Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

New Heights! Asian Square! China Town! Azalea! 3.12.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:47 pm  

Penelope had a hard night last night. The girls weren’t able to come today. Must admit my performance suffered. Hard to keep focused when I’m worried about them.

Still, my 50% is way better than most people’s top effort! My overwhelming humility keeps me from going on and on about that!

Went to Azalea to check on the girls before starting The Show. Ashley had prepared a USB for me with the files on it, sadly, the machine couldn’t find them. Weird. Yet another wrinkle I had to overcome.

Took them on Safari to Penang for lunch.

Then to Asian Square.

Then to China Town. Had fun at the book store practicing calligraphy.

They seemed serene to me!

One of my original youth group, Tabias, came to see me today. What a blessing he has been to me over the decades!

The team did a great job at the mission!

Released a new edition of Verbal Surgery -643- “Floor of Perception.”

What are the limits of our senses? Expand yours with this mind broadening edition. Click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook!

Today is the anniversary of meeting my dear friend Anthony Jacquin. Eight years ago today! We have travelled the world together.

Admin duties now.

Monday, March 11, 2019

New Heights! BHFM! 3.11.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:07 pm  

Studied Espanol.

This SO disappoints me.

I’m so glad my Pink Magnolias have continued to bloom.

GREAT to see New Heights return!

My usual calm, sedate self.

The girls did great! Sorry for Penelope who was having chills and fever.

One of the boys built a drum circle. I have quite a collection.

I took them on Safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market. Ashley took the girls home to rest.

Helped the kids at the mission.

Had fun seeing my friend Jhoan again! I’ve watched him grow up!

The girls did a good job sharing the story of Jonah and the Whale.

Deposited checks on the way home.

Listened to radio from Madrid and worked on poetry.

Gassed up my car.

Pretty much the cheapest I’ve seen in Atlanta now.
Google Maps now puts an icon of my car. Tiniest bit silly.

Got home to see that a squirrel had been trapped. Dropped it off in the woods about five miles from my house. #45.

Only the second one this year.
Admin duties now.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Podcast! Calls! Set up! 3.10.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:28 pm  

Studied. Shocking!

Enjoying reading Moonwalking with Einstein.

I captured a squirrel this morning. First one in five months, mainly because I wasn’t even trying. Yesterday, I noticed one eating the suet that I leave for the birds. That’s my cue to start trapping again. I’ll keep that trap out loaded for a while again. I just wasn’t seeing many squirrels after I trapped over forty last year!

Keeping them covered with a towel keeps them calm. I let them go in a forest aver five miles from my house on the other side of the Yellow River and highway 78. If they can swim the river AND cross that crazy highway they deserve to eat some of my bird food. . . until I catch them again!

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Peek-a-BOOM!”

Made a series of phone calls to some of my best friends. Anthony was in England. Bob Burns in Scotland and Michael Perez in the Philippines. Love this internet!

Bob Burns was teaching a class. He had the whole class greet me! Hilarious. Anthony did that with his class he and his dad were teaching last week. What a trip.

Also had a good chat with my brother, Jim. Always good to spend time with him.

I made an evaluation of what I’ve got memorized. There are three whole chapters I have memorized in the Bible. Plus several sections I’ve memorized in Hebrew! Also over twenty different poems.

I started thinking about what it would be like to memorize all the red letters in the Bible. That’s everything that Jesus said! First step? Evaluate exactly how much that is. I got a Kindle edition of a book called “The Words of Jesus” It’s fun to read, but I’m not sure I’ll memorize it all. Just the passages that mean the most to me.

As part of my Contact Resolution, whenever I start thinking about someone, I do my best to contact them. Today, as I was thinking about child development, Rick Yount’s name came into my mind. He was one of my favorite professors at SWBTS. Later, I did some research, discovered he was in New Orleans, and dashed out an email to him.

We set up for The Show for tomorrow with our team. Looking forward to it. Hope they’re as fired up as we are!

As much as I hate getting up earlier, It’s great to see it light later!

Talked with my Mom on the way home from setting up at the church.

I worked on one of the lights for tomorrow. The settings had changed. Should work fine, now.

Watered my plants.

Admin duties now.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Indian! Bike! 3.9.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:35 pm  

Studied Espanol!

Took Kathy over to Patel Plaza for Mirch Masala. It was just ok today. Not nearly as good as when J and I were there last weekend.

Came home and rested.

Went for a 15.80 mile bike ride. Worked on scripture and poems.

Always something beautiful to see.

Part of a piece I’m working on.

Admin duties now.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Podcast! Bike! 3.8.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:36 pm  

Studied. It’s a way of life, baby!

Recorded “Fine Denial” this morning.

Had a good chat with my buddy, Anthony.

We are still working on getting into Burning Man. Not easy! And neither is being there!

I’ve had this song in my head lately.

If my words remain in you . . . Sounds like memory!

Looks like my Pink Magnolia blossoms survived the cold snap. Thank you, Lord!

I released Verbal Surgery -642- “You Laces.”

See the obvious beauty around you! Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Went for a 6.85 mile bike ride. Got my 2.5 hours of exercise in this week.

I memorized William Blake’s “The Poison Tree” while I rode. Marvelous piece. Along with “Eldorado” by Poe yesterday, I have a couple of real favorites.

Still reading Moonwalking with Einstein. In it it talks about the more the poem is repeating, rhythmic, rhyming, structured and above all is easy to visualize, the better it is for memorizing.

Admin duties now.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Grandgirls! Bike! 3.7.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:31 pm  

Up a lot last night. That’s ok! Took them back to Chicfila this morning. I like the food and chill atmosphere.The girls really enjoy the playground. It was still too cold to do the park that early.

I saw this a LOT. She prefers me to pick her up. I resist because it’s hard on my knees, but usually give in.

Penelope cracks me up!

Weather was pretty mild, so I went for a 10.46 mile bike ride.

Always something beautiful and interesting to see.

Saw this Red Bellied Woodpecker that had died.

I caught up the blog from yesterday. I was able to post to Facebook on my iPhone.

Admin duties now.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Wednesday! Jon and Linda! Grandgirls! 3.6.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:18 pm  

Wednesday the girls spent the night so I didn’t get to work on my blog until today.

It was a cold night!

Enjoyed reading Moonwalking with Einstein!


I was talking with my buddy Anthony about one of my favorite films, Midnight in Paris. If you haven’t seen it, check it out!

Went to visit with my friends Jon and Linda Paul. I parked at the end of his driveway and was shocked to see he had a big lake in his back yard! Beauty!

He’s a poetry guy, too! He quoted a poem by Edgar Allan Poe which I had never heard, but really liked.

Great time with him and his wife Linda.

She’s been doing great!

I had the grand girls after I left the Pauls.

Took them home, bathed them and put them to bed around 10:00pm. They were up a lot during the night. I figure that will happen. Still felt pretty good Thursday morning.

No admin duties until Thursday.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Podcast! Bennett! Mission! Taxes! 3.5.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:28 pm  

Played some Black Ops 4 last night. Pretty good game.

Cold morning. My Pink Magnolias survived pretty well. My ficus at the church was also left out. Fortunately, she looks like she did ok. Felt really bad about that. I should have let my pal at the church know.

Studied, well you guessed it.

Read Moonwalking with Einstein.

It makes reference to this book by Cicero. Maybe I’ll take a look at that as well.

I just downloaded it onto my iPhone. Kindle edition for .99!
I studied Hebrew letters yesterday. Trying to see how many I can remember. I look at this sign I found in the street when I was in Jerusalem every morning. I always wondered what it meant. Google translate figured it out for me in moments!

Living in the future, baby!

Released a new episode! Verbal Surgery -641- “Champion Raft!”

You become who you compete with! Click on the title and WIN!

Uploaded to server and link on Facebook.

Fun talk with my buddy Anthony in the UK. Extra bonus, nice chat with his daughter, Lila! What a blessing

Recorded a new episode called, “No Ledge.” There is no limit to what we can know! It’ll release in about a month.

I’ve pretty much mastered “The Hollow Men” by TS Eliot. I was looking up another poem and saw this one by one of my favorites, Robert Frost. Nothing Gold Can Stay. So true.

Continuing my New Year’s “Contact Resolution,” I had lunch with my good friend Bennett Ekandem. What a blessing. We go back in ministry twenty years!

Went by FBC Doraville to check on the mail.

Then to the bank to get checks deposited. Thank you, Lord!

To the mission to work with the kids. Love me some Grandgirls!

Listened to radio from Madrid on the way home. They were super bummed out that Real Madrid was out of the competition.


Got my tax returns back. Looks like I’ll be getting back about $1,000 less than in previous years. What tax cut?!

Cleaned my fish tank.

Still getting over my sickness. I feel pretty good, just get tired.
Admin duties now.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Sick! Tweets! Groceries! Rest! 3.4.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:36 pm  

Even though today is March Fourth, I did very little marching. Spent most of last night with chills and fever. Miserable. Went to sleep around 9pm and slept over 13 hours. Wow!

Woke up to read that the major storm that passed through the ATL yesterday killed at least 23 people in Alabama near a town that worked with us the last two years: Opelika! I pray that the Lord protected them.

Studied Espanol.

Also reviewed some Hebrew. Haven’t done that in a long time and the rust showed.
Also enjoying Moonwalking with Einstein book on memory.

I talked about this on a recent podcast.

Spent about an hour working on my Twitter feed. Usually it takes much less time than that but I realized that for some reason many of the tweets that I had scheduled for release had been marked with a 2020 date! Ay caramba! Had to edit those plus add the new material. Now I have tweets until nearly the end of April.

Supposed to be a cold night! Saddens me for my Pink Magnolias which are just really starting to bloom. Hope they’ll be ok!

Felt well enough to do the grocery shopping. Pretty wiped out afterwards.

Admin duties now and rest.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Moonwalking! Westside! Sick! Plants! 3.3.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:42 pm  

Started reading Moonwalking with Einstein last night. Very interesting book on memory work, which is something I’m very interested in. Thanks to Jesse for turning me on to it! Here are some screen grabs that I liked.

Woke up feeling really nauseated and achey. Head hurts. Still studied.

I’ve been to Stone Mill church the last two Sundays, so went on to Westside this morning even though I wasn’t feeling well.

Sometimes I just feel the need to bang on a djembe and praise the Lord.

The youth had Disciple Now weekend. I miss the day when they would actually do service in the communities as opposed to a big rally with other Christians.

They did a really good job with their music.

Pastor Ben spoke from Joshua about the importance of taking the first step. It’s interesting now because I can visualize the Jordan River, since I’ve been there.

Big weather came through the ATL this afternoon. Didn’t affect us too much.

Watered my plants.

Many of the orchids are starting to bloom. Amen!

Paid bills.
Played Black Ops 4.
Watched the Umbrella Academy.
Basically, just stayed in bed the rest of the day. Still not feeling well.

Admin duties now.

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