Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Anthony! DNA! Podcast! Live! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:05 pm  

I had a fun talk with my friends Anthony and Marcus in England today. We’ll see each other this weekend! AWESOME!

I was looking at the results of my DNA. Around seven generations ago I had an ancestor who was 100% Japanese, another 100% Algerian, another 100% Native American Indian. I find that stuff interesting.

Studied Portuguese! This weekend I’ll need it!

I released a new edition of Verbal Surgery -523- “Mind Makeup!”
Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server and link on Facebook.

I scheduled four more episodes for while I’m in Brazil. They will release on the normal Tuesday and Fridays. Then I’ll put the link and promo info on Facebook. Worked out as a great strategy when I was in the UK in November.

I went LIVE on Facebook with the video version of “Mind Makeup.” Pretty funny stuff.

I’m down to the last few days. I still needed a nice shirt to wear with my suit pants. Got something good at Goodwill.

Also went by the Buford Highway Farmers Market for a couple of small things.

Went to the mission to work with the kids and hang out with the girls.

I got her a fire truck and some house slippers that looked like dinosaurs. What’s not to like? She loved them.
I’ve had some friends start to promote my new book Story Tim. Groovy!

Gassed up my car.

Got paper to wrap gifts. Still need to pack and clean the fish tank. I’ll start on those assignments today.
Admin duties now.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Editing! Portuguese! Jesse!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:07 pm  

I’m fortunate to have Jesse proofreading my book Story Tim. I sent it to people with only one pass through. When I was reading it on my phone, I circled some booboos.

I sent out an early edition for reviews and proofing to friends and family.

Studied Portuguese intently. Pushing towards the last week. I leave this Friday. Unbelievable after all these weeks!

I don’t really consider a camera “field ready” until I have a UV clear filter over the main lens. That keeps any random dirt or object out.

I liked this shirt.

Great to spend time with Jesse! Always fun!

I think my daughter Ashley has skill.

Admin duties now.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Portuguese! Podcast! Story Tim!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:17 pm  

Worked on a new podcast on Saturday. Always GREAT when I get to hear myself talk!

It will release next week or so.
Dropped off a tripod to UPS.

I didn’t like the head. Wasn’t smooth enough.

Passed the Apple Maps guy. I’m a Google Guy myself.

Not my best night of video games. Lol.

I’m not even sure what I did to score 1.
I edited almost 100 pages of my book on Saturday.

I guess I’ve been studying Portuguese for nine months now.

I called Air Canada to verify my e-ticket #. Everything was cool. Amen!

My new favorite word.

Didn’t go to church on Sunday. Focused on work. I finished a first go through edit of my whole book, Story Tim! Awesome. I sent it to some friends to take a look at a review. Interested? email me at I’ll put you on the list. VerbalSurgeonTim@gmail.com

I just stopped to put a couple of other people on that list. Need their email address.

Finished reading the book Sleight of Mind. I liked it.

I called Air Canada to get the plane tickets confirmed and seats chosen.

Read some more.

Sent email to friends with the book.

Feels great and kind of astonishing to get that project done! Still needs more thorough editing and set in the format for Amazon. I saw companies on line that can completely code up the book for $49. Cheap. It just has to be in the Kindle friendly format.

Admin duties now.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Podcast! Portuguese! LIVE! Bank!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:26 pm  

Released a new podcast this morning! Verbal Surgery -522- “Sloth Moss.”

Just click on the title and groove! Learn the best ways to get rid of bad behaviors!
Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Went LIVE on Facebook with “Sloth Moss” then recorded a new episode called, “Star Blind.”
Been practicing with the Vixia R80. Fun little camera! Here’s the first
screen capture that I sent wirelessly to my iPhone 7+.

Studied Portuguese. Brazil!

I’m concentrating on perfecting each skill chronologically now just as fast as I can.

My son, Jesse and I were looking at my 23 and Me DNA stuff.

I thought I was going to be 1 up. Couldn’t get it out. Too wedged in.
I got the SD cards in. Worked on getting them all formated properly.

Went to the Bank to deposit money for Whirlwind. Amen!

Did the shopping.

This could be an interesting New Year’s Resolution.

I worked on my Super Mega Placebo Mark II gag for the conference in Belo Horizonte. Hand them out. Tell them it’s a placebo. Then all the amazing things that will happen to them afterwards! Hilarious and powerful!

I decided to go with the Captain Crunch cereal “OOPS!” It’s the one that JUST has the berries. I loved the colors.

I got cute little Panda zip lock baggies to put them in.

Rainy day. Garbage day.

Admin duties now.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Portuguese! Vixia! Editing!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:13 pm  

Studied Portuguese! I’ll be leaving for Brazil a week from tomorrow. Otimo!

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery. I’m steadily adding to my library so I can have them release when I’m in Brazil.

The Canon Vixia R80 came in yesterday! I got her charged up and working today. I’m looking forward to shooting with it.

I finished my book yesterday. I had been calling it “Quantum Metaphors” but I decided to make that the subtitle and the main title be, what it really is, Story Tim.

I’m working on editing the material. My goal is 25 pages a day. I’m trying to get it finished by before I go to Brazil. Big goal.
The 25 increment numbers show where I should be in my book.

Beauty is everywhere.

Filled up Ashley’s truck.

Low lying clouds.

Went to Azalea to work with the kids at the mission.

Made a video for my friend Alberto to promote the conference in Brazil next weekend!

Rainy weather getting home.

Worked with Vixia. I think that the live streaming option is still better with the iPhone. The Vixia has WAY better optics than the iPhone. It can zoom in to 25x. Iphone 7 plus has a 2x zoom. That’s is gigantic difference.

But the connectivity and the video of the iPhone 7+ is hard to beat when you can do everything pretty close up.

Admin duties now.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Portuguese! QM!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:03 pm  

I was studying the operation manuals for the new camcorder I have coming. It’s a Canon HF R80. It promises to be ge a really nice piece of tech. I’ve shot with Canon cameras for over 20 years. They now can connect to my iPhone. I actually took this picture, after having adjusted the frame all without touching the camera. Then the picture was wired from the camera directly to my phone! The new video camera will be able to do the same thing. What!?

I recorded another episode today. I need five more before next Friday. Seems possible!

I finished the first draft of my book Quantum Metaphors.

As I prepare to go through it the first time, I may change a lot. Just see how I feel.

The sixty-fourth story. Then a bonus!

Played some Battlefront 2. Did great in this round.

It’s the best of 16 players.

I kept coming back to my book. I finally broke the 50,000 word barrier!

I took a picture of the last about twenty chapters so I could fill in the contents page.

Great quote from the book Sleight of Mind.

Ashley’s car is still getting the window fixed. I didn’t go into the mission tonight. It should be fixed by tomorrow morning.

Admin duties now.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Portuguese! Podcast! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:13 pm  

Worked on my book last night!

Ashley sent me a beautiful picture of Everly this morning!

Still studying Portuguese.
I’m trying to strengthen as many skills as possible.

Released a new episode today! Get moving forward with Verbal Surgery -421- “Goalitos!”

Just click on the title and GROOVE!
Link on Facebook.

My word of the day. I love the sound of it. Obstreperous.

Deposited checks.

Went by the church to pick up mail.

To the mission to help the kids! Ashley got a Redwood forest mural for her wall.

Just when I thought I’d seen it all.

Beautiful sunset.

I drove Ashley’s car to T&G mechanics tonight. Driver’s side window won’t roll up. I had to drive home with the window down. In this weather, that’s a challenge. I put on one of Penelope’s outfits on my head. Seemed to work pretty well.

When I got to T&G, I used the trashbags to secure the window. Not exactly theft proof. We got everything out of the car that was valuable.

Admin duties now and work on QM.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Portguese! China! Ashley!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:57 pm  

Worked on Portuguese. Um pouca mais cada dia.

Recorded a new podcast! Always love to hear myself talk.

I ate at Taco Veloz in Chamblee. Best churros on the planet.

Also went by Hoa Da to talk to my friend Dr. Nguyen. Good to keep up contacts.

I’ve been told this poster represents people just after they’ve tried some of that cobra juice.

Stopped by the church to pick up checks. We take pictures of them for our records.

I’ll deposit them tomorrow.
Took a little ice cream over for Ashley, Miles and the girls.
Dropped off some receipts.

Did the shopping.

I’m upgrading some of our media resources. I got this little blue tooth microphone which connects to my iPhone. I’m looking forward to seeing what I can do with it.

Admin duties now.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Portuguese! QM! Westside!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:33 pm  

Studied Portuguese this morning!

Worked on my book Quantum Metaphors.

Went to Westside BC this morning.

Pastor Ben spoke on financial stewardship.

Beautiful clouds.

Jesse and I went to the fish store after we ate lunch.

Enjoying the book Sleight of Mind.
Admin duties now.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Portuguese! Jedi! Planning!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:45 pm  

Worked on my new book.

Studied Portuguese! Certo!

Went to see Last Jedi again. I enjoyed the second go through. Definitely saw things that I missed.

These movies look intriguing to me.

Right screen number.

Went to the ATT store to find out more info on adding international calls to my plan. Turns out it costs $60/month. BUT you reimbursed for days you don’t use. So I’ll sign up the day before I leave.

Worked on planning my trip. I usually start getting serious about two weeks in advance. This trip I’ve been getting ready for over nine months.

Gassed up my car. $3.35.

UPS delivery to my doorstep.

I knew what it was. Brasilian Visa! Yeah, baby!

Admin duties now.

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