Whirlwind Missions

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Language! Westside! Shower! Yard!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:16 pm  

I love this old picture of me and Jesse.

I thought Ashley needed this.

Studied Spanish and Swahili. Two more days in a row.

Finally beat this level. Had to give a wrong answer to win.

Went to Westside this morning.

I’m curious what makes these marks. My guess is skateboards.

I haven’t been playing djembe with the choir recently because my hands have been bothering me. They are better now.
VBS started today.

Pastor Ben spoke on running a strong race in life.

I recorded two more episodes of Verbal Surgery last week. I got them from my recorder onto my computer hard drive and labeled and captioned them.

That’s two weeks ahead.
I was hoping to record on my book tomorrow. Will probably wait till Tuesday and give my voice a bit more rest. Next team starts Wednesday morning. I’ll probably set up the Fellowship Hall tomorrow.
I convert my sermon notes into tweets on Twitter. I put five proverbs up a day. I wrote enough in the last two Sundays to fill a month.

Then I upload the tweets plus a link to my podcast onto another program which uploads them to Twitter at the appropriate times.

Ordered new address labels.

Cool looking game.

Kathy and I went to Always Fresh. Great variety of veggies there.
Came home to work on the shower. Added another layer of silicon and tested. Still leaking, but much less. Drying it out again now.
Mowed the yard.

It had gotten pretty high. It has been raining a lot. I need some dry weather before I cut it. I’ve also had some tingling in my arms so I’ve been resting them from too much heavy labor.

Went ahead and mowed even though my arms still kind of hurt and I my back is sore. I’ve found that sometimes the exercise really helps. Other times it makes it worse. I never really know what’s going to happen to tell the truth. I just do it and then see how I feel. Like biking. I wasn’t sure I could bike with my arms feeling weird. Did fine. Actually helped!

Blew the driveway and street off.

It was pretty dark by the time I finished. I prefer mowing real late in the day if I can. Way cooler and the fumes seem to dissapate better.

Definitely looked better.

I did it astonishingly fast.

I mowed quite a lot of poison ivy. I applied NuTec poison ivy oil remover lotion on my legs and took a thorough shower. I should be fine.

I saw the International Space Station for the 35th time this evening. Only saw it for a few seconds due to increasing cloudiness.

Admin duties now.
Tomorrow morning I go in for my permanent crown. Start adding money back on the credit card.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Podcast! Groceries! Jesse!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:59 pm  

Studied languages this morning.

I’m having trouble with this one question. The answer they give is wrong. Even when I give their incorrect answers still doesn’t work. It’s a puzzle.

Recorded a podcast this morning. Always enjoy that!

Jesse’s flowers are blooming!

Got the groceries as well as a new stroller for the girls. We need two small ones for Penelope and Everly rather than the one double stroller that Ash has. That thing is too hard to move around.

Had lunch and then went and got the groceries together.

I love this shot of us together when he was a little J.

Started raining this afternoon. Enjoyed watching the last of the Thor movie and playing Battlefront 2.
Also applied more silicon to the front of the shower wall. Hopefully, I can get it to stop leaking. I’ll test it out tomorrow.
Admin duties now.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Editing! Podcast! Checks! Girls!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:30 pm  

Worked on editing the three videos that I shot for the teams last week. Always takes time. Processing and Uploading to YouTube in particular.

I consider the team “complete” when I have sent the final email to them with the links to the YouTube video and the four photo galleries.

Studied Spanish and Swahili this morning.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -564- “Sunbrella.”
Just click on the title and GROOVE!
Uploaded to server.

Link on FaceBook.

We had the girls over today. Penelope and Everly are SUCH a huge blessing. So much fun!

Got my new checks in. I’ve been waiting for them to pay bills.

I paid of my MasterCard bill. Always great to have zero debt.

Recorded a new podcast called, “The Power of Being Wrong.” I thought it was pretty good. It’ll release in a week or so.
Sad to hear that Anthony Bourdain is gone. He was a favorite.
Admin duties now.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Opelika! Deep Spring! Turning Point! Plaza Fiesta!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:28 pm  

Woke up around 5:30am and studied Spanish and Swahili.

Ashley, the girls and I had a great time on our DDay with the teams from Florida, Alabama and Tennessee!

Giving the prayer cards to Jesus!

Then to Plaza Fiesta!

Penelope liked the litte toilet in the bathroom.

Then to the missions!

It really was a fantastic week! Such a blessing!
Came home to work on editing and posting videos on YouTube and other admin duties.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Opelika! Deep Springs! Turning Point! Global Mall & Al Madina! Concerts!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:10 pm  

Ashley, the girls and I had fun briefing the teams! Never too many bubbles!

Rabbi mode!

Big globe!

They’ve been a great group!

Poor Penelope got sun screen in her eyes this morning. Hurt!
Golden child!

Fashion show!

Rachel’s Tree of Love!

We took Deep Springs and Turning Point to Global Mall and the Shiv Mandir.

Fashion show at the Global Mall, too!

Studied Spanish and Swahili while Ashley took the team into Al Madina. The girls were sleeping in the truck with me.

Then to the missions!

In the evening, we had block parties and concerts at Azalea Place and Don Juan.
Turning Point did a fantastic job. GREAT to have them back in town!

The skits were fun!

Music and pizza with the choir from Opelika at Don Juan!

Got home about 9:30pm. Long day!
Admin duties now.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Deep Springs! Turning Point! Opelika! China Town!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:50 pm  

Released Verbal Surgery -563- “Pink Pony!” What does it take to get control over our emotions?

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Link on Facebook.

My Pink Magnolia trees are blooming! What a blessing!

Ashley, the girls and I had fun briefing our teams from Alabama, Tennessee and Florida!

We took Turning Point and Deep Spring to China Town!

The teams are doing great at the missions. What a blessing!

I didn’t sleep that well last night. Super tired. Came on home to work on admin duties.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Turning Point! Opelika! Deep Springs BC!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:01 pm  

Ashley, the girls and I had a fun time briefing our teams this morning.

We took them on safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

They’re doing a great job at the missions, including three new locations!
Admin duties now.
Working on memorizing over 130 people!

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Westside! Perimeter! Opelika!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:43 pm  

This morning I studied Spanish and Swahili.

Watered my plants.

Went to Westside BC.

I usually play djembe, but my hands have been bothering me so I took a break today.

Pastor Ben spoke on evangelism and told the story of Paul’s conversion and healing.

I thought this was funny.

Ashley and I briefed the leadership from Perimeter Church who will be helping us with their Rush program in July.

Deposited checks.

Went to Walmart and Office Depot to get notecards and more name tags.

Developed the route for my bus run tomorrow with Opelika BC. I will cover six locations and Ashley’s bus will go to eight. These are my six.

I had a good talk with the group this evening. Rocked out with Oshe Baba. Always a crowd favorite. The team helped me haul our stuff from our closet by the fellowship hall to the sanctuary where we’ll be meeting tomorrow. Big group in all of over 130 people!
Fantastic clouds tonight!

Admin duties now.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Financials! Bike! Shower!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:17 pm  

This morning I studied Spanish and Swahili.

Fifty days! Making progress! I love living in Atlanta. Friday I had an opportunity to speak Swahili with four different people! What a place!

I worked on financials most of the morning. I tallied up the checks that I’ve received from Whirlwind that I haven’t cashed. Last year was a very tight year for us. I didn’t dare take extra money.

That’ll help pay bills now that the ministry is doing better financially.

I also figured out how much I’ve spent using Amazon buying supplies for the ministry.Everything from batteries and envelopes to cables and cameras.

It’s been over a year and a half since I’ve been reimbursed for any of that. It’ll help pay off Kathy and my dental bills. Wow is that stuff ever expensive!
I released a new edition of Verbal Surgery -562- “Blind Hat.”

See things in a new way! Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded the episode to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Edited the video that I shot last week of our team from Mississippi.

I mark the team complete after I’ve sent them the final email with links to the video on Facebook and the photo galleris of the pictures we took.

Went on a 9.61 mile bike ride.
It’s been too wet to ride over the last couple of weeks. I was concerned that my hands and arms would bother me with tingling, but I did great! It’s amazing how exercise can improve things!
After the big storm yesterday, there was a lot of tree limb and power line damage. I had to ride another route to get around the downed lines.

I was sad to see this Camillia bush beaten up. It was really a beauty!

Mushrooms were sprouting.

They are a sign that the tree isn’t in good health.

Came home and worked on the shower. I’m still trying to determine where it is leaking. Water is such tricky stuff!

Watched the new Steve Martin and Martin Short Netflix special with Kathy. I thought it was pretty funny.
Admin duties now.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Spanish! Morrison Heights! Plaza Fiesta!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:35 pm  

Studied Spanish this morning.

Ashley, the girls and I enjoyed briefing our team from Morrison Heights BC in Clinton, MS.

We took them on safari to Plaza Fiesta! Penelope always loves that place!

Then to the missions!

Torrential rain cancelled the concert tonight. Interesting Mammutus clouds on the way home.

Sharp shinned hawk on the fence near my house this evening.

Admin duties now which include memorizing all the kid’s names from the team today.

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