Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Grandgirls! Bank! Bike! Brownies! 5.12.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:30 pm  

I studied Spanish and did my brain training this morning.

Beautiful day today.

Deposited checks. That’s always a good feeling.

We enjoyed having the grandgirls over!

I took two squirrels to other areas today.

Had a good visit with my treasurer, Jon Paul.

I recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery. Always enjoy doing that.

While I was recording, I watched a youngster riding his bike run right into a mailbox. I checked on him, he was fine.

Good chat with my buddy, Anthony.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Same Difference.” It’s a good one!

Made an order for curbside pick up for my groceries.

I saw that the zoo near my house is open so that’s good.

I had a 15.20 mile bike ride today.

Listened to radio from Madrid, Spain.

Paid bills.

I made my first batch of brownies tonight. I’m expecting them to be very good!

Monday, May 11, 2020

Friends! Bike! 5.11.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:55 pm  

Beautiful day here in the ATL!

I enjoyed my talk with Anthony Jacquin today. He always fills me with such happiness. Such a funny guy.

I also had a good talk with another friend of mine all the way back from Baylor days, Dan Smith. He’s also such a blessing to me.

Studied Spanish.

Watched El Dragon.

I rode my bike 10.82 miles today. Little shorter than usual because it was kind of cold today.

While I did that, I listened to radio from Madrid as well as a sermon by my friend Tito Ruiz and some Harry Potter as well.

I got home and scrubbed this comforter I’ve been cleaning up. Should be ready to put back on our couch where we sit on our front porch tomorrow. I like to see things getting done.

Did my brain training this evening.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mother’s Day! Oak Tree! Bike! 5.10.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:16 pm  

I enjoyed studying the illustrated Blake book this morning. So beautiful!

Studied Spanish. Concentrated more work with verbs.

Did my brain training.

Had a great talk with my buddy Anthony in the UK.

Across the street from where I was recording I saw a gaggle of geese. They always remind me of cows eating grass.

Ashley and the girls came over for Mother’s Day. Always fun to see them. We called my Mom, too.

Beautiful day today.

I did my final work on the oatree project. I cut off some of the excess foam and then sprayed it with brown spray paint. I consider that project completed. Always good to see that.

Checked on my tire pressure for my bike before I went on a ride.

Around 12.41 miles according to Runkeeper but I actually did over 15 miles.

Whenever I use my Radio Garden app a lot of times it will stop Runkeeper.

While on the bike ride, I saw a lane of traffic on the main road was blocked off. As I got closer to them, it looked like a lady and her son were looking for something. So I stopped to see if I could help and the lady asked me if this was my son and I said, “No.” Then she asked if I lived around here and I said, “No, I’m about 5 miles from my house.” I took over the situation because I’m good with kids. Soon, a cop came over and I told him that the boy was probably autistic and I was sitting with him to make sure that he was going to be OK not freak out. I told the police officer that soon we’re going to see his parents come running around looking real frantic. About five minutes sure enough the dad came down the street running at pretty much full tilt looking for this little boy. It was definitely some excitement on my bike ride today.

After I got home, I started working on a comforter that needed cleaning. I usually spray it down and then scrub it with detergent and some Oxiclean to get the stains out. I’ll scrub it again tomorrow and then wash it off one more time let it dry before I put it back on the couch where we sit on it on our porch.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Oak Tree! Bike! 5.9.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:45 pm  

Studied Spanish and did my brain training.

Ashley and her family helped hand out food at the mission today.

I got some new pin wheels in the mail. I enjoyed putting them outside.

Did some work on the bathroom sink.

I got the groceries from Walmart picked up.

Came home to clean them up and put them away.

I went for a 5.93 mile bike ride.

I normally go much longer but it was cold and I wasn’t dressed out properly.

Cleaned out and refilled the bird baths.

I listened to a sermon in Spanish by my buddy Tito.

Also listened to radio from Madrid.

And Harry Potter.

Fixed the night light with the bulb.

Worked on the oak tree in my backyard.

The excess foam I sliced up and then stuffed into the top of the tree where the hole was.

Then I used the foam I got today and filled up the rest the hole. Tomorrow, I’ll cut away the excess and then spray paint it brown.


Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Friday, May 8, 2020

Anthony! Bob! Errands! 5.8.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:34 pm  

I’ve enjoyed looking at the illustrations from William Blake‘s books.

I also discovered some really good news that his exhibition that was in London will be in the Getty museum this fall in Los Angeles. I very likely will make a trip to see that exhibit and friends in California.

I liked this quote from Seth Godin’s blog this morning.

Was a rainy day today.

I like the lyrics from the song House of Bamboo.

Studied Spanish this morning.

Did my brain training.

Enjoyed talking with my buddies Anthony Jacquin in England and Bob Burns in Scotland.

Went to the Post Office to mail a couple of packages and get some stamps.

Picked up some meds for my wife.

I like this logo. It means “Win” in French.

I got my results from exercising in April. That’s a long way I think.

I released a new episode of Verbal Surgery. It’s called “Slippery Push.” It’s excellent.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Blake! Bike! Oak! 5.7.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:06 pm  

I studied Blake last night and this morning. Focused on his illustrative work.

Also looked up where William Blake is buried in London, and who was nearby him notably Daniel Defoe. Both were buried in a pauper’s grave. Defoe‘s book Robinson Crusoe is supposed have been translated into more languages than any other book besides the Bible!

And William Blake is considered one of the most influential poets an artists ever and yet both died in almost complete obscurity and poverty.

I studied Spanish this morning including working on verbs.

Did my brain training.

It was a beautiful day today although cooler than it should be.

Paid all my bills.

Packed up the iPhone holder that I didn’t need to send back to Amazon.

Had a good talk with my buddy Joshua this morning.

Went over to Walmart to pick up my groceries. Took them home and got them all cleaned up. Brought them in the house and put them up.

Went over to the UPS store to drop off the package going back to Amazon.

I continued working on the gap in my oak tree in my backyard. I’m almost to the very top of the gap. I have to do it in stages so that the foam solidifies before I can do the next piece of it.

Rode my bike 15.31 miles today.

Was a great ride with perfect weather. Got a little chilly at the end.

I tried out my new earbuds.

They got super good reviews on Amazon and we’re only about $40. So I was real happy about that.

They sounded great and stayed in my ear perfectly so it was a great addition to my gear.

Listened to Harry Potter and radio from Madrid.

This evening I finished my bathroom caulking project.

This phase was with clear silicone on the edges and corners where the laminate was exposed. I think it’s ready for any water that might come on it on every possible surface. I feel good about that.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Blake! Satellites! Flooring! 5.6.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:32 pm  

William Blake is one of my very favorite poets and illustrators. This morning, I’ve been working through some of his pieces.

Studied Spanish and verbs.

Did my brain training.

Enjoyed listening to my buddy Tito Ruiz. His sermon “Living Hope” was excellent. He speaks in English and then translates into Spanish so it’s excellent practice for me, too.

Had a good time catching some solar radiation in my blue pool. I only stay out 10-15 minutes.

I got all the equipment together to redo the flooring where the linoleum had come away from the wall.

Had a great talk with my buddy Anthony Jacquin. He always cracks me up!

I watched El Dragon this afternoon while I was eating curry.

Tonight, I saw the Starlink satellites for the first time! I use the Starlink app.

They were quite separated compared to the videos that I’ve seen on YouTube and not nearly as bright. They were in a perfectly regular pattern and I saw 28!

It is the full moon tomorrow so it was kind of hard to see them since it was so bright.

I came home and did the caulking for the flooring job. The linoleum had come away from the wall a little bit and I was fixing that.

I enjoyed looking through the illustrations of William Blake tonight. Some of his writing is quite dense and fairly obtuse. I’ve memorized almost all of my favorite pieces. I’m always looking for new material to think about and ponder and memorize.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Spanish! Tripod! Bike! Oak Tree! 5.5.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:26 pm  

I got a new book I’m looking forward to reading. Sounds like it should be fun.

I studied Spanish a lot today.

Was a beautiful day.

Did my brain training.

I got a new tripod for my phone that I can use in my car. It worked great.

Watched El Dragon. It was episode 47 and finale of the first series. That’s listening to nearly 40 hours of Spanish.

I also listened to Radio Garden which is from Madrid and Harry Potter in Spanish as well.

Had a great talk with my Mom today. She’s starting to use the curbside pickup at Walmart and had some questions about it.

Transported squirrel number 102 today.

I biked 15.31 miles.

I wore a shirt without any jacket today while I biked. That’s the first time I’ve done that this year.

I got some wireless EarPods yesterday, but they were missing some parts. So I packed them up to send to Amazon. I dropped them off at UPS near my house.

I trimmed up the excess foam from the Oak tree I’m working on and put the pieces at the top of the gap. On Thursday, I’ll have more of the expanding foam and I’ll fill up the top gap. Once it’s all done, I’ll probably paint that foam brown.

Sliced my finger with my saw. Blood on the foam.

I cleaned my hummingbird feeders today.

Cleaned out all of the bird baths.

I checked on the pine tree that had English ivy growing on it. It seems like my last job hacking all the vines fixed that problem. The English ivy had died all the way up the tree.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Monday, May 4, 2020

Spanish! Bike! Moon! 5.4.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:29 pm  

May the FOURTH be with you!

Studied Spanish.

Worked on verbs.

Watched El Dragon in Spanish.

Had a great talk with my buddy Anthony Jacquin.

Transported squirrel #102.

Rode my bike 10.36 miles.

Beautiful moon today.

Packed up some AirPods to send back to Amazon. They were missing pieces.

Did my brain training this evening.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Groceries! Tree! Bike! 5.3.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:33 pm  

I thought this cartoon would make you feel great!

It was Kevin Kelly‘s birthday recently, he’s one of my heroes. He had some good advice for his birthday.

I read an interesting article about William Blake who is my favorite poet.

I also bought a new book of his.

I studied Spanish and verbs.

Did my brain training.

Had a great talk with my buddy, Anthony Jacquin.

I transported squirrel #101.

I picked up my groceries today from Walmart.

I wear a mask when I go over there.

I clean everything off before I bring them inside.

It was a beautiful, warm day today.

I’m still working on filling up the gap in my oak tree in my backyard.

It’s an on going project. I have to do it, let it dry then do the next level and let it dry. I’m getting closer all the time to filling in the gap.

I rode my bike 8.69 miles today.

I got started kind of late so couldn’t ride as far. I don’t ride when it starts getting dark.

The clouds were magnificent today.

I love the full sun moon.

I am studying more about seeing the Starlink satellites.It was a complete bust last night so I’m not only tracking when I’m doing it but which satellite streams were on there. For instance I was trying to see Starlink three last night. In a couple days I’ll have another chance to see them but this time it will be Starlink five.

I listened to Spanish radio from Madrid.

Also watched El Dragon in Spanish.

Made some lemon squares this evening.

I put some new caulk around my bathroom sink.

Also fixed my fusion razor. Needed a new AAA battery which I got in from Amazon today.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

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