Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Walk! PE! Gymnastics! Azalea! Bank! 3.14.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:21 pm  

Paid a bill.

Had a chat with my friend Jon Paul about Whirlwind business.

I’m currently memorizing this song from Juanpalitochinos. I’m using it to teach the grandgirls some Español.

The Overnight package I sent to Rome, GA was four days late. It’s guaranteed so I hope I get my $30 back.




Hiked 2.11 miles.

Decided to call Jon to discuss some plans. I’ve come to the conclusion that Jon vastly prefers a phone call to texting.

Had to add some money to my account.

Had a fantastic conversation with a new friend from Fayetteville, GA. Rusty Woods served in Ethiopia. We resonated. If all goes well, he will be bringing teams over the years. Amen to that.

I picked up the girls at the bus and took them to Taco Veloz.

They did great at gymnastics.

I brought donuts. The Bengalis at Dunkin’ Doughnuts gave me double. Don’t stop the blessings.

Two of the older kids helped some of the younger ones today. What a blessing.

Everly’s beautiful art.

Straightened up the mission and threw away all the trash.

Listened to Don Cheto.

I found a new bank ATM that’s pretty much on my way. Saves some time.

Blew the garage. Beech leaves are the last to fall.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Squirrel! Post Office! PEK! Azalea! 3.13.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:44 pm  



Added suet and cleaned birdbaths.

Caught another squirrel. Released in Lawrenceviile.


Hiked 1.07 miles. Cut my walk short because I wanted to go to the Post Office.

I had four separate packages I was trying to track down. The Ninendo 64 was misdelivered to another 1735 across the river from my house..

I left a note and she called me and said she taped it all back up and took it back to the Post Office to deliver. Hope for better luck this time.

Always studying.

K and I picked up the girls at the bus. Penelope came with us to Waffle House. Everly stayed at the mission with her friend Natalia.

I love their art.

Deposited a check. Thank you, Father!

Gorgeous weather.

Checked the mail at my office.

I got the Whirlwind Missions check book and the last sets of receipts from Ashley. So I consider the job officially transferred back to me. I spent time organizing receipts and deposit slips as well as the bank reports for the time period. I’ll take that to our treasurer soon.

Ashley did a great job of keeping all the financial stuff going for years. Thanks so much, Ash!

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Buck! Azalea! Pink Magnolia! 3.12.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:22 pm  

Just keep going!



My “guaranteed over night delivery” from the Post Office has missed the first day. I did get a notification on the original I sent ten days ago. It’s moving, but hasn’t gotten there yet. These two packages contain my tax stuff for my preparer.

Went to my office to meet a new friend, Buck Burch. He’s the Director of Missions at the Georgia Baptist Convention. He was stationed in Russia for thirteen years. I enjoyed showing him around and introducing to several people from Russia as well as one from Ukraine and Kazakstan. He was like a kid in a candy store. It was super cool to watch.

Beautiful day! It’s what I call “Nakuru” weather.

Good talk with Nana. We discussed Jessi coming to visit her.

Helped the kids at the mission. I was there till 7:30 PM explaining algebra to one of my high schoolers. I didn’t realize it was that late because it was so bright outside.

I added mulch to my Pink Magnolia at Azalea.


Checked the mail again. It sometimes comes really late.

Got a whistle for K.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Taxes! PE! Azalea! Pink Magnolia! Bank! 3.11.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:24 pm  

We have a very lively HOA, although we don’t have any mandatory fees.


I came in #1 last week.

Hiked 1.46 miles.

Added oil to my quart of oil from my big container.

I talked with my tax guys today. The main boss’s wife is the admin person. She emailed me some forms that I needed to complete my taxes. I thought I had a copy of all that stuff, I was shocked when the stuff wasn’t there. Not sure what I was thinking. Probably trying to save printer ink. I should have shot everything with my iPhone.

Had a counseling session with my buddy Dan Perez today. He need a shot of Mr. Tim in his life.

Still trying to track down my taxes (even though I went ahead and spent the money to overnight it) as well as the Nintendo 64 that never arrived. The USPS said they delivered it on Friday. It wasn’t there.

I like the sound of this.

Transported another squirrel from my house to Chamblee.

I picked up the girls at the bus and we went to the Post Office to overnight my taxes to my tax guys.

The girls and I went over to PDK airport to have lunch.

Helped the kids at the mission.

I was delighted to see the Pink Magnolia that I planted at the mission flowering! Fabulous!

Went to my office to check the mail. GREAT to see the check from FBC Aberdeen! They will be coming here for a week the end of March.

Listened to Don Cheto. I got a lot of it today.

Left a voicemail for Nana.

Heard this word today from the podcast.

Went to the bank to deposit money. PTL.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Español! Walk! Plants! 3.10.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:09 pm  

Close. Still pushing.

I’ve been using the song “Una Vez Mas” to teach the grandgirls some Spanish.



Sharp-shinned Hawk.

Hiked 2.87 miles.

Just around the corner!

I’m enjoying this book.

Watered my plants. The succulents I’ll wait to water till next week.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Podcast! Dune 2! Groceries! 3.9.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:42 pm  

Had a fun talk with my buddies Anthony and Marcus in Brighton, UK last night. Fun to chat about good times in the past when we traveled together.

Worked hard.


I’m not a big fan of the USPS right now. I’m waiting on the delivery of three items. Yesterday, they said they delivered one of my packages but it was nowhere to be found.


I keep canceling subscriptions from political groups.

Took a squirrel to Stone Mountain park to release it.

I saw Dune today. It should have been edited more. It had a running time of 2 hours and 44 minutes. Many slow spots. B minus at best for me. I was pretty disappointed by it.


Got my groceries.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Between a Rock and a Hard Place.” Excellent.

I reckon I’ll come in #1 tomorrow. We’ll see.

Friday, March 8, 2024

PE! Doctor! Evergreen! 3.8.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:57 pm  



Beautiful day.

Didn’t know this one.


Still doesn’t say it’s been delivered. That’s not zesty.


Everly made a little man with a acorn hat.

Took J to the doctor with the girls.

Took the girls on Safari around the shopping center. She loves strawberry. It’s kind of a running joke that whatever plushie she gets the first name is always “strawberry.”

That’s my girls!

How’s this possible?

The girls like moss.

Went to Publix to drop off J’s prescriptions.


Took the girls swimming at Evergreen. The inside pool was pretty warm. Amen.

Took the girls out to eat. We went to the German Bakery but got some bad news!

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Surgery! Bank! PE! Park! 3.7.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:03 pm  



Went to my dentist today. I had a cleaning. The nurse said my teen looked really good. She still scraped my gums sore. I saw my dentist was named best in Georgia. He’s really good! He cut open my gum and installed a metal peg into my implant. In a couple of weeks or so, they’ll call me and I’ll come back over and the crown will be put on and the mission will be complete! Amen! Over a year waiting to get it all done.

Listened to Don Cheto.

Went to the bank to deposit checks. Processed them. Emailed a copy to me and my treasurer, Jon Paul. I’m making a transition between Ashley and me taking care of the business stuff.

Went by Stone Mountain to check out if the inside pool was open at Evergreen Hotel. It was! The girls and I will go over there tomorrow.

Always great to have the girls around.

We went to the Goose Park to play.


Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Walk! Reservations! PE! Azalea! K’s Form! 3.6.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:34 pm  

Just keep going. Amen.

Listened to Don Cheto last night with headphones on. Getting more all the time.



Long pants weather.

3″ of rain. Substantial.

Hiked 1.22 miles.

Trapped and transported another squirrel.

I’ll be speaking at FBC Doraville soon.

Filled out a reservation form for the FBC Doraville fellowship hall.

Took some doughnuts to the mission.

Helped the kids with their homework.

Everly loves to set up an area. She came up to me and said, “How do I spell welcome all?” So cute.

Mr. Wilson from Kathy’s job sent this information to me so I could fill out this grant application.

Took me about an hour to fill out the multiple forms in the correct format (pdf).

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Taxes! Notary! Bank! PEK! Azalea! 3.5.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:32 pm  

Keep pushing.


Put a call into my dentist. I’m still good to go for my cleaning and crown attachment on Thursday.

Drizzly/rainy weather pretty much all day long.

Tried to walk twice, but drizzle kept stopping me.

I’ve been tracking my packet of taxes that I mailed to my tax guys. I got it certified and priority mail. After I had it mailed, I tracked it multiple times, but it always said only that my big envelope had been accepted at my local Post Office. They said not to worry. That “3 Day” Priority Mail, really didn’t mean much more than regular mail. I was shocked by that.


Working on dates.

I have a meeting with one of my board members, Pat Barrington tomorrow. I’ll meet her at the Hot and Cold restaurant.

I really got upset watching that stupid squirrel eat the blooms off my Pink Magnolia. I decided to start trapping them again. Maybe the new ones one won’t attack my trees. I cover my live trap with a towel to keep the animal calm.

Took K to the UPS store to get a document notarized for a grant she’s up for.

Big rainy weather patterns made walking to the car a hassle.

K came with me today. We took the girls out to Waffle House.

Deposited a check. Thank you, Father!

Beauty in the rain drops.

Kathy helped me with the kids’ homework.

I got the last of the Thank You notes to the supporters in the mail.

Never too much Ashley.

Went to my office to check the mail.

Took a picture of the notarized affidavit to send in to the grant people.

Still gathering information.

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