Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

BF2! Rob! Mission! Bathroom!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:12 pm  

I enjoy playing the videogame Battlefront 2. It’s a Star Wars themed game with all the main characters. You are actually able to play as Yoda or Luke or Han! Pretty cool. Last night I had some good games. It’s funny how you can get into flow states.

Studied Spanish and Swahili this morning.

Went to Lowes to pick up some silicon caulk to redo the bathroom shower.

Part of the job is getting all the supplies and tools you need.
Also got more suet. I like Lowe’s best.

Not sure what this means.

I liked this sign.

We had lunch with our friend Rob Martin today. Always a blessing. We took him to Pho 24. Then for some frozen yogurt.

After yogurt, I watched the girls while Ashley worked on the financial report. Stuff is hard. I got the best job for sure! Penelope crashed so I had Everly all to myself. She’s such a delight!

I swang her for a long time until the direct sun started to shine on her. Then I held her and sung and rocked. She eventually crashed out. Such a blessing these girls!

I came on home and worked on the bathroom shower. I got almost all of the old caulk off. These tools came in super handy.

One takes the caulk out. The other one smooths the new caulk on. Fabulous.
The caulk gun I have is a good one. Very precise. I also cut the hole in the tube pretty small for more control.

Looks a lot better. Tomorrow I’ll finish the last couple of feet left. Couldn’t believe I ran out right at the very end. Also need to clean the walls up with a razor blade, need to get the residue off.
Admin duties now.
I need to work on my book. Big projects keep me from working on it.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Book! LIVE! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:25 pm  

Worked on formatting my book again. Drastic action had to be taken to fix the other problem.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -555- “Gloves Aren’t Boots.”
Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Studied Spanish and Swahili.

Deposited some checks for Whirlwind.

Went LIVE on Facebook with Verbal Surgery.

I have a few episodes saved up.
Miles needed a case. I went through my file cabinent and found one of my old ones. Still in great shape.

Worked on my shower this morning. I’m redoing the caulk.

Went for a 6.85 mile bike ride.

Came back to finish cleaning my shower. I sprayed it with bleach. I’ll do the silicon caulk tomorrow.

Went to the FBC Doraville to check on checks. See what I did there?

Went to the mission to work with the kids. Miles’ dad, Jimmy came over to see him.

Penelope got a little chocolate on her face.

Ashley is teaching a computer class.

Penelope and I went outside to splash in puddles.

She has lots of little friends. Penelope was especially happy to get to rid in the pink Barbie Jeep.

I leave you with this image.

Admin duties now.
Been having fun playing Battlefront 2.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Podcast! Bike! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:27 pm  

I heard that this is in the top 10 waterfalls in the USA!

Watered my plants.

Studied Spanish and Swahili.

Washed down the garage.

Swept the water off. Otherwise it’s super slippery.

Recorded a new podcast! Love to hear myself talk.
Did the shopping at Walmart.

Once I got home, I loaded up my Gorilla Cart with all the stuff for my room. Mainly bird food and distilled water for my plants.

I love my cart. Can’t believe I messed around with a stupid wheelbarrow that was falling apart for this many years. I’m pretty sure I picked it up off the side of the road. I still have it.
There’s some long grass near my dojo. I used a thin piece of bamboo and whacked it all down with super fast strokes. Worked great!

I’m keeping most of my cacti on the ground. I added another light for them. I’m trying to keep the tops of the tables less cluttered.

I left suet on the ground and a few shiny things for my crow friends.

This actually smells pretty good. I’m sure I’ll never be able to find it again. But at least I know what it is.

And just in case you’re wondering.

Rode my bike 13.00 miles today.

So beautiful.

But what really got me was riding through areas of fantastic fragrances.

Honeysuckle in particular.
Stopped by the church on the way to the mission to pick up checks.

Hardly any homework so we do art projects or Ashley helps them with the computer.

While I was at the mission, Kathy texted me that her car wouldn’t start. I jumped it off when I got home.

I finally got to use my new jumper cables which worked great!
Then drove her car around to charge the battery back up.

Admin duties now.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Westside! Cleaning!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:26 pm  

Penelope was all dressed up for her train ride today! Would have liked to have gone on that one!

Groovy, baby!

Studied Spanish and Swahili.

Went to Westside BC this morning. I always enjoy that.
Pastor Ben preached on “Stretching yourself.”
All the kids got to grow, Grow, GROW!

Came home to do some work.
Cleaned hummingbird feeders.

I couldn’t see what was in the box. Print was too tiny.

Ironic, eh?
Vacuumed the house.

Completely cleaned it out. It’s air drying now.

Blew out the garage.

And the deck.

Then swept and Swiffered the kitchen and laundry area.

Took my knife and scraped off these heel marks.

Cleaned my whole area.

Also swept outside.

Cleaned off my zebra skin and all the rugs downstairs. There are seven.

Then Swiffered the downstairs. I really like that system. Wipe up dirt and throw it away.

Then I dry the floor with a towel. Too dangerous when it’s wet.

Rugs are the last thing to go down.

Took nearly two hours to clean the upstairs and downstairs.

Admin duties now.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Swahili! Family Picture!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:56 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili this morning.

We took our family picture today! Always a challenge with little ones!
I think this is the one we like the most.

Penelope likes their new car with the sun roof. Windy!

Enjoyed Greek food with Kathy and Jesse. Took them to see the new Avengers movie. As I got ready to pay for the movie, I realized that I had left my card at Golden Corral the previous day. Left KJ and went to get it. I was tired after all that stress and just took a nap since I was nearly home.

Enjoyed playing games.

Admin duties now.

Friday, May 4, 2018

LIVE! Girls!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:07 pm  

Studied Spanish and Swahili this morning.

Released a new edition of Verbal Surgery -554- “Fight the Edge!”
Just click on the title and GROOVE!
Link on Facebook.

LIVE on Facebook!

Ashley brought the girls over for the afternoon. Always a blessing. Everly continues to get better every time I keep her.

Never too much Jesse.

The girls had fun tearing paper and chewing it. I didn’t let them swallow!

We had a great time together.
Fixed the dryer vent.

Still having to piecemeal out the recycling and trash from the Spring Clean. Sometimes it gets too much for the recycling guys and they don’t touch any of it. They’re kind of picky. What they won’t take goes into landfill.

I don’t like to leave anything at the curb.

Beautiful sunset.

Kathy has been doing SO much better since we got the CPAP working properly. Wow. Big difference. All really came down to a clogged filter.
Admin duties now.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Podcast! Kendalls! Recon! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:22 pm  

I love this picture of me and Jesse.

Studied Spanish and Swahili.

Recorded a new podcast!

Deposited money into the Whirlwind account.

I met up with Ashley and the girls at Global Mall. We had a fun lunch together. Absolutely astonished that I didn’t take any pictures of them. Miles was also able to break away and have lunch with us. Curry!

Interesting sign a Global Mall for spiritual services available.

Did a recon of Bradford Gwinnett apartments.

I’ve had a number of events over there over the years. Got a very warm reception. Always great to be loved!

Interesting signage from another church.

Ms. Joy was very helpful.

We will set up a meeting with the management and our friend Pastor Chester from One Heart Church in a couple of weeks.

Rode my bike 10.97 miles.

Absolutely beautiful outside.

I still have quite a lot of stuff that I cleared out during my Spring Clean. I stomped all the cardboard stuff down and put it in one big box.

Lots to be thrown away or recycled.

Maximum capacity is the ticket.

Lot of recycle. I don’t think it’s too much. Hard to know what they might not take.

A significantly smaller pile. I cover it up with the brown tarp to make it look less visible and to keep it dry.

Ashley sent me this picture of Penelope looking at the bird book I gave her. I love her so much.

I measure the hauling around garbage as exercise, too.

Admin duties now. Jesse worked on my book’s formatting. There were some image files I needed his help to get rid of.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Anthony! LIVE! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:12 pm  

It’s my friend Anthony Jacquin’s birthday today. Woot! Here we are on his birthday seven years ago in NYC.

I got to talk to him live on Facebook Messenger. This tech truly is astonishing. Live. With someone living in the UK. Wow.
Studied Spanish and Swahili.

Just keep going.

Went LIVE on Facebook this morning. Talked about “CogIGNITION,” my episode of Verbal Surgery that I released yesterday. I would’ve done it yesterday, but I was helping Kathy with her CPAP problem. She said it worked great last night!

Went to the bank to deposit money. Thank you, Jesus!

Got my baby carrier in today. Ashley swears by hers. I just swear when I can’t keep up with the girls.

Helped look for photos of my friend Jouvens today. He’s having some issue with immigration. I really don’t like this administration.

Worked with the kids at the mission. Not much homework these days. School’s almost out! Hard to believe.
I still enjoy playing with the kids. Especially, MY kids!

Penelope and Allison helped me pick up some trash and throw it away.

Traffic seems like it’s always about an hour to get home these days. Mr. Google always tries to save me “6 minutes” this way. I am SO thankful for AI!
Came home and cleaned and refilled my birdbaths.

Cleaned the comforter that we keep on the couch on the front porch with a power hose.

Admin duties now.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Tim A. Cummins @ 9:44 pm  

Bought a baby carrier last night. That’ll help when I have both the girls.

I uploaded another version of my book Story Tim last night. When I do a preview of the book there are random pictures that I took out that still appear. It’s a mystery.

Released a new podcast this morning! Accelerate your brain with Verbal Surgery -553- “CogIGNITION!”

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server.

Link on FaceBook.

Studied Spanish and Swahili.

I took Kathy to the CPAP machine place. We needed to get the machine checked out. It had a clogged filter and leaking hose. With those sorted out it should be a lot better for her.
The black is when the machine was turned on. The red is when she is breathing properly. Last night she only had 7 minutes. She’s supposed to be getting at least 4 hours. No wonder she’s always tired. Pray for her.

Reading Enlightenment Now.

Went for a 11.20 mile bike ride.

Absolutely gorgeous weather.
Everything is beautiful.

Ate at Golden Corral. That place has a lot of vegetarian options.
Paying off my credit card debt. Almost all paid!

Captured and released squirrels #28 & #29 today.< img src=”https://photos.smugmug.com/Missions/Azalea-5-1-18-New-Car-/i-bhFtsnf/0/599a0f8d/M/2018050120563404-7516818176_IMG_1583-M.jpg” alt=”” />
I can tell that there are less squirrels in my yard, but not much less. I do know that the ones that were living in my attic are gone.
The Kendalls got a new car!

Enjoyed hanging out with the kids at the mission.


Baby alert!

Beautiful sunset!

Admin duties now. Will work on the book. Hopefully, converting and uploading as an RTF file will help. Crazy.

Monday, April 30, 2018

Podcast! Girls!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:41 pm  

I recorded a new podcast this morning! Always one of my favorite things! Gorgeous at the lake.

I was finally able to upload my pictures to my server.

I watched the girls this afternoon. What a blessing they are to me! I took them to the Dollar Tree.

Everly liked the flowers the best.
I took them to the park and loaded them up in the Gorilla Cart.

We had fun at the park. It was new for me to watch both of them at the same time. I did some things wrong, namely, I didn’t have a carrier to hold the baby so I could have more mobility with Penelope. Everything worked out just fine, but I’m always in “tweak mode.”
I walked around my back yard with Everly. She likes looking around. I noticed a couple of trees that had grown together.

Two different species!

I put Penelope to sleep.

Ashley and I put the newsletters in the envelopes. Some of them wouldn’t stay sealed so we had to put a piece of tape on the back.
Jesse, Kathy and I went out for Chinese food, then I stopped by the Post Office to get the letters in the mail.

I let Ashley take my car to ride horses today. It’s easier to keep the car seats in her car.
Gassed up my car.
It’s kind of hard to tell, but this is a big flying ant swarm. It’s about two feet across.

Admin duties now then work on Story Tim. Hopefully, my editing of the pictures worked.

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