Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Podcast! Penelope!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:57 pm  

This morning I had fun: RECORDING!

I always love to hear myself talk! A timely edition on achieving your goals! Check out “Final Frontier.”

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

My yard man blew leaves off our roof and sides of our house.

We had about 3/4″ of rain.

Then went to Ashley and Miles’ new house, “The Cube.” Picked up the Magnificent Baby.

I hadn’t eaten, so we drove over to Northlake Mall. Penelope liked the rice and the Orange Chicken.

We had fun walking around the mall. She liked to “ride” these rides.

Came home to spend time with Kathy. Penelope fell asleep around 9pm.

Admin duties and waiting for midnight.

HAP PY New Year!

May you live your dreams!

Friday, December 30, 2016

Kathmandu! P! Move!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:03 pm  

Ashley dropped off Penelope to our house around 11am.

Always great to see my girls!

She went home to pack and move her house across the road to a nicer place. She’s really going to enjoy having a house that you can heat and cool affordably.

K and I took Penelope over to Golden Corral. She really ate well. I was happy about that.

Baby came home and took about a 2.5 hour nap. She kind of wakes up and I hold her and she goes back to sleep.

I worked on getting all the photos for my Dad’s Celebration Service on January 21st. It was a big job. There are a lot of galleries to go through and dragging pictures between the drive and the cloud takes time. Labor of love.

She got hungry and drank the last of our milk, so I bundled her up and took her over to Walmart to get some supplies.

She likes to ride in the basket. I go slow.

Met Kathy at American Deli for a burger. I thought this sign at the counter was funny.

Then we took Penelope to her NEW house!

Kathy rode her bike this afternoon, so she went straight to sleep when we got home.

I put the picture files from my Photo Galleries of my Dad to a USB drive for my brother to give to the Funeral Home. Got the letter ready to go to get in the mail tomorrow.

Admin duties now.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Georgetown! Dad! Christmas!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:43 pm  

Jesse took us and picked us up from the airport. I appreciated that.

Kathy and I just got back from an emotional trip to Texas.

I had the chance to visit with Dad a few times.

The most special was when he let me feed him. I’d had a lot of practice with Penelope!

Saturday, he was non responsive when we tried to wake him. Early Christmas morning, he went to be with the Lord.

It was sad, yet not unbearably so because we all knew that Dad was way better off now. His quality of life hadn’t been very high for the last few months especially.

Most of the arrangements had already been taken care of so there wasn’t much that we had to do. We had a meeting with the funeral home.

Tentative date for the Celebration Service will be on January the 21st.

Mom and I went over to the Wesleyan to pick up Dad’s stuff. Mom said goodbye to many people there.

Our first night in Texas, we enjoyed eating with Peggy Hooten, my Mom, brother and his daughter.

I loved the lights in downtown Georgetown around the square.

We got to hear my niece Katie Cummins sing at the Roots club with her friend Caliegh.

GREAT to spend time with my brother, Jim.

We always enjoy visiting with our families in Texas!

The girls love their Grandpa!

It’s always fun to have little kids at Christmas!


The next morning we got to Skype with Ashley, Miles, and Penelope! WOOT!

Many friends came over to express their condolences to us over the passing of my dad, Al Cummins.

Family is important!

K and I had fun biking around Georgetown. Here’s Blue Hole.

I check out the Land of Dead Tractors whenever I visit.

We biked around Georgetown and Southwestern University. I thought this was odd.

This is where I lived throughout high school and Baylor University.

We found out on this trip that Elvis Presley dated a girl who lived here when he was serving at Fort Hood in Texas! Apparently, he visited the house many times. WOW!

Our final day in Georgetown, we ate with my Mom, Jim and the two Kathy’s!

The old Post Office was across the street from where we ate. I had never been in there. I had fun scoping it out and talking to one of the ladies there.


I love the architecture in Georgetown, TX. It’s the county seat.

Interesting cloud turbulence.


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Penelope! Ashley! Shopping!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:05 pm  

I watched Penelope last night for the third night in a row. She’s such blessing!

Ashley is feeling MUCH better. So glad for that. I know they were really missing their baby! Miles said, “She looks taller.” That’s hilarious.

Kathy and I went by Young World. K wanted to drop off some small gifts for the ladies that she works with.

Ashley came by this morning. I had all my girls for lunch!

Then Ash, Penelope and I went to Walmart to pick up some supplies. I gave Penelope a small bit of my cookie. Man, did she like it.

Came home for Admin duties and relax. Watching P is a full time job. She is incredibly active and curious. Equals awesomeness.

K and I will be on Safari to Texas tomorrow. We’ll be staying in Georgetown until next Wednesday. I don’t usually blog when I’m on vacation. I will update Facebook. And email. I probably will give the Research List a break and enjoy time with family.

I still have to finish packing. We don’t have to leave until 11:30am tomorrow. I’ve checked us in the flight and sorted out gate passes. Also sorted my stuff to me it screen ok through security. Just to need to put the clothes in and bathroom stuff.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Research! Penelope!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:26 pm  

Most of Sunday I spent working on the Research List. I went to over 400 churches on our mail out list.

All of Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee are complete. I’m about half way through N. Carolina now.

Also spent time trying to find postal addresses for the handful of letters that come back because of “No Mail Receptacle.” I contacted one church and they confirmed that the address I used WAS the mailing address as well. I put a new stamp and sent it again.

Rested. I was pooped after the Christmas event at Azalea.

Had lunch with Jesse!

Penelope came over Sunday afternoon.

She’s always such a complete delight.

She slept ok Sunday night.

Ashley has strep throat so K and I are watching her again tonight. A is contagious for 36 hours. We may need to watch her most of tomorrow as well.

I had fun watching Christmas movies with Penelope. She especially likes the animals and the songs.

Admin duties now.

As opposed to?

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Christmas Party! Shopping!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:20 pm  

Friday night I did research on possible accountants for Jesse’s company.

Today, Ashley and I hosted two families from Perimeter and Church of the Redeemer.

I stopped at the our office at FBC Doraville to pick up my amplifier and water my pants. I had no desire to shout at those kids for two hours. Just turn my amp up a bit!

Even though it was cold and rainy, we had over 50 kids!

We decorated cookies.

Then I told the Christmas story.

We have a prayer at the end.


Hola, Ashley!


We cleaned up the mission and said goodbye to the kids till next year!

I hadn’t eaten all day long, so I got a sub on the way home and dropped one off for Jesse at the mission.

Did the grocery shopping. We were missing a few things. We didn’t want to get too much, because we leave for Texas on Thursday.

Came home to work on Admin duties.

I’ve read about these Amazon lockers, but only saw one for the first time today outside of QT.


Friday, December 16, 2016

JAP! Cafe Istanbul! Rogue One!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:05 pm  

I went to Clarkston this morning to meet up with Jesse, Ashley and Penelope.

We went to Cafe Istanbul for lunch. It was a lot of fun.

Hung out at Ashley’s house for a while. I love taking picture of my girls!

I thought Ashley was looking especially beautiful today.

I liked their stockings.

Jesse and I saw Rogue One this afternoon.

I really liked it, although the film had technical difficulties twice. Not zesty. The manager gave me two movie passes to make up for it. They rewound the movie so I didn’t miss anything. Still . . .

Admin duties now.

What do you think these are for?

My guess is radar. Some type of car counting system.

Happy puppy.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Research! GBC with AP! Gifts! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:16 pm  

I worked on the last few cities in Tennessee for the Research List.

Ashley and Penelope came to my house and then we drove to the Georgia Baptist Convention.

We met up with our new friends Doug and Mike who work with the Youth Directors for churches in Georgia.

After the meeting, we went over to the mall to take a picture with Santa. P was perfect with a beautiful smile.

Gwinnett Place Mall is now only 25% occupied. That means almost every store you see in the mall is closed. Food Court had only two restaurants. It was so weird. Looked like there had been radioactivity there.

Then to eat at Golden Corral.

Came back to home to spend time with Kathy, then off to T&G to drop off Ashley’s car. It had a bad headlight and needed a new battery.

The girls and I went to the Dollar Tree to pick up gifts for the kids at the mission. We went a little overboard and spent nearly $350 on gifts. Fortunately, we had a family donate $300!

P liked the doggie hamburger chew toy.

We loaded up all the goodies into my car, and went to the mission to check on the kids.

Not really any homework for the kids. They were having a concert performance at their school.

We came on home to terrible traffic.

Picked up Ashley’s car.

Came home to work on admin duties and watch Good Girls Revolt with K.

Admin duties now.

Sticker mania.

Obviously from two separate vehicles!

Sky on fire.

What does this look like to you?

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Podcast! KAP! FBA! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:09 pm  

Had fun this morning. . . RECORDING!

So many people talk to me about having a problem with pain. This morning, I did my ultimate treatise on what pain is and how you can make it better.

Check out Verbal Surgery -418- “Relief Release!”

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Met up with Ashley and Penelope for lunch. Kathy was with us too. She was in a deep state of sleep when I woke her up. I think that CPAP will make a real difference for her over time.

It was good to spend time eating and hanging out. Penelope always cracks me up.

After lunch, all three girls and I went to First Baptist Atlanta to check on clothes.

Not to be outdone, I got a new tie.

Everyone was very helpful to us.

I liked the tapestries at the church.

Went to the mission to help the kids.

Home to watch Good Girls Revolt with Kathy.

Admin duties now.

The clouds today were fantastic. Cirrocumulus undulatus.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Research! AP! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:04 pm  

Foggy in the ATL!

I spent most of my day looking through web sites for potential partners for Whirlwind Missions. Always fun to see likely candidates!

I made 36 contacts today. We’ve sent over 300 letters out. We get the occasional stray that comes back. Most of the problem is because the property doesn’t have a mail box.

Had a good lunch with Ashley and Penelope. She’s so beautiful.

Came home to work on the Research List.

Then to the mission to work with the kids.

Practicing with her scooter!

Gassed up my car on the way home.

Watched the last two episodes of Mozart in the Jungle with Kathy.

Admin duties now.

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