Whirlwind Missions

Monday, April 24, 2017

Videoshop! Podcast! Family! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:10 pm  

Spent hours Sunday studying Videoshop, an application on my iPhone 7+ for editing video.

There is always a learning curve, but I’ve edited so many hundreds of videos it wasn’t too hard to learn.

Hardest part was figuring out how to get the Royalty Free music that I’d purchased on iTunes onto my phone! Pretty much all the music you “own” (you only have a license to listen to it!) is now on the cloud. Took some wrangling by Jesse in order to get it on there.

Now I can edit the video, add graphics, trim the clips and add background music ALL on my phone! Incredible!

Paid bills.

Sunday evening I studied Portuguese for a couple of hours.

Over 1″ of rain yesterday.

My Mom said she thought she saw a cougar at my feeder last night! Wow!

This morning I had a fun RECORDING! A special edition that features my mom, Peggy Cummins! Terrific ideas for having better relationships with your loved ones!

Check out Verbal Surgery -447- “Chilluns!” You’ll be better off for it!

Sent shopping with my girls! I bought a banana plant for Ashley and some shoes for Penelope!

She liked the lawn mower. I didn’t buy it.

Ate lunch with Mom, Ashley, Penelope and Jesse! Good times.

Spent some time at Barnes and Noble, too. Penelope likes book stores! She had fun with this little back pack.

Looked at some books on Portuguese. I love books, but the on line material and apps seem way better. Especially Duolingo.

Short rest at home then on to the mission to work with the kids.

Not much homework due to the Milestone Test going on in Georgia.

Penelope and I had fun! Ashley has had these bags of eggs in her truck for weeks. Penelope was glad to find out where they had gone!

Uploaded my new podcast.

Link on Facebook.

Came home to ride 8.20 miles on my bike. Good exercise!

Admin duties now.

I liked the sound of these.

Wild flowers have been awesome this year.

Ashley is developing a passion for house plants. I wonder where she gets that from?

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Westside! Family!

Tim A. Cummins @ 2:06 pm  

This morning I worked on Portuguese! I’ve found the best way to learn language is just to do a little bit every day. But do it every day!

Enjoyed Westside BC with Kathy and my Mom.

Pastor Ben preached on forgiveness. Always important! Mark got baptized. Amen!

Met up with Ashley, Miles, Penelope and Jesse for lunch with Nana. GREAT food.

Home now to upload material to my Twitter feed.

Practice using the Videoshop app on my iPhone 7+.


Admin duties now.

Rainy day. Plants are happy.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

N. Gwinnett Church! Asian Square! Missions!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:57 pm  

Ashley, Penelope and I had fun briefing our team from N. Gwinnett Church this morning!

Took them on Safari to Asian Square.

Lunch at Penang.

Fantastic to have ALL my girls together! Four generations of missionaries!

Then to the missions at Cumberland Court and N. Peachtree.

The team did a wonderful job.

Came home to edit video and post pictures. This is the first team that have used only my iPhone7+ for all media.

The video looks terrific, but I haven’t figured out how to add titles to a solid background, nor add music that will fit the entire video. The editing software on my phone is very powerful so I reckon it’s just a matter of time to figure out how to do it. Hardly a deal breaker!

Tired after a good day. My voice is pretty blown out. I get way excited doing this stuff!

Terrific to have my Mom there to watch Ashley and I do our thing!


Friday, April 21, 2017

Presite! Set up! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:04 pm  

I watched Penelope last night. She wasn’t feeling well and had a hard time sleeping. She’s such a sweetheart. I hate it when I can’t figure out how to comfort her. Eventually, we were ok!

Ashley, Penelope, Nana and I enjoyed showing our friends from Meadowbrook Baptist Church of Birmingham around the International Village today.

We took them on Safari to Global Mall. Ashiana Indian food was delicious.

Four generations of missionaries!

Showed them the Hindu temple.

We met up with some folks who were also from Nairobi! Always fantastic to practice Swahili. Of course my Mom completely wowed them since her Swahili is way better than mine!

Also checked out the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

Afterwards, Ash and I set up for The Show tomorrow morning while my Mom watched the Magnificent Baby.

Came home to ride 8.31 miles. Felt good. Still trying to figure out the safest routes.

Admin duties now.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Bike! Girls! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:34 pm  

Went for a 6.34 mile bike ride this morning. Glad to be exercising regularly again!

Ashley and Penelope came over for lunch. We went to Hot n Cold with Nana.

Ash is already starting to look big!

Took Penelope on walkabout through Big Lots.

I pretty much get her some little something every time we go out. My pleasure!

She slept for an hour and a half this afternoon.

I studied Portuguese while she snoozed.

Nana and Penelope and I worked with the kids at the mission.

The boys blew bubbles into the mission for Penelope.

Jesse got to see Nana today!

Fun times with two of my favorite girls!

I liked this sticker.

One of my favorite countries!

I stopped and got samosas on the way home at Al Madina. Didn’t pick up any of these. I was afraid if I ate them I’d feel defeated.

Not sure about this either.

This also struck me as odd.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Podcast! Girls! Mom! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:06 pm  

Nearly 1″ of rain last night.

This morning was fun, RECORDING!

LOVE this edition of Verbal Surgery -446- “Enlightening Bolt!”

Looking for the secrets of life? Then plug into this shockingly good episode! Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Enjoyed lunch with my girls.

Went to the airport to pick up my mom, Peggy Cummins! GREAT to see her!

Picked up Ashley and Penelope and went to the mission.

Penelope liked this jeep.

Mr. Google has taken us home in at least ten different directions in the last two weeks. Go AI! It’s been fun to see new parts of Atlanta AND beat traffic by miles!

Picked up Kathy and treated my Mom to some good Southern cooking at M&J’s!

Admin duties now.

Poison Ivy has been rough. Grrrr. Hard not to scratch!

I liked this sticker.

This truck drove in the middle of two lanes for miles. Never seen that before.

And this sign.

Cool penguin advertising the Georgia Aquarium.

Beauty all around.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Podcast! KJ! Mission! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:24 pm  

This morning I recorded! WOOT!

A terrific edition on what makes us who we are and can we change? Verbal Surgery -445- “MEmember!”

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Went to Walmart to do the shopping.

Washed my car.

Went to lunch with Kathy and Jesse.

Came home to study Portuguese and get ready for the mission.

Went by Lowes to check on washers. I’m thinking about using them at the conferences in order to help people remember their awesomeness!

Of course I’ll paint them gold!

Picked up Ashley and Penelope in Clarkston. Then fought traffic to the mission.

Enjoyed working with the kids.

Back through traffic on the way home. Having 85 messed up has made driving home a lot harder. Sure am glad for Mr. Google figuring out new ways to get home!

Did a 6.34 mile bike ride. Takes me a little over 30 minutes which is my goal three times a week.

Suffering with poison ivy from this weekend’s yard work.

Beautiful flowers at Walmart today.

I liked this sticker.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Podcast! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:20 pm  

Fun morning: RECORDING! Yeah, baby!

The view out my windshield where I yell at a tape deck.

I love this high octane edition of Verbal Surgery -444- “Jet Fuel!” Accelerate your dreams, NOW!

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Picked up supplies.

Installed a Bluetooth device in my car for my iPhone 7+.

Now I can listen to audio AND charge my phone. Still not sure about Apple’s decision to eliminate the 3.5mm headphone jack.

Been studying Portuguese. Looking forward to my trip to Brazil next January! One day I’ll study Italian and then I can make complicated mistakes in ALL the Romance languages. I’m using Duolingo and listening to books on tape in Portuguese. There are a LOT of cognates and words similar to Spanish so I’m way ahead of starting from ground zero. The pronunciation is tricky. I immerse myself in the sound of the language.
Cleaned and refilled my hummingbird feeders. Love those little birds!

Gassed up the car.

Worked at the mission with the kids.

I had some older kids visit me today. Amazing how fast they grow up!

Monday, April 17, 2017

Easter! Westside!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:17 pm  

Sunday morning, Kathy and I met up with Ashley and Penelope at Westside Baptist Church.

The choir did a great musical.

I liked the life size cross.

Pastor Ben was fired up in his sermon!

This was my first Easter since Pilgrim Tim went to the Holy Land. It means so much more to me now that I can envision the events and where they took place in my mind.

He’s not dead! HE is RISEN!

We ate lunch with the congregation. Ashley ate with the Kendalls.

Came home to rest.

Went for a 6.27 bike ride.

Kids sized.

I liked this mirror vase.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Yard Work!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:14 pm  

Spent several hours today working on the yard.




cut ivy off of the trees.

Cut back a bunch of branches.

Cleaned up. Looks a lot better, but it was really hard, heavy work.

I actually walked 2.36 miles. Wow!

Just about wiped me out. Got really nauseated and threw up a few times. Delightful.

Rested for an hour or so and felt better.

Cleaned the fish tank.

Repaired my comforter. Probably sewed at least 15 tears.

Organized my iPhone7+. I have so many photo editing apps I needed to put all the stuff in separate folders.

Lot better now.

Enjoyed playing Battlefront.

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