Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

QM! Portuguese! Girls!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:45 pm  

Monday night I wrote another chapter in my new book Quantum Metaphors! Excellent!

Watered my plants.

Cleaned my fish tank.

Monday night I worked on Future Perfect tense in Portuguese.

Top player in Battlefront 2 out of 16 players.

Studied Portuguese Tuesday morning.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -516-
“Joy Ride.”
Link on Facebook.

Went LIVE on Facebook doing a version of Joy Ride.
Also recorded a new podcast, “Hazy Lazy.” The danger of not having goals.

Fabulous clouds today.

Picked up checks at the office.

Went to Perimeter mall with Ashley, Penelope, Everly and Nana.

This looked dangerous to me.

Penelope and I liked this.

We enjoyed playing with the toys at Goodwill. We got a lot of fun stuff for her!

Penelope was scared of these little ladybug looking things.

Burning bush.


Playing Battlefront 2 and Admin duties. Work on QM.

Monday, December 25, 2017


Tim A. Cummins @ 7:10 pm  

Studied Portuguese!

I’m learning some Byron and Blake quotes.

Had a great time with the Doverspikes today!

All the brothers and sisters!

Fun time with some great folks!

Admin duties now.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Penelope! Christmas Eve!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:30 pm  

Penelope spent the night Saturday. She was awesome! She finally went to sleep around 10:00pm.

Studied Portuguese conditional past tenses.

After lunch of Indian food from Zyka, Ashley, Nana and I went shopping at Walmart for groceries.

She loves Paw Patrol.

Came home to love on all the girls and Miles!

Penelope loves her new kitchen.

Gmama love.

Happy Birthday Jesus cupcakes.

New Grandmother story!

Admin duties now.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Portuguese! Hippo Hop! Supplies! Penelope!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:44 am  

Studied Portuguese! Cada dia um pouco mais.

Met up with the Kendalls at Hippo Hop to watch Penelope have fun!

Then went to FBC Doraville to sort supplies for the big event on December 29th with Campus Crusade for Christ. Fifteen items in thirty bags.

Ready to go! I still need to get the drinks. Sixty 2.75 liter drinks are heavy and take up a lot of room. I’ll get those the day before the conference and put them straight in the truck.

Good team work!

Picked up the mail at the church.

Penelope came home with us to spend the night. She was a perfect angel!

Friday, December 22, 2017

Portuguese! LIVE! Colonoscopy!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:37 pm  

Studied Portuguese infinitives.

Released a new edition of Verbal Surgery -516- “Speak Bear!”
Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to Facebook.

Very foggy day!

I’m learning a section of a song by Walk the Moon.

I am my own Sanctuary
I am my own Hero
I am my own Teacher
I am my own Best Friend
I am my own Friday Night
I am my own Love of my Life
I am my own Way Out
I am my own Sanctuary
I am my own Sanctuary

It reminds me of Talking Heads when I hear it. A certain poetry.

Took Kathy for her colonoscopy today. Took about five hours in all!

She had some polyps. So she has to go back every three years. We will hear if there was anything in the biopsy in a week.

Studied Portuguese while I waited.

She was pretty sleepy for a while.

Went to eat at Sweet Baby Janes.

Then to Home Medical to pick up another hose for Kathy’s cpap.

Enjoyed reading and playing Battlefront 2.
Admin duties now.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Portuguese 250! Girls! Harmony! Supplies!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:29 pm  

Studied Portuguese!

250 days!

Great to see the girls!

We ate vegetarian Chinese food. It was super good! Harmony is definitely a food fav now!

We went to five different Dollar Tree stores in order to get everything that we needed for the Outreach Event with Campus Crusade on December 29th.

My master list.

Balls were the hardest to find.

I had a high score on Battlefront 2.

Admin duties now.

I still plan on working on a chapter of Quantum Metaphors.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Portuguese! Podcast! Groceries!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:40 pm  

Rainy day. I decided not to travel into Chamblee because of the rainy weather. I didn’t want to carry stuff back and forth to my car in the rain. Plus the traffic would be brutal. ALWAYS wrecks when it gets wet.

Worked on Portuguese!

I think this may be a one day high for Verbal Surgery: 650!
Enjoying listening to Walk the Moon’s new album “What if nothing?”
Highly recommend.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery “Joy Ride.” It’s a good one!

Went live on Facebook with “Brain Raining.” It went great!

Gassed up my car.

Did some grocery shopping with my mom.

Admin duties now.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Podcast! Supplies! Board Meeting!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:41 pm  

Studied Portuguese. Sempre!

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -515- “Brain Raining.”
Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server. Link on Facebook.

Talked with my insurance guy. We got a glitch figured out on my policies with one of the companies we’re dealing with. No problem.

The girls came over to visit us this morning. Always a blessing!

Tense baby.

We had a fun lunch at El Torero.

My mom and I did a supply run from Dollar Tree today. We are building towards having supplies for Outreach Events in thirty different apartment complexes around seven cities in Metroplex Atlanta. First we started making a list of what we need.

Then start making inventory of what we got at the store and how much more we need to buy.
Mom was a big help getting the supplies and pushing carts around!

This is just ONE of the bills. We’d have to buy stuff and take it to the car and unload it because of lack of carts.

Here’s another one!
We had our annual Whirlwind Missions Board Meeting this evening! It was the final one for our retiring President of the Board, Dr. Carl Barrington!

Here’s another!

Came home to work on admin duties.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Portuguese! Girls! Nana!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:09 am  

Monday morning I studied past tense in Portuguese.

Drove to Chamblee to help Ashley take care of her girls while she took her computer to get repaired.
She was sad for a while, but finally took a nap!

Then all the girls came to MY house! Penelope and I had fun.

We got Ashley’s truck worked on. Needed new brakes. Pretty expensive. Gotta do what you gotta do!

Ash and I worked on putting the final details on the Board Report. We will have our meeting on Tuesday night at Ashley’s house.

Enjoying reading Sleight of Mind.
Worked on getting my Mom’s room ready for her visit!
Jesse went with me to the airport last night to pick her up!

We had some issues getting her bag. I think the airport was still in a bit of a mess after the power outage on Sunday.

I liked this penguin at the airport!

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Portuguese! Westside! Media!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:06 pm  

Studied Portuguese this morning. Surprised?

Went to Westside this morning.

Pastor talked to the young people.

Pastor spoke about how close to the truth was the baby Jesus narrative?

Came home and worked on two new chapters in my book Quantum Metaphors.

Added media to my Twitter feed. I have lined up through nearly the end of April 2018.

Enjoying the Sleight of Mind book.
Playing Battlefront 2.
Admin duties.
Looking forward to my Mom coming in tomorrow evening!

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