Whirlwind Missions

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Westside! Run! HOPE!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:26 pm  

Studied Portuguese first thing this morning. It’s a way of life!

That may be a new high score!
I know that’s right!

Went to Westside BC this morning. Kathy couldn’t make it. She’s still in too much pain. Pray for her!
I like the children’s sermons.

Pastor Ben is preaching from Nehemiah. “What is distracting you?”

Came home to eat lunch and rest.

Then went for a 10.90 mile bike ride.

Showered, dressed then went to Dunwoody Glen to meet up with the HOPE team from my church. Always fun to see them in action. Most of the crowd was Spanish. All this Portuguese study has also vastly improved my ability to speak and hear Espanol!

The team starts with a basketball clinic.

Many adults also showed up.

Then the crowd tries chest pass drills.

The most exciting part of the evening was sharing the Gospel!

Pastor Eduardo Zamora helped translate to the adults.

Pastor Ben then led them in the prayer of salvation.

Thirteen children and several adults asked Jesus into their hearts! AMEN!

They came for counseling.

Proud of this team!

Admin duties now.

I still need to edit the video I shot.

I also have a friend I plan on calling later this evening. He lives is Idaho and has been having a really rough time lately.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Portuguese! N. Gwinnett Church! Plaza Fiesta! Azalea!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:17 pm  

Studied Portuguese this morning!

Ashley and I had fun briefing our team from N. Gwinnett Church on Mexican Catholicism!

Senor Tim! Orale!

After our prayer time, we took them to Plaza Fiesta!

The food was delicious!

Took them on a tour of Plaza Fiesta!

Saint Jemima?

After our tour, a group of the team came to help us move things from the mission in preparation for Ashley’s family!

We took all the books out.

Cleaned the closets.

Organized all the supplies and put everything into the living room closet. Including 26 chairs!

All the books and some supplies we took to St. Vincent de Paul. They can distribute them to needy families.

They might even end up in Africa!

I always head towards signs like this.

I love my Apple Music. Here’s what I’ve been enjoying during my bike rides this week.

Always something new!

Came home to rest. My voice is a bit shot from yelling. Typical.

Also icing my elbow. Thank you, LORD for providing a team to help me move stuff. I would be totally suffering if I had tried to lift all those books!

Productive day.

Next week, we’ll start painting. Then a final clean up before moving starts.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Portuguese! Podcast! Newsletter! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:22 pm  

Studied Portuguese early this morning.

I’m still working with multiple strategies, including ClozeMaster for vocubulary and grammar study.

Released a new version of Verbal Surgery -483- “Coconut Sunscreen!”

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook!

Wrote and produced my newsletter.

Sent the file to our friend Joel Harrison to print.

Went by Young World to pick up Kathy’s purse.

To Kroger to get her meds.

Went for a 15.49 mile bike ride. Felt great!

I had developed some tiny rust spots from where I used to park my bike.

I took the sandpaper to it after my ride.

Got all the spots off, then treated with WD40. Cleaned my entire bike, even the wheels and spokes.

I have really enjoyed this bike. I’ve had it probably ten years now. It’s been the best I’ve ever had and I have REALLY used it the last three months or so!

Of course I’m always adding some little decoration. These are from Savannah, GA!

It was a great and productive day. The only downside was that Kathy has been in a lot of pain. Sad for that. Because she was hurting and my arm was bothering me, we didn’t get to watch Penelope this evening. 🙁 Hopefully, tomorrow!

We have a team in town. If all goes well, some of them will help me get the mission ready to paint.

Looking forward to that!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Portuguese! Calls! Penelope! Paint! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:46 pm  

Studied Portuguese!

Lots of likes!

Made my calls to churches.

Penelope came over for a visit. What a blessing!

Ashley and Penelope and I went to Lowes to get some paint for the Azalea remodel.

There was even a $10 off per gallon rebate!

Ashley is psyched up about it. Me, too!

On my way to the mission, I dropped by the church to pick up paint supplies.

Then went to the mission to work with the kids. Missed my girls! Ashley had a doctor appointment.

Got the groceries on the way home.

I’ve been icing my elbow. Seems to help. It’s been hurting for the last few weeks. Kathy came home today from work really in pain. Pray for both of us!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Portuguese! Podcast! Calls! Mission! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:16 pm  

Portugese! I thought this was funny.

Recorded a new podcast! Good for me!

Came home to spend time working the phone! Always trying to work on business.

Talked with Kathy about a possible new job that she will be starting! She’ll be working at a retirement home helping with the food prep in the kitchen. Salary is pretty good and she likes the hours. Pray that she’ll enjoy it and it won’t be too hard on her physically.
Worked with the girls at the mission!

Got a call from the medical organizers at the Fall Festival “Lilburn Daze!” I’ll be doing some hypnosis demos to help people with sleep and pain control.

Took the girls home.

Then rode my bike 6.92 miles.
Had a good talk with Jesse this evening. Mostly about business.

Admin duties now.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Portuguese! Podcasts! Tank! Calls! Mission! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:59 pm  

Worked on Portuguese this morning!

130 Days STRAIGHT!

Cleaned my fish tank.
Released a new podcast! AWESOME edition! Verbal Surgery -483-“The WRITE Stuff!”

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Got more information on the UK Hypnosis Convention in London that I’ll be speaking at. Impressive line up!

I worked the phones for about two hours today. I plan on doing that for the foreseeable future to work on getting teams to come.

We are following up with our massive mail out.

I’ve had some very positive feedback already. Just takes a really long time to do it!

Gassed up my car.

Worked with the kids at the mission. Milo had Penelope today!

It’s been SO hot and I have a hard time working with the kids with two loud fans on, so we’ve been running the AC, keeping the blinds and doors closed. That has helped. We only run it for a couple of hours.
Soon we’ll be able to keep all the doors and windows open when it gets cooler!

Got home late, but still had enough time to put in a seven mile bike ride.

After riding, I blew the garage and deck and watered the outside plants. Refilled the bird feeders and spread some food for the raccoons.

Admin duties now.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Solar Eclipse!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:31 pm  

Got up early this morning to jump in the car and drive to Anderson, SC which is about 110 miles away from Stone Mountain where I live.

Mr. Google took me way out in the country due to a wreck on 85 going North. I eventually got to Anderson about noon, ate a quick sandwich and went to the Convention Center.

At that time, the weather looked pretty clear, but increasing cloudiness loomed.

I got my sunviewing glasses.
I tried to find some Sunday night to no avail. EVERY place was sold out. So I was really glad when they gave me a pair, for FREE!

I drove around the hundreds of people who were there looking for who had the best telescopes and optical rigs. If you don’t have the gear, make friends who who does. His name was Jerry.

I set up my optical projection system with my binoculars.

I ended up not needing the stuff I brought. Just brought my chair over to Jerry’s rig!

It just got more and more cloudy.

When totality actually happened, it was so cloudy I couldn’t see it. I must admit I was so disappointed I actually cried. What a big baby. Glad I had those goofy glasses on.

Over the last twenty years I’ve probably been out to look at the meteor showers at least fifty times. There are three every year: leonids, geminids and perseids. MOST of the time I get cancelled out by the stupid clouds. So I’ve been used to being disappointed by the weather.

But to have spent three hours to get there and then nearly five hours to get him in just brutal traffic was one of the most disappointing events ever.

I’d drive and drive and drive, and Mr. Google kept saying I had about 2 1/2 hours to go! Ay caramba!

I kept thinking he’d take me around all the traffic. I even went on dirt roads again!

I had planned on going to see Deep Purple, Alice Cooper and Edgar Winter tonight at the Chastain park amphitheater. Didn’t happen because of the traffic.

I had hoped that today would equal the day in Paris where I saw the Mona Lisa and Michelangelo’s David at the Louvre and saw Pink Floyd that night. Alas, that level of awesomeness was not to be. Double suckage.

In my life, I’ve spent thousands of hours looking for birds, animals, rocks, arrowheads and meteors showers. I’ve seen extraordinary things! And found incredible stuff! But far more times I don’t see or find anything of real note. But I’ve learned if you don’t try, you don’t get.

Just the way it is! So I’ll keep trying! But gotta admit I was really disappointed today.

But I was there, and that counts for something!


Sunday, August 20, 2017

Research! First Redeemer! KP!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:18 pm  

After hearing that the traffic in N. Georgia would be horrible, I started doing research about what other areas would be possible, in particular those near I85.

I came up with a few possibilities, in partiuclar Anderson SC.

Studied Portuguese.
Ashley and I went to First Redeemer Church in Cumming, GA this morning. We talked to three different Sunday School classes.
We also went to the worship service. I thought Pastor Jeff did a good job on talking about money.

The band was good, too.

They took up the offering before the sermon. I thought this was interesting.
Drove almost exactly 100 miles today. Yow! I was glad that Kathy watched Penelope at home. That’s a long way for a little girl to have to be strapped in!

Gassed up the car.

Love spending time with Ashley!

I normally study Portuguese first thing in the morning. Couldn’t do that today, since we had an extra early morning to get all the way out to Cumming by 9:15am.

Came home for a nap.

Later, went out to look for eclipse glasses. Must admit I was surprised that all the places were sold out. What!? Looked into other options, in particular optical projection.

I set up my binoculars and they worked well. I’ll probably try and get a pair of glasses too, once I’m in Anderson.

I had planned on going to Dillard, GA which said they were supplied with your $5/parking fee. So I hadn’t worried about getting any. BUt once Kathy told me how horrible the traffic will be I suddenly had to change my plans.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Portuguese! Signs! Shirt! Stone Mountain!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:00 pm  

Didn’t sleep well last night. Brain was working too much. I was really looking forward to having a team in town. Their van had a blow out and couldn’t make it. They’re planning on rescheduling after football season. Makes sense. They weren’t supposed to get here last night until after 1am.

Studied Portuguese. Working on Past Perfect.

Worked on what festivals are in town during the fall. Decided that a shirt like this might help generate clients for my new practice.

Also generated a couple of signs.

Mopped the kitchen.
Went to Stone Mountain to meet up with Ashley and Penelope. Talked about business and had fun watching Penelope.
Got groceries.

Rode my bike 8.88 miles.

Watered my plants.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Portuguese! List! Research! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:02 pm  

Studied Portuguese this morning! Surprised? That’s why they call it a habit.

Uploaded a new episode of Verbal Surgery! A terrific guide to helping you help yourself! You get what you look for with Verbal Surgery -481- “PROfound!”

Just click on the title and GROOVE

I saw this and thought of Jesse. He has hearing loss in his left ear. Wonder if it might help him?

Updated the Research List with letters that bounced. Amazingly few seeing that I mailed 741! Most have no mail box at the address. Incredible that the some churches don’t list that!
I’m thinking of ways to build a client base with my hypnotherapy/life coaching practice. I think going to fall festivals and doing demonstrations might be a good start. Did research on that today.
I’ve filled out a couple of forms to do workshops.
Also did some research on Atlanta’s version of TED x. May volunteer that day just to get a feel for who’s in charge.

Lots of festivals in the ATL!
For the Lilburn festival I offered help with the medical tent with a relaxation/pain control workshop.

Went for a 12.96 mile bike ride.

Then blew the garage, swept the deck, vacuumed the house and cleaned the tub.
By then I was REALLY ready for a shower! lol.

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