Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Research! Podcast! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:44 pm  

Stayed up late last night working on sorting elements of the Research List.

It’s important to track when you send them a letter or an email or call. Each action has a code, like M for mail.

Finished Kentucky.

RECORDING this morning!

Woot! Love it! A terrific edition on the mind/body connection and how you can work better with Verbal Surgery -422- “Warm Socks.”

Had lunch with Kathy, Ashley and Penelope and Jesse. The Magnificent Baby wasn’t feeling well. I was so glad that Ashley took her in to see the doctor. Having medicine can just make you feel better so much faster.

Enjoyed working at the mission with the kids.

I saw Mason who was one of my original youth group.

I remember them as little kids not as full grown men that dwarf me. He told me, “People ask me how I know so much about the Bible. I always think about you teaching us, Mr. Tim.” Kinda choked me up.

Came home to watch the season finale of Travelers with Kathy. I’ve really enjoyed that show. Interesting premise.

Uploaded my podcast.

Link on Facebook.

Admin duties now.


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Fish & Birds! Research List Letters!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:48 pm  

Worked on the Research List until late last night.

Finished all of Louisiana and started on Lexington, KY.

I changed the water in the fish tank this morning.

Also went outside to clean out the bird feeders and baths.

Had lunch with Ashley and Penelope. Baby wasn’t feeling that great. Felt sorry for her.

She enjoyed kicking the metal sheeting.

Always enjoy having all three girls together!

Believe it or not, this skull shattered into pieces. I got the super glue and super glue accelerator out and pretty much repaired it. There’s some gaps on the bottom.

Penelope discussing the finer points of using a rake.

We went shopping after lunch. P took a nap and K watched her at the house. We bought P some meds to help her symptoms.

We dropped off the stuff from Walmart to Ashley’s house, then went to the mission to help the kids.

I focused on getting the letters ready to send out to churches. The kids like helping me.

Dropped the girls off at their house.

Then went to the Post Office to get the letters in the mail.

Came home to check on Kathy. She got me supper and then went to bed. That riding around Stone Mountain really takes it out of her.

Admin duties now.


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Podcast! KJAP! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:37 pm  

Had a fun morning: RECORDING!

An important episode on your attention called, “Plug in, Turn ON!”

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Dropped off the Financial Report that Ashley compiled.

Met up for lunch with Kathy, Ashley, Penelope and Jesse. Good times! Penelope was having fun “feeding” Grandmama.

She liked the ball machine.

She certainly wanted in there.

Came home for a brief rest. I stayed up pretty late last night. Enjoyed playing Battlefront. I went to Level 100.

Kathy went with me to the mission.

Ton of kids.

I also cleaned up the place and threw away a bunch of garbage. The gate was baby tough, but not mission tough.

Ate supper with Kathy at China Delight. We did not have this.

Admin duties now.


Are you smarter than a 6th grader?

Interesting upper atmosphere effect.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Research List! AP with Chad and Grant! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:10 am  

Sunday was super cold.

Some interesting effects.

My hummingbird feeders finally started to thaw out today.

Worked on the Research List most of Sunday and this morning.

Went over 500 churches this weekend.

Quite a milestone.

Focusing on Louisiana now. Not as many churches as I thought in the area. At least not S. Baptist ones.

Went to Clarkston to get Ashley and Penelope. We met with new friends of ours from Midway Macedonia Baptist Church. Grant and Chad work with the Youth group and with Missions.

We took them to eat at La Generala at Plaza Fiesta. It was so good.

We showed them some of the Botanicas where our Catholic friends buy their idols and potions.

Then over to the Buford Highway Farmers Market to see the world and get some treats!

We said “adios” to our amigos around 2:30pm then went over to In and Out to get Ashley’s cell phone screen fixed. It looks brand new again. Yeah!

Worked with the kids at the mission. Lot of homework.

Glad Ash and Penelope were there.

Came home to spend time with K. We enjoyed watching Travelers this evening. We are nearly to the finale of Season One. Always kind of sad when you see the end of a binge coming.

Admin duties now.

Beautiful sunset.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Research List! Mail Chimp!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:31 pm  

Super cold last night. Got down into the low 20s.

Didn’t really have much snow.


I spent most of the day working on the Research List.

I finished Florida and am working diligently on S. Carolina.

Instead of adding the email addresses to separate cities, I add them straight to the state instead.

I also worked out how to combine lists into a master list of the email addresses I have harvested.

I combined 83 different towns into seven states.

Enjoyed an early supper with Jesse and Kathy and Shane’s Ribs. That place is awesome.

Came home to watch an Indian movie called “Hari Gets Married” with Kathy. It was ok. We also watched an episode of “Travelers.”

Admin duties now.

Still working on the Research List.

When it gets colder than 60 in my room, I generally start running the heat. Especially if the weather outside is below freezing.

Moon flower.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Storm Prep! Research List!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:04 pm  

Spent this morning thinking about what we might need if the power goes out. We seem to be pretty well stocked up.

Jesse came over for lunch and will stay with us while it’s frozen.

Worked on getting the tickets to Texas for Ashley, Miles and Penelope as well as for Kathy, Jesse and me. Took time having to verify what everyone’s ID is.

Enjoyed reading Night School by Richard Wiseman. I find Sleep to be a very interesting topic.

Vacuumed the house.

Admin duties now.

Will start on Research List again.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Research List! Mail Out!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:22 pm  

I worked on Florida towns today.

Went to eat with Ashley, Penelope and Kathy.

Came home to print labels then go get stamps.

We mailed out not only the newsletter but Tribal promos to about fifty churches.

Helped the kids with their homework.

Bought them doughnuts for a treat.

Went by FBC Doraville to pick up mail and water the tree in my office.

Came home to work on admin duties.

Ashley and Miles and Jimi dropped off a couple of chairs to our house. They are really nice.

Watched Travelers with Kathy.

Back to admin duties.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Podcast! Shopping! Research List!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:19 pm  

Last night I worked on the Research List. I finished N. Carolina! Now I’m into Florida churches.

This morning I recorded! Woot! I always love that.

It’s a new year, time for new strategies!

Put Verbal Surgery -420- “Dunno Key” to the test. Crank ‘er up!

Click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Ashley and Penelope came over to do lunch.

Always fun to talk with her and see the Magnificent Baby.

We went shopping at Walmart. Always need something!

Came home to work on admin duties.

Printed out labels.

Watched Travelers with Kathy. Interesting show.

Back to admin duties.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Newsletter! KJAP! P!

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:12 pm  

Monday I wrote and produced my newsletter. I had Penelope and my Dad as the theme of the article. I used pictures of Dad to decorate the piece. I think it turned out well.

Met up with Ashley and Penelope for lunch. Jesse has spent the last few nights at our house because his car has been smelling like gasoline and the mechanics haven’t been open to fix it. It’s waiting at the mechanics now.

Always fun to hang out with ALL my girls.

I called Ashley later that evening to say I was willing to watch Penelope overnight. Ash and Miles are moving into their new house. It’s REALLY hard to concentrate on moving stuff and watch the baby. She is incredibly active and needs vigilance at all times.

She took a bite out of a coaster.

I got about six hours of sleep. P had a nap from noon till nearly three this afternoon. I was able to rest about another hour and a half so I feel pretty good!

Had lunch with Kathy and Jesse and Penelope.

Just got home from eating at Hardees.

Gassed up the car.

Working on admin duties now.

Beauty clouds.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

2017! P! Westside!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:54 pm  


It was fun having Penelope over for New Years.

K and I dropped her off with Ashley and Miles this morning, then we went on to Westside.

Brother Ben had knee replacement and preached on his experiences as it related to Joshua.

Came home to rest. I need a nap after watching P.

Had an interesting chat with Jesse. He’s learning the Unreal Engine for VR. Amazing environment see in VR without having to write a single line of code. Wowzers.

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