Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Anthony’s Birthday! Bike! Full Sun Moon! 5.2.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:53 pm  

I’m constantly working on titles for my podcast Verbal Surgery. Today I took four cards and wrote the titles that I had not done on just one card.

It’s my best friend’s birthday today. Happy birthday to Anthony Jacquin!

I track things like this in my One Year Bibles. I have two now.

The first one I wore out after 25 years.

Kathy and I tried to see the Blue Angels and Thunderbirds today. Sadly, we didn’t see them because they were too far to our West.

Spent time listening to radio from Madrid, Spain.

Also watched some of El Dragon in Spanish.

It was a gorgeous day today.

I looked forward to seeing the Starlink satellites this evening, but had no luck. I think the people that do the spotting programs are still working out the kinks.

I studied Spanish and did my Duolingo.

I had a 15.25 mile bike ride today.

Gorgeous weather. There was a full sun moon today. Always like that.

Did my brain training this evening.

Tim A. Cummins

Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Friday, May 1, 2020

Anthony! Bike! 5.1.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:57 pm  

Woke up early this morning and studied verbs.

Also did my Duolingo and brain training.

Had a good chat with my buddy Anthony.

Watched some El Dragon in Spanish.

Also listened to radio from Madrid, Spain.

Beautiful day today.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “List-o-mania.” Practical, great tips and how to get more done.

I got my video from John 2 recorded and shared with my buddy Bill Cordrey who is one of our pastors at Rockbridge Baptist Church. I was glad he liked what I did.

I biked 15.37 miles today.

While I was riding somehow my water bottle fell off the bike. Which was weird because I didn’t even notice it! I took the holder from Kathy’s bike and put it on mine.

I listened to more radio from Spain as well as Harry Potter in Spanish.

I recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery today called “Slippery Push.”

That’ll release next week.

Been doing research on microphones to use with my iPhone.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Friday, May 1, 2020

Bubbles! Grandgirls! 4.30.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:21 am  

I did some studying about the Starlink program last night.

Made some lemon squares.

I also studied Spanish verbs.

This morning I studied more Spanish and did my brain training.

It was a cool day today.

The grand girls came over to visit. That’s always fun.

We had a good time with bubbles.

They also had some fun with me in the backyard. We picked up some sticks and I showed them some stuff about trees.

Worked on their hair. Gave Everly a little trim.

Filled up my car with gas after taking them back home to Chamblee.

I ordered some pinwheels for my yard. I always like that.

I tried to see the Starlink satellites tonight. It was too cloudy and it was just a very small chance of seeing it. I should have a better luck a couple days from now.

I created a PDF of the testimony that I gave for the case in London of a friend of mine who got hurt.

I left some voicemails with good friends of mine this evening.

I downloaded some other Starlink apps.

I learned how to record a video into iMovie directly from my Mac Air. That took some work as is typical for most projects. I think it turned out looking pretty good. I’m happy about it. I also used an external Samson mic. Made it sound way better than the computer mic.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Grandgirls! Newsletters! 4.29.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:48 pm  

I love this quote by Alexander Smith. We like people who are like us.

I studied Spanish and did my brain training this morning.

Nine years ago today I was in New York City with some of my best friends and I purchased this slice of brain that was originally from a medical school in New York. It’s at least 70 years old.

The grand girls came to visit with us today.

We had a lot of fun at the goose park.

I decided to figure out what kind of things we could feed geese.

t was a windy day today and made interesting patterns on the water. The same physics creates this type of clouds as well.

The girls love to jump!

I worked on the newsletter labels.

I ordered more labels.

Listened to radio from Madrid and talked with Everly while I was labeling.

Ashley got them in the mail.

I’m involved with a lawsuit against a hotel in London where a friend of mine was injured. I got the testimony done today.

I filled in a survey about non-profits for the University of Auburn.

Fun day although it was a rainy afternoon.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Bike! Newsletters! 4.28.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:22 pm  

I studied Spanish this morning. Spent some extra time working on verbs.

Did my Brain Training.

I released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Fine Vine.”

It’s a good one!

Had a good time talking with my buddy Anthony Jacquin in the UK.

I recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Green Fight.”

Beautiful day here in the ATL.

I went out for a bike ride but just felt tired today for some reason. I cut my bike ride short. I still did 5.96 miles.

I listened to radio from Madrid, Spain while I worked on labeling my Newsletters.

I got everything stuffed and ready to go, but I still need one set of labels and a few stamps. Then I can put them in the mail. Hopefully by tomorrow! I’m running a little bit early but I like to get things done on time.

I look forward to having a grand girls over at my house tomorrow.

Lots of helicopters buzzing our neighborhood this evening. That’s never good.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Monday, April 27, 2020

Newsletters! Bike! Zoom!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:39 pm  

I’m getting excited about seeing the satellites with star link soon! The first time to see things like this are always the most fun.

Here’s what it will look like. Starlink

I studied Spanish and did my brain training.

Worked on cleaning all of the sheets and pillowcases from my bed today.

Worked on printing out the newsletters that Ashley and I do. Printer wasn’t working well and I had to do a cleaning utility several times.

Took them to the church to get printed.

That was the first time I’ve been to my office in weeks. I’ve been taking this quarantine very seriously, except for my bike riding.

I had a fun talk with my buddy Anthony while I was waiting for those to get printed.

I went to Azalea to check on Ashley and her family. I took her the rugs that I cleaned.

The oak tree that I filled with the foam product looks better.

The hole went down about two feet,

Went for a 15.41 mile bike ride today.

Listened to Harry Potter in Spanish and radio from Madrid, Spain.

Beautiful today.

The tree company cut down a bunch of trees in this one neighbor’s yard. There were some big pine trees!

I had a fun zoom conference call with all my brother’s family in Georgetown, Texas. That was a good time.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Grandgirls! Bike! 4.24-25.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:56 pm  

Mild today.

I studied Spanish verbs and did my brain training.

I think this may have been my best ever.

Also watched El Dragon.

Had a great talk with my friend Carl Kraeplin on Wednesday night and buddy Michael Perez and my brother Jim Thursday night.

That was fun.

Talked with my Mom Friday morning.

The grand girls came over Friday afternoon. Great time with them.

Cooked lemon squares.

We went to the park and had a lot of fun. They spent Friday night with us.

It’s Kathy’s birthday today! My gift to her was to start learning to cook. I figured that’s the best present I could give her. She agreed!

Ashley and Miles came over for a short visit.

I went for a 15.75 mile bike ride today. My Runkeeper app stopped when I started listening to radio from Madrid.

I need to make sure I keep it running.

I just had a fun Zoom call with my brother and family living in Texas. That was good.

I still need to study Spanish and do my brain training this evening before midnight to keep my streaks going.

I cleaned some rugs that Ashley had today.

That was pretty hard work.

Worked on repairing and cleaning the Equadorian fedora.

Drying out the oak tree again. Just a little water got through the bags I put up. I’ll work of filling it with foam tomorrow.

Cleaned off the driveway.

Put all the toys up from the overnight stay. Putting some in storage from Ashley’s house.

I also cleaned the stove top. Not the easiest thing either. I used a razor blade for most of it.

Did some other chores around the house like cleaning the glass doors.

Started memorizing the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi.

Productive day. As most of them are!

My little rose bush is blooming. So is my Nepenthese pitcher plant.

I liked this shot of my blue pool.

Rained about a 1/2″ on Friday.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Groceries! Birthday! 4.23.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:59 pm  

Rainy day here in the ATL. Makes the plants happy.

It rained most of the evening. Most of the bad weather went south of us.

I studied Spanish on Duolingo and worked on verbs.

Got the groceries from Walmart.

I always clean everything off before bringing them inside the house. It’s a pretty sophisticated process where they tag the order with a scan code.

It’s Kathy‘s 60th birthday this weekend. Two of her brothers and one of her sisters came over to our house to have a little party. That’s always fun!

I cooked some lemon squares. Delicious!

Had a great talk with my buddy Anthony Jacquin. That’s always a good time.

I recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery today called List-o-mania. It’s a good one to help you get things done.

I still need to do my brain training. I’ll get to it!

Fun day!

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Zoom! Tree! Bike! 4.22.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:19 pm  

I went out last night to see the meteor shower. It was a drought for me. Didn’t see a single one and I stayed out nearly an hour. I usually have better luck with the Leonid and Geminid meteor showers later in the year.

I thought about this poem by WH Auden that I know. I love the “Let the more loving one be ME” line.

It was a beautiful morning today. Expecting big thunderstorms this evening and tomorrow.

I did my Spanish and brain training this morning.

I set up my room in preparation for a big zoom conference call I did today.

I had a great time with the iLab experience that my buddy Anthony Jacquin is leading. My overwhelming humility keeps me from going on and on about how awesome I was. Teehee.

I sealed up the outside of the oak tree that has a hole in it this afternoon before the rain comes in tonight. I’m trying to get it completely dried out before I seal it with foam.

I rode my bike 8.68 miles.

I didn’t go as far as usual because I got a late start and I was afraid it was going to start raining on me.

I cleaned out my rain gauge.

I moved some of my plants so they won’t get caught in the storm.

My little rosebush that I got Kathy for Valentines is growing well.

I cleaned out all of my bird baths.

The raccoons like to sit in this dog water bowl. It’s hilarious to watch them wash their food.

Cleaned outside my door.

Filled the bird seed and suet.

I scrape suet near the base of the tree. Many of the birds can’t grip the tree like others can.

Was a fun and productive day today.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Monday, April 20, 2020

Groceries! Tree! Bike! 4.20.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:35 pm  

I studied Spanish did my brain training this morning.

I had a fun chat with my friend Michelange today.

I watched a great interview with him and my friend Anthony Jacquin this morning.

Picked up my groceries from Walmart curbside service. Totally the way to go.

Cleaned off all of the groceries before I take them inside.

Huge amount of bags. A lot of wastage with that.

I had a little over 2 inches of rain yesterday.

I realized if I poured the rain water through one of my fishnets that it would get most of the detritus out of the water before I stored it. That was a good idea.

I’m working on cleaning out the hole I have an oak tree. I’ve scraped out all of the rotted wood.

Now I’m drying it out.

I’ve got some expanding spray foam coming in.

On my bike ride today I actually found blocks of foam that I could use and then spray the stuff around it. I couldn’t believe I found exactly what I needed on the side of the road!

I trapped squirrel number 100 today.

That’s a lot of squirrels in two years. I haven’t had any more problem with them getting inside the house, I just keep the population down. Normally, I always keep the cage covered so the squirrel doesn’t get too freaked out. I take them to a forest 5 miles from my house and let them go.

I rode my bike 15.73 miles today.

Beautiful weather.

I finished the third book in the Harry Potter series in Spanish today while I was riding.

My little magnolia tree is growing well.

I liked this plate.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

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