Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Grandgirls! Cold! 2.19.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:18 pm  

Everly and Penelope spent the night. Always a blessing. We did Chic-fil-a last night. They have a great time playing in the inside slide. Also went to the Dollar Tree.

They went to bed around 10pm which is pretty good.

I swap from one side to the other depending on who’s upset.

Studied Spanish.

My record is 288. That’s when I was studying Portuguese. I stopped because it was really messing up my Spanish which I use 100 times more.

Really cold, wet weather today. No mission when it’s this bad. It’s just a waste of gas. No one ever shows up.

I certainly can’t blame them!

Played some Black Ops 4. I had a high game, even though our team lost.

Rested. I always need more sleep the next day the girls spend the night. Makes sense.

Admin duties now.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Editing! Oil! Jesse! 2.18.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:27 pm  

Sunday night, I edited the video I shot for Meadowbrook BC. Got it on line. All the pictures are also in their proper galleries.

Once I send them the final email with all the galleries and video on YouTube, I consider the team “complete.” I had a problem with one of the links. Fixed it and sent a follow up email.

Studied Spanish. What a shocker!

I’ve been doing research on images from a poem I’m memorizing by TS Eliot called, “The Hollow Men.”

Also did research on a new place where Kathy can get her CPAP serviced. Lincare is covered by our new health insurance.

Called my tax guy about, well, I reckon you can figure that part out! I highly recommend Peachtree Tax Advisors, especially if you work for a non-profit or if you are in the ministry. It’s a very different return from what I used to send in.

I mailed my taxes in to them by Certified Mail. I can track it on the USPS website to verify that it was delivered.

My wife sent me this little personality quiz. I circled everything that I thought I was. Didn’t circle humble.

Jesse helped me get the Cruiser over to get the oil changed this morning.

After we dropped off my car, we went to Goodwill to get him some work clothes.

He didn’t find any on this rack! LOL.
We also went by Walmart to pick up supplies.

I’ve been having some charging issues with my phone. Never good. Battery is still doing pretty well for a two year old phone.

Maximum love!

Heard back from the CPAP people. K called them. Looks like she’s good to go.

Watered my plants.

Rested this afternoon. I was tired after getting up so early.

K took me pick up my car. I was overdue for an oil change because I’ve been so busy, plus the girls took my car to SC.

We had some great news today! My good friend Kevin Lamb at FBC Mountain Park said they could host our team of 60 people from Colorado today! We had really run into issues with finding them someplace to stay. AMEN!

That will really fill out our Spring Break nicely.

Admin duties now.

I will have the girls over this evening. Ashley is bringing them over later than usual because my voice is really tired and I talk pretty much constantly with the girls. The three hours less will be a big difference. Trying to get all my homework done early!

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Meadowbrook to Stonemill church! Global Mall! BHFM! Plaza Fiesta! 2.17.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:32 pm  

Had a great day with our friends from Meadowbrook BC! We took them to Stonemill Church where my good friend Pastor Tito Ruiz preached a terrific sermon!

Tito and I have worked together for more than twenty years. He truly is a brother to me.

After the sermon, we went to Global Mall to eat at Ashiana’s Indian food.

Ashley is always such a blessing to me! Proud daddy for sure!

I had an awesome time with Tito and his family, including his Mama and brother Lester! What a blessing they have been to me.

Took the Ruiz family on Safari around Global Mall.

The weather was too cold and wet to work at the missions, so we went to plan B which is more time at the international markets.

Caught up with my Meadowbrook team at Buford Highway Farmers Market. Ashley had taken them on Safari to Al Madina and to the Kitab bookstore while I was a Global Mall.

Had fun looking around the Farmers Market. Then went over to Plaza Fiesta.

Before I said, “adios,” we went back to FBC Doraville where I had a final debrief and prayer time with them.

Got home around 7:30pm, tired but feeling satisfied with a good day.

Admin duties now.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Meadow Brook! Mosque! Missions! 2.16.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:57 pm  

Studied español.

Met up with my team from Meadow Brook BC, Birmingham, AL! Ashley and I always enjoy briefing the teams.

We ate at Al Madina and went to the Mosque in Clarkston.

We enjoyed QT on the way to the missions!

I came back to FBC Doraville to clean up the room once I got the teams on site.

They are doing a great job at Cumberland Court and at Azalea Place!

Never seen this before!

Ashley got her new phone going. I sent back the defective one.

Came home and cleaned up my garden area. Raked. Refilled feeders. Cleaned and refilled the birdbaths.

Moon flower.

Admin duties now

Friday, February 15, 2019

Show Prep! 2.15.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:17 pm  

Little sweetheart!

Penelope and I had fun looking at old pictures.

She kept thinking pictures of Ashley were her!

Everly crashed around 11pm. That’s late for her.

Penelope woke up super early this morning after not going to sleep until about 11:30pm! She had a pretty bad attitude this morning. Me, too. I get kind cranky when I’m tired. Who doesn’t?

We went to eat at McDonalds. We felt better after some food and coffee. Everly was really into my hat.

Penelope liked it, too!

Went to Goodwill to do some shopping. I told Ashley I was at my limit. I appreciate her coming straight on over when I get too tired.

Ashley took the girls home and I got about an hour nap in.

Caught up on Duolingo. It’s a way of life, baby!

Released a new edition of Verbal Surgery -636- “Tarnished Varnish.”

How have we changed over time? Maybe it’s time for a good scrub job! Click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Went to the bank to deposit checks. Amen!

To Walmart to start getting supplies.

I had a lot of work to do for the team coming into town. Did most of the shopping at Dollar Tree.

Took all the gear to FBC Doraville to split up into four separate bags. Each team will have a bag per day per site. The baby stroller is a great way to haul gear.

I also got the room completely ready for The Show, then found out that the room was being used at the same time. Bahd luck. Had to take everything down and then move a reduced version of it upstairs to a smaller room we could use. It’ll work. But moving all those chairs out and then back up wasn’t easy on a tired body! Nothing I couldn’t handle!

The white wall will work fine as a screen

Went to Ashley to give her the replacement phone. Glad we have insurance! Also talked with her about what we should do with the team during The Show. We don’t have a lot of time, it’s important to hit the highlights. Plus, with a group from the church downstairs, we have to be sensitive to the sound levels. So no amps, and not much singing.

Ate at Taco Veloz on the way home. That helped me feel better!

Rainy drive home. Stressful.

Admin duties now for yesterday as well.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Dan! Mission! Girls! 2.14.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:52 pm  

Thursday, the girls spent the night. I’m catching up on my blog on Friday.

Studied Spanish.

The ATL is a bird cage!

Had a good meeting with a new friend Dan Smith. Ashley, the girls and I took him to Ashiana’s in Global Mall. Good talk about ministry.

Went by FBC Doraville to check the mail.

I was excited to hear that Jesse got a job. He’s been looking for technical writing, but decided it was best to get something going, even if it’s not exactly what he wants. I totally agree with that assessment.

Helped the kids at the mission. Ashley bought Ding Dongs for the kids for Valentines.

I took the girls home with me after the mission to spend the night. Ashley and Miles had a fun Valentines evening together.

Didn’t sleep much and Penelope got up early. Ouch. Still. It’s so worth it. The girls are just so awesome and so much fun!

Admin duties got skipped.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Jon & Linda! Azalea! 2.13.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:04 pm  

Worked on memorizing The Hollow Men. I’m on the second stanza.

I like this quote from TS Eliot. Hollow Men definitely makes you think.

I have a friend of mine who looks a lot like Henry the VIII.

Happy about this report.

Studied Spanish. Shocker!


It’s all about longevity.

Had a terrific time of prayer with my friends Jon and Linda Paul. They’ve been such a blessing to me over the years. I’m glad I can help them.

Had fun with the mission kids and grand girls! Little messy for Everly. She was really happy to see me and wouldn’t get out of my lap. Sweetheart.

Glad to have the girls back home!

Everly loves pictures. She demands to see herself afterwards. DEMANDS!

Personal space!

Most of the girls made Valentines pictures for their moms.

Who does she remind you of?

Love Penelope SO much!

Lots of running today!

And dancing!

Gassed my car up on the way home.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Podcast! Jon! 2.12.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:31 pm  

Studied Español.


Released Verbal Surgery -635- “PROsitivity1”

Just click on the title to GROOVE! Focus on what you’re FOR not what you’re against and feel good, NOW!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Good talk with my buddy, Anthony Jacquin.

Lunch with Jon Paul, one of my favorite people!

Ashley’s Jeep is in the shop. Kathy and Jesse both were using their cars, so I couldn’t get to the mission today.

Watched the Magicians and played BO4.
Admin duties now.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Black Ops 4! Podcast! Taxes! Groceries! 2.11.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:22 pm  

Had an all time high game in BO4 last night. It’s been an astonishingly difficult game.

Studied Spanish.

Checked on Ashley’s car at TG.

Went to the Post Office to mail my taxes to my tax guy. Amen!

I send it certified to make sure it gets there properly.

Got the groceries.

I used the last of the money that Delta gave me when they overbooked my flight back from Austin by 21 people. Thanks!

Been studying TS Eliot’s “The Hollow Men.” Also read this quote by him.

There are literary allusions in the poem that I also study. I have a wide background of knowledge and most of the time I prefer to use things that I already know rather than what the “expert’s” guesses are.

Worked on letters for my Housing Allowance.

Sent a donor letter to my friend Carl Barrington.

Watched some Magicians.
Glad to have the girls back in town.
Admin duties now.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Westside! Taxes! 2.10.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:08 pm  

Went to Westside BC this morning!

Cold morning!

Choir sang a good special.

Pastor Ben spoke on love. Forgiveness being the key element.

Studied Spanish. I continue to make progress.

Watered my plants.

Added material (my sermon notes!) to my Twitter feed.

Finished my taxes! Ready to send in tomorrow.
Played Black Ops 4.
Watching the Magicians.
The girls are doing well in S. Carolina at Gateway BC.
Studying TS Eliot and Psalms 31.
Admin duties now.

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