Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Research! Penelope! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:09 pm  

This morning I spent time on the Research List.

Addressed letters.

Stuffed the letters with a Chinese paper, and a prayer card. Today I picked up the flyers and more stamps so I have everything I need.

More good news! Ashley figured out how to make a custom email address for TeamWhirlwind.com. When we send these emails to lists, many spam filters cull everything from gmail. Same goes for Yahoo. So it’s a really important piece of the puzzle. I call this “beating technology into submission.”

Ashley, Penelope and I went to Walmart to get groceries.
We bought P some new shoes.
She liked pushing the cart.

Put groceries up.

Watched P for a few hours to give Ash a chance to get this stuff done. She liked playing in my lake of leaves.

Smoky on the way to pick Ash up. Bad forest fires in N. Georgia.

Came to Clarkston and P and I joined her to go to Azalea.

Enjoyed walking around the complex with P.

Helped the kids with their homework.

Came home to watch “A Very Secret Service” with K. It’s in French. Like that, too.

Admin duties now.

I wonder if this place is open?



Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Trump! Podcast! Research! P! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:06 pm  

I woke up just after dawn and quickly checked my phone. Trump had won. Concerned and prayerful, I went back to sleep. At least I tried to.

Recorded this morning! Always makes me feel GOOD!

Love this episode that reflects the post-election worries. It’s time to “Drop the Balm!”

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Came home to work on the Research List: potential churches to work with us. Today, I focused on Asheville, NC. Seems like some pretty good prospects!
Ashley brought Penelope over around 12pm. The baby was asleep. She woke up around 1pm and I took her to Golden Corral.

We had the whole conference room to ourselves, so she could wander around and explore.

She liked the orange. Ate it almost completely gone, now that she has her shiny white tooth!

She’d come to me, I’d give her a bite and she’d walk around some more.

She’s such a super cool baby.

Ashley got her hair done today! She already looked like a fashion model.

I didn’t get an “after” shot. Believe me, she’s even more beautiful.

Stopped by FBC Doraville to pick up Prayer Cards.

Also to CD Tower to get more spirit paper. I send a piece to everyone who gets on the Research List.
Went to the mission to work with the kids. They weren’t happy with the election outcome.
Got in kind of a heated discussion with one of the moms. There’s been some friction with a couple of the girls and three of the parents. I’m trying to get it resolved. It’s amazing how crazy the parents can act.

Went by One Heart Church to drop off some prayer cards.

Admin duties now.

I write down potential Verbal Surgery title when I think of them. For the life of me I can’t remember what the third title is. DR something DOG?

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Research! Penelope!

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:27 pm  

Spent most of my day working on data collection. Today I worked on Knoxville, TN. Found sixteen more churches to add to our list.

I also addressed the letters for the Huntsville and Chattanooga youth directors. Forty one new contacts in the last two days. I like the sound of that.


I keep adding to the list. Asheville is my next target!

Ashley spent her afternoon working getting the email squared away for our info@TeamWhirlwind.com address. Takes a lot of time to wade through customer service lines and change settings. None of it is particularly intuitive.

I watched Penelope for a couple of hours. Always fun.

I took her home around 4pm.

Admin duties now.

That’s not the word it looks like when you first see it.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Podcast! Research! AP! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:21 pm  

Recorded a new podcast this morning! WOOT!

Terrific episode on the importance of language as you describe your world. Check out “Pro Grade.”

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server.
Link on Facebook.


Finished the research on Huntsville, AL and Chattanooga, TN. Includes the small cities around them like Brainerd. I like the sound of that.

I keep a spreadsheet with the information.

Took Ashley and the Magnificent Baby out for some Mexican food. P loves their chicken.

I watched her for a couple of hours. Ash worked on projects then picked up the baby. Miles watched her the rest of the afternoon while A and I picked up flyers from the Atlanta Metro Baptist Association and prayer cards from FBC Doraville.

Then worked with the kids at the mission.

Great to see my buddy Tamid!

Mailed invitations to thirty three churches.
I think Ashley is a great artist. Her work on this flyer is stellar.

Got food for the Jesse, Ashley and Miles.
Put some gas in Ashley’s truck.

Admin duties now.

Kathy is at her Sleep Study. Hopefully, we can get her on the road to real health and feeling great.


Sunday, November 6, 2016

Perimeter! A&P!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:04 pm  

Had a fun day today at Perimeter Church! They’ve been one of my longest term partners, eighteen years now!

Ashley and I had a booth. Perimeter did an amazing job with decoration.
Each rolled up paper had a prayer written on it. The first one she drew had our ministry on it. Well played, P.


Ash stayed at the table and I followed Penelope around the place. She’d stop and I’d talk to the families about missions.


She wants to see everything and is absolutely intrepid.

Ashley is so good at this one on one stuff.

We even had a team from the Philippines there.

Great to see friends!

Penelope makes every day better!

Ate lunch with Jesse. Always good.

Came home to rest. Even with the time change, I was tired. I put out a LOT of energy at these things. It’s the only way you can be remembered. That and wearing a gold dress, I mean Kurta.

Admin duties now.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Run! Research!

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:34 pm  

Went for a 2.64 mile run today! Beautiful outside.



Sorted Kathy’s pills.

Watered my plants.
I’m bringing them in from outside.

Worked on research for perspective teams to come. Today I worked on Huntsville, AL and Chattanooga, TN. Takes time to harvest information!

Ate a sub and came back to the house to do more research.

My friend John blew the roof and the sides of the house for me.

Watched the Flash and played some Battlefront.

Admin duties now.

K rode her bike today. She seems like she’s doing better.


Friday, November 4, 2016

Calls! VR! Dr. Strange!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:58 pm  

I finished labeling the envelopes to the perspective teams to work with us.
Included spirit paper from China as a gift and a prayer card.
I did thirty three.

Also called and left voice mail with all the ministers from Tuscaloosa, Birmingham and Memphis. I developed a script to use. Makes sure that I cover all the major points. Easy to forget things when you talk off the top my head.

Met up with Kathy and Jesse for lunch at Madina.

Came home to finish up the calls on my list.

Jesse played with the PSVR. PlayStation Virtual Reality.

Beautiful day!
Went to see Dr. Strange with Jesse.

I really liked the movie. Incredible visuals.

Watched a Very Secret Service on Netflix with K. It’s in French. I like that. She seems to be feeling better.

Admin duties now.

Always something beautiful to see. I like neon and chrome.


Thursday, November 3, 2016

Podcast! EKG! Voting! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:02 pm  

Recorded a new podcast this morning. WOOT!

It’s important to be aware of what you’re filling your brain with. Check up on yourself with “Need to Feed!”

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Ate lunch with Kathy before she went to get her EKG done at the hospital. Pray that the results are ok.

Found out there is an early voting station near my house. Awesome.

Got in and voted in about 30 minutes. Can’t beat that.

I’m a Libertarian.

You can see how I voted. Best man for the job. I also voted against every single incumbent on the ballot.

Came home to work on getting the envelopes and supplies for our mailout to perspective teams.

I filled out the envelopes for 33 different churches. We’ll see what happens. We’ve already sent email to them all. I will call the majority again tomorrow and leave voice mails.

Went to the mission to help the kids and work on addressing the envelopes. I’m thinking there’s more of a chance of opening a letter that’s addressed by hand. When do you see that?


Came home to watch Miss Fishers Mysteries with Kathy.

Admin duties now.

This always reminds me of The Father.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Podcast! Nepali Family! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:14 pm  

This morning I had fun yelling at a tape deck! I love to hear myself talk.

A terrific episode on continuing to make small effort. Get a head start on “Long Term GO!”

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Ate lunch with our family! Great to have the siblings together.

We ate Nepali food.

Of course there’s never too much Penelope.

I took her home with me to give Ashley some time to figure out work stuff. Ashley is super smart. Still, nearly impossible with a baby.

I came to Clarkston to pick Ashley up. We are starting at 5pm rather than 4:30pm now. Many of our kids go to a tutorial and don’t get there till 5pm.

We have a good time with the kids.

Dropped AP over in Decatur with Miles. They are such a cute family!

Got my car in Clarkston and came home to watch Criminal Minds with K.

Kathy seems to be doing better with her mouth surgery.

Admin duties now.

Interesting signage.




Incredible clouds. Art by God.


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Research! Run! Mission! K!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:20 pm  

Worked on determining the best churches to contact in the Birmingham, AL area today.

Takes time to build a data spreadsheet and develop email campaigns.

Software helps a lot, but there’s still a lot of data entry.
My next step is to send them a flyer in the mail. Two emails, a phone call (which is normally voicemail) and a hard copy flyer in the mail. No response from that barrage, go to next city.

Went for a 2.64 mile run today. Haven’t run since coming back from Texas. After seeing all those old people hobbling around, I started thinking myself as fragile, and better take it easy. Took a while to cast off that BS.

Always something beautiful to see.

Kathy had an ulcer cut out of her tongue today. She’s been dealing with that pain for months. Not a good place to get stitches. Poor sweety favorite!

Went by the bank to deposit money into K’s personal checking account to cover medical bills.

Met up with Ashley and Penelope in Clarkston then drove over to Azalea to work with the kids. Lot of homework today. Although when it gets manageable, I like to take Penelope on safari.

She’s the hit of the neighborhood for sure.

I think she’s growing up in such a rich environment. Her parents are such incredible artists and musicians!

Jesse arrived at my house about the same time I did around 7:00pm. GREAT to have him home!

This actually did look kind of scary.

Loved the clouds today.


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