Whirlwind Missions

Monday, March 20, 2017

Podcast! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:55 pm  

Last night, I added more material to my twitter feed.

Recorded a new podcast!

I love origami. This version is origaME! How we fold ourselves and others gives us our distinctions, but we are still all basically the same. Jump into Verbal Surgery -435- “Controlled Unfold.”

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

This evening I just migrated the site to the new podcast page site on Libsyn.

Filled up the hummingbird feeders. I bleached and rinsed them yesterday.

Did some research for my new computer. I got a quote from HL computer today.

My computer has been running ok, but it’s been crashing a lot. That’s usually a sign to get new hardware. I’ve had this rig over six years.

Prepped the rest of my feeding station.

Azalea to work with the kids.

Always love spending time with my girls!

Home for admin duties.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Penelope! Westside!

Tim A. Cummins @ 3:33 pm  

I had a fun Saturday.

Did the shopping.

Included a picture frame for the picture my friend Jim Pirtle gave me. It’s by Ike Morgan, a man Jim became friends with.

I framed the picture and hung it up. It was in a pile of other art that was damp and bug eaten. It’s part of its charm.

I made Jim a packet of some of the art that I created in the early 80’s. It was called “mail art.” People from all over the world would produce and send art to museums and installation organizers. We decorated the envelopes in this kind of style.

Believe it or not, I once had one of my collage pieces in the Dallas Museum of Fine Art.

Ate lunch with Kathy at I Love Wings. Korean food there was amazing!

Watched Penelope for several hours. She just keeps getting better and was SO glad to see me. She gave me some good hugs and kisses. It was so sweet.

I cleaned all my hummingbird feeders out with bleach. Penelope helped me rinse them out.

I’m teaching her to make her hand like a cup so I can pour stuff in them. She was helping me feed the birds.

Later, she spit out a handful of seeds that she had in her cheek.

She’s a crowd pleaser!

Had a restful evening. Played some games.

Sunday morning, Kathy and I went to Westside for church.

Pastor Ben spoke on reaching the lost. He spoke on Jonah.

He asked me to pray for the congregational prayer this morning. Always happy to do that. I believe this.

Kathy loves motorcycles.

K and I ate Captain Ds. It was good but kind of made me a little nauseous.

On my way home, I checked out one of my favorite antique places: Once Possessed. I’ve gotten some of my favorite Yoda items there, including this cool flashlight today.

You squeeze a handle in the back, Yoda opens his mouth and a green flashlight beam shoots out. Groovy!

Admin duties now.

The start of pollen to come.

I liked this print Ashley wore.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Houston! Jim Pirtle! Notsuoh! Museums! Mueck!

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:38 pm  

I just got back from a whirlwind trip to Houston, Texas to visit a college fraternity brother of mine, Jim Pirtle. Great to see another NoZe Brother!

He is an amazing artist and has had gallery showings around the world. It was like living with Picasso for a couple of days.

His whole house looks like an art instillation.

He owns a night club in Houston called notsuoH. Super funky place. I loved the decor.

The signage on the building is original.

Jim lives above notsuoH on the third floor. He was so gracious to open up his place to me.

I used public transport a lot while I was there. Only $1.25 to get downtown from the airport. Fast too. I never ask people to pick me up at the airport if there’s public transport.

I loved the architecture. The geometry. The colors.

This building looked like fluorite to me.

I saw some fantastic museums while I was there.

This globe could spin.

The paleontology exhibits were world class.

I thought the lighting was incredible.

I liked the people skeletons getting involved.


The petrified wood section was beautiful.


I liked this lemur.

I’m big on Egypt.

They also had an extraordinary exhibit on feather head dresses from the Amazon. EXACTLY what I’ve been thinking about with our theme “Get Tribal.”

They look better on the birds.

The Natural Science Museum is also known for its collection of minerals. Although the Smithsonian in Washington, DC and the Science Museum in London have MORE minerals, I think the lighting of these was exceptional.

The hanging fish were cool.

My final day in Houston, I went to the Museum of Fine Arts, specifically to see the exhibit by Ron Mueck! His background is in making props for TV shows and movies.

He does hyper realistic sculpture. Absolutely fantastic and mind boggling.

This is the size of a car.

This is about 1/3 scale.

I was glad to meet Jim’s daughter, Martha.

He has a gigantic collection of art at his house. He sifted through it to show me his collection of Ike Morgans.

This is the one I chose. Morgan made over 100 pictures of George Washington. I kind of liked the bug eaten look.

We went on Safari to the Row Houses project that Jim’s friend Rick Lowe had created. He won a MacArthur grant for his work in Houston.

Such a super trip! GREAT to be back in the ATL!

Monday, March 13, 2017

Coins! Marietta! Penelope! Roswell! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:35 pm  

I spent most of Sunday with Jesse!

I haven’t been feeling well, so slept in for nearly 12 hours straight. Wow.

Jesse and I took a ride to Marietta to see the Coin Show. I bought some ancient coins for friends of mine.

We came home to rest briefly then went to see Logan. I really like the movie, although I didn’t know it was rated R. I wasn’t expecting the level of violence.

Came home and went to sleep early. Again slept about 12 hours last night.

Rained nearly 1″.

Ashley brought Penelope over for us to watch. Always a delight. We had fun with bubbles today.

After Ash picked up the baby, I went on Safari to Roswell. I had one more little gift for my friend that I’d tracked down there.

Then to the mission to work with the kids. It was rainy. Only a couple showed up. I’m feeling better, although I was glad I didn’t have to work with a rowdy group of kids.

I’ve been packing for my trip for days. Did the clothes packing this evening.

Also cleaned the fish tank.

Repaired my milk cow.

Repaired the Big Globe.

Admin duties now.


Sunday, March 12, 2017

Ashley! Family Picture! Penelope!

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:40 pm  

Saturday I was still dealing with the light headedness that is caused by those oto stones getting dislodged. I didn’t have the vertigo, but still felt really spacey.

We met up at Cafe Istanbul for lunch. Always fun, especially with the little kids.

Two really big items of good news. Miles got the job as the arborist! He’ll be working in Atlanta with one of the top tree firms. Super proud of him! And the biggest news is that Ashley is pregnant! May their tribe increase!! She is due in September. Awesome!

After lunch, we went to Ashley’s house to shoot our family photo. I like this one the best. Smiling Penelope makes everything better!

Spent most of my afternoon resting and editing video of the two teams we had last week.

Burned DVDs for the teams.

Uploaded the videos to YouTube.

Got the notes and DVDs in the mail.

Also wrote Thank You notes.

Ashley brought Penelope over around 6pm. She and Miles were meeting up with some friends for a “Mystery Dinner.” The people try to figure out who did the crime. Ashley looked like a movie star.

Penelope went to sleep around 9:30pm. Ashley picked her up soon after that. I went to sleep at about 10:30pm and didn’t get out of bed for nearly 12 hours. Just not feeling that great. I feel better now. I have a trip to Houston coming up on Tuesday. I want to feel great for that! I decided I needed to rest more than go to church today.

Had a great talk with Jesse this morning. He’s awesome!

Today, six years ago, I first met my friend Anthony Jacquin. Since then, I consider him my best friend. Good times!

Admin duties now.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Dizzy head! Penelope!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:06 am  

Friday morning I woke up with vertigo. It was caused by tiny oto stones in your ear getting dislodged. In my case, it’s caused by my pillow getting too low. I performed the Epley maneuver where you hang your head off the edge of the bed and rotate your head at 45 degrees then parallel to the floor. The tiny stones get relocated back to where they’re supposed to be. I had this problem years ago and it was severe. This time it wasn’t too bad, but left me feeling spacey and slightly dizzy most of the day.

After doing the Epley, you’re not supposed to look down. K and I watched Penelope for several hours on Friday while Ashley got her hair done. Hard to keep your head level with a toddler around!

We are shooting the family portrait on Saturday.

I’m feeling better today, but still not fantastic. I appreciate your prayers for me.

Admin duties now.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

DDay! King!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:03 pm  

This morning Ashley, Penelope and I enjoyed our final day with the team from King University. We love to give them gifts.

We briefed them on Mexican Catholicism.

Senor Tim rides again. Arriba!

Penelope is getting more engaged all the time. We stomp our feet when we sing Toda Adonai. She was stomping with us. Of course the teams would cheer her and then she’d clap, too. What an angel.

We had our Dedication Service and anointing with oil from Israel. Rabbi Tim, getting serious.

Signing the Landing Pad.

Our theme this year is “Get Tribal.” People get to pick a feather to wear around their necks. The last thing we do with them is to give them each a peacock feather.

I didn’t make enough about the feathers this time. I’ll do more next time and incorporate the temporary tattoos.

We enjoyed lunch at Plaza Fiesta.

Came back to FBC Doraville to strike the set. Sure is nice to have help!

Then worked with the kids at the mission.

Said good bye to all the team and headed home. I sent Ashley on home a little earlier.

I put some new bike handle grips on Kathy’s bike.

I’m preparing for my trip to Houston, Texas next week to see my friend Jim Pirtle. He was in the NoZe Brotherhood when I got in. He’s an amazingly creative person. Normally, whenever I visit someone, I come bearing gifts. It’s just part of my culture. I enjoy shopping around the International Village and buying little things to give people. The candies are always a crowd favorite. It’s fun to try new stuff from Turkey, Slovakia, Japan, Malasia, Russia, Germany, Mexico, and the good ol’ USA!

I saw this at Enigmas.

I thought it was interesting.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

King! VATech!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:22 pm  

I had to change out the holster for my iPhone. They start to tear up after about three months.

Traffic was horrible this morning. I was stressed out thinking about all the people waiting on me.

Always fun to brief our teams in the morning. It’s so great to work with Ashley. She’s such an amazing speaker and Mom at the same time.

I was in Rabbi Mode this morning.


Our “Red Thread Ceremony.”

We’ve really enjoyed working with the Tennessee and Virginia folks! We ate at Ashiana’s today for Indian food.

Visited the Shiv Mandir.

Took them to the BAPS temple. It’s the third largest Hindu temple in the world. I love the stone work.

I only noticed these golden elephants for the first time today. Wow. Couldn’t believe I hadn’t seen them.

Ashley, Penelope and I went to Perimeter Church to pick up Easter Eggs. We saw our friend Jackie Dieter there.

Went to Walmart to pick up supplies.

Then to the missions to check on the teams.

What kind of person rides around with this?

On a more positive note:

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

King! VATech! Asian Square! Missions!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:35 pm  

Filled up my car with gas this morning.

Then met up with the team from King University in Bristol, TN and our new team from VA Tech. The Virginia teams have come at least six years in a row.

Always fun working with the teams.

I love my Little Partner.

The King University folks have been great, too!

Kenny is our friend at Penang restaurant. One of our team members was from the same town in Penang, Malaysia. Pretty amazing.

I put Penelope in a big pot.

I saw my friend Eduardo Zamora and his wife Sheila today. They have returned to Atlanta.

We took them on Safari to the Asian Square and later to China Town.

Rainy day. Hard to have great results in those conditions. The teams still had terrific attitudes. I appreciate that so much.

Took forever to get home. Wet roads.

Ate supper with Kathy.

Admin duties now.

Monday, March 6, 2017

King! BHFM! AZ!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:59 pm  

Sunday evening, I added material to my Twitter feed. My version of sermon notes.

Ashley and I had fun briefing our team from King University this morning!

This will be the first team for the “Get Tribal” season!

We had fun sharing with them.

I love to talk about neurology. I rolled out the White Coat for the first time today. Check out the stethoscope and the dapper tie. It’s a clip on. Yeah, baby.

We took them on Safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

Penelope was great today.

We ate lunch at the market.

Kissing the Frozen Pig Head: one of the Whirlwind Missions Traditions.

I love to have my lil’ Partner with me.

Penelope enjoyed a tea party.

The team did great with the kids at Azalea.

Penelope enjoyed throwing things off the balcony.

The team also helped with homework.

They did a good job sharing the Bible Story.

I liked these kids.

Came home to watch Penelope while Ashley and Miles had a date night.

Watched My Name is Earl with Kathy.

Admin duties now.

Always wise council.

Tru dat.


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