Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Antiques! Baby Reveal! Bike! Guardians 2!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:08 pm  

Fun day!

Went to Stone Mountain to look at antiques.

Charlie, the owner, showed me his collection of cannon balls and shells all the way from the Revolutionary War!

I’d never seen one sawed in half before. Very interesting.

Lots of cool stuff!

Then to the big party where we found out whether Ashley is going to have a boy or a girl!

All the Kendalls and Cummins were in attendance.

As we bit into the cupcakes the inside color revealed: A GIRL!

I’m super happy about that. I think baby girls are awesome! Penelope has brought SO much joy into my life.

Food was good!

After lunch with the family, I went across the street to look at the Stone Mountain Cemetery which is from the Civil War.

Many interesting things.

I thought this murder one was interesting.

And the KKK! What?!

Went home for a 12.75 mile bike ride. It was pretty windy, felt like it was going to blow me off the bike a couple of times.

Came home, showered and then went to see the new Guardians of the Galaxy movie, Volume 2!

I thought it was super good. Maybe even better than the first one!

The movie started late, and at the climax of the show, the lights came on in the theater. Then the guys came in shining their flashlights in our faces as they picked up stuff. As you know, the movie isn’t over until it’s REALLY over. This movie had four separate cut scenes!

I complained to the manager. She gave me a free ticket for the next time to make it up to me. Felt better after that.

Stopped by Kroger on the way home to pick up some salad and fruit.

Came home to finish preparations for our presentation at Rockbridge Baptist Church tomorrow morning. I have everything ready. Looking forward to it.

Didn’t sleep that well last night. Looking forward to crashing now!

Beautiful flowers today!

Cool decor in the German Bakery.

They also brew beer there. I thought the big tanks were cool. So did Penelope.

She is so awesome!


And just in case you were wondering.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Podcast! Prep! Penelope!

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:01 pm  

Got 3/4″ from the storms last night. We were under a Tornado Warning. That’s serious!

Studied Portuguese this morning. Slow and steady!

Kind of rainy in the mobile studio this morning.

Had fun this morning: RECORDING!

A special 1st Person edition of Verbal Surgery -450- “Thirst Person.” Direct great feelings straight into the frontal lobes! Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Went by Hobby Lobby. I needed some supplies for the Red Thread ceremony we will do at church this Sunday.

I thought these huge flowers were cool.

I could see Penelope wearing this when she gets a little older!

Saturday we’ll find out whether Ashley is having a boy or a girl. I think he’s a boy!

Penelope liked my CNN hat.

Ashley and I worked on the slides for the presentation at Rockbridge Baptist Church on Sunday.

I watched the Magnificent Baby while Ashley went to the doctor for her check up. Penelope slept almost the whole time she was at my house. Good for her!

I went for about a mile bike ride. Started sprinkling so I came home. Can’t ride a bike without good brakes. On my route I could jump someone’s house!

Admin duties now.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Penelope! Rain!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:46 pm  

The Magnificent Baby spent the night with me last night. Always a blessing! She is just so much fun to have around!

She slept pretty well last night. I was glad about that.

Rainy day!

Went to Walmart to do the grocery shopping.

I was on the phone with Comcast for two hours about internet connectivity issues. So frustrating.

Had a good discussion with Jesse this evening.

I appreciate your prayers for me. Seems like I’m going through unusual stress these days. I just seem to be so discouraged about church partnerships and the lack of interest in outreach. Especially when I compare it over the last 20 years. Seems like a significant decline. Saddens me.

And then I’m so frustrated with Trump and his crew and what they’re doing to the immigrants and the environment which are my two main emotional hot buttons. I’ve cut way back on reading what’s going on, but it’s impossible not to know at least some.

You can tell something’s going on when I don’t take any pictures.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

FBC Roswell! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:44 pm  

This morning, my Mom, Ashley, Penelope and I went to FBC Roswell!

Ashley was her usual awesome self and wowed those ladies!

My Mom was a hit, too!

Penelope and I walked around the church campus exploring the sights and sounds.

Had a good salad lunch with the ladies, then dropped Ashley and Penelope off at home.

Mom and I came back to our house to rest. Then turned straight back around to go help the kids with their homework.

After we finished at the mission, we went to the Buford Highway Farmers Market, and CD Tower to pick up some goodies for friends back in Texas.

Then to Ashley’s house to say “Goodbye” to the Kendalls!

Mom and I picked up Kathy and Jesse and had a nice supper together.

Admin duties now. Feeling pretty tired, even though I didn’t have a chance to exercise today.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Orchids! Family! Mission! Podcast!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:49 pm  

Had a hard night after extreme exercise Sunday evening. It really is incredible how difficult biking is in my neighborhood. Got really nauseated. Threw up multiple times. Bahd luck.

My orchids are so beautiful. Amazing how much joy they bring me!

This little beauty was my FIRST plant in my indoor garden. I thought, “You know, I bet she would do well with an indoor light.” Now I have over 50 plants!

Venus Fly Trap flower!

I posted a new episode of Verbal Surgery -449- “Visor Advisory!”

It’s important to be aware of what you’re feeding your mind! Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Poured down rain!

Ate lunch with Nana, Ashley, Penelope, Jesse and Kathy today. Good times! Always fun with Penelope!

Worked on Portuguese.

Nana baked Jesse’s favorite cookies at Ashley’s house.

Then to the mission to work with the kids. Minhaz and I finally finished going through Macbeth.

Had a light supper with my Mom. I weighed in at 170 this morning which is my goal weight. I’ve lost 14 pounds in 3 weeks. Super hard exercise and careful diet.

Admin duties now.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

FBA! Brazilian! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:03 pm  

Ashley, my Mom and I manned our booth at the First Baptist Atlanta Mission Fair this morning! Always good to see friends!

Picked up Jesse and rode out to Marietta to eat Brazilian food. I was looking forward to practicing Portuguese. I spoke some, but spoke more French with our waitress.

Came home to ride 10.79 miles. Really steep route today. Pushed too hard. Still feel kind of nauseated. Hard to get a feeling for how steep this is.

Studying verb forms. And diphthongs.

How do you measure the best hair?

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Podcast! Thai! Goodwill! Kathmandu! Orchids!

Tim A. Cummins @ 2:11 pm  

Recorded a new podcast on Friday! WOOT!

Won’t release until May 1st because my server is full. Yow!

Had great Thai food with Jesse, Nana and Penelope.

Then over for some shopping at Goodwill.

Miles and Ashley have been sick. Penelope spent the night with me Friday night. She was her usual awesome self! Such a blessing!

Saturday morning we went to Kathmandu Grill to meet up with the Kendall and Cummins clans!

The food wasn’t very hot. I was disappointed and told them so! They gave me a significant discount.

Penelope loves the gambling machines.

Came home to water plants.

My orchids are blooming. Love that.

Venus Fly Traps, too!

Pitcher plants look cool.

Cool, old humvee!

Say what?

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Portuguese! Girls! Newsletters! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:11 pm  

Spent time this morning studying Portuguese.

Always good because it also refreshes my Spanish.

Enjoyed lunch with my girls. Penelope and I spend time at the Dollar Tree.

Picked up the newsletters from the Atlanta Metro Baptist Association.

Worked on labels and got the letters in the mail.

Helped the kids with their homework.

Went by Walmart to exchange a mini blind. The one I got yesterday was 1/2″ too short. Bahd luck.

Came home and rode 8.31 miles. I tried a different route. Runkeeper said I had a difference of elevation of over 5,000 ft on one hill. Yow.

Fantastic clouds this evening.

Admin duties now.

I saw a Copperhead on my way home.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Podcast! Shopping! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:02 pm  

Wednesday, I recorded a new podcast! WOOT!

Love this edition on how small effort over time yields great results! Jump into Verbal Surgery -448- “Reward Ivy!”

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server!

Link on Facebook.

Did grocery shopping. Seems like nearly a daily occurrence.

I bought a new Gardenia plant. So beautiful.

Went to Perimeter Mall to have lunch with Ashley, Penelope, Nana and Jesse.

To Goodwill after lunch to look for clothes for Ashley and the baby.

Penelope gets tired of shopping.

Stopped by CD Tower to pick up a couple of tea sets for the girls back in Texas. Always something interesting to see there.

Mission to help the kids.

They liked the mustache tattoos.

The kids were “playing school.” Astonishing.

Studied Portuguese.

Admin duties.

Rode 8.24 miles.


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Kathy’s Birthday! Easter Party!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:50 pm  

We had a fun day for Kathy’s birthday! Her brother Paul came by to visit with her this morning.

We went to Always Fresh for lunch. Free meal for the birthday girl!

Penelope, trying to get some butter off her lip.

The kids at the mission love getting the eggs and the candy!

I told them the Easter story and had a prayer time with them.

Then I tossed candy to them.

Penelope was happy to see her grandmother for her party!

Ashley always makes the parties fun!

Good to see I85 getting repaired!

Never forget!

My plants enjoy being outside.

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