Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, June 21, 2018


Tim A. Cummins @ 10:11 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili this morning.

Ashley, the girls and I took our new friends Greg and Matt from Alabama around the International Village. They’ll be bringing a team in July.

Matt got himself a new hat. Muy guapo.

He looked like the kind of guy that could really appreciate a finely made hat.

Then to the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

It’s always great to hang out with the girls!

Deposited checks.

I couldn’t believe this. Wow.

Admin duties now.
Had a great talk with my friend Carl Barrington today. We’ll be going to a soccer match in August.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Podcast! Fish! Muse!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:43 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili. Missed a day. Started the streak over. NBD.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -567- “The Power of Being Wrong.”
Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

The incarcerating of immigrant children is big news.

Filled up my water bottles.

Recorded a new podcast!

Cleaned up the kitchen.

Put my new episode on my computer from my PCM-M10 digital recorder.

Jesse and I ate lunch then went to the fish store next door.

Fantastic variety.

Jesse gave me a mushroom log for my birthday. Today I cut the X in it, scraped off the covering and put two teaspoons of water in it. I’ll be misting it every day.

I’m enjoying using my Muse to measure brainwave response. Today, I used it while playing video games which takes a lot of single minded focus, which is the essence of meditation.

This is the best I’ve done so far.

Again, while I was playing Battlefront 2.

Admin duties now.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

LA Choir! Penelope!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:52 am  

I studied Spanish and Swahili on Monday.

My streak came to an end on Monday night when I had Penelope over night. I forgot. Just keep trucking!
Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery!

Got an extension cord for Kathy. Turned out she didn’t need it.

Ashley, the girls and I hosted the All State Choir from Alabama on Monday afternoon. They sang at the Shiv Mandir at Global Mall.

They also sang at Al Madina for my Muslim friends.

And at Plaza Fiesta!

Whirlwind Missions trips are unique!

Great to work with the girls!

I’ve replaced the two belt holders for my camera and my phone. They take a lot of wear and tear on my belt.

I bought Penelope a Minnie Mouse house that she’s been dying for. It’s fun to see her use her imagination.

Sometimes it didn’t work perfectly (silly elevator) and she’d get a little upset about it.

I edited the video I shot for the choir on Monday.

I saw this interesting mushroom on a dead stump at Azalea.

Tuesday I went to lunch with the girls. We ate at the Downwind Restaurant at the PDK airport in Chamblee.
A group from Fernbank was there to talk with airmen from Dobbins airforce bace and Hunter army airfield in Savannah. My favorite chopper.

Got the groceries.

I got Penelope pull ups as she transitions out of diapers.

Gassed up my car.

Rained again. It’s been a wet summer. Which is better than a really dry one.

I enjoyed using my Muse brainwave headset Tuesday night. I gave myself a holiday and waited on my admin duties until Wednesday morning.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Fathers Day! Westside! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:03 pm  

Ashley and her family met us at Westside BC this morning.

Pastor Ben spoke about Peter walking on the water.

The girls did great in the nursery. K stayed in there with them and they had a grand time.

I liked this banner.

I played djembe today in church. My hands felt well enough to take that beating. I felt like I needed to praise the Lord. But didn’t really feel like singing.

Miles is such a great father!

I took Penelope outside to the little playground before she went home.

Her Minnie Mouse toy that she wanted came to my house this morning.

Studied Spanish and Swahili.

Had another high score this afternoon playing Battlefront 2. Hard to be the best out of 16 skilled players.

I rode my bike 6.79 miles this afternoon.

This made me sad. It looked like my favorite gardenia bush got clobbered in the storm and they cut it down. Great loss. I have loved that bush for nearly twenty years!

It had fantastic, fragrant flowers. Still giving to the end.

I cleaned the birdbaths and added food to my feeders for the birds and wild animals.

It was a fun Father’s Day! Kathy got me some new cologne. Ashley gave me a photo frame with a wonderful picture in it. Jesse wrote me a sweet letter and gave me a mushroom plant.

Admin duties now.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Podcast! Bags!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:04 pm  

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery Friday evening. Enjoy this special edition and Train Your Brain with Verbal Surgery -566-
“Become Aware”
Uploaded to server and link on Facebook.
Penelope really wants this. So I got it for her.

Studied Spanish and Swahili.

Watered my plants.

Edited video for the team I had last week.

Uploaded the video to YouTube.

I had Fanta orange with my fried rice for lunch. So good.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery. Test Drive will be great!

Hung out with Kathy and Jesse for a bit at the pool. Pretty hot. Water felt great.

I bought grocery bags for when I go to Walmart. Stop using plastic bags and go to reusable.

Passed a level when I studied Swahili this afternoon.

Spanish, too!

Played some Battle Front 2.
Got Jesse’s car from T&G. Brake light switch went bad.
Admin duties now.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Prattville! DDay! Global Mall! Missions!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:28 pm  

I love my orchids. I think this one is exquisite.

Studied Spanish late last night.

Then studied early this morning.

Ashley, the girls and I had a fun, last day with our team from FBC Prattville! The Golden Egg of EGGcellence!

Rabbi mode.

Fashion show.

Annoint head with oil from the Holy Land.

Signing the Landing Pad.

Then safari to Global Mall.

Ashianas for lunch.

Shiv Mandir.

To the missions!

Deposited checks.

Back to the missions!

Admin duties now.
Ride ’em cowgirl!

Added a new edition to Verbal Surgery -566-
“Become Aware.”

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Prattville! Asian Square! China Town! Missions! 6.14.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:12 pm  

Ashley, the girls and I had a great time briefing our team from Alabama this morning.

Red Thread Ceremony. “It’s my prayer trigger, can I pray for you?”

Lunch at Penang!

This was the first time I think Ashley really understood the Cobra in a Jar concept.

Asian Square is always groovy.

The girls were color coordinated. Ashley is so uber.

A classic shirt.

Always something interesting to see.

Calligraphy at the Chinese bookstore.

Deposited money. PTL!

Then to the missions.

Admin duties now.
Enjoying using the Muse that I got myself for Father’s Day. It’s a very sophisticated brain wave sensor. Has an app that reads brain waves on my iPhone 7+.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

FBC Prattville! BHFM! Missions!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:44 pm  

Ashley, the girls and I had fun briefing the team from Prattville, AL this morning. I got the girls another stroller. They match!

Everly is standing up a lot!

They are both real crowd pleasers!


China Tim.

We took them on safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

They enjoyed lunch!

I fired up the LED Jesus today! Beauty!

Always something interesting to see.

Everyone enjoys samples.

Kissing the frozen sheep head.

The stuff I come up with!
Love my girls!

After the Farmers Market, we came back to the church to finish up the briefing and pray.

Then to the missions!

Started to sprinkle so the team went in the corridors to stay dry.

Got home around 8:30pm.
Sent some pictures to my plumber to give me an idea of where it could be leaking in the shower.
Admin duties now.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Podcast! Emissions! Altima!

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:55 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -565- “Drip Cup!”

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Spicy Rice.”

It’ll release in about two weeks.
Went back to the emission tester place with my new gas cap.

It worked so the Cruiser passed!
Went to Walmart to get more extension cords for The Show.

This is what caused my car to fail. Worn out.

Went back with Kathy’s truck. It passed!

Got Jesse’s car next. The rear view mirror came off. I went to Walmart to get glue to put it back on.

Jesse’s Altima also passed. WOOT! I thought this sign at the emissions place was kind of funny.

Washed Jesse’s car when I got home. It was horrible.

Turned out looking pretty good I thought.

While I had the waterhose out, I cleaned out and filled the birdbaths.

Studied Swahili this afternoon.

Got all the emission tests completed in a day and a half! Check in the mail to get that job done.

Practical Swahili.

Been enjoying playing Battlefront 2.
Admin duties now.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Tooth! Set up!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:12 pm  

The yard looks better in the daylight.

Got my permanent crown on my tooth this morning!

All the work I needed done has been completed. Over $2,000.

Kathy’s cost over $1,000. She goes in in two weeks for her permanent crown to be installed.
After my tooth repair, I went to FBC Doraville to set up for The Show starting Wednesday.

Apparently, FBC Opelika took ALL of my extension cords and forgot to tell me nor to return them. That’s just not right, gringos.

I went to Walmart to get more cords so I could finish setting up the lights.
Went over to see the girls for a bit. They are SO awesome. Shocked I didn’t get any photos. Gave Penelope a new rotary tooth brush. She loves it. Pink pony style, plus strawberry flavored toothpaste.

I also took them a new stroller. We put it together. Penelope had fun helping me.
I got the emissions checked on my car on the way home. Apparently, I need a new gas cap in order to pass.

Hopefully, this will make the difference.

Studied Spanish this evening.

Admin duties now.
Back is still hurting me. Too much lawn mowing and carrying kids I reckon. I’ll try to be more careful. Hard to resist the little sweethearts.

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