Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Podcast! Pterosaurs! Bike! 3.2.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:29 pm  

Studied another language besides English!

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Who am I?” at my favorite spot.

Had a super fun day with Jesse! We ate at Mirch Masala. It was our first time. It was excellent! I couldn’t believe it was actually cheaper on the weekend. What?!

The whole shopping complex was Indian. In fact it was called Patel Center.

They had a great selection of vegetarian options. That’s not always the case to my chagrin.

This place was nearby. It made me chuckle.

Then we went on Safari to Fernbank to see the exhibit on Pterosaurs. We thought it was
very good. The life size models were incredible.

I love fossils!

Can you imagine this?

I pretty much always get a toy when I go to Fernbank! Although I normally would have bought a pterosaur to remind of of the exhibition, they had a model of Arcocanthosaurus which is the T. Rex kin that made tracks in the San Gabriel river near where I grew up in Georgetown, Texas! How could I resist that?

This bumper sticker seemed appropriate after seeing the Pterosaurs!

After I got home, I went on a 6.79 mile bike ride. Beautiful weather. Cut short because it was starting to get dark.

Admin duties now.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Girls! Goodwill! 3.1.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:51 pm  

Studied. Si, señor!

Finished re-reading Tom Wolfe’s The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test. Such an interesting time period.

Made me think of an Indian medicine man I found fascinating, Rolling Thunder. I actually had a chat with him once during my shooting news days.

As well as another intriguing character, Richard Feynman. I tried to call him as well, but he had died a few months earlier.

I enjoy reaching out to people that I find interesting or that I admire.
Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Line in the AND.” Always makes me feel better.
I had such a fun time with the grandgirls today. What a blessing! Great lunch at Taco Veloz!

We went on Safari to the Goodwill by Perimeter Mall. It’s pretty much the best.

My best friend Anthony Jacquin is in Portugal today with his Dad. I saw a bag from there!

That Goodwill always has the coolest toys, including this groovy sax!

You go, Spidergirl!

Just like her mama. Ash was teaching a lesson today at the horse farm.

I got her some leather boots. They seemed to fit. For $7 I’m sure someone we know will enjoy them!

My main goal at that Goodwill was to find instruments for our Golden Box of Jams that people play with at The Show for the teams. I’ve found some terrific stuff there! These maracas are excellent!

We pretty much shop till have we have no room in the carts. Today, I actually went to TWO carts since I bought a cool bike for $14!

Got doughnuts on the way home. A real crowd pleaser!

Including Mama and Dada!

Kids loved the new bike.

It’s kind of hard to tell, but it’s actually a chopper!
Penelope loves getting pushed in this little car at maximum velocity!

The girls are SO loved!

It’s a win/win with me watching the girls while Ash gets to ride. We all need a break, especially moms!

Traffic was actually pretty light today. Astonishing for Friday.

Reviewed my poetry and studied radio from Madrid.

Gassed up my car.

Released Verbal Surgery -640- “Master Switch.”

Learn how to run your brain more efficiently! Click on the title and GROOVE!
Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Admin duties now.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Podcast! Newsletters! Alita! 2.28.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:04 pm  

Studied. You know the drill.

Rainy day! Recorded a podcast called, “What is the future?”
Went to the Post Office to mail the newsletters.

Had a great talk with Jesse at El Torerros.
Then went to see Alita. I thought it was really good.

It really is amazing how CG continues to improve.
Came home to rest and play some games.
No mission because of the weather. Moms don’t let their kids out when it’s bad weather. Makes sense.
Admin duties now.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Tough! Girls! Mission! 2.27.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:14 pm  

Studied Spanish.

Cleaned and refilled all four of my hummingbird feeders. I’m trying to be optimistic about them coming back soon.

Then the day just took a nose dive into terribleness.
Two days ago I heard that one of my close friends from Kenya had died in a plane crash. That really shook me up. I was in a pretty bad mood which always affects my relationship with Kathy. I’m still trying to recover from that.
Then got a voice mail saying that the host church of our team of 60 people from Colorado had cancelled. That’s a loss of about $6,000 to our ministry.
And the next voice mail was from Perimeter church saying they wanted to have a meeting about “changes coming.” That only means one thing to me, cutting funding. I responded basically saying, “Are you cutting our funding?” She responded, “Yes.” That’s another $6,000/year.
Talk about double whammy.
Psalms 31:14-16 kicked in, “I trust in you, O Lord. I say you are my God. My times are in your hands. Deliver me from my enemies and from those who pursue me. Let your face shine upon your servant and save me in your unfailing love.”
Long time of prayer with the Father.
Fortunately, I was headed to Azalea to watch the grand girls after all this.

They loved the ice cream!

Helped the kids at the mission.

Fun with all the kids.

Beautiful sunset.

Came home to fold and stuff the newsletters. This is our “Sheep and Goat” edition. Out of the 151 people on the list, 65 didn’t give.

This month they have to send in a response form or they drop off the list. Most have had at least seven months of receiving the newsletter. The form says they want to stay on the list. They don’t have to send money, but they HAVE to respond.
I add about another 50 or so every year from the adults that come to work with us during the Spring or Summer months. Every one of them has seen what we do up close and personal. I guess about 1/20 starts to support us.
That’s why the loss of a team or financial support from a church is a big deal.
But honestly, I think the time of getting support from churches is pretty much over. The decline of the church over the last twenty years I’ve been in ministry has been dramatic. And support of missions is always the first to be cut. I’ve seen it over and over again.
So we focus on individual supporters which tends to stay strong unless they have a financial crisis as well.

Pray for us. It was an exceptionally difficult day. Thank you, Lord for the grand girls and for Ashley. Amen.

Admin duties now.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Podcast! Bike! Girls! Mission! 2.25-26-19

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:01 pm  

Studied Spanish on Monday.

Recorded a new podcast! Always one of my favorite things!

It’s been rainy! 2.5″ over the last few days.

It was beautiful on Monday. Went for a 15.14 mile bike ride!

My favorite Pink Magnolia tree is in full bloom! I was afraid another hard freeze would kill all the blossoms.

Printed my labels for the newsletter.

I produced my newsletter and got it ready to print. We only do our first pages and those in b/w.

Had to scan in a document I received from American Enterprise after I turned in my taxes to my tax guy.

The grand girls spent the night with me last night. I actually slept pretty well. Got about 6.5 hours in.

Penelope and I enjoyed watching two raccoons chowing down at my feeding station last night. Fun!

She crashed soon afterwards. I’ve learned to try and go to sleep as soon as they do if possible.

We were up bright and early this morning. Everly wanted to be me.

I wouldn’t let her keep the hat. She was mighty upset about that!
Swinging helped her attitude.

Cool breeze.

We ate at Chic-fil-a and played in their playground, then went to the new park at Mountain Park. They like the swings the best. I probably pushed them at least thirty minutes.

Penelope kept closing her eyes. She said that made it scarier.

I took the girls home around 12:30pm. I thought for sure they would take a good nap. Neither one of them did. We worked on getting the newsletters labeled and ready to insert the letters.

Helped the kids with their homework. We didn’t have the mission on Monday because we had two parties Saturday & Sunday.

I enjoyed playing with the kids outside the mission after homework was done.

I listened to radio from Madrid on the way home and quoted poetry. I pretty much have the Hollow Men memorized. It’s a long and complicated piece.

Cleaned the bird baths and filled the feeders.

I worked on my taxes for my audio book. I didn’t sell many copies so I wasn’t required to file a 1099 on it.

Released Verbal Surgery -639- “1% Solution!”

Click on the title to learn the fast track to success!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

I’ll work on a questionnaire for the North American Mission Board this evening.

Also need to add the podcast I recorded to my computer for future release.

I’ll study Spanish as well.

Admin duties now.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

FBC Opelika! Stonemill! Penang! Bike! 2.24.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:42 pm  

Studied Spanish! Even if the sermon had not been translated I would have understood almost all of it! Progress!

Beautiful full sun moon!

Met up with our team from FBC Opelika this morning at Stonewall church! GREAT service with terrific music and a super message from my partner Tito Ruiz.

Never too much Ashley!

After church, we took the team to Penang for Malaysian food. It was delicious!

Spent time working on Ashley’s vacuum cleaner. I think I can get it going again after a thorough cleaning. Still needs a new belt, should be in in a couple of days.

Pretty much everything was clogged up.

They had a wedding at FBC Doraville this weekend. I helped put up some chairs and tables in the fellowship hall. It’s not fair to make my friend Alan do it all. I had left some chairs out from our other team from Alabama.

Deposited checks. Amen!

Listened to radio from Madrid on the way home.

Went for a short 2.88 mile bike ride. It was too cold for me with the wind.

Still. Better than nothing! Beautiful outside.

I had to put some air in my back tire. It was a tiny bit soft.

I blew the deck and driveway after my ride. It was nice outside, just chilly with the wind!

Gave my shoes a quick shot of paint. Always makes them look better.

My flowers look beautiful in my garden. And MANY of my orchids are putting out blooms. What a blessing!

Released a terrific version of Verbal Surgery -638- “Hot Shot!”

What makes you the best? Comparisons can make you feel great or crappy at the same time! Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Admin duties now.

I’ll work on editing the video I shot of the team from FBC Opelika. Also need to write my newsletter. Always something!

Saturday, February 23, 2019

FBC Opelika! Buford Highway Farmers Market! Plaza Fiesta! Ladies’ Party! 2.23.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:25 pm  

Studied Español.

The ladies from Opelika are ready to rock out!

Ashley and I briefed them on Buddhism and Catholicism.

Everly helping me teach!

Señor Tim rides again!

Did it work?

Rachel’s Red Thread ceremony.

May the Lord be with you. Anointing of oil from the Holy Land and part of the Aaronic blessing in Hebrew.

Presentation of the Golden Egg of Eggcellence.

On Safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

Delicious lunch with crepes!

After being on tour for over two hours I was SO happy to find a place to sit down. Amen!

Always something new to see!

Everly enjoyed the cheese!

I thought this was funny.

Great fun with the moms and kids!

Everly crashed.

The ladies had a henna party at Ashley’s house.

Love the contrast.

Traffic wasn’t too bad getting home. Weekends are usually better plus I left pretty late.

Studied Spanish by listening to radio from Madrid.

Admin duties now.

Friday, February 22, 2019

FBC Opelika! Global Mall! Al Madina! BAPS Temple! Mission! 2.22.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:52 pm  

Foggy day today!

Driving in a cloud, baby!

Great time briefing our Womens team from FBC Opelika, AL!

Took them on Safari to Ashiana’s at Global Mall.

Love my baby!

Precious ones!

Global Mall is loaded with Hindu art.

Visited the Shiv Mandir.


Then to Al Madina to get a taste of the Middle East.

Let them peruse the Kitab Muslim bookstore.
Then to the BAPS temple.

I watched Everly take a nap while Ashley took them around those two locations. I studied Spanish while I waited.

I like this sign. “Everything and more!”

Came back to the mission to have a pizza party. Everyone loved it.

I set up the room for the team at FBC Doraville after the Outreach Event.
Also got groceries.

Man, I was one tired puppy after that.
Admin duties now.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Podcast! Carl! Set up! 2.21.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:09 pm  

Studied Spanish. 200 days straight!

Had a fun chat with my buddy, Anthony.

Recorded “Springboard Trampoline.” Excellent!

VERY foggy day. Living in the clouds, baby!

Love the contrast.

And the reflections.

I’ve been studying TS Eliot’s The Hollow Men. I like this quote.

My podcast this morning had this theme. Push yourself. We really don’t know how high we can go.
This little candle was given to me on my birthday by my sister in law, Ruth. It feels and looks like it should be candy. When I found it on the ground I had a feeling, someone had found it first. Sure enough, Everly’s teeth marks.

Went with my friend Carl Barrington to a terrific Mexican food place.

I like the sound of this.

One of my all time favorite people in the world! Love you, Carl!

Went to FBC Doraville after our lunch to pick up supplies for The Show tomorrow at Ashley’s house. The room we normally use is being prepped for a wedding this weekend.

Picked up the stuff and took it to Azalea.

Helped the kids with their homework.

We sent up the projection area

I love seeing this on Google Maps. The last leg home every day.

I mentioned I’ve been studying The Hollow Men. This is one of the pieces I was working on today.

Gassed up my car on the way home.

The same diffraction that causes color on bubbles produces colors in oil or gas spills.

FINALLY, some blue sky!

Admin duties now.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Tito! Rockbridge! Checks! 2.20.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 4:50 pm  

I’ve been studying several poems lately that talk about your life’s star. That’s the star that is directly overhead when you’re born. Did some research of what was in the sky on July 12, 1958 and it turns out it’s Kornephoros in the constellation Hercules.

I thought that was kind of interesting. The poem The Hollow Men is what I’m memorizing now by TS Eliot. There are many references that I have to look up in order to understand it. One of them is Charon and crossing the river Acheron.

Added a new episode of Verbal Surgery -637- “Wow Vow.”

Click on the title and GROOVE! Your words affect how you feel, so watch your adjectives!

Posted the episode on my server.

Put the link on Facebook.

Had a fun lunch with my pal Tito Ruiz and his son Sammy today!

We always talk a lot about missions, our favorite subject!

Went by Rock Bridge BC to drop off the financial report for Whirlwind Missions. I was able to squeeze it through the door!

Went by the bank to deposit checks. Always good!

Came home to work on admin duties.

No mission today. Rainy and Ashley is taking a CPR class. No one shows up when the weather is bad.

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