Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Story Tim! ACCCN! Global Mall! Temple! 5.30.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:16 pm  

Last night, I continued to work on listening to the audio version of Story Tim and editing the written version. Slow work, but progressing!

Keep waking up very early. Studying Swahili and Spanish.

For Ashley!

Gave myself a haircut this morning.

I accidentely deposited checks into the wrong account. Rectified that this morning.

Ashley and I enjoyed briefing our team from ACCCN.

Everly is a fast mover!

The team helped us do our newsletter labels.

Took them on safari to Global Mall to eat at Ashiana and see the Shiv Mandir.

The priest gave us a special blessing.

Hindu gods.

I saw this sign at Global Mall. Metasign.

Then on safari to the BAPS Hindu temple.

It’s the third largest Hindu temple in the world.

Then to Al Madina to see the Koran book and grocery store.

Picked up my car at the church and got the newsletters in the mail. Mission accomplished!

Came home to rest. Been really tired and kind of light headed. That’s not zesty. My arms have been tingling some too. They feel better every day.
We’ve received nearly 2″ of rain in the last two days.

Cleaned and refilled my hummingbird feeders.

Put some seed in the birdfeeders. I don’t put too much. The squirrels just knock it all out. Goes bad on the ground, especially when it’s rainy.

I also scrape some suet on the base of the tree for other birds that don’t like climbing to eat.

Completed my fourth go through Story Tim.

I think it’s pretty close to done. I have about fourteen out of the sixty six chapters that I will re-record.

Admin duties.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Sidney! China Town! Asian Square! Rain!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:58 pm  

Ashley, the girls and I had fun talking with our new friend Sidney about Buddhism.

We took her on safari to China Town.

Penelope got a cute little frog umbrella there.

We had fun at the bookstore with calligraphy.

I’m not sure what letters she was writing.

We all gave it a go.

After lunch, we went to Asian Square. Always something interesting to see. These are made of paper to burn and send to their ancestors.

Different Buddhas.

I thought this was amusive.

After we finished the safari, Ashley took care of the teams while I went to deposit checks.

Also went to pick up the newsletters.

I thought this was funny.

My new Wu-Tang name.

I got stamps for the newsletters.

I thought this was amusing.

Studied Spanish and Swahili while I was in line for stamps.

Got the groceries.

Got gas. Going up!

Ordered a lamp.

Super heavy rain at my house. I got the hose to wash away the mud.

I made a little barrier near the concrete to keep the water from entering.

I’m also going to have Kathy park on the other side of the garage. Her car was sticking out and water was pouring in.
Admin duties now.
Will also work on Story Tim. I’m checking for errors and listening to the recorded chapters to see if I need to redo any. I have about ten so far that I will record again.

Monday, May 28, 2018

ACCCN! Book! Shower!

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:42 pm  

Ashley and I had a fun time briefing our team from the Atlanta Chinese Christian Church North this morning.

Everly loves the microphones!
We took them on safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

Penelope enjoyed riding in the cart.

Always something fun to see.

After the safari, they went back to their house to eat lunch. I brought some burgers over to eat with the Kendalls. Glad Miles is feeling better after his surgery!

Then deposited checks. Thank you, Lord!

Ashley watched over the teams at the mission.

I’m still trying to figure out where the walls in my bathroom are leaking. I’m covering with plastic to eliminate areas.

Worked on my book Story Tim. I’m listening to the audio and rechecking the written version.
Admin duties now.
Recorded a new podcast! WOOT!

Put it in my “Verbal Surgery in the Can” folder.
Released Verbal Surgery -561- “Get UP Now!”

Get inspired! Just click on the title and GROOVE!
Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

I checked my shower. Still leaking. Aaargh. Just keep working on it!

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Spanish! Story Tim! Lunch! Set up!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:17 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili.

Ate lunch with Ashley and the girls, Jesse and Kathy.

Going through the audio version of Story Tim and editing the written version for errors.

Ashley and I set up for The Show starting tommorow morning with our team from the Atlanta Chinese Church North. Kathy watched the girls which was a great help!
Admin duties now.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Nana Departs! Penelope!

Tim A. Cummins @ 1:42 pm  

Saturday morning I studied Spanish and Swahili.

I recorded two new episodes of Verbal Surgery.

When I got home, I took my mom to the airport. Sad to see her go!

I’m glad that they gave me a pass so I could push her to her gate. Just a little bit less stress for her!
Hartsfield is the busiest airport in the world!

Came home to work on my newsletter and print labels.

Ashley brought Penelope over to spend the night. What a blessing she is. I took her to a park we’d never been to at Stone Mountain.

All the children want to play with Penelope. Of course I’m right there with her telling her how awesome she is! I do the same for all the children.

She likes going up the hard way.

We had fun building a castle.

I took her over to the Quarry at Stone Mountain. I told her, “This is my favorite place to stack rocks! She loved it, too!

Fantastic clouds! We just barely made it out of there before it started pouring down rain!

Never too much Penelope!
Whenever she spends the night, I always put off my admin duties till the next day.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Recording! Girls! Edit!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:40 am  

I studied Spanish and Swahili Friday morning.

Continues to rain. Another 1″ from Thursday night.

Went to FBC Mountain Park to finish recording the audio version of Story Tim. I’m sure I’ll go back to record some sections again that I’m not satisfied with.

I came home and cut some small branches that were hanging over my driveway.

Can you tell where I cut?

Gassed up my car on the way to lunch. Ashley took my car to go ride the horses. We enjoyed eating together at Hot N Cold.

GREAT to have ALL my girls together!

My Mom and I listened to sixteen chapters of my book and checked for any mistakes.

I’m taking the files I recorded, checking them, putting a title on them and putting them in order.

It’s a big job. Every change takes time.

All time high score in Battlefront 2. Sometimes I just can’t be beaten.

I did my admin duties for Friday on Saturday morning. I’ll be taking my Mom to the airport Saturday afternoon. : ( Sure am glad she got to come spend a week with us!

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Recon! Penelope!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:25 pm  

Wednesday, I studied Spanish and Swahili.

I recorded another ten chapters in my book Story Tim.

It’s been great to work over at FBC Mountain Park!

My Mom and I went to Chamblee to meet up with Ashley and the girls.

I left them at Hippo Hop to have fun, while I went to do a recon of the apartments. This car was in the parking lot.

I enjoyed seeing managers that I haven’t talked with in a while. Lots of work to be done at these locations!

I have to keep careful notes of where I went and what they said.

I stopped in to have a chat and drink some coffee with some of my favorite people: Ian and Ruthie North and their sons!

Then over to Ashley’s house to see the girls and pick up my Mom and Penelope.

Deposited checks on the way home.

Penelope is always so much fun. She liked my brain jello mold “hat.”

We spend a lot of time at the park. Good exercise and socializing. I loved this shot.

She’s a climber and totally intrepid.

One of the kids at the park was having a birthday party. They gave her a hat. She just looked at them with her big eyes and they started giving her stuff. Typical.

I sure do love her!

I woke up at about 4:30am and couldn’t go back to sleep for about an hour. Studied languages.

I liked this sticker.

She loves her new shoes.

This evening, Jesse and I saw Solo. We both really liked it.

Admin duties now. I’ll still download the recordings I did on Wednesday to get my recorder ready for tomorrow morning.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Book! Girls! Recon!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:48 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili.

Went to FBC Mountain Park to record ten more chapters of my book Story Tim.

My coffee cup started leaking. Sucks! I traded the top with another cup, I’ll see how that works tomorrow!

I had a dream last night that I was singing this song. It’s kind of my theme tune.

Had lunch with Ashley and the girls and my Mom at Buford Highway Farmers Market. My Mom watched the girls while Ashley worked on the computer and while I went and talked with apartment managers.

I went to four new locations. A couple of our established places said we can no longer come there because of liability issues. It happens.
I talked with one of our church partners about helping them get some traction in the community. Not sure they really want to. It’s hard to reach people that speak another language!

Did a lot of driving. Gassed up my car.

Had a great reception at Carmel Creek! This is an apartment community that I’ve wanted to work in for years!

Most of our established locations were happy to see us!

This will be another new location!

Had Vietnamese food with my Mom this evening before we came home. Really heavy rain and bad traffic made us wait. We ate and still got home about the same time as if we had waited in traffic!
Admin duties now.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Girls! Book!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:26 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili this morning.

Making progress in Swahili!

It’s hard.
The girls came by this morning for a visit! Always a blessing.

Penelope was practicing her sorting skills.

After lunch, I went to FBC Mountain Park to work on the audio version of my book Story Tim. I recorded twenty one chapters!

I work in the dark with a small desk light because the flourscent bulbs have a bad buzz.
I had to work on editing the book because this chapter was incorrectly numbered as 17. Fixed now!
Had over 1″ of rain yesterday in about an hour!

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery late this afternoon.
Took Kathy, Jesse and my Mom out for pizza this evening.

Also released a new edition of Verbal Surgery -559- “Mini Maximums.”Normally I’d do that tomorrow morning, but I’m trying to save me some time tomorrow. I plan on going to vote!
Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Admin duties now.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Penelope! Story Tim!

Tim A. Cummins @ 4:40 pm  

Sunday morning, I was up early with Penelope! After my Mom and Kathy got up, we all went to the park. It was a fun time.

I think she like playing at the dog park the best. Funny!

Miles and Ashley came by to pick her up after lunch. I rested then started working on admin duties. That included checking email, posting pictures, editing video and sending the email to the team with all the links.
Watered all my plants.
Still working on Story Tim audio that I recorded on Friday. I corrected the chapter title numbers. I had forgotten Chapter 16.

It was pretty hard but I figured it out.
Uploaded the corrected edition to Kindle.

Put the new fitted sheet on my bed.

Did a review of how the book will look on the Kindle.

I had downloaded the files from my recorder onto my computer on Friday. I titled each file and put them in the correct folder.

Took the family out to eat at Waffle House.

Went to Walmart to pick up a new air mattress for Jesse.

Added material to my Twitter feed. I have enough through the middle of July.
Finished up my admin duties.

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