Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Bike! Grandgirls! Captain Marvel! 3.22-23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:51 pm  

Whenever I watch the grand girls it always seems like one long day. So the blog reflects that!

Friday, I practiced with the Muse.

Studied Spanish.

Although I’ve gotten all the categories to Level One, I’m now working through them all into Level Two. Duolingo added about forty categories as well as going through the 4th level. When you get to the higher levels there are also more sections in each. Working 15 minutes a day will probably take years to completely master. There are 109 categories in all! I have quite a few of them at level three. Those were the original categories. Spanish is one of the most popular of the languages Duolingo teaches.

Released Verbal Surgery -646- “Slippery Friction.”

Progress! Click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Practiced my Hebrew letters. I’ve been doing that every Sabbath.

The Azaleas are looking like they are ready to pop!

Recorded “Trust in the Wind.” It’s a new favorite. I’m about six weeks ahead for releasing new episodes.

Went for a 15.84 mile bike ride.

Gorgeous Spring day!

Once I got home, I put some new screws into our mail box. It was getting kind of wobbly.

I picked up the girls from Miles and Ashley at Northlake Mall, which is a good half way spot. We walked around the fair there and had supper at Chic-fil-a.

Went to watch Ashley play baseball at Kelley Cofer Park. Her game started later than we thought, so I went on home with the girls.

We were just in time to see the ISS fly over head when we got home!

It marked my 45th sighting!

It’s always a great time to spend the night with the girls! They are such a huge blessing and are only getting better. SO glad that Penelope was feeling better!

We went to sleep about 10:30 pm. They woke up several times during the night, but we slept in until about 9:30 am. So I consider that really good!

Saturday morning!

Penelope ate really well. Especially the egg and cheese.

We spent about three hours at the park. Everly loves to swing!

One of the families was having a birthday party. Penelope always expects cake! I had to explain to them my predicament that even if we weren’t invited she expects a treat. They shared their cupcakes. P wasn’t particularly impressed. She’s so funny sometimes.
“I know they have cake, PopPop!”
“Baby, I’m telling you, all they had was cupcakes and cut apples and some grapes.”
She couldn’t believe they had a birthday, and sang the birthday song without cake.
They really only eat the icing anyway.

Everly couldn’t ask, but she could hold out her hand and look sweet. Pretty much always works.

Lots of fun stuff to play with.

Cool planes today. Awesome contrails. Atmosphere has to be perfect to see two perfect contrails.

Set of fighter jets!

We came home from the park and played with Playdoh until Dad got there.

After the grandgirls were gone, I studied Spanish.

Had a nap.

J and I went to see Captain Marvel. We both really liked it.

Thanos is in for some serious trouble now!
Picked up some groceries.

Came home to put them up and catch up on admin duties.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Bill! Bike! Batting! Mission! 3.21.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:16 pm  

I studied Espanol around 3:30am. Didn’t sleep that great last night.

Called Bill Cordrey this morning. He’s the President of the Board for Whirlwind Missions. He is one of the Pastors at Rockbridge BC. He certainly helped me feel better. Sometimes I just need someone to talk with. I need that a lot, but normally just do that with a tape deck.

I’m trying to get back into having some quiet time with the Muse. Helps me to quieten my brain.

Biked 10.44 miles. It was very windy and kind of chilly.

I ordered a bike seat for Kathy’s bike which Jesse is going to start using. We are getting it tweaked up and ready to go. I took the seat over for them to install when they do the rest of the stuff.

It’s one of the few bike shops left. They are super busy right now tuning up a lot of bikes.

Deposited checks. Thank you, Lord!

Called Mr. Richard to check on getting some new tires on Ashley’s truck.

We distributed the fruit bags that I got from Rockbridge Baptist Church last night. They were very popular!

We gave Ashley some more batting practice today. Her first game is Friday night!

Flower girl!

Reading Atomic Habits.

I sent a small gift to one of our supporters in Mississippi–he’s a fan of Major Grey’s Chutney. Doubt they have that anywhere in the whole state!
Admin duties now.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Perimeter! Mission! Carnivores! 3.20.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:33 pm  

Studied Spanish!

The mother website for our ministry renewed today. It is my masterpiece and contains decades of work.

I get notifications from NASA when the ISS is visible! I’ll probably go out and spot it before I’m finished with this blog post!

I’m trying to get back into the habit of meditating every day. I spend at least an hour in prayer, but this is just being quiet.

Some days when I have big things going on, especially when they’re emotionally difficult, I’ll cut my hair. Helps me have perspective somehow. Like taking a vow to put my trust in the Lord and not in organizations. I’m full of quirks like that. I save my hair and put it by the bird feeders for them to use for their nests.

When I’m under stress, I normally go and record, which I call, “yelling at a tape deck.” I’m so extroverted that I do a lot of my best thinking out loud to myself. It really is my best therapy. I can tell when I’ve had a lot of hard stuff going on when I get ahead of my normal schedule of two per week. I currently have thirteen episodes “in the can” or ready for release. That’s over six weeks ahead!

It’s my best work. Verbal Surgery has helped me a LOT.

Last year, I spent close to 300 hours working on researching the churches within a seven state area around Georgia. I have over 1,000 email addresses of youth directors in my data base.

We’ve sent mail-outs but had very limited success. Most of the leaders I’ve talked with said they get at least a couple of letters like ours every day. Obviously, that strategy wasn’t workable. Email, however, is free and if the content is good, relationships can be built. If it all works out, this will lead to teams coming to work with us.

My goal is to have an email once a week with church growth tips and once a month with some info about coming to work with us in the ATL. It’s a really big goal. Once I’ve standardized the format, should be doable. One thing is for sure, I’m incredibly prolific and obsessively disciplined when I set my mind to something.

After recording, I went to Walmart to pick Ashley up a bat and some practice balls to use. We had fun at the mission practicing hitting. The kids enjoyed helping get the balls. Ashley is a natural! Kathy loved playing softball. I was more of a football and soccer guy.
Although, I also played tennis for my high school.

It was an incredibly difficult and emotional day for me today. I had a meeting with friends at Perimeter church which has been a terrific partner and strong financial supporter for twenty-one years. That’s a long time! Pretty much the entire time I’ve been doing ministry in the ATL.

My alarm just went off to go spot the International Space Station! Just got back from my 44th time to see it streak across the sky at 17,500 mph! Yowza. Absolutely gorgeous.

Plus the full moon was spectacular!

Back to sadder tidings. I had a meeting with my friends Drew, Debra and Jackie about the ceasing of financial support. We are still officially partners, since they will be sending teams our direction from time to time as well as remaining on their website for service opportunities. But the financial support was a big help to us and always causes me stress to think of a possible shortfall in the future. Fortunately, we’ve already tightened our belts financially and should be fine especially when we get more teams to come and work with us.

Whirlwind Missions was the first ministry that their church supported that did outreach. In fact, there was no community outreach before us. Seems sad to close support for the historic first partner, especially considering all the evangelism we do! But it happens. Can’t take it personally, but it’s hard not to.

I thought that being the first day of Spring was appropriate for the meeting. New beginnings! Let your face shine upon your servant, oh Lord!

I saw this light on the way home. Never seen one like it. It was almost a sign from the Lord. Do not turn around! Keep going forward! As I mentioned before, I have many quirks. One of them is that I believe the Father is trying to communicate with me all the time.

Went by FBC Doraville to check on the mail. Always great to see support!

Ashley is on a girl’s softball team. Neither of my kids really did team sports. Ashley was a cheerleader and ran track, but that’s not quite the same thing. I got her a bat that fits her size and some practice wiffle balls to hit. We had fun with the kids watching her hit the ball. She really has a good eye and really smacked the ball!

And in case you’re wondering, this is a posed shot. I certainly didn’t have her hitting the ball inside the house!
We had a good time helping the kids with their homework. That always makes me feel better.

Got some gas in Ashley’s truck. Penelope and I went to QT to get her chocolate. I got all the girls some, but when P tried to eat it she just cried. Her throat still isn’t feeling well. Too sad.

This close up shows we’ve already started to get pollen saturation!

One of the ladies from Rock Bridge BC collected fruit for our ministry!

I know the families will love it. Cool too, because fruit is a part of all cultures!

It was beautiful on their campus.

Practiced listening to Spanish radio from Madrid on the way home. The news segments I do really well at. But when all the football commentators are talking at the same time at about 90 mph, well it’s a challenge for sure.

I spent a lot of time in the car today just being quiet and talking to the Father. I really don’t understand how people go through life without a close relationship with God. Practicing “conversational prayer” where I imagine what He might say is also so powerful. I do hours of that every day. It really is a big part of my ministry.

I transported squirrel #47 to the forest five miles from my house when I got home. I continue to haul them off. My bird seed lasts a LOT longer without the squirrels. Plus they did over $1,000 of damage on my house last year.

You may remember I had a light repaired in my laundry room yesterday. One of the reasons I’m serious about getting any kind of electrical work done quickly is because I’m always slightly afraid that the squirrels chewed the wiring. The electrician said that rarely happens in a cedar house. They prefer the wood over the wires. I thought that was interesting.
The azaleas in my yard look like they’re going to be absolutely stunning this year. LOTS of buds!

Being the first day of Spring, I also thought it was appropriate to bring all my carnivorous plants in. I had them outside during the winter in a clear plastic box. They are supposed to have a dormant season. I brought them in whenever the weather got below freezing. I’m still sad that my ficus tree endured one night of a hard freeze. She’s still not over that.

But most of my little plants look ok. I was assured by the nursery that sold them to me that these particular species need the time of rest. I’ve been keeping Venus flytraps for over fifty years. I’ve only tried putting them outside once before and the plants got messed up by animals chewing on them. This time, as I mentioned, I kept them in a box for protection.

These calanchoes look lovely.

Admin duties now.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Twitter! Bike! Mission! 3.19.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:12 pm  


I have my Twitter feed automated with a program called Social Oomph. They recently upgraded their platform, which meant I needed to put all the material I have scheduled into the new model. Took less than an hour to figure out and implement. Not too bad. I have nearly 75,000 followers on that platform.

Practiced using my Muse this morning. I’m reading the book Atomic Habits. One of the things it talks about is using the Two Minute Rule. Start something you want to do for only two minutes. Gets you in the habit of doing it regularly.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -645- “Springboard Trampoline.”

Put more pep in your life with this high flying edition of Verbal Surgery. Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

One the way to record, I watched the men put in a new telephone/power pole. Tricky!

One of the guys on the crew had this on his back window. I assume he was in the infantry.

The clouds today were absolutely beautiful. I call them “Art by God.”

So few people notice clouds I always feel like they are a personal gift from the Father just to me!

After I recorded “The Write Thing,” a new episode of Verbal Surgery, I talked with my buddy Anthony and one of his students from India. Always fun to connect! I continue to fulfill my Contact Resolution for 2019.

Bharat invited me to his son’s engagement party in the ATL in May. Should be fun!

Went for a 4.84 mile bike ride before I headed to the mission.

It was pretty chilly, but not bad.

Went by FBC Doraville to pick up the mail and check on my little tree after I added more soil to her pot. She seems like she’s doing better, although still dropping leaves that got too cold.

Great to see the girls and work with the kids at the mission. Penelope is feeling a lot better. Thank you, Lord!

After homework was done, I helped the kids with their bikes. Pumped up tires, oiled chains and adjusted seats.

I listened to radio from Madrid while riding my bike this evening. It was really a bit too cold for me, even though I was dressed for it. The lack of full sun made it way cooler.

I still got in another thirty minutes and 4.87 miles.

Admin duties now.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Light! Bike! Mission! 3.18.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:23 pm  

Studied. You know the drill. . .

Tried a new electrical repair company today. Allgood did a good job on the light in our laundry room. Although $459 seemed kind of high. Honestly, I expected it to be a least $400.

I called them and they were at our house in less than 45 minutes, which was astonishing.

Switch was replaced as well.

Enjoying reading Atomic Habits.

This surprised me.

We’re getting Kathy’s bike repaired. Needs a tune up and a new seat. Jesse wants to start riding. I love my bike.

Talked to the leasing office at The Corners. They are remodeling the mission over there soon. Told them that we were no longer responsible for that property. The church we were working with there has completely stopped helping and the leader has moved and is doing ministry in New Mexico. I believe there is another ministry helping out. At least that’s what I was told. We always prefer to transition someone else in than just stop!

Our church will be doing outreach next Sunday during the main service time. I called our Pastor to let him know I approved of the idea! Also that I think it’s easier to go to the park and to the Walmart parking lot than it is to knock on people’s doors. Reach a lot more people and it’s not nearly as threatening. Do YOU want someone knocking on YOUR door? That’s a definite NO for me.

Did research on a company that services CPAP machines and is covered by our current insurance.

Rode my bike 6.87 miles.

I vacuumed my office.

Added soil to my Ficus tree which I brought back inside. Outside is rough, although it did like the sun. That one night of really cold weather really hurt her.

Checked the mail at FBC Doraville.

Penelope wasn’t feeling well. I watched her and Ashley helped the kids with their homework.

I read Atomic Habits while she watched Paw Patrol.

I love the color of Penelope’s hair. Some of it is like fine spun gold.

Got some groceries and gas on the way home. I have a Raceway at Harmony Grove/29 which is the cheapest I normally see. Usually a dime cheaper!

Admin duties now.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Westside! Bike! 3.17.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:55 pm  

Studied Espanol!

Reading Atomic Habits.

Took care of my indoor garden.

Went to Westside BC this morning.

We are planning on doing outreach to our community during the regular Sunday service time next week. Wow. That’s a change! Proud of our Pastor for that.

We practiced going to the door and what we would say.

I got home and ate a couple of apples and a banana and went for a bike ride. I rode 16.09 miles. What I really care about these days is how LONG I ride, rather than how far or how fast. My goal is 150 minutes every week, or 2.5 hours.

The research says that even if I get all of it in just a couple of days, there is really little difference health wise. So most of the time I push myself during the weekends. Although when the weather is good and I’m not too busy, I ride nearly every day. I just feel better, and feel better about myself.

Gorgeous outside today!

I listed to radio from Madrid, Spain most of the time.

Love my bike!

I’ve been working through Detroit Become Human again. It’s an interactive, extremely well written story that changes depending on the choices you make. I finished my first run through yesterday. It was very apparent that some of the decisions I made early on had a really big impact on what happened later.

It’s one of those games that really sticks with you. Makes you think about your life today. What I do changes the path of what will happen!

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Anthony! India! Bike! 3.16.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:46 pm  

Studied espaƱol!

Also worked on Hebrew. I’m reviewing every Sabbath.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery at my favorite spot, Evergreen Lake!

If you look really carefully, you might be able to see a white something on the other side of the lake. Turns out it was a plastic bag. Can’t stand trash! So I went over, got a stick and got it out.

I’m happy now.
Love recording!

Afterwards, I had a fun chat with Anthony and a new student of his named Bahrat. We had a good talk. Bahrat will be coming to Atlanta soon for a visit. Look forward to meeting him!

I was hungry after thinking about Indian food, so I went on Safari to my version of India here in the ATL!

Patel Plaza is not sort of like India, it’s exactly like it! And I should know, I’ve been twice!

Masala was excellent.

HOLI is coming soon!

Another of my favorite countries!

Enjoying reading Atomic Habits.

Transported squirrel #46 to the forest five miles from my house. I put the towel over the trap to keep them calm.

My azaleas look like they are going to be absolutely prolific this year!

Camellias also look fabulous!

Went on a 4.79 mile bike ride today.

I wanted to go further, but it was just too cold for me.

Listened to radio from Madrid, Spain while I rode.

I’m enjoying playing Detroit Become Human. Very interesting game.
Admin duties now.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Moonwalking! Podcast! Groceries! 3.15.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:25 pm  

Woke up around 4:00am worried about Penelope. I try to leave it in the hands of the Father.

Finished reading Moonwalking with Einstein by Joshua Foer.

I sent him an email telling him I enjoyed the book. Heard back from him this morning.

Studied Espanol.

Started reading Atomic Habits. Another interesting book.

Uploaded Verbal Surgery -644- “Crocodile Swim!” to my server. Faster progress! Click on the title and feel good, NOW!

On my server.

Link on Facebook.

Fun chat with my buddy, Anthony.

Did the grocery shopping. Liked this picture at Walmart.

About a 1/4″ of rain.

Recorded “Raise Praise” this morning. I have over five weeks of podcasts stored up. The more stress, the more I record.

Enjoying playing Detroit Become Human. Fascinating game about androids.
It’s like reading a book where you control what happens. I’m already thinking I need to play it through several times.

Admin duties now.

Ashley said that Penelope is feeling better this evening. Thank you, Lord!

Thursday, March 14, 2019

New Heights! Plaza Fiesta! 3.14.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:55 pm  

Great D Day with our team from New Heights BC, MS!

Gift time!

Senor Tim rides again!

Never too much Ashley!

Signing the Landing Pad!

Plaza Fiesta!

Everly loves baby Jesus!

And fountains!

And rides!

Don’t you normally buy two?

Studied Spanish while I was waiting for the team to finish looking around.

Worked with the kids at the mission!

Penelope came outside for a while. She’s still feeling pretty poorly.

Worked on poetry on the way home and listened to radio from Madrid.

Mr. Google takes me all different ways home.

Transported another squirrel from our yard to the forest five miles away.

Added new people to our donor/newsletter list.

Uploaded all the pictures I shot to our Photo Gallery.

Edited the video I shot this week.

Uploaded to YouTube.

I’ll send the leadership the final team email that includes links to all the photo galleries and to the video on YouTube this evening. Then I consider the team “complete.”

Admin duties now.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

New Heights! BAPS Temple! Al Madina! Global Mall! 3.13.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:52 pm  

I Studied Spanish last night before going to bed. It’s hard for me to do it in the morning. Too much going on. I also studied when I got home this evening.

GREAT to have Ashley back with us today! Kathy watched Penelope who is still feeling poorly. It was fun to just have Everly!

Always great to have Pastor Bill give a greeting.

We took them to lunch at the Hibachi Supreme Buffet. Excellent!

To the BAPS temple–third largest Hindu temple in the world!

We enjoyed seeing Al Madina then went to Global Mall to check out the Shiv Mandir.

The big HOLI holiday is coming soon. That’s the one where they throw colored powder at each other. I always thought it looked like a lot of fun.

I moved my ficus tree back up to my office. I had it outside, but it was getting blown over a lot and the cold weather really got to it. I had it out one night when it was really cold by mistake. I was so sad about it. I’ve had this little tree about twenty years! Pretty much every plant I’ve taken outside, “for it own good” has had issues. I should have learned my lesson with the ficus.

Got the room ready for the final day of The Show.

Good time with the team at the mission.

Penelope joined us outside, even though she still wasn’t feeling well.

She has a really bad sore throat.

Deposited checks. Thank you, Lord!

Listened to radio from Madrid on the way home.

My Pink Magnolias look great.

Every March, we have as part of our mailout a page that asks if the person receiving the newsletter wants to keep getting it. I took about seventy people off the list from adults that worked with us last year. I figure if they haven’t given in about seven months, they don’t really care to get it. They have the option to ask for the newsletter even if they don’t give anything, BUT they have to ask to get it.

Admin duties now.

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