Whirlwind Missions

Monday, October 31, 2016

Podcast! P! Mission! Halloween!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:18 pm  

Had fun this morning: RECORDING! Yeah, baby!


Love this uber positive edition of Verbal Surgery called, “CAN Do!”

Click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.
I watched Penelope for an hour while Ashley went to the eye doctor. She’s got health eyes! She said she’s getting some glasses that she really likes.

Always fun to watch P!

Worked on bills this afternoon. Then went to Walmart to pick up supplies for the Candy Throw this evening for Halloween.

Went to Clarkston to get Ashley and Penelope.

We walked around the complex telling the kids about the party.

Had fun!

Penelope’s first Halloween!

Filled up J’s car. He’s on his way home!

After the party, I came home. K and I then went to a block party in our neighborhood for trick or treaters. Our community has an empty lot on a corner. We parked cars and served all the kids in the area with hot dogs and candy. It was fun.

Came home to watch the Detectorists with Kathy.

So many signs I live in the International Village. Reminds me of home.
The Bengalis love to grow peppers.

Little ‘coon footprints by my door.

Beauty in the ATL!

Sunset Zipper Cloud.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

O2! P! One Heart!

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:22 pm  

Saturday, I outfitted the house with oxygen tubing. The machine that produces the oxygen is pretty heavy. I drilled a hole through the floor.

Ran the tubing through.

Put it along the wall.
Replaced the ceiling cover.

Now we just change hoses rather than carry the machine up and down the steps. I only did that once.

Vacuumed the house.

I’d just done it yesterday. Can’t believe this much more came up from one day.

Ashley and Keri came by to drop off Penelope.

A is having a Halloween party at her house. K and I took her to Piccadilly for lunch. She walked all the way across the parking lot. It’s like the size of a football field! I was amazed.
She got down on her knees to feel the grass.

I could tell she was looking at her shadow a lot. I do that, too. What an amazingly perceptive and intelligent child.

K and I always love having her spend the night.
She’s such a wonderful, fun seeking kid!
She makes me smile and smile.

This evening was a little harder with the baby because we had to be at a church conference around 9am. I got about five or six hours of sleep. In fact, I just had a nice nap!

Our partner One Heart Church had their annual mission meeting today.

Ashley, P and I spoke to one of the adult classes. Fun to meet people.

After the class, P and I explored the church and its’ grounds.

Ate at Thai of Norcross with KA. Penelope was sound asleep!

Came home to rest. Work on Admin duties. Don’t normally do that when I host the Magnificent Baby.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Research! O2! Prep!

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:22 pm  

This morning I worked on researching potential churches to work with us in the Jackson, MS., Tuscaloosa, AL and Birmingham.

Takes time to click on websites, look for the youth director, see if he has an email, get the number and address, enter the information into an Excel and Mail Chimp database.

Ashley creates a campaign and sends them email that includes a four minute video. Then I make a call to see if they received the email and if they’re interested in working in Atlanta.

Ashley is calling the people South of Atlanta. If you don’t plant seeds, you don’t grow flowers.

K and I waited for the Oxygen delivery man to bring us the equipment.

She had a machine to generate Oxygen. She’s supposed to get 2fl a continuous flow.

And tanks for portability.

Kathy is pretty embarrassed about taking this stuff out in public. She’ll just do the best she can.

Didn’t get to eat lunch till after 2pm. I was getting hungry so I don’t eat breakfast.

Came home to water the plants.
The carnivorous plants are my favorites.

Added some fertilizer to my gardenia and magnolia trees.

Vacuumed the house. The vacuum exhaust stank. Kathy didn’t know you couldn’t use it for wet stuff. I cleaned it out and let it air dry. Should be fine after that.


Cleaned out the fish tank.

Went to Walmart to get some groceries and some equipment for the O2 machine.

I got adhesive hooks to run the tubing from the machine along the ceiling then down for Kathy.

Also got a suitcase strap to secure the machine to the dolly. I’ll have to walk it outside along the house rather than up and down those stairs. Should be no big deal.

Admin duties now.

I liked these. Vivid filter rocks.

Georgia in the Fall, baby!

Friday, October 28, 2016

Labels! Calls! K’s Lungs!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:34 am  

Thursday morning I printed out all the labels for the newsletter.

Made calls to the rest of the churches that I had found in Memphis. Most just go to voice mail.

Ate lunch with Kathy then dropped her off at the lung doctor’s office to fill out forms while I went to Dr. Barrington’s to pick up the results from her lung CT scan.
The nurse was alarmed at the low O2 saturation of her lungs and immediately put her on oxygen. Scary.

The doctor put her on some heavy duty antibiotics. Hopefully, that will clear up the fluid in her lungs.

She will also have to go in for a sleep study and perhaps a new CPAP machine. Plus she needs to get an echo cardiogram to check on fluid around her heart. Kathy seems to be ok with it all except for having to carry a bottle of oxygen around with her.

Kathy dropped me off to pick up the Altima. Had a new master cylinder and slave cylinder installed. Shifts perfectly now.

After bringing Kathy back home, I went to Clarkston to get Ashley. Needed to talk to them about what’s going on with K. Helps me feel better!

Good news that Ashley found her keys. PTL.

The kids at the mission helped us with the labels and we helped them with their homework.
Got the letters in the mail.

I liked the National Park stamps.
This is my favorite.

Brought the kids doughnuts for a treat. Everyone gets a doughnut, even if they don’t help.

Ashley and I stopped at Taco Veloz. Anthony Bourdain likes the place too!

Came home to check on K. She’s doing fine. She’s had this problem for a long time. Doctor was astonished she was still riding her bike.

I’m still a bit under the weather. Went to sleep early. Had a good long talk with Jesse and my Mom. Catching up with my blog this morning.

Beautiful sunset.


FRIDAY morning, I’m waiting now for the home health care people to bring over the bottle of oxygen for her to use.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

NonVoting! Supplies! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:28 pm  

I had every intention of voting today. I went to an early voting site in Lawrenceville.

There were over 200 people in a line which moved very slowly. I estimated at least a three hour wait. I hate lines. I’ll have to try again.
While in the area, I ate at Fried Tomato and later checked out Ally’s Attic. I’ve gotten a couple of interesting pieces at that place, cheap. I bought Ashley a vintage ring there.
This reminded me of Ashley.

Went to the Post Office for stamps for the newsletters. 115 this month.
The stamps show the National Parks. Wow. There are some beauties. I’ll put pictures later!

To Walmart for envelopes.
I liked this bike.

I also got a couple of Kale plants for my window box. Most plants can’t tolerate the shade.

Came home for a short rest. I’m feeling better but still get tired.

Ashley and I went to the mission to help the kids. They don’t seem to have as much homework. I reckon that’s a good idea.

Came back to Ashley’s place. I wanted to find a set a keys that I lost at her house. Still haven’t found them. Weirdest thing. We know it has to be in a very small area, but we can’t spot them.

Ash and I will work on getting a new key made tomorrow. It’s a chip key so has to have the transponder programmed. Lowes said they can do it.

I’ve been admiring the Elaeagnus or Silver Leaf plant at Ashley’s house. It has the best aroma. Like Jasmine and Gardenia with a slight citrus. Milo got the shovel out and dug one of the sprouts out for me and potted it. I think with some TLC it’ll do fine. Miles suggested letting it root in the pot before putting it outside, especially in the winter. Totally correct assessment.

Ate with Kathy this evening.

She was super tired so went on to bed.

Admin duties now.

Got my new Map Jacket in the mail today.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Newsletter! Altima! P! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:40 pm  

This morning I wrote my newsletter! It’s a good one, very heartfelt about my Dad.

Laid out the pictures.

Sent an email to our friend Joel Harrison to make 115 copies this month.

Got bills in the mail.

Kathy and I took Penelope out for lunch at Ihop. She loved the potato and cheese soup. She went at it like she usually does frozen yogurt. Never seen anything like that.

Gassed up Ashley’s truck.

Took a short rest after Ashley picked up P. Still not feeling 100%.

Went to Ashley’s house to go to the mission. Somehow we misplaced her keys. Bahd luck.

Worked with the kids at the mission.

Picked up some Elaeagnus from Ashley’s house this afternoon. I I’m trying to root it.
Their flowers are tiny but produce a scent like gardenias.

Watched a funny show on Netflix called Mascots.

Kathy burned these cookies last night. It produced the most noxious smoke imaginable. I had all the doors open and six fans on.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Podcast! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:22 pm  

Added two weeks of my proverbs onto my Twitter feed automator.

Had a fun morning: RECORDING!

I love this practical edition of Verbal Surgery. Change your mood by changing your adjectives!

Plug into “Colorful Character!”

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded the recording to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Kathy had an early morning. She went for a CT scan of her chest to check on her lungs. Her Oxygen Saturation has been low. Pray for her!

Had a fun lunch with Kathy, Kerri, Ashley and Penelope.


P loves to play with paper.

I came home a rested for two hours. I’m still not feeling 100% up to speed.

I’m driving Jesse’s car till he gets back from Texas. His car is a stick shift. I decided to meet up with Ashley in Clarkston and drive in the heavy traffic with the Explorer which has automatic transmission. Plus I get an extra hour talking to Ashley and listening to Penelope!

Worked with the kids at the mission with AP! Always a blessing.

Came home to work on bills.

Watched Miss Fincher’s mysteries with K.

Admin duties now.

I love the smell of these flowers. I think they’re a type of jasmine.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Sickish! P!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:21 pm  

Saturday morning I woke up feeling nauseated and kind of woozy.

I played some games on my new VR set up. Could only play for a while because I was feeling even more dizzy.

Went out to eat with Kathy. Loved the roses outside the restaurant.

Jesse started driving my car to visit my parents in Texas Saturday night. I’m using his car.

Got it cleaned and gassed up.

Kind of seems hard to shift at times. Other times it’s just fine. Getting old I reckon.

Sunday morning I still wasn’t feeling well. Same symptoms of nausea and feeling light headed. Ashley brought Penelope over for us to watch. That made me feel better.

I took an hour nap this morning after having slept around 12 hours last night. Another way I can tell I’m not up to full speed. Fortunately, Penelope took nearly a three hour nap this afternoon! She was fun to play with!

Ashley and Miles went to the Falcons game this evening. Hard fought game. I just dropped the baby off. Catching up on admin duties now. Then an early night.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Teams! VR!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:44 pm  

This morning I spent time calling prospective churches to come and work with us in the International Village.
It’s quite an onslaught of technology with the iPhone and iPad working together.

With my brain.

I called seven different churches.

I’d forgotten that most of them don’t work on Friday. I think it’s still good to leave voicemail.

Vacuumed the house.

Blew the deck.
Watered the flowers on the deck. Had to replant a couple that got blown over by the intense wind.
This one was a mess.

And the garage.

Ate Freddie’s with Jesse and Kathy. The tile in the restaurant was set at a slight slant to the walls. My OCD was kicking in.
Went to see our doctor. Kathy needed her lung xrays for the CT scan she’s having soon.
Did the laundry.

J and I went to get me the VR equipment that matches up with my PS4. He wanted me to get it for HIS birthday.
It’s something I’ve wanted a long time.

I got it hooked up. Still fine tuning.

It’s the future!

Found this dead crow in my yard today. I buried him.

Welcome to America.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Podcast! P! Mission! ISS!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:32 pm  

Recorded a new podcast this morning! WOOT!

Rapport building is SO important. That’s what makes “TWOning” so good!

Check out this melodic edition of Verbal Surgery, NOW!

Had a fun lunch with Ashley, Penelope and Kathy.

Watched P after lunch. We always have fun!

Then to the mission to work with the kids. They seem to have a lot of math sheets.

Came home to Spot the Station!

It’s my 22nd viewing of the International Space Station.

Tru dat.

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