Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, September 28, 2019

N. Gwinnett! Plaza Fiesta! Fish! Bike! 9.28.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:32 pm  


Had a fun day with one of my very favorite teams, N. Gwinnett BC!

Took them on Safari to Plaza Fiesta. Grandgirls love it, too!

Took my supplies for The Show back to our storage space.

Then to the missions.

Got home and used Goo Gone to get these stickers off. Worked great!

Decluttered this room. You should have seen it before!

Came home and rode my bike 6.72 miles.

I stopped and made a recording to a friend of mine in Italy.

Beautiful clouds!

Sad morning when I discovered one of my fish had died. Had it over nine years. Not that emotional about it.

I just chucked it in the backyard for something to eat. Circle of life, yo.

Enjoying playing Borderlands 3.
Admin duties now.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Girls! Newsletters! Prep! Bike! 9.27.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:11 pm  

Español and Brain Training!

Fun lunch with the girls!

Got the newsletters folded and in the mail!

Went to the church to set up for The Show Saturday morning.

Listened to radio from Spain on the way home.

Biked 12.81 miles.

Beautiful sky tonight.

Looks like a dragon!

Cleaned my fish tank.

Admin duties now.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Tour! 2 years old! 9.26.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:49 pm  


Printed and dropped off our newsletters to FBC Doraville.

Sounds like me with the grandgirls.

We took a couple from FBC Jonesboro on Safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market, China Town, Asian Square and Plaza Fiesta.

Gail and Robert had a fun time.

Went to the Dollar Tree to pick up supplies for Everly’s party.

We had a fun time.

Listened to Spanish radio on the way home.

Admin duties now.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Grandgirls! 9.25.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:36 pm  

Wednesday I studied Español.

Enjoyed watching the grandgirls.

Took them to the park by FBCD.

Listened to Spanish radio on the way home.

Fixed the trunk on Jess’s car.

Biked 9.35 miles.

Washed my car.

Wrote and produced my newsletter. It’s still difficult to type, so I just did that and didn’t work on the blog.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Podcast! Stamps! Mission! Bike! 9.24.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:04 pm  

Studied Español!

Fun chat with my buddy, Anthony.

Recorded a MUSICAL version of Verbal Surgery! That’s different!

I like having at least two weeks of recordings in the can.

Released a new episode called “Blast from the future!”
Just click on the title and GROOVE!
Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Got my old iPhone in the mail.

Got stamps while I was at the Post Office.

I’m still figuring out things with my Mac, like storage on iCloud versus on my desktop.

Transferred all my stuff from the Mercury back to the Cruiser. I get a lot better mileage with the little car.

Helped the kids at the mission.

This is the dirtiest I’ve ever seen her. Wow.

Rode my bike 8.77 miles. Hard to get longer rides in as night comes earlier each day.

Admin duties now.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Grandgirls! Bike! iPhone! 9.23.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:02 pm  

Studied Español!

Great to have the grand girls with me today!

I zeroed out my old iPhone 7+, removed the SIM card and packed it up to send back to ATT. I’m enjoying my replacement phone!

I biked 14.86 miles.

I saw a dead flying squirrel next to the road. They are tiny!

Beautiful sunset.

Helped Jesse install the new blinds for his room. I’m always trying to teach him how to do home repairs. He’s a fast learner. Both my kids are!

I edited the video I shot for the team on Saturday. Looked good!

Admin duties now.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Westside! Bike! 9.22.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:10 pm  

Went to Westside BC this morning!

Came home and did my brain training and studied Español.

Rode my bike 28.76 miles. A new personal record.

Admin duties now.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Dawson Street! BHFM! Missions! Bike! 9.21.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:29 pm  

Early morning and beautiful at FBC Doraville!

Ashley and I had a fun time with our team from Dawson Street BC from Thomasville, GA!

On Safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market, then to the missions!

Just a reminder!

Deposited checks! Amen!

Rode my bike 8.68 miles when I got home.

Finished setting up my replacement iPhone.

I love my phone! I’m still using the iPhone 7+. Been very happy with it!
Admin duties now.
Still need to study Spanish and do brain training.

I’ll edit the video I shot tomorrow. No big hurry.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Girls! Bike! ISS! Phone!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:27 pm  


Great time with the grand girls!

Fun at the park!

And ice cream!

Got all the gear from our storage room for the team we have in town tomorrow. We will be in the sanctuary.

Went to the bank to deposit checks.

To Walmart for supplies. Needed more name tags.

I think they were asking too much for this pool.

Got home pretty late. Still got a short ride in. It all adds up!

Saw the ISS for the 51st time this evening with Kathy and Jesse.

Still working on setting up my new phone.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Podcast! Mission! Bike! ISS!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:30 pm  


Recorded a new podcast this morning called, “Win Spin!”

Went to my office to check the mail.

To the mission to help the kids. I got there early. Everly was still crashed. Little sweetheart.

Got home and rode my bike 12.84 miles.

Tonight was my 50th viewing of the International Space Station! It’s been a fun hobby.

Admin duties now.

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