Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Journey! DDay! Plaza Fiesta! China Town! Bike! 5.30.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:49 pm  


Brain Training!


Great time with the team!

“It’s up to ME!”

Signing the Landing Pad.

Plaza fiesta!

Love my girls!

China Town!

Over 3,000 signatures on the Landing Pad now! Started in 2013!

Ashley wrote some cards for me to give to the managers for next week.

I was low on gas and got $5.00 worth. The gas near my house is nearly .20 cheaper!

Took me about an hour to go by the complexes.

Also deposited checks into the bank.

Then to Azalea to see how the teams were doing.

Biked 12.29 miles.

Beautiful clouds.

Admin duties now.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Journey! Global Mall! Red Thread! Al Madina! 5.29.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:51 pm  


Beautiful Full Sun Moon when I got to the church this morning.


Napenda Yeshua!

Rabbi Tim!

Ashley explaining the Red Thread Ceremony.

Titus and John!

Fashion Show!

Red Thread!

Verbal Surgeon!

On Safari to Global Mall!


Shiv Mandir!

Had a fun chat with Anthony. Amit and Marcus were also there as well as their host in India, Pradeep.

Safari to Al Madina.

The team helped me get the newsletters labeled and ready to mail!

Got more copy paper for our friends at FBC Doraville. They’ve been great to help us make the copies of our newsletter!

Biked 12.45 miles. Great to have steady, daily effort! I got home earlier today because the kids were doing water games. I get upset if my camera or phone gets wet, so I tell everybody “Howdy!” and exit stage left. It’s one of my limitations!

Admin duties now.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Journey! Asian Square! Missions! Bike! 5.28.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:11 pm  

Brain Training! Español!

Launch yo self!

Penelope getting with the program.

Ashley and I enjoyed briefing the team on Hinduism and Buddhism! She is so beautiful!

Raja mode.

China Tim.

I crack myself up.

At Penang!

Teaching about Chi and Chinese natural medicine.

They’ve been a fun team!

They’re doing a great job at the missions.

After getting the team to their second site, I went to Rockbridge Baptist Church to drop off our financial report.

Got home and went for a 14.84 mile bike ride.


Admin duties now.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Journey Church! BHFM! AZ & CC! Bike! 5.27.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:31 pm  

Brain Training!


Great time with our team from Journey Church in Alabama!
Launch Yourself!

Elephant bird egg!

Great to have K with us!

Never too much Ashley!

Nor Penelope!

Ash is great at The Show!

Love me some Everly!

On Safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market!

They’re doing a great job a the missions!

Deposited checks at the bank. AMEN!

Rode my bike 9.89 miles. Felt great.

Worked on the chrome handlebars of my bike. Trying to get the rust off.

Looks better!

Admin duties now.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Westside! Media! Bike! Groceries! 5.26.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:57 pm  


Brain Training and Español!

I liked this poem by Corinna Luyken called My Heart. I read about it on a blog I subscribe to called Brain Pickings.

I wrote her and she almost immediately wrote back. That’s always fun.

I put it on a series of notecards to work on while I’m driving and riding on my bike.

Went to Westside BC for our Memorial Day service.

Helped a friend contact my host where I stayed in Toronto.

Worked on my social media feeds. Twitter is my version of sermon notes

Added a new episode of Verbal Surgery to my list of material that has yet to be released.

Put together the skeleton of my calendar for June.

I like to keep track of when I release large email blasts. I’m always working on getting new churches to come serve with us as well as contacting our supporter base. You don’t get financial support unless you ask!

Went for a 21.90 mile bike ride.

I should have started earlier, but I thought it’d be too hot. It was very pleasant after 6pm.


Got cleaned up and went to Walmart to get groceries. Always something!

Admin duties now.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Grandgirls! Indian Wedding! 5.25.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:40 pm  


I woke up to see this picture from the grandgirls. What a blessing these two are to me!


Brain Training.

Talked with my buddy, Anthony.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Sun Shy.” Excellence.
Transported squirrel #64. Will it ever end? Probably not until the winter. . .
K and I watched the grandgirls while Ash and Miles went to the swimming pool. I brought out my little pool and filled it up with water. I sat in it and had fun with the girls. I also had my water hose spray gun which could make mist which the girls loved. As did K! No pictures when there’s water involved!

Went in China Mode to the Indian Wedding this evening.

Beautiful couple.

I was there for the ring celebration which makes the couple officially engaged.

Baharat is a great guy. I really felt like I had known him for years. He made me feel so welcome! Kathy had a fun time, too.

Fun day!

Admin duties now.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Anthony! Girls! Bike! 5.24.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:12 pm  


Brain Training!


I released Verbal Surgery -663- “The Big Want.”
Know what you want and life and GET IT! Click on the title and feel good, NOW!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook and Twitter.

My African violets are gorgeous!

Fun chat with my buddy Anthony. He looked like he was staring at the Lord in this shot.

Had a fun lunch with Ashley and the grand girls. Then took the little ones to Plaza Fiesta–briefly. It was too crazy there. I couldn’t keep track of them properly, so I left. Schools out, chaos now. We had a fun time at the frozen yogurt place!

Took the girls home then went to the church to set up for The Show. The room went this–

To this–

Took me almost exactly two hours. Not bad!
Rushed home to get on my bike. 14.84 miles in.

Incredible clouds.

Admin duties now.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Grandgirls! Bike! 5.23.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:10 pm  


Spent time Brain Training.

Had fun with the grand girls! Kathy came, too!

Never seen anything like this before.

We ate lunch at the Downwind restaurant at the PDK airport, then played on the swings. It was too hot to stay there for very long. Tuckered Everly out!

Enjoying reading the Art of Learning.

Everly is such a sweet heart. I put a piece of chocolate on my lips and she’d kiss it away. So sweet.

Got a late start. Still rode for a little over an hour. 11.34 miles.

Beautiful clouds!

Admin duties now.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Orchids! Newsletter! Mike! Bike! 5.22.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:13 pm  


Brain Training!

I keep moving forward in Español.

My orchids continue to blow me away with their beauty.

I love my green room!

My gardenias are also blooming. Love the smell!

Went to the Post Office to mail a package to my friend Mike Mandel in Canada. Also got stamps for the newsletters. My Post Office is being remodeled. I went to this one instead.

I’m enjoying the book The Art of Learning.

I put more of my carnivorous plants outside to get a snack.

I wrote and produced my newsletter.

Labels for the envelopes.

Had a good chat with my buddy, Marcus Lewis. He’s working on a promo for his trip to India and wanted some feedback.

Captured and released another squirrel. Seems endless. I think this was #61.

Went for an 18.40 mile bike ride. It was terrific.

This is one of the coolest species of mycelium I’ve seen in a while. Optic yellow!

Beautiful clouds.

It was almost dark when I got home. I cut my ride short to make sure I was still visible.

I rode past Parkview High School, which was a mistake since the place was packed because of the Graduation Ceremony this evening. It was still fun to see everyone dressed up.

Cleaned and refilled my hummingbird feeders.

Sent an email to the Youth Directors who have worked with us over the last several years. Included the second chapter from my book Story Tim called “Lion Chow.”

Admin duties now.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Jesse! John Wick! Bike! 5.21.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:29 pm  


Brain Training.


Released Verbal Surgery -662- “Bad Views!”

Your perspective has a giant influence on your happiness! Click on the title and feel good, NOW!

Link on Facebook and Twitter feeds.

Cleaned my fish tank.

Deposited checks for Whirlwind.

Got the groceries!
Saw this fire hydrant. Groovy!

Decided to take a dip!

Got my new external battery in. I still can’t find my big one that I took to the Amazon with me. Sad face.

I took some of my carnivorous plants outside to our compost box to get some bugs.

Jesse and I went out for lunch and to see the new John Wick movie. It’s very intense and uber violent, but we loved it.

Got home and rode my bike 14.77 miles.

Admin duties now.

I also packed up a little gift to Mike Mandel who was my host in Toronto. I think he’ll like it.

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