Whirlwind Missions

Monday, May 15, 2017

Podcast! Ethernet! Mission! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:09 pm  

Studied Portuguese this morning! 31 day streak! Yeah, baby!

Added material to my Twitter feed. They are my version of sermon notes!

Had to change the password for my WordPress account. Massive hacker attempt last night on the WordPress servers.

I continue to push forward recording every day.

I will start to release new episodes on Tues/Fridays. My goal is to have eight episodes so I can release one a week starting in June.

Jesse helped me run Ethernet cable to our offices in my house.

Had to go to Lowe’s to pick up a drill bit big enough for the cable to go through.

The wifi just wasn’t cutting it. Drilled holes.

Took Kathy and Jesse out to eat.

Jesse helped me run cable.

Put the cable up through the floor to the computers.

Astonishing speeds! We would be lucky to get 20mb download speed. I tested it at over 360mb! WHAT?!

I was lucky to get 15mb on my PS4. Look at it now!

Well worth the trouble. I seem to have lost a hat and my flashlight somewhere during the procedure. Bizarre that we couldn’t find it. While I was looking for my hat, I found the little cart I used to carry my bags at the airport. Perfect for when we go to conferences!

Hard to see with the black background of the chair.

Went to Azalea to help the kids with their homework.

Came home to bike 10.38 miles. Pushing hard.

Admin duties now.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Westside! Mother’s Day! Marietta!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:27 am  

Sunday, my blog on WordPress was under attack by hackers, so I couldn’t get on to update info until Monday.

Sunday morning I started out my day studying Portuguese! I continue to make progress.

Went to Westside Baptist Church.

It’s Brother Roger’s last few weeks with us. He’s retiring. He’ll be missed.

Pastor Ben spoke on the importance of Mothers! True dat!

He talked to the kids on watching out what you look at on your phone.

I brought home grilled chicken for Kathy and I to eat. We watched some TV together.

Cleaned my staircase.

Then I went on Safari to Marietta to visit the Gem and Mineral show. On my way there, I talked to my Mom in Texas. What a blessing!

There are a lot of vendors at the show.

I love the beauty of nature! Art by God!

So fragile!

Meteorites! One of my favorites!

I thought this was very unusual. Grape agates from Indonesia.

I got these two tiny pieces for $1!

I have fun seeing the fossils.


Dino eggs! I got a couple of shell fragments for Jesse and a friend of his.

This triangular knife was featured in one of my favorite video games: Uncharted 2!

The story takes place in Nepal where this is from. It’s called an Elephant Knife.

Then went to the Square in downtown Marietta. It’s great to see new things. Beautiful art!

I used to have one of these! Loved it! Mobile music!

The story of one lost shiny black shoe.

Came home and brought subs to K and J. Jesse and I had a great conversation about the future of his business.

Rode 10.49 miles in 48 minutes. Feeling great! Up, up and away!

Updated my Facebook feed and added photos to my Smugmug account. Couldn’t access my blog.

Went to sleep early. As usual, I listened to a Portuguese tape for thirty minutes before going to sleep.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Podcast! Cleaning! Penelope! Ghost!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:47 pm  

Had about 1/4″ of rain yesterday.

This morning I recorded! I’m working on adding at least eight episodes to a collection for June and July when I don’t have a chance to yell at a tape deck.

This edition is called “Minimum Underdrive!” Soon to be released!

It was beautiful at Evergreen Lake.

Watered my plants. I keep bringing more inside. They just get beat up outside.

Of course the orchids are inside plants.

After recording I did the shopping. Decided to try Folgers rather than the brand I’ve been buying from Amazon. Just to see if I can taste a difference. My guess is probably not. We’ll see!

Cleaned the house for a couple of hours.


Mopped the kitchen. I like the Swiffer!

I immediately dry the floor with a towel after cleaning. Otherwise it’s a slippery danger!

Swept downstairs.

And my zebra rug.

And the other rugs.

And outside on my outdoor carpet.

Mopped there, too!

My room seems nice and clean and shiny.

I had planned on repairing a small crack on one of my exterior walls. Now that it’s warm, the crack has closed and the sealant I put in the winter has actually squeezed out. Interesting!

Cleaned my fish tank. It’ll look crystal clear once the debris has settled.

Watched Penelope for a few hours. She’s always so awesome and makes me feel good at a deep level. I sure need that!

We played with big bubbles. I’m trying to teach her “Bubble Juggling” with my hand held fans.

Also been teaching her how to use the microphone. I have a Shure SM58 hooked up to a little Fender amp. She seems to be a natural!

Went out and ate “real food.” I’ve been living on salads and fruit for a while now. I still eat some eggs or a a sandwich for protein. Had some steak and fish this evening. But still mainly vegetables. I thought it was interesting at Golden Corral how ever food had the calories per portion. Never noticed that before.

Treated myself to a movie tonight. Been looking forward to “Ghost in the Shell.”

Very interesting movie. Kind of a blend between Blade Runner, the Matrix and Equilibrium. I found it especially fascinating since reading an article on Neuralink that Elon Musk is creating. Click on the title to take you to the article!

I’ve been reading the book, “How Emotions Are Made: The Secret Life of the Brain.” Very interesting but puts into question the work of Paul Eckman. I’ve been a student of body language for years.

Admin duties now.

I liked this tree.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Podcast! O2! DVD! Comcast! Yard Work!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:39 pm  

Recorded a new podcast! WOOT! I’m saving a series to release in June and July when I’m too busy and my voice is too worn out to record.

A terrific episode called “Live Live!” I haven’t released it, YET!

I’m shooting to record eight extra episodes in the next couple of weeks! We’ll see how it goes. So I have one “in the can!”

Took the Oxygen concentrator back to the Home Medical Services office. Kathy’s O2 levels were the same whether she used it or not. So why pay for it?

Rolled up all the O2 cable around the house for storage.

Ate a chicken salad salad for lunch. It was mighty good.

The aftermath of yesterday’s tree cutting.

Hooked up the DVD player for Kathy to watch.

Installed a new water bottle rack on my bike. The other broke last week.

Cleaned windows.

Worked for an hour with the Comcast tech at my house. We came to the conclusion that I really need to run ethernet cables rather than use the wifi. The signal is just too spotty. Not sure why sometimes it works great and other times not at all.

I have the cable coming. Hopefully, I can get that going this weekend.

Did a massive amount of yard work. Mowed the last half of the back yard.

I didn’t think it was going to be too hard a job. Turned out way worse. HUGE vines of Poison Ivy.

I cut one vine that was 2″ thick! Yow! I felt like I was working with a Black Mamba.

I dug up many more vines in other sections of the yard.

Half way through the job, I came inside and thoroughly washed my legs and arms with Comet.

I read that you have 15 minutes for the oils in the poison ivy to penetrate the skin. If you wash it off you may not be affected. I was around a lot of it. We’ll see.

Cut branches and small bushes.

Hauled logs, branches and vines.

It’s not good for the tree to have these lower branches. Plus no grass can grow in that extreme shade.

I forgot to turn Runkeeper on when I started. Should be completely filled up.

Finished just before it started raining.

I’m pretty tired and have a head ache. I guess from all the toxic dust and gas fumes.

Admin duties now.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Portuguese! Podcast! Family! Mission! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:43 pm  

Every morning for the last 28 days I’ve started my day studying Portuguese. Making progress! The lesson today was on prepositions. Little words are hard.

New podcast!

I love Verbal Surgery -453- “Outside IN!” Rewire your brain in simple ways and feel good, NOW!

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Met up with Ashley and Penelope at the pool. I enjoyed swimming around with the baby. Got a little too much sun on my head. Eating healthy!

Good conversation with Jesse.

Came to watch men cut down trees. I hated that, but sometimes it needs to get done. They cut one down that was probably 100 years old. I live in a big forest.

On the phone with Comcast for an hour today. STILL trying to get my internet squared away.

I have a tech coming to my house again tomorrow. Speed will be ok, then just go to hardly anything. SO frustrating!

Gassed up my car.

Went to the mission to work with the kids. No homework because of Field Day tomorrow. Don’t see that often.

Got some salad and fruit to eat. Brought home some grilled chicken.

Went to Lowes to pick up a couple of cinder blocks. I wanted to try and raise the bed on one end to try and decompress Kathy’s spine. Sort of like a mild gravity inverter. Still working it out. Even a few inches seems pretty steep.

Horrible traffic coming home.

Came home for a 4.92 mile bike ride. I took it pretty easy today. Shorter because it was getting dark.

Admin duties now.

Been super tired in the evening. Going to sleep early.

I listen to 30 minutes of a Portuguese novel every night to tune my ears into the language.


Beautiful at Stone Mountain today.


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Podcast! Matt and Justin! Penelope! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:53 pm  

I usually study Portuguese first thing in the morning before I even get out of bed. This, that, these, those stuff. It’s pretty tricky. Just a matter of practice to really get it down. It’s all about the music of the language.

Great morning: RECORDING!

I have a friend in the hospital facing a possible amputation of his foot. I was super psyched up to do my very best on this rapid healing episode of Verbal Surgery -452- “Heal ME!” Powerful stuff! I’m already getting great feedback on it!

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server and link on Facebook.

Went to lunch with Ashley, Penelope and my friends Matt and Justin from Peachtree Corners Baptist Church.

We talked about the possible closing of the mission at the Columns. We’ve had work there for years, but hard to keep volunteers coming.

I dropped Ashley at her house and took Penelope home with me. Penelope had a nice nap on the way home.

Ashley and Miles went to visit a friend who’s critically ill in the hospital.

I had fun watching Penelope. I filled up a little pool for her. She enjoyed splashing around.

Went on a 1.01 mile walk around the neighborhood.

Went for a strenuous 9.93 mile bike ride.

I got a heart rate app today.

Didn’t go to the mission today. Didn’t feel bad about it because the kids hardly have any homework at this time of the year.

But I miss seeing the kids!

Admin duties now.

These cactus flowers were superb outside El Torreros in Chamblee!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Portuguese! Car! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:27 pm  

Spent time working on Portuguese verbs and conjunctions.

It’s the little words that are often the trickiest to master.

Had a good lunch and conversation with Jesse.

My car is in the shop.

It’s been running rough at low RPMs and the AC would shut down. Turns out the fan needs to be replaced and there’s a small leak in the radiator. We knew about the leak, I kept an eye on it. Hardly anything, but they have to take the radiator out to fix the fan so it’s better to fix it now rather than spend the extra time and money to get it fixed later. Expensive parts racked up a bill of over $900. Ouch.

We changed the windshield wiper fluid in Jesse’s car and checked his tire pressures which were low in a couple of tires.

No go on the mission because of lack of transportation. Not too bad since the kids hardly have any homework. Just a couple of weeks left in school! Looking forward to the Summer Teams!

I talked with one of the youth directors this morning. Helping him find lodging. He’s been one of my favorites so I’m looking forward to working with them again!

Went for a 10.70 mile bike ride. Exercise REALLY helps me feel better. I just get so discouraged some times.

My internet at my house has also been bad. SO frustrating! I’ve had problems over the last few months. Signal just being super weak. Had a tech over today. He gave me a new router, but the problem is still there. I’ll have to call Comcast again and try to see if I can get compensated for all this.

When my car, my computer and my wife are all having problems at the same time that’s a sure sign of spiritual warfare. Sunday we had three kids get saved and two of them want to get baptized! Evil one really doesn’t like that!

Just got a call that the cars were ready. (Jesse’s car developed a problem on the way home! Fortunately, he was near the mechanics. Add another $200 to the bill. Double ouch.

Picking up the car and shopping at Walmart.

You can tell I’m eating healthier.

Admin duties now.

Beautiful flowers at Walmart.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Podcast! Mission! Yard!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:13 pm  

Great morning, RECORDING!

I dearly love to hear myself talk. A terrific episode of Verbal Surgery -451- “Need Wants.”

How you judge yourself determines your happiness! Look at what you’ve already accomplished compared to most of the rest of the world and you are incredibly successful! Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Had a fun lunch with Jesse and my girls.

I’ve been waking up at 4:30am and not going back to sleep until after 6am. Lots of prayer, but not quite enough sleep. Had a nap after lunch which made me feel better.

Dropped off a couple of monitors to our local Coop.

Got more gas for the lawn mower.

Went by FBC Doraville. Picked up checks. Deposited them.

Thank you, Lord!

Picked up Ashley and Penelope in Clarkston then went to the mission. Not much homework these days. Less than three weeks left till the Summer!

Had fun going walkabout with Penelope. Always a good time with the Magnificent Baby. Talk to my neighbors a lot which helps my Spanish. She basically can choose from all the toys there.

I’m still studying Portuguese every day. Again reinforces my Spanish knowledge as well.

Came home to work on my back yard. Super hard to mow. Lots of limbs to pick up.

It’s over a half acre. I still have about 20% to do.

Deep grass and leaves makes it very hard to push.

I’m sure I burned double that amount of calories. Nearly a mile and a half!

Light supper and good conversation with Jesse.

Admin duties now.

Venus Fly Trap bouquet!

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Rock Bridge BC! Safari! Yard Work!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:23 pm  

Had a fun day at Rock Bridge Baptist Church, which is the home for Whirlwind Missions!

Two of our Board Members are Pastors there: Carl Barrington and Bill Cordrey.

I always enjoy hearing my friend Carl teach!

Good music!

Ashley and Penelope were as magnificent as always!

We shared different ways to have an impact on our community.

Very responsive crowd to the Red Thread Ceremony and the Prayer time.

Three kids gave their heart to Jesus! They will baptize SIX people next Sunday. Wow!

My Little Partner was tuckered out!

She’s SO beautiful. I’m very excited about having another girl added to our tribe!

After the service, I took Bill and his wife Piper on Safari to Al Madina and the Kitab bookstore. Always interesting things to see! And EAT! Tried a couple of new kinds of dessert. Super good. Especially the “Bird’s Nest.”

They are gearing up for Ramadan which starts the last of this month.

Came home to rest. Amen for that!

Then went outside to clean and refill my hummingbird feeders.

I love those little guys.

Also mowed the front yard.

Killed Poison Ivy. I treated it like when I worked with cobras in Kenya. EXTREME respect.

I keep trying to get rid of the English Ivy trying to climb up my trees.

Cutting and hacking!

I am having some positive response. Most of it is dying back. Have to keep working on it.

Pushed that lawn mower over a half a mile. And my yard is steep!

Showered and scrubbed my arms and legs with Comet—just in case the dreaded Poison Ivy oil had found it’s way onto my body. Hate that stuff!

Admin duties now.

Very satisfying day.

Loved the flowers at Church.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Antiques! Baby Reveal! Bike! Guardians 2!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:08 pm  

Fun day!

Went to Stone Mountain to look at antiques.

Charlie, the owner, showed me his collection of cannon balls and shells all the way from the Revolutionary War!

I’d never seen one sawed in half before. Very interesting.

Lots of cool stuff!

Then to the big party where we found out whether Ashley is going to have a boy or a girl!

All the Kendalls and Cummins were in attendance.

As we bit into the cupcakes the inside color revealed: A GIRL!

I’m super happy about that. I think baby girls are awesome! Penelope has brought SO much joy into my life.

Food was good!

After lunch with the family, I went across the street to look at the Stone Mountain Cemetery which is from the Civil War.

Many interesting things.

I thought this murder one was interesting.

And the KKK! What?!

Went home for a 12.75 mile bike ride. It was pretty windy, felt like it was going to blow me off the bike a couple of times.

Came home, showered and then went to see the new Guardians of the Galaxy movie, Volume 2!

I thought it was super good. Maybe even better than the first one!

The movie started late, and at the climax of the show, the lights came on in the theater. Then the guys came in shining their flashlights in our faces as they picked up stuff. As you know, the movie isn’t over until it’s REALLY over. This movie had four separate cut scenes!

I complained to the manager. She gave me a free ticket for the next time to make it up to me. Felt better after that.

Stopped by Kroger on the way home to pick up some salad and fruit.

Came home to finish preparations for our presentation at Rockbridge Baptist Church tomorrow morning. I have everything ready. Looking forward to it.

Didn’t sleep that well last night. Looking forward to crashing now!

Beautiful flowers today!

Cool decor in the German Bakery.

They also brew beer there. I thought the big tanks were cool. So did Penelope.

She is so awesome!


And just in case you were wondering.

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