Whirlwind Missions

Friday, April 14, 2017

Podcast! Family! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:38 pm  

I watched Penelope last night. Got about six hours of sleep. I had breakfast with the girls.

Released my new podcast this morning, Verbal Surgery -434- “Solar Lunar!”

An amazing edition on the power of the brain and the subconscious. Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Went on a 6.37 mile bike ride.

I listened to this while I rode.

I thought this looked cool.

I liked these clouds.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Shopping! Family! Mission! Penelope!

Tim A. Cummins @ 1:33 pm  

Thursday, I recorded! I didn’t have a chance to upload the episode because I had Penelope spend the night. Friday morning, Ashley had an early doctor’s appointment.

I spent about an hour talking to the billing department of the company that handles Kathy’s CPAP and Oxygen needs.

I did the family shopping.

Kathy bought some little cups on our Safari to Rome last week. The girls enjoyed a little tea party.

Jesse came over. too! I brought Crazy Ron’s BBQ home. Delicious.

J and I also went through what our lawyer told him about his new company. Looks like everything is going according to plan.

Jesse and I went to Walmart. His glasses had broken one of the arms off. Incredibly, they were still under warranty until SATURDAY! Wow. So free replacement. God is good.

I got the device in the mail to attach my iPhone7+ to the pistol grip for shooting videos and pictures of the teams.

It works great. Very secure.

Went to Clarkston to pick up Ashley and Penelope and went to the mission to help the kids. Lots of homework today.

Penelope in her Supervisory Position.

Brought Penelope home with me to spend the night. I got about six hours of sleep. It’s Friday now. I had a nice nap and feel better. She’s such a blessing.

I liked these African Violets of Ashley’s.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Bike! Girls! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:26 pm  

This morning I went for a 4.94 mile bike ride.

I’m still figuring out the exact route that I’ll be taking. I’m determining where the best side walks and fewest cars are.


Got subs for Ashley, Penelope and me. K was getting her hair done.

Met up with AP at Azalea. Helped the kids with their homework.

Penelope has the sniffles. Pollen I reckon.


It was the first time that I’ve actually seen Penelope draw. She was quite colorful!

BAD traffic on the way home. Ate some chicken and got subs for J before I fought traffic.

I’m starting to use Google’s Maps a lot more. The traffic is so bad because of the i85 collapse. Mr. Google is always taking me some back way and suddenly I’m in front of everyone. It’s glorious.

Worked on the plants outside. Fed the animals.

Admin duties now.

Beautiful clouds.

I installed the app “Retouch” on my iPhone7+. It took out the lights.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Podcast! Family! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:11 pm  

Vacuumed the house this morning.

Blew the back deck.

Recorded a new podcast! WOOT! Love to hear myself talk!

A terrific episode on how to make friends and have rapport with people. Check out Verbal Surgery -422- “Vibe Tribe!”

Just click on the title and groove!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Went out to eat with Jesse and the girls!

Worked with the kids at the mission.

My Venus Fly Traps are all blooming.

A moment ago, I went outside and heard over 100 crows flying over my house! Wow! I’ve never seen a murder of crows that big in real life.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Podcast! Family! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:08 pm  

This morning I had fun: RECORDING!

My podcast Verbal Surgery just went over 80,000 downloads! That’s a lotta Mr. Tim.

A terrific episode Verbal Surgery -441- “Winding and Binding.” Know what motivates you and use those triggers to your advantage! Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Jesse set up a small office with VR gear development in our walk in closet. Penelope enjoyed typing.

Ate lunch with the family.

Then to Dollar Tree to look for fun stuff for Penelope.

We liked the hats.

Came home to work on media projects.

Picked up Ashley and Penelope in Clarkston.

Went to the mission to help the kids. Not much homework going on right now.

Traffic was terrible. Decided to use Mr. Google to find an alternate route. Sure enough saved us at least 20 minutes this evening following the Ai’s suggestions. And believe me, that is exactly what it is: Artificial Intelligence.

Worked on my plants. Restocked the feeders. Had to change the filter on my light. We’ve had some short power outages. When that happens it goes back to the default mode which is a random selection of colors. Raccoons can see those colors, just not red.

Got a new grip for my iPhone. I need to get a better adapter to connect it. It will we way easier to be safe with the phone with this grip. I’m constantly thinking of how to make the videos and photography better for the teams.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Westside! Family! Plants!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:31 pm  

This morning Kathy and I went to Westside Baptist Church.

Pastor Ben preached on the days leading to the crucifixion.

Did you know “Hosanna” means “Save now?” The Pastor had palm branches for all the kids.

Went to lunch with Jesse and the girls. I enjoyed playing with Penelope while the family finished eating.

Everyone love Penelope.

There were about ten people that played with her and her ball as they were leaving Piccadilly. She likes looking under tables.

Came home to change clothes and go to the Reptile Show. Unfortunately, the show closed at 4pm, so I didn’t have enough time to get over there. Bahd luck. Next year! I had way more fun with Mike yesterday than the snakes would have been.

I’ve decided that I need to change my sport which has been running. I’ve been jogging for over 20 years now. I tried my bike today.

My wireless headphones worked great.

I did 10.96 miles in 1:12 hours. I really only wanted to ride for about 30-45 minutes. I need to develop a route that has safe roads or good sidewalks. It’s easier with Run Keeper tracking the exact distance.

On my ride I saw this tree that had fallen over. It always surprises me just how little holds the tree in the ground.

Beauty all around!

I’ve had my bike over ten years now. It’s a Jamis Explorer. Best bike I’ve ever had.

I got my plants outside and took care of the feeders.

I’m trying to only put the sunflower seeds on the ground. Hopefully, the squirrels will leave just the millet alone. We’ll see.

Beautiful flowers on my ride. I don’t take as many pictures because it takes longer to stop the bike and shoot.

The azaleas at church were lovely.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Mike Robertson! Safari!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:59 pm  

I finally got to meet my friend Mike Robertson today. We’ve been friends on Facebook for years, but have never met in person. It’s funny how you really do feel like you know them.

He did a super good presentation on the use of Powerpoint/Keynote slides.

We had a workshop after lunch.

Then I took Mike on Safari through the International Village.

I liked the art in the conference center today.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

TK Spring Break!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:18 pm  

Last Sunday, Kathy and I went on Safari to Rome, Georgia! We had a wonderful time together, even though the weather was pretty bad a couple of days.

We had fun looking at antiques. These are from Pop’s Place.

Shots from Crista’s Antiques in Cave Spring, GA.

These were in the yard of another antique place.

I liked this, too.

I plan on using this box with our teams. I want to keep the presents for the Team Leaders in it. Like a Treasure Box!

I filled up my bottle with water from Cave Spring.

Great food and restaurants with interesting decor.

I had just got my new iPhone7+ and had a great time playing with the filters.

This changes the depth of field in the shot. It’s called Portrait Mode.

One of the apps I have can change a picture like this. It’s called Enlight. And this effect is under Tools, Bend.

Into shots like these.

I liked shooting using the reflections.

And shadows.

This sort of stuff riles the Grammar Nazi in me.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

UPS! Penelope! Yard Work!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:24 pm  

This morning I packed up the defective gimbal I got for my iPhone 7+.

I had the labeling from Amazon. I love Amazon Prime.

Dropped it off at the UPS store near my house.

Kathy has a lot of pain in her hip. I downloaded some information for her.

Ashley and Miles dropped off the baby. Always a blessing. K and I took her to M&J for Southern cooking.

We didn’t intend to match. But I’m glad we did.

She loved this motorcycle.

She’s such an awesome little girl.

Cleaned up all the branches that fell during the recent storm.

This is called Portrait Mode on the iPhone 7+. It puts the foreground (usually a person) in focus and the rest blurred.

I got wounded!

We had a large branch fall from a tree in my front yard. It had a squirrel’s nest in it. I found it interesting to dissect.

The outside was made of sticks and leaves.

The inside is made of primarily grass and dirt. That would give the best insulation. Interesting.

Cleaned the carpet that I keep outside my door.

I like to stack things in patterns.

Beautiful Zipper Cloud.

Just sounds weird.

Still getting used to the size of my new phone.


Friday, March 31, 2017

Podcast! Family! Penelope! Tree!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:49 pm  

Massive storm last night. Power went out for about 15 minutes. Lots of branches down. About1/4″ of rain.

I have a dead tree in my back yard. The storm just about blew it over. I had to get my tree guy over to cut it down.

Blew my trash can way down the hill.

Recorded a new podcast this morning! WOOT!

Here’s the view from the Mobile Studio.

A terrific counterpoint to my last podcast. This one will get you thinking in the right direction. Experience Verbal Surgery -440- “MEditation.”

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Had lunch with the whole family today! What a blessing.

Penelope and I went on Walkabout to the video game store.

We all went for ice cream after lunch.

I watched Penelope as Ashley went to see her OBGYN.

Kathy washed out the garage. Got the rug soaked. Put stuff under it to try and dry it out.

Eventually, Penelope took a nap. Her shirt was a little short. She’s growing so fast!

Jesse was working upstairs.

I like his swarthy look.

Around 5pm, my tree guy Arturo Arroyo gave me a call.

He checked out the tree and gave me a price of $750. I thought that was reasonable since it was dead and leaning like it could hit the neighbor’s house! He brought it down safely. Amen.

I was inside the house trying to get the new gimbal for my iPhone to work. I should have been outside shooting video. Oh, well.

Cleaned out and refilled the hummingbird feeders.

I saw my first hummingbird today! The Mama has been coming to that window feeder for years.

There were two that were hardly touched.

Vacuumed the house.

Blew the porches and driveways.

There are still some sticks to pick up. Got a lot of them.

Watched part of “Arrival” with K this evening. I’m liking it.

K and I did research on where we want to go next week. Beach prices are really high due to Spring Break. We are thinking maybe Rome, GA.

Admin duties now.

Disappointed that I couldn’t get the Gimbal to work. I couldn’t get the servo motors to activate. Lights came on.

I contacted Amazon and got the return labels.

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