Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Equip Prep! Portuguese! Podcast! Slides! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:16 pm  

Spent time this morning analyzing the schedule for this weekend. I found out how many people will be in my three sessions. I’m not a big fan of the buffet approach. Seems like we are all in competition, but both of my sessions will be recorded, so that’s good!

Studied Portuguese! Pouco a pouco!

Also reviewed verb forms. Easy to let that slip away without constant review. Same for Bible verses!
Recorded a new edition of Verbal Surgery! That always makes me feel better. “Rah, Rah, RAW!” is super enthusiastic. I need to have an extra six on reserve for when I’m out of town in the UK in November.

Worked on my slide show for the Equip Conference this weekend. Wow! It turned out a lot harder than I thought it would be. I had the “hard part” done, I thought! Which was the creating and putting the slides in order.

For some reason the projector was taking the slides and putting them in another order. I finally figured out that numbering from 1-23 doesn’t work. It goes from 1 immediately to 11, then 12 until 19, then goes to 2! Jesse said the way I had them is called “natural order” In order to make the numerals work they have to be number 01, 02, 03 . . . .

I made it work by using letters instead. I talked to Jesse AFTER I’d figured out a way to make it work!
I also needed to practice with the hardware to make sure I completely understood how to use the project, the controller and how to set it up.

I left the projector out. I’ll set it up and practice a couple more times just to make sure I have it completely wired in.

I’m still deciding whether to use slides for my prayer session. I probably will use props instead. May I may work on that tomorrow.

Gassed up my car. Still high prices.
Worked with the kids at the mission.
We had a volunteer today, so that was helpful.

I spent most of my time wandering around following after Penelope. She LOVES it there! SO many kids to play with and they all adore her!

I took the Kendalls out for Taco Veloz.

Then we had the boys help move the furniture in! Many hands, little labor!

We always have treats to say “Thank you!”

I enjoyed talking with my friend Pat Young today. It’s his birthday.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Podcast! Portuguese! Equip! Mission! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:45 pm  

Worked on my presentation for the Equip conference Monday evening. Got the slides in order.

Saved the file as a PDF and put it on a flash drive.

Got the projector together with the power cord.

I will practice with the gear to make sure everything is working correctly.

Made a list of the things I still needed to get at the church.

Added tweets to my social media. My version of sermon notes.

I’m way ahead. I release five a day. They will run until January 3rd so far. I usually do about 17 days worth on a Sunday. So I keep getting further ahead. Although two of the last three weekends I’ve been speaking somewhere and didn’t add any material.

Studied Portuguese first thing this morning. Studying future tense.

Lots of days in a row!

Released a new edition of Verbal Surgery -486-“Falling in LIKE!”

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server and link on Facebook!

You’ll Love it!!

Met with my friend John Cook this morning! Always a blessing!
Went to my storage closet at the church and to Walmart to pick up supplies for the Equip Conference.
To the mission to work with the kids!
GREAT to see my friend Johan today! He’s one of my original youth group from sixteen years ago! He’s back living at Azalea. Amen!
Went for a 6.88 mile bike ride.
Got some new glasses for riding. Still don’t know what I did with my other ones. These are completely clear.
Reminds me of me.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Portuguese! Penelope! 9.4.17

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:12 pm  

Studied Portugese this morning! Yeah!
Working on the future tense.

Paid all my bills. Filled out a form for serving on a jury.

Ashley brought Penelope over. Always great!

She loves my bubble machine!

We had fun walking her around the neighborhood.

Kathy and I took her to McDonalds. She ate well and enjoyed playing on their toys. A five year old boy named Ryan was SO glad that Penelope showed up. He was lonely. He took her under his wing and gave her the confidence to climb all the way to the very top of the play structure and slide down this three loop slide! Kathy and I were stunned by her intrepid spirit!

I tried to get her to take a nap, but she wasn’t buying it. After about thirty minutes, she jumped up and started playing on my electronic drum set!

Took her out to Stone Mountain to enjoy some fun.

She loves trains, so we were in the area whenever the train came by.

She really had fun climbing on the rocks.

I took Penelope swimming. The water was pretty cold, but we got used to it fast. There was NO ONE out in the pool. I was shocked by that. We had a private pool. Ashley and Miles had been working at Azalea getting the apartment ready to move in. She met us at the pool to pick up Penelope. “POP POP!!” She kept calling my name. She wasn’t happy to be saying goodbye! Me either! That’s why we have tomorrow!
I did the grocery shopping before I came home.

I liked this car!

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Midway! Yard Work! 9.3.17

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:39 pm  

Early morning! Got up around 5:30am. Dressed up in my blue Chinese shirt and went to pick up Ashley in Clarkston. We took a ride to Midway Church in Villa Rica, GA. Took about an hour to get there!
They had a dynamic music presentation!
Ashley and I spoke in all three worship services, starting at 8:00am! Between services, I caught up on my Duolingo. Always studying!
Cool architecture at the church! Kathy said it reminded her of Fernbank Science Center here in Atlanta!
We took our display.
I liked this graphic at their church.
We had fun with their missions team!
I took the Big Globe as a prop.
Pastor Todd spoke on building the body of Christ. Are you willing, faithful, thankful and prepared?
Fun lunch with Brent and his wife!
Came home to rest.
Then went out and mowed the front lawn.
Chopped ivy off the trees.
Blew the driveway.
Picked up sticks.
Weeded the front garden. Broke my hoe. Had to use a shortened version. Not zesty.
Had a dead tree in my back yard. Kicked it over with my mighty legs. Piled it up in with the rest of the yard waste.
Pushed and walked 1.36 miles doing the mowing and other yard work. Tired!
Enjoyed a nice chat with Jesse and Kathy this evening.
Admin duties now.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Portuguese! Dragon Con! Signage! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:42 pm  

Studied Portuguese!

Gassed up my car! Gas really jumped with the hurricane in Texas!

Drove to FBC Doraville to pick up supplies for the road trip tomorrow to Midway Macedonia BC with Ashley! We’ll be giving a short interview in the three services.

Took a ride on Marta to downtown ATL to check out Dragon Con! It was a lot of fun, but super crowded. 77,000 people! I’d say at least 1/3 were really dressed up. Craziest people watching ever.

Went over to the mission at Azalea to check on the kids. They’re working on cleaning. Looked better!

Put up some signage for the hypnosis business.
Jesse helped me move my San Pedro cactus. It was getting so tall I was afraid it would fall over. Put it on the floor so I can support it at the top. It’s grown over 1.5 feet since I got it in 2015!

Rode my bike 4.87 miles.
Vaccumed the house.
Blew the porch.

Admin duties now.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Portuguese! Paint! Podcast! Remodel!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:59 pm  

Studied Portuguese early this morning–like 3am!

Printed labels for the newsletter!
Calculated my mileage. (Although I hardly ever cash a mileage check because our ministry has been so tight financially. I have over $2,000 worth of uncashed checks.)

Released a new podcast! Check out Verbal Surgery -485- “Mind Song!”

This one sounds GREAT! Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Doing research on accordian doors for the mission. Trying to get some privacy for the rest of the apartment from working with the kids.

Went to Lowes for more paint. Trim and kitchen/bathroom. Called “Northstar.”

Continue to make progress. No fast way to do it!

I like the color scheme Ashley picked out. Very modern.

We still plan on swapping out some faucets and light fixtures. Little changes make big changes.

Repainted the ceiling in the bathroom. The nails were rusting. Primed and finished the coat today. This is before the walls were repainted.

Ashley is covering over the hideous green tile with contact paper. What can’t she do?

I am always astonished by how good tempered Penelope is. To be around all that painting and be so patient is incredible. She gets a little anxious sometimes. But honestly, so did I!

We took a break from painting to do the labels and stamps for the newsletters. Penelope likes the stickers!

154 letters in the mail this month! Please give generously!

Finished up the painting, cleaned brushes and came home.

Productive day!

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Portuguese! Painting! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:23 pm  

Studied Portuguese this morning. Surprised?

Ashley, Penelope and I worked for about five hours today painting the mission in preparation for the Kendalls moving in!
Went for a 15.66 mile bike ride.

We had a little over 1″ of rain yesterday and this morning..
I know this feeling.
Full Sun Moon!
My indian name.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Portuguese! Podcast! Painting!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:18 pm  

Woke up around 4am to study Portuguese.
I also had a good chat with my friend Anthony Jacquin who is currently with his family on holiday on an island off of Spain. Always fun to make contact!

Then back to studying.
Went back to sleep for a few hours.

Then back up to go record a new podcast! While I was there a car alarm kept going off. Eventually, after probably fifteen minutes, I went over to the house to see what was going on.
A Haitian man said that his car was making this noise, but he didn’t have a car alarm. I asked him for the key. “Did it start?” “No.”
“Does this key open the door?” “Yes.” I took the key, closed the door, locked the door, unlocked the door again with the key and the alarm went silent. “Sometimes you have to reset it with a locked door.” He nodded in amazement. I asked where they were from. He said, “Haiti.” We had fun speaking French for a while. Then he saide “Yo hablo Espanol.” I told him, in Spanish, “Yo hablo Espanol, tambien.” We talked for a while in Spanish. Then I told him, “Bon Dia” which is Portuguese! The mixed up life of the polyglot.

Went back to the park and enjoyed recording a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “False Alarms.” Seemed like the thing to do!

Came home to spend time with Kathy. Ashley and Penelope came over, as well as Jesse. Ashley was recording some scripts for Jesse while I took care of Penelope.

Kathy is doing better but still has pains in her leg.

After they finished recording, Jesse and I went back to Azalea to work on painting the mission.

We finished the girl’s room.

And the front room where we will still have mission activities.

I did the first coat of paint on Ashley and Miles’ bedroom and their bathroom.

I still have to do the second coat of paint on the little bathroom and Ashley’s bedroom. Paint the second bathroom. Paint the kitchen and do all the trim in those three rooms. At least four more hours. I’ll have it all done by the weekend if all goes well.

I miss taking pictures of everyone doing their hard work, but I don’t bring out my phone when I have paint on my hands!

We have a LOT of mission work going on this weekend including a team from First Redeemer church on Saturday for most of the day and speaking in three services at Midway Macedonia BC in Villa Rica on Sunday.

I also have a client for my life coaching business on Friday.

Good times!

Had good conversation with Kathy this weekend. Hypnosis is not always about inductions. Lots of time hypnosis is special kinds of conversations. It’s what I call Verbal Surgery.

Like with Kathy, just having her visualize playing with the Penelope and the happiness that she brings can be very powerful hypnosis!

Admin duties now.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Portuguese! Penelope! Painting! Glasses!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:21 pm  

Studied Portuguese this morning! Heard that before? Otimo!
I wonder what YOU could accomplish in 137 days straight?
Released a new edition of Verbal Surgery -484-“Traction Attractions!”

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

UPloaded to my server.

Link on Facebook!
Worked on Portuguese verbs.

I saw this bumper sticker when Kathy and I took Penelope to the park. Seemed appropriate.
She likes to push her little stroller.

She’s a runner, jumper and climber!

I saw these little mushrooms in our back yard when we got home.

Went to Azalea to continue painting the mission in preparation for Ashley, Miles and the girls to move in!

It took TWO coats of paint to cover up the “Gamma Green” that Jesse wanted on the walls.
Pink for baby girls!

Gray for the hallway.

This morning I lost my glasses. That’s very unlike me and kind of freaked me out. Checked my pockets dozens of times. Not in the car. Not in my room. Decided they must have dropped at the park. Figured I go back and look for them later this evening.

Went to Walmart to get some groceries with Jesse. While I was in there, I felt for my glasses and not only were my spare pair in there, but so were my glasses!! Truly weird!

Still not sure how they could just suddenly materialize in my pants, but that’s what happened. Still have NO idea how they could have just gotten there. They’re big, so it’s not like you could just miss them! One of those “Jesus things” I reckon!

Jesse, Miles and I finished working on the rooms or ran out of paint. Went to Cici’s for pizza. Came back to the mission to clean up, then came home.

Admin duties now.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Portuguese! Podcast! Remodel!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:57 pm  

This morning I studied Portuguese! Sound familiar?

Lot of days in a row!

Recorded a new version of Verbal Surgery called, “All Wrong Clocks!” It’ll release soon!
Went to Lowes to pick up some painting supplies, then over to Azalea to start the project.
Here’s what the mission looked like before we started.
Ashley drew this T. Rex for Jesse!
Green is Jesse’s favorite color.

I also took down the white boards. We will put one back up in the living room/after school room.

Hall way and bathroom.

This is the south end of the kitchen.

The front room will be a slate gray with a blue tint. Jesse cut in while I did the roller brush. We finished the front room in about 1.5 hours.

Painter Tim! I’ve done a LOT of painting over the years.

Ate at chic-fil-a with Ashley, Jesse and Penelope. Always fun.

Came home to work on admin duties.

Glad to say that Kathy is feeling better. She’s able to sit in a chair now without being in total pain. Thank you, Lord!

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