Whirlwind Missions

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Westside! Granular List GREEN!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:05 pm  

I went to Westside Baptist Church by myself this morning. Kathy was in S. Carolina with Ashley at a missions conference.

The youth group had their DNow experience this weekend. About 1,600 kids were there. All I could think about was how much money they must have made off of that.

Pastor Ben spoke on overcoming adversity.

Early this morning, I finished the last of the Granular List RED. That’s the cities within about an hour drive.

This is a gigantic research project that is already bearing results.

After church, I got my map out, drew the green circle (the size of a plate I have) and determined the next series of cities and towns.

Pieces of SC, NC and TN!

Quiet a big slice of AL.

I can use the pictures, put them on extreme zoom in, and write down the towns and cities. They have to have at least 2,000 people to get on my map.

All the towns are small. I’ve already done all the larger cities. BUT there are some big churches in some of these little towns.

My neighbor is building a fence. I’ve been dreading it.

Admin duties now.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Granular List!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:29 pm  

Most of Friday and Saturday I’ve spent working on the Granular List–Red. That’s the cities within an hour or so from our HQ.

I’m almost through the first layer!

Then I’ll add the Granular list–Green. Those will include the cities within about 2.5 hours from the ATL. Birmingham, for instance. After I finish the Red list, I’ll figure out which cities are included in that area. I break them down into note cards of about ten per card.

Sorted my vitamins. I have more than just these.

Penelope spent the afternoon at our house.

Wrote Thank You notes.

Sewed up my pajamas.

More on the List.

Whenever I hit twenty, I print the page and send out the promo packets.

Went to the Post Office to mail the promo packets, thank you letters and package to my friend Paul.

Bought more stamps.

I added the stamps and got them into the mail stream.

Ate lunch with the girls, Jesse and a friend of his.

Penelope is always entertaining.

Did the grocery shopping. Got this new fasciata. Fabulous.

After lunch, Kathy went with Ashley to S. Carolina. Ash will be speaking at a church of there. Miles is watching the baby. I’m all by my self. Fortunately, my company is very entertaining.

Saturday, I did a lot of cleaning.

Vacuumed the house.

Cleaned the rugs.

Vacuumed around the plants.

Cleaned the stairs.

Including the zebra skin.

After the vacuuming, I clean out my wet/dry vac. Gotta take care of your tools.

Once the floor is free of debris, I use the Swiffer wet mop. I stand on a towel and dry the floor as I go. I’ve taken a TREMENDOUS fall from slippery floors.

Cleaned walls.

Final step is bringing all the rugs in and putting them in their places.

Admin duties now.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Granular List! Penelope! Set Up!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:42 pm  

I worked on the Granular List until late last night. I got to the end of a set of twenty churches which corresponds to the number of labels per sheet.

When I finish a set of twenty, I print the labels and send them a promo packet.

Got them in the mail.

Later, I incorporate the new cities into the binder of my Georgia cities. There are over thirty cities represented now.

Ashley dropped off Penelope this morning. We always love to watch the Magnificent Baby. I had fun reading the Cat in the Hat to her.

Ashley and I went to the FBC Doraville, to set up for The Show which starts this coming Monday with a team from Tennessee.

I will roll out our “Tribal” theme with this group. It will involve feathers and tattoos.

Admin duties now.

Kathy was asleep when I got home. She’ll probably wake up soon and we’ll spend time together.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Podcast! Granular List! Battlefront!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:04 pm  

Recorded a new podcast this morning!

Yeah, baby!

Very uplifting edition, Verbal Surgery -434- “Yes, I CAN”

Link on Facebook.

Worked on the Granular. Finished another set of cities.

It really is incredible the scope of this project. I have nearly 700 churches on this list comprised of 15 states.

Enjoyed lunch with Kathy and Jesse.

Worked more on the GL.

Trimmed some bushes.

Got a new attachment for my hose. Cleaned off the end thoroughly.

Played some Battlefront. All time high score. I astonish myself.


Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Thanks! Granular List! Run! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:20 pm  

This morning I worked on writing Thank You notes to our supporters who gave in memorial of my Dad.

Paid bills.

LONG conversation with Xfinity. Ended up getting $70 off my my monthly bill AND 3X the internet speed. What?! It does seem to upload pictures faster.

Had lunch with Kathy, Ashley and Penelope.

Worked on the Granular List: those cities in Georgia about 1.25 hours from our HQ.

I continue to add email addresses to our data base.

Did seven cities. Found about 12 good prospects. Yeah, baby! As I add to the list, it will fill up a page of 20 churches. I then take the page, make labels and immediately get a promo packet in the mail to them.

I print up each city and put in a separate page. After we send the letters, I put the page in alphabetical order in our Georgia book. A red dot, about an inch from the top, indicates Georgia.

Ran 2.63 miles. Felt great. Beautiful outside.

This is the largest Pink Magnolia I’ve ever seen.

Went to Clarkston to get the girls.

Worked at the mission with the kids.

Admin duties now.


It’s been said.

This looks neural to me.

I love this type of shot. I call it a “sun flower” or a “moon flower.”

Monday, February 27, 2017

Podcast! Taxes! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:22 pm  

Recorded this morning! Yeah, baby!

Terrific episode (aren’t they all?) called Verbal Surgery -433- “Reflect or Absorb.”

Upload to server.

Link on Facebook.

Ate lunch with Ashley, Miles and Penelope and Kathy and Jesse. Good times!

Got the final forms of the taxes done and in the mail.

Mailed off the newsletters for March. They are what we call the “Sheep and Goat” edition, where we confirm with the donors who haven’t given if they still want to be on the list.

Went by the church to pick up the mail.

To the mission to work with the kids. Good group.

Ashley had a doctor appointment for Penelope. It was her 15th month check up. She’s doing great! No surprise there.

Bad traffic on 78 coming home.

Admin duties now.

I still can’t figure out how Penelope managed to do this.

Sunday, February 26, 2017


Tim A. Cummins @ 8:55 pm  

Penelope has been my constant companion since Friday morning. What a blessing!

Ashley and Miles went to Savannah to work at a missions conference. Fortunately, they had Saturday off and enjoyed it at the beach.

I always enjoy teaching Penelope. This weekend I worked on red, green, and blue as well as nose, and ears. It’s always fun to see her catch on to things. She’s really super smart and extremely observant. She’s in and under everything.

We like playing with rocks. I showed her some juggling.

We spent hours swinging.

I took her to Chic fil A and McDonalds. She likes the playgrounds.

She’s such an angel. So happy and talkative.

I usually get about five or six hours of sleep at night. I try and sleep whenever Penelope does.

She loved K’s shoes.

Penelope was glad to see Grandmama. She was in Columbia, SC with her brother and two sisters last night.

I know she was happy to be in the loving arms of her parents!

Got my tax forms complete.

Admin duties now.

I love my new Easter orchids. These mini Phaelonopis are beautiful.

I love Pink Magnolias.

Beautiful trees.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Houston Tix! Podcast! Clean up! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:17 pm  

I heard from my friend in Houston today. I’m planning on visiting him for a couple of days in March. Got my tickets!

Recorded a new podcast!

Always a favorite! Want to get something done? Then you need Verbal Surgery -432- “Slightest Movement.”

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Had lunch with Kathy.

Cleaned up some broken glass outside. Then cleaned my wet/dry vac.

Picked up Ashley in Clarkston, then went to the Atlanta Metro Baptist Association to get our first page of the newsletter and the “Stay on the Team” page.

Then to the mission to work with the kids.

Great when we have volunteers.

The kids are into this game called “Clash Royale.” I downloaded it onto my phone today.

Went to Walmart to get some supplies.

We finished up at the mission and I took Ashley home. She will be dropping off Penelope with us tomorrow morning. They’re going to a mission conference in Savannah.

I’ll have her on Saturday by myself. Kathy is going to S. Carolina to visit her family.

Gassed up the car on the way home. Filled up fine. Glad about that. The last time I tried to fill it up, it acted like it was clogged and I could only get a few cents of gas in at a time. Went straight in tonight.

Admin duties now.

I love Spring!

My Pink Magnolias are blooming.

And the Azaleas.


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Newsletter! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:48 pm  

Got about 1/8″ of rain yesterday.

This morning I produced my newsletter.

Sent it to our friend at the Atlanta Metro Baptist Association for publishing.

Went through our mailing list and took out the people that we haven’t heard from in a year. I mark the labels with a red dot if they haven’t given.

In the March mailing, the people who haven’t given will get a special third page asking them if they still want to receive the paper copy.

We had about 25 people that fit into that category.

Ate lunch with Kathy, Ashley and Penelope.

I love this baby so much.

I usually take Penelope on walkabout. I let the girls finish eating.

Met up with Ashley in Clarkston. Penelope stayed with her Dad tonight. She’s such a blessing.

The kids helped us with the labels.

We had a doughnuts for a treat.

Diego made a mess in the mission. I don’t get mad. I get even.

Went to the bank to deposit money.

Dropped Ashley back at her house then headed home to spend time with K and work on admin duties.

My neighbor is building a huge fence it’s going to ruin the view from one side of our house.


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Podcast! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:01 pm  

This morning, I recorded a new podcast! WOOT!

A terrific edition on change! Plug into Verbal Surgery -431- “Inside Insight 2.”

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Enjoyed lunch with Ashley, Penelope and Kathy. The Magnificent Baby and I went on walkabout.

I watched Penelope this afternoon while Ash visited with a friend of hers. Brought her back to Clarkston, then off to the mission to work with the kids.

She has a splinter in her toe. I’ll get it out soon.

Rainy weather made the drive extra long. Penelope was sad and cried and cried. We stopped at Chic-Fil-A on the way home. She got to play and eat some sandwich.

Came home to watch Murdoch’s Mysteries with K.

Admin duties now.

Tiny beauty.

I like this.

Totally agree.

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