’s newsletter. I took it to FBC Doraville for Renae to print out for us.

I also put the check for the roof repair in Pastor Bill’s drawer.

Went to Taco Veloz to get juevos rancheros and a chicken burrito.

I enjoyed hanging out with the girls.

Hard to look friendly dressed like this.

I actually like wearing a mask in the winter. Keeps my face warm.

Pretty consistent schedule.

Ashley and I put a screen protector on Penelope’s new tablet. It’s a Fire HD8.

Ashley gave us a big bag of girl’s clothes. Excellent.

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