Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Four Years! Walk! PEK! German Bakery! Library! Family! 11.22.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:06 pm  


Cooler today. Glad it was also drier.

Today was big for me. It marked four straight years of studying Spanish at least an hour every day. It has really made a difference!

Still getting used to using only 5GB of data a month. It’s not hard, just have to use some planning. Downloading what I want to listen to while I’m on wifi is key. As well as being aware of how much wifi is actually out there for me to use for free.

Walked 3.15 miles. That’s 17 hills.

The girls walked with me some.

Fixed a pom pom on Everly’s cap.

Kathy and the grandgirls went with me to the German Bakery. Delicious. They adore the lemon squares in particular.

They spilled some hot chocolate on my chair. Cleaned it off and dried it out. Looks fine. You can’t take care of kids and not expect messes. Kathy trusts them way more with stuff than I do. I make them sit at tables and barely fill up their glasses. I expect them to spill and try and mitigate the disasters. K doesn’t know what to expect.

Dropped Kathy off and I took the girls to the library park. K hasn’t been feeling well. I thought she should go back to bed after lunch.

After the park, we went to the library to warm up and enjoy the math games.

Ordered a few things for Jessi. She got a new monitor for her computer as well.

Listened to Don Cheto.

Great to have the family together. I went out for pizza which everyone likes.

Picked up the groceries.

Straightened and vacuumed the house.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

PE! Rain! Goodwill! Young World! Roblox! 11.17.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:28 pm  

This is wild.


Rained off and on all day long. We had a lot of things planned for outside that we couldn’t do.

Español in the morning before I got the girls.

We went to the “Birthday” Waffle House on Buford Highway for breakfast. The girls had chocolate chip waffles which they loved. Amen.

Went from there to Global Mall. Nothing was really open so we left after a quick walk around. Then to the Goodwill on Lawrenceville Highway. We didn’t see much there either. Went to to the Goodwill near my house in Stone Mountain. That one is way better.

We had more luck getting some fun things at the Dollar Tree.

Went to Hot and Cold for lunch then over to Young World to see K at her workplace. She was happy to see the girls!

Jessi showed us the aquariums she has going.

I got Everly set up to play Roblox with the rest of us. She was delighted.

Fun day.

Monday, November 20, 2023

PE! Downtown ATL! Parks! 11.20.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:43 pm  

Came in 3rd place last week in Duolingo. Tight competition.

I found this interesting.



Good talk with my Mom and the grandgirls.

Cooler today.

The girls like interacting with the mural at the train station.

We had run riding downtown and going up the huge escalator when we got downtown.

We love this British telephone booth that we see on the way to the Metro Diner where we eat.

They get pretty excited about the “Death by Chocolate” cake.

After exploring the big hotels downtown, we headed back to Chamblee and went to three different parks in the area. I like to give them a lot of exercise.

We also went to Perimeter Mall and to Goodwill. We had fun drenching ourselves with perfume and looking at shoes and purses.

Listened to Don Cheto on the way home to Stone Mountain.

Went by my office to check the mail.

Just keep going. I should come in #1 this week, but it’s hard to tell exactly how much time I’ll have to study. Working with the grandgirls is my top priority.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Spanish! Walk! Leaves! Podcast! Bank! 11.19.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:06 pm  

Beautiful weather!



Walked 1.17 miles.

Gorgeous leaves.

Worked on leaves.

That was a lot of exercise.

I also cleaned off the area around my back door and St. Francis.

Yard is looking better. I will continue transplanting the monkey grass into my front yard soon. I take plants that are growing near my back fence.

Ordered some new dry erase boards for the mission.

Washed my hat. Destroyed it. Bahd luck. It was looking pretty bad anyway.

Went to Stone Mountain to record a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “The Fear of Pain.” Excellent!

Went to the bank to deposit checks. Amen.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Anthony! Leaves! 11.18.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:02 pm  

I find this interesting.

I’ve stopped getting notices when the International Space Station is visible. I looked up their website and wrote a note to NASA about it.

Worked hard on Spanish this week.

Kathy and I are working hard to pay off our credit card debt. Not an easy task with car repairs over $1,500.


Just keep going.

Finished cleaning up the vacuum cleaner container. Sprayed some WD40 on the hinge. It was gettin hard to open.

Spent over two hours working on the leaves in my yard. Not an easy job. And there are still a LOT to fall. I find it better to work on at a couple hours at a time. That way I don’t hurt myself.

I use the rake and the blower.

Huge pile of leaves at the northern end of my yard. I’m always trying to flatten that end out to catch more of the rain water.

Lot of work but gorgeous on the trees.

Swept the kitchen and laundry area.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Anthony! Walk! Vacuum! Leaves! 11.17.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:32 pm  

I find these articles on AI interesting.

Miles’ dad’s birthday today.

Made Jessi sandwiches.


Español! I found this interesting because in Texas we called little ponds “tanks.” I didn’t know that is was because the word for pond in Spanish sounds like the word “tank.”

Always fun to talk with Anthony.

Walked 2.99 miles.

Did my laundry.

Vacuumed the house.

Worked on clearing the leaves from the south side of the house.

Gassed up the car and checked/added oil.

We were having some problems with our website hosting. Called their tech support and got it squared away.

Cleaned the washing machine.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Spanish! Walk! KPE! Gymnastics! 11.16.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:41 pm  

I write down new titles for Verbal Surgery when they come to me.



Good chat with Anthony.

1.85 mile walk.

Gorgeous weather.

K and I went to Piccadilly for lunch. We brought home cherry cobbler for the girls. Penelope sang a praise song.

We went to Balance for Everly’s gymnastics class.

We went to DQ for an ice cream cake for Penelope’s early birthday. Yum!

Helped the kids with their homework.

Beautiful sunset.

Went to my office to get the mail.

Still a tight race.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Spanish! Walk! Anthony! Roof! Azalea! 11.15.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:37 pm  

Some light rain in the area. Most of it went south of us.



Walked .82 miles and 1.94 miles.

Had a short chat with Anthony. He was in London today.

Watered my indoor plants.

Cleaned my roof and gutters.

Blew the deck and driveway.

Blew the street and the drainage areas.

Helped the kids at the mission with their homework.

Had a nice chat with my Mom.

Listened to Don Cheto.

I like to see Everly with her friends. She’s motivated to learn Spanish.

Hard competition this week.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Español! Anthony! Health Insurance! AZ! PE! Bank! 11.14.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:18 pm  


Fun chat with Anthony!


Walked 2.23 miles.

Called my friend Tim Deter to get our Health Insurance squared away. Amen to get that job done!

Listened to Don Cheto.

Picked up Penelope and Everly at the bus and took them to Taco Veloz for supper.

Went by my office to check the mail. Processed them and deposited them at the bank.

Helped the kids at the mission. All their homework seemed Thanksgiving related.

Beautiful sunset.

Came home. Wrote some thank you notes and paid bills.

Lots of competition this week.

Monday, November 13, 2023

Duolingo! Walk! Anthony! AZ! Ashley! 11.13.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:21 pm  

Finished #1 in Duolingo this week.

I liked this article.


Fun to see the things we did over the years on Ashley’s birthday!

Still going!

Walked 1.87 miles.

Fun talk with Anthony. He’s still at his Mum’s house. I kind of feel like he is in a situation similar to what I was in in Guatemala: Can’t leave.

Whenever I see words I don’t know I look them up. Are you familiar with these?

Also enjoyed talking with my Mom.

Helped the kids with their homework.

I’ve been working on curtailing my cell phone use to save data. I was using cellular data by accident and used up almost all my data. I’m in “Guatemala Mode” now. I tried only to use wifi at places or at where I was staying to avoid roaming charges. Now I’m finding it interesting where I have wifi (like at El Torreros) instead of just using cell phone data.

Instead of streaming podcasts, I’m downloading them and then playing them on my phone which again uses no cellular data. It’s always fun learning new things. For me that usually happens when I need to! It works out better using the Apple podcast app because I can go back to exactly where I left off. Streaming was always kind of hit or miss.

Went by my office to pick up the mail.

Ashley’s birthday card from Nana came in today. Amen.

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