Whirlwind Missions

Monday, March 4, 2019

Sick! Tweets! Groceries! Rest! 3.4.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:36 pm  

Even though today is March Fourth, I did very little marching. Spent most of last night with chills and fever. Miserable. Went to sleep around 9pm and slept over 13 hours. Wow!

Woke up to read that the major storm that passed through the ATL yesterday killed at least 23 people in Alabama near a town that worked with us the last two years: Opelika! I pray that the Lord protected them.

Studied Espanol.

Also reviewed some Hebrew. Haven’t done that in a long time and the rust showed.
Also enjoying Moonwalking with Einstein book on memory.

I talked about this on a recent podcast.

Spent about an hour working on my Twitter feed. Usually it takes much less time than that but I realized that for some reason many of the tweets that I had scheduled for release had been marked with a 2020 date! Ay caramba! Had to edit those plus add the new material. Now I have tweets until nearly the end of April.

Supposed to be a cold night! Saddens me for my Pink Magnolias which are just really starting to bloom. Hope they’ll be ok!

Felt well enough to do the grocery shopping. Pretty wiped out afterwards.

Admin duties now and rest.

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