Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Scripture! Podcast! Jeep! 2.9.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:57 pm  

Started studying TS Eliot “The Hollow Men.” Also Psalms 31:14-16.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “You Laces.”

I have nearly a month in the can now. Seems like stress makes me record more.

Deposited checks. Always good!

Ashley and Kathy and the girls were supposed to take the Jeep to SC for a missions conference. Sadly, the Jeep had a problem. The girls took my car instead.

I heard from them a little while ago. They got to Columbia safely! Amen!

We got the Jeep towed over to T&G.

The tow truck driver was nice enough to drop me off at my house. I was anticipating walking the two miles plus.

Started working on my taxes. Just a bit at a time to not make it too painful!

Studied Spanish.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Podcast! Girls! 2.8.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:45 pm  

Studied Spanish!

Back to cooler weather.

Released Verbal Surgery -634- “Get Younger.”

Easy ways to cut years! Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook. It really is a terrific episode!

Beautiful clouds!

At sunset, I think they look like fire.

Love the sparkles.

Took the girls out to eat at Taco Veloz, then over to Plaza Fiesta. They enjoy the games!

And the cars! I just shake them around and we pretend like we paid for it.

They actually didn’t sleep all that long today. Surprised me.

While they nap, I memorize things or read. I like these quotes from Emerson.

They really are so beautiful.

Double sun flower. Not sure how the optics worked on this.

My 43rd viewing of the International Space Station. Pretty cold out there tonight!

It was pretty cloudy, but I still was able to see it cruise across the sky!

Admin duties now.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Poem! Bike! Azalea! 2.7.10

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:28 pm  

Started studying Fire and Ice by Robert Frost last night.

Worked on Spanish.

Rode my bike.

Incredibly warm! For February!?


Went by FBC Doraville to check on the mail.

Helped the kids at the mission.

Beautiful clouds!

New moon!

Penelope and I went to Walmart to get the girls some new shoes and groceries.

Listened to Tito’s sermon on the way home.
Put gas in my car.

Admin duties now.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Podcast! Anthony! Mission! Project! 2.6.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 1:00 am  

Studied Spanish!

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Master Switch.” It’ll release in about three weeks. I’m WAY ahead.

Had a good chat with my buddy Anthony Jacquin.

Worked with the kids at the mission.

Listened to radio from Madrid. I couldn’t get Tito’s sermons to work for me for some reason.

I’ve listened to all of these. Most of them have at least five sermons each.

We brought this three wheeler to the mission. Kids were having a great time with it.

Love my girls!

I’m reading the book Stealing Fire. I thought this was an interesting quote.

This one, too.

Deposited checks

Dropped off the Whirlwind Financial report to the Cordreys at Rock Bridge BC

Worked on a project for Anthony this evening for several hours.

The girls were supposed to spend the night with me this evening, but Miles was able to come home early. They need Dad time!

Admin duties now.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Podcast! Bennett! Azalea! 2.5.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:10 pm  


I went to Al Madina today to eat lunch with my friend Bennett Ekandem. We will have a team with us in two weeks that will also eat there. I shot pictures so the team could decide what they want to eat. What are you hungry for?

Bennett had on a cool jacket, although he didn’t know anything about horses!

We’ve been partners for over 20 years!

I had heard that Clarkston International Bible Church had been demolished. Kathy and I went there for years. It was still surprising to see it erased.

Here’s what’s supposed to replace it. Although there was a big push back locally against it being built.

Also went over to visit my friends at the Clarkston Mosque. We will be bringing a team over there to have them interact with some locals.

Went by FBC Doraville to check on the mail.

Enjoyed working with the kids at the mission. GREAT to spend time with Penelope today. She was taking a nap yesterday.

Listened to Tito’s sermon on the way home. Practicing full speed Spanish translation.

Reading Stealing Fire.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -633- “Golden Idle.”
Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Get your life moving on with this speedy episode!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Admin duties now.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Todd! Pre-Site! Azalea! 2.4.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:34 pm  

Sunday night, I created a packet to send to one of my favorite artists, Todd Rundgren. I’ve met him on several occasions. He’s coming back to the ATL in May to promote his new book and a tour. I have tickets to the book signing and concert. I offered to show him around the International Village. Never hurts to ask!

I added this section to the piece of the Ode: Intimations of Immortality by William Wordsworth.

Studied this morning.

Had a great time with our team from Grove Church in Huntsville, AL today! They will be bringing a team to work with us in the Summer.

Everly wanted to go shopping, too!

Penelope had sugar all over her!

One of the things I say to her is,
“Penelope, she is the one for me.
She’s sweet as sugar candy,
‘Cause she’s Penelope!”
She certainly was today!
Besides the Buford Highway Farmers Market, we also went on Safari to China Town.

Penelope wrote a whole short story in Chinese.

Calligraphy is fun!

We love the Serenity Garden.

When we got back to the apartment, I told Penelope stories until she crashed. She needs her rest!

Great to have the team help us with homework duties!

Went to the Post Office to mail off the letters to Todd Rundgren. I sent one to his publisher and another to his home in Hawaii. Surely, one will get to him!

We had fun with the kids at the mission.

Ashley and I worked on the schedule for our team coming to Atlanta in two weeks. We plan on going to my partner Tito’s church for a bilingual sermon.

After the mission, I did the shopping at the Walmart in Chamblee.

Created a PDF of the letter the IRS sent Whirlwind Missions, Inc with our 501 (c) 3 designation.

Admin duties now.


Sunday, February 3, 2019

Westside! Bike! Fish! 2.3.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:13 pm  

Studied Spanish. Si!

Went to Westside BC!

I usually play djembe with the band.

Pastor Ben spoke on John 3:16.

Came home. Ate an apple. Went for a 14.05 mile bike ride.

Another beautiful day, but cooler than yesterday.

I went over all my Bible verses and poetry. Worked on roughing in Ode: Intimations of Immortality by William Wordsworth.

Also listened to radio from Madrid.

Beauty berries.


Saw this dead bird.

After I rode yesterday, my headphones fell off my jacket. Found them! Yeah!

Cleaned my fish tank.

Still gathering up all the documents for my taxes. I’ll do the final prep the end of this month.

Watered my plants.

Played Black Ops 4.

Watched the Magicians.

Admin duties now.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Podcast! Bike! 2.2.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:26 pm  

Studied Spanish. Surprised?


Deposited checks. AMEN!

Rode my bike 10.46 miles. Absolutely beautiful weather.

Listened to Cadena Ser, radio from Madrid.

I had the first couple of successful run throughs of Ode: Intimations of Immortality by William Wordsworth today. I’m learning about 75% of the piece, just my favorite parts. I make a paper copy of the poem to work on while I’m biking.

Lots of Sunflowers to be seen!

Incredibly warm!

Sad to see this died.

Rained about 1.25″ this week.

Played some Black Ops.

Admin duties now.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Podcast! Girls! Bills! 2.1.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:16 pm  

Thursday evening I released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -632- “One Size Fits None.”

How do we see ourselves? Are we trying to be something/someone that we really aren’t? Slip into this episode and feel good, NOW! Click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Studied Spanish.

It’s all about longevity.

Cleaned and refilled the bird baths.

Got rid of the ice that had accumulated.

Great talk with my buddy, Anthony.

Thursday night I finished getting all the newsletters folded and put together. This afternoon, I put them in the mail on the way to Chamblee to watch the girls.

They are such a blessing.

Penelope decided she wanted to go to the “airplane park” rather than Plaza Fiesta. Kind of surprised me. Plus, the place was loaded with mothers and their kids, but it was still fun.
She really enjoyed rolling down the hill.

They like the slides and swinging the best.

I put the girls down for a nap, then came on back home. Listened to Cardena Ser, radio from Madrid, Spain on the way home.

Tomorrow is the Super Bowl! I saw this cover at Taco Veloz, where I took the girls
for lunch.

Paid bills. Wow, they are really expensive these days.

Got ’em in the mail!

Played some Black Ops 4.

Admin duties now.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Labels! Azalea 1.31.19 Podcast!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:11 pm  

Studied Spanish!

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Hot Shot.”

Picked up the mail at the church.

Dropped off paper for the copies and the newsletters to be copied. FBC Doraville is helping us with the copies. We’ve reduced our newsletter to just the articles that Ashley and I write as well as going with BW copies now. I don’t think either change is a deal breaker. Perhaps over time, the Atlanta Metro Baptist Association will help with it again and we can go back to four pages in color. It was certainly nice while it lasted. But like I said, I don’t think it’s that big a deal, really.

I spent a couple of hours labeling all the envelopes while I studied Ode to Immortality by William Wordsworth.

Went by Taco Veloz on the way to Azalea to get a quick lunch. I love the paintings there.

Deposited the checks I picked up.

Enjoyed reading some Walt Whitman this evening.

Good time at the mission with the kids. Not a lot. Still pretty cold!

Clear skies and a beautiful sun.

Studied Tito’s sermon on the way home in Spanish/English.
Folded up the newsletters and got them in the envelopes. I’ll put them in the mail tomorrow morning on the way to the mission.

Gassed up my car.

Admin duties now.

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