Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Thunderstorms! Fish! Oil! Linda! 6.8.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:37 pm  

Brain Training!

Tremendous thunderstorms rolled through the ATL today. Reminded me of one of my favorite passages that I quote daily. Psalms 68:33-35.


On the weekends, I study Hebrew.

I heard from my mentor Fred Sorrells today. He’s always doing amazing things for the Lord. I met a new friend this week at Ashiana’s at Global Mall. He’s a director of a hospital back in India that does work with paraplegics. I thought Fred might like to get in touch with him.

I’m adding a new part to my morning routine. I always lift light weights and stretch. After watching The Peaceful Warrior movie, I’m adding a yoga/martial arts routine created by Dan Millman, the main character in the movie and an Olympic gold medalist in gymnastics. I used to do Tai Chi regularly, but my knees gave me problems. Since riding the bike, my knees are a lot better and I hope that this exercise will be great for me. The whole routine takes about four minutes.

I went to Moes for lunch and afterwards went to Nemo’s fish shop. I like to look at the fish sometimes. The coral is also awesome.

Art by God.

After lunch, I called my buddy Bob Burns in Scotland. He’s always a hoot.

During that call, I received another call from my friend Jon Paul, which I sent to voicemail.
After I hung up with Bob, I listened to the voice mail and to my horror the message said that Jon’s wife, Linda, had died yesterday! I was in complete shock by this news and immediately went to Jon’s house where all his children had already gathered. We talked for a couple of hours. Incredible how fragile life is. I learned that lesson so thoroughly when I shot news for all those years.

I was looking for some Bible verses that I had learned and written on cards and I came up with this business card. SMP is the new owner of Cumberland Courts. I know we’ve had work at Bedford Park, so I hope that we can continue to work at CC as well. It’s my favorite after Azalea.

Went to Walmart to get some oil for Kathy’s truck. Turns out that the kind that I had 5w-30 would work just fine. I had to ask the folks at the auto parts store to make sure.

Paid bills. I had to use about half my savings to zero out my MasterCard bill. I know I have money coming from my mileage and as a reimbursement for my Amazon expenditures for Whirlwind.

My PC is not acting right. I’ve been using my Mac for months, but from time to time still do work on it. I produce the newsletter on it. I continue to shift jobs over to the Mac. I’m talking with Jesse to figure out how to copy all the information on the PC onto an external hard drive in case it completely stops working. The video card seemed to be acting up last night. Never good.

Admin duties now.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Geese! Groceries! John Wick! 6.7.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:53 pm  


I got ten hours last night. Felt great.

Half inch of rain last night.

Cleaned and refilled my hummingbird feeders.

Another bird guy.

My front left tire has a slow leak. I pumped it up again.

Love these geese. I’ve watched them grow up.

Deposited checks.

Got groceries.

Saw John Wick Parabellum again this night. I’ve really enjoyed that franchise. Not for everyone, though.

Admin duties now. Been a fun day. Wish I could’ve gotten a bike ride in but too wet.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

DDay! Plaza Fiesta! Prep! 6.6.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:00 pm  



Never too much Ashley!

Golden Egg of Eggcellence!

Scott was awesome this week!

Mariachi mode!

Did it work? I’ve gotten a lot of mileage off that bit!

GREAT to see our buddy, Rob Martin today!

Glad Kathy got to come today!

Part of our Dedication Day is an anointing of oil from the Holy Land. I love Rabbi Tim the most.

Love my little partners!

Signing the Landing Pad. Over 3,000 signatures!

Fun time at Plaza Fiesta!

The team from FBC Jonesboro did a terrific job singing today and all week!

Eyes on the Prize!

The team dropped off my chairs plus these metal ones. Hate those heavy things. I took them back to their van and left them. Somebody will be missing them for sure! Just not me.

Put up about thirty chairs, swept the fellowship hall and stashed all the valuables I don’t like left out.

I’ll map the whole place when the last team of July is finished.

We’re ready for the next team!

Prayed over and anointed the Red Threads in prep for the team!

Admin duties now.

I still need to edit video and release a new episode of Verbal Surgery this evening.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

FBC Jonesboro! Global Mall! Al Madina!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:43 pm  


Great time with the teams!

Red Thread Ceremony.

On Safari to Global Mall!


Singing in the Shiva Mandir.

Al Madina!

Transported a squirrel this morning.

Deposited checks.

To the missions!

Great concert tonight at Pearl Lane!

Got home about 9:30pm.
Admin duties now.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Jonesboro Front Line! Asian Square! Concert! 6.4.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:05 pm  

I had a word from the Lord yesterday about this verse. It is the essence of what I do: “Seek Him, Find Him.” Amen. This will be a phrase I will use a lot in the future. It will be up there with “Take the Church, To the People!” and “Best Day Ever!”

Released Verbal Surgery -666- “Feeling Logical!”

Train your brain with this excellent episode! Click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded episode to my server.

Brain Training.


Great time with the team!

Raja mode.

Lunch at Penang!

Kenny really did a great job at Penang.

Never too much Ashley!

On Safari to Asian Square.

Great job at the missions!

The choir sounded fantastic.

Got gas on the way home.

Admin duties now.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Team! BHFM! Concert! 6.3.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:12 pm  

Brain Training and Español! Hit 300!

Fun time briefing the team!

One day I will hit that ceiling.

Rocking the gringos!

My two little partners! Penelope said, “Pop Pop, your hands are wet!” Sweating for the Lord, child.
Elephant Bird Egg.

Flash of insight.

Ashley, the magnificent!

Señor Tim, so quiet, so sedate.

Brain Training with the team.

On Safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

They did a great job singing there!

Terrific at the missions!

And at the concert at Azalea!

Deposited checks. Amen!

Didn’t get home till after 9pm.
Admin duties now.
Still need to memorize names for tomorrow!

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Editing! Jacquins! Bike! 6.2.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:32 pm  

I stayed up late last night making sure I got the video I shot edited and uploaded so I could send my final email to the Youth Director.


Brain Training this morning.

I’m always looking stuff up.

I liked this piece from the email I get from Kevin Kelly.

And this from “Brain Pickings” about Oliver Sacks on gardens. I so agree!

I’m interested in world city weather.


I love my orchids! Can you believe the size of this flower?

Phalaenopsis are my favorites and are extremely hardy.
A kid’s poem I like.

I had a good chat with Anthony and his dad, Freddy today. Fun! They are headed to India Monday morning!

A mushroom in my yard.

I rode my bike 14.16 miles this afternoon.

I had every intention of doubling that distance! Then this changed my plans.

I beat the thunderstorm home by mere minutes!

I enjoyed watching the Peaceful Warrior this evening. Resonated with that for sure.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

N. Gwinnett! Landing Pad! Asian Square! China Town! Bike! 6.1.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:48 pm  


Brain Training!


Great time with the team!

Signing the Landing Pad! Over 3,000 signatures!

Penang for lunch! Yumbo!

Indeed it does.

Here’s a group of them!


China Town!



Set up 50 chairs for The Show! Can’t wait!

Spent time organizing all the carrying cases. First day, name tags, long life paper, markers for name tags. Third and Final day, “Think Thanks” and “Card of Intent” with pens. Landing Pad permanent Markers. They were in a big mess. I got another 40 markers from the Dollar Tree for the first day.

I also straightened out the closet and fixed the roll around clothes hanging device. I used wire so that the bottom wouldn’t come off any more. That used to really aggravate me.

I do a lot of costume changes.

I also rewired the lights at the back of the room, so now I only have to turn off a plug instead of crawling under the tables and plugging/unplugging into the wall.

Prepped the Rachel’s Tree of Love with the 50 Red Threads. Prayed over and anointed with oil from the Holy Land.

It looks beautiful with the light and the black background.

I’ve had my Red Thread since I was in Jerusalem!

Went to the bank to deposit checks. Amen!

Dollar Tree for the markers I needed.

I was pretty tired today. I “left it on the field” as coach would say. I still managed to ride for an hour, which is my minimum goal.

Loved the clouds

Admin duties now.

Friday, May 31, 2019

Editing! Groceries! Grandgirls! 5.31.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:15 pm  


Brain Training!


Released Verbal Surgery -665- “Sips and Chugs.”

Get more out of life and feel good, NOW with this over the top edition! Click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

I also added a couple more outlets for my podcast.

Edited and uploaded the video I shot for Journey Church to YouTube today.

Sent the final email to the team with all the photo galleries and the link to the video. After that’s sent, I consider the team completed.

Filled my car up with gas and noticed that the radiator fill tank was a bit low.

Had to got to an auto parts store to get the correct liquid. Walmart didn’t carry it.

Had fun chatting with folks around the world, including my best friend Anthony Jacquin.

Also called Bob Burns in Scotland and Mike Mandel in Canada.

Got supplies at Walmart.

I liked the sound of this.

I took Kathy to the doctor to have her Echo Cardio Gram explained. She has a swollen left ventricle due to high blood pressure. Doctor didn’t seem to concerned about it. They always mention losing weight. It’s the obvious answer to the problem.

Went to FBC Doraville to check on the mail. Quite a few checks! Amen!

Had a great time with the grand girls. Took them swimming. Was super glad Kathy came to help. It’s a very intensive job. The water meant I didn’t take camera/phone. Same reason I don’t hang out with the kids during water play. I’m super careful about my tech.

Just got back from Ashley’s house. She did a wonderful job at the fashion show. Not surprised. She’s gorgeous.

Admin duties now.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Journey! DDay! Plaza Fiesta! China Town! Bike! 5.30.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:49 pm  


Brain Training!


Great time with the team!

“It’s up to ME!”

Signing the Landing Pad.

Plaza fiesta!

Love my girls!

China Town!

Over 3,000 signatures on the Landing Pad now! Started in 2013!

Ashley wrote some cards for me to give to the managers for next week.

I was low on gas and got $5.00 worth. The gas near my house is nearly .20 cheaper!

Took me about an hour to go by the complexes.

Also deposited checks into the bank.

Then to Azalea to see how the teams were doing.

Biked 12.29 miles.

Beautiful clouds.

Admin duties now.

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