Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

New Home! Global Mall! Al Madina! Missions! Bike! 6.19.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:17 pm  

I’m enjoying my Wobble Board.

Brain Training.


Fun time with the teams at The Show!

Took them outside today!

Always great to have the girls around!


Napenda wewe! (I love YOU!)

Ashley looked fantastic today.

Rabbi Tim.

Discussing the Tetragrammaton, or the name of the Lord. Yod Heh Vov Heh.

Red Thread Ceremony.

Global Mall!



I liked this a lot.

Shiv Mandir!

Never too much Penelope!

To the missions!

Got groceries.

Took our Financial Report to Rockbridge BC.

Went for an 8.77 mile bike ride. Cut short because I got home late and it was getting dark. Safety first!

Beautiful clouds!

Admin duties now.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

New Home! Asian Square! 6.18.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:01 pm  

Brain Training!


I read an interesting article on neurotransmitters in the Wall Street Journal today.

The weather was supposed to be super rainy this afternoon, so I cancelled The Show to get to the missions.

We ate at Penang and then went to Asian Square!

I got an interesting new paper good from CD Tower today.

Then to the mission at New Peachtree.

To the bank to deposit a check. Amen!

Got gas on the way home.

Transported squirrel #70 today. Yow!

I don’t see it slowing down until the winter. They seem to be very mobile in the warm seasons. I just keep taking them to the forest.

Too rainy to ride.

Enjoyed making some bubbles.

Admin duties now.

Monday, June 17, 2019

New Home! BHFM! Missions! 6.17.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:12 pm  

Brain Training!


Bills in the mail!

Great time with our team from New Home BC in AL.

Kathy came to help today.

My little bird egg.

Ashley is always awesome!

On Safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

What color are bananas?

Don’t see this every day. In the bathroom at the church.

To the missions!

Got some groceries and a new printer for the mission.

Got home late. Looked like it was going to rain, so no bike ride today. 🙁

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Flowers! Bike! 6.16.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:12 pm  

I didn’t sleep much last night. Finally crashed out around 2:30am. Sometimes it’s hard to turn my brain off.


Blast from the past, eight years ago!

Fatter and darker mustache!
Jesse and I went to see Dark Phoenix today. We both really liked it. Further proof the critics don’t know what they’re talking about.

I transported squirrels #67 & #68 today. I just keep taking them and more keep coming.

Watered my flowers, which are just gorgeous.

This flower is nearly the size of a child’s hand.

My garden. How I love my green friends.

Cleaned my fish tank.

Sent mass emails to my supporter list and to my list of Youth Directors.

Rode my bike 16.76 miles. Wonderful time this evening.

These goslings always remind me of dinosaurs.

I get feelings about things. I thought I see a dead copperhead, and sure enough I did. One reason I feed the raccoons and opossums is because they kill the young ones in my yard.

It was such a delight to ride this evening. Really was perfect weather.

Admin duties now.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Bob! Bike! 5.15.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:05 am  

Brain Training!


Released Verbal Surgery -669- “Me, Myself and PIE!”
We are what we say to ourselves! So ingest all the sweetness your brain can handle! Click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server.

Promoted it through my social media.

Did the shopping at Walmart. I thought this sign was interesting.

Caught and released squirrel #67.

I thought this was an interesting sticker. Also that someone tried to scratch it off.

Went to the Funeral Reception for Bob Mitchell. It was a lot happier time than at Linda Paul’s house.

Went on a 12.08 mile bike ride. Flowers were beautiful.

Absolutely gorgeous moon.

Great talk with Jesse this evening.

Admin duties now.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Prattville! Asian Square! China Town! 6.13.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:20 pm  

Sleep! Getting much less than normal.

Brain Training.


Great time briefing the team!

Rocking out!

Little partner!


Buddhism today.

China Tim!

Red Thread Ceremony.

Lunch at Penang!

Hoa Da for Cobra in a Jar.

On Safari to Asian Square and China Town.

This one was new for me at CD Tower.

Lotta Buddhas.

Serenity Garden at China Town.

Deposited checks. Amen!

To the missions!

Rode 16.90 miles on my bike.

My Indian name is Full Sun Moon. Beautiful this afternoon.

I thought these polypores were cool.

Beautiful bark.

Admin duties now.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

FBC Prattville! BHFM! 6.12.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:55 pm  

Great time with our team from Prattville, AL today! Took them on Safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

We had a visit from the Hickle family today! GREAT to see them, too!

Our team is doing a terrific job at the missions.

We only had a high of 80 degrees today. Shocking! Very cloudy. I got home around 7:30 pm. Seemed like it was going to get dark early, so I didn’t ride my bike.

Admin duties now.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Grandgirls! Norths! 6.11.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:03 pm  

Released a new episode Verbal Surgery -668- “Greener Grass!”

We feel like we do primarily because of who we compare ourselves to! Click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server and link on Facebook.

I uploaded some material to my Twitter feed last night and noticed that I had recently gone over 20,000 of my proverbs! Wow! And nearly 75,000 followers!

Brain Training this morning.


After all the rain, lots of mushrooms!

Had fun with the grandgirls today!

They are strong climbers.

As is kudzu.

Family time!

Evie and I had fun in my car.

We went to the PDK airport to eat lunch and have fun with Ian and Ruthie North and their awesome children.

Sure do love these guys!

And my little sweethearts!

My little partner!

Deposited checks.

Gassed up my car.

I got a balance board today. I thought it might be fun and another skill set to master.

Didn’t ride today. Looked like it might rain.

I weighed in this morning at 165 lbs. Lowest in probably 30 years. I feel absolutely terrific.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Linda! Bike! 6.9.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:13 pm  



Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “KNOWmentum.” Excellent.

Went to FBC Lilburn for Linda Paul’s funeral. Her death was so unexpected. Very sad. I cried a lot.

This reminded me of a spiral nebula.

Funeral mode.

Kathy and I went to see Rocketman today. It was very good, but two hours of watching someone self destruct was pretty hard.

Biked 12.79 miles.

Beauty surrounds me.

Can you see the rainbow smudge?

Admin duties now.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Westside! Bike! 6.919

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:32 pm  

Rained nearly 3″ yesterday.


I enjoyed this article on William Blake, perhaps my favorite poet.

Brain Training.

Reviewed where these passages were located. I knew the scripture, just was fuzzy on which went with which.

And this section from Seth Godin’s blog.


Today is June 9th. That means I have been taking cold showers for two months straight! Last week, I was with the grand girls and gave them a hot shower. I got in there with them and felt like I was being cooked. I never, ever, thought I’d get into cold showers, but I have.

I also weighed in at 167 lbs, which is about what I weighed when I got married 33 years ago. Feel great!
Went to Westside this morning.

Pastor Ben spoke on evangelism and the needs of the lost and the promises of God from Psalms 91.

I liked this passage from The Art of Learning by Josh Waizkin. He was a chess and Tai Chi champion.

I thought about these blue morphos when I was in the Amazon jungle today.

And these quotes from Tim Ferris’ newsletter.

I had a friend of mine in the Philippines suggest getting into Will Eisner’s art. I got a couple of graphic novels he did. Looking forward to them!

I love NYC!

And optical illusions!

I enjoy Jim Carrey’s ideas.

My wisteria seems to be doing well.

Finally stopped raining! Enjoyed getting Black Beauty back on the road.

Rode 17.68 miles.

I usually take something to study.

I biked down Puckets to see what the road work was doing. The road is blocked off to through traffic.

Admin duties now.

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