Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Cleaning! Podcast! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:41 pm  

This morning I cleaned the entire downstairs area of my house.

Also worked on a new podcast! WOOT!

I see many people suffering with health issues. I used myself as a test case to see whether what I believe in works. It does! Check out “Speed Heal!” Just click on the title and GET BETTER!

Enjoyed lunch with Kathy. Always fun.

Came home to finish up my podcast, edit it and get it on line.

Then off to the mission to work with the kids! Always fun.


Home now to spend time with K.

Admin duties.

Beautiful sunset!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Writing! Tank! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:12 pm  

Did some creative writing and posted to my on line Twitter feed. Over 80,000 followers!

Had a fun lunch with Ashley and Miles, Kathy and Jesse.

Set up most of the tank for Jesse’s terrarium.
He’ll put the parts together when he gets home. It’s easier to transport that way.

Also cleaned out my fish tank.
The water is still settling here. It’s crystal clear now.

Dropped off some pants to get hemmed at Plaza Fiesta.

Then off to the mission to work with the kids.

Dropped off some donated items that we didn’t need at the mission to St. Vincent de Paul–they’re another one of our partners.

Enjoyed watching Brain Games with Kathy this evening. I love that show. I love brains.

Beautiful colors tonight.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Westside! Promo! Shower!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:26 pm  

This morning Kathy and I enjoyed going to Westside Baptist Church.
Pastor Ben is one of my favorite people.

He spoke on tithing today.

K and I enjoyed lunch together then came home to rest.

I spent most of the afternoon working on a promotional video for one of our new church partners, Roopville Road Baptist Church.

Also caulked the shower in the master bedroom. We were having a little leak downstairs. Hopefully that will solve the problem.

Looking forward to spending time with K.

Admin duties now.

Our new QT station continues to make progress! Yeah, baby!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

J&K! Shopping! Run!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:59 pm  

I enjoyed a fun lunch with Jesse and Kathy today!

J and I went to Walmart to pick up some supplies for the mission and some groceries.

I thought this sounded super gross.

Went for a 4.97 mile run.
My back felt pretty good. Amen to that! Always something beautiful to see!
Does it look like I’m losing weight?

I got my blood work results back from the doctor. My cholesterol is a bit high. Diet change she said would be enough to fix that, didn’t need to get on meds.

Looking forward to watching Boyhood with K.

Admin duties now.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Taxes! Tanks!

Tim A. Cummins @ 4:58 pm  

Friday, I worked on my taxes. I got all the hard stuff done. Waiting on some documents.

I also set up the two terrariums for the Poison Dart Frogs I’ll be getting soon.
I had to clean the clay balls to get the dust off. These make up the initial layer of the tank with water.

Also attached a heating wire to the bottom of the tank.

Here’s how they look now. The middle layer consists of coconut husks that have been ground up.
Enjoyed watching Brain Games and Elementary with K.

Beautiful colors.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Loren and Marty! Gainesville Recon! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:18 pm  

Ashley and I had a terrific time with our partners from Chestnut Baptist Church in Gainesville, Loren Hildebrandt and Marty.
We had a fun lunch and then went around town checking out places where we might be able to do ministry. I feel good about what was accomplished.

Their church is doing some great work in the area!

Ashley and I came back to the International Village. We stopped at several locations and she helped me shoot a video for Roopville Road Baptist Church.

Then worked with the kids at the mission!

Melissa helped me with part of the video.

Jesse has enjoyed showing the kids at the mission his Virtual Reality headset.

Looking forward to watching Suits with K.

Admin duties now.

My back is a bit better today. I was able to wash my feet today. That’s always good.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Physical! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:34 pm  

I had my physical today. Never something I particularly look forward to.
I had had chest pains over the Christmas holidays. I pulled a muscle in my chest packing the car. Sadly, I’d had two friends of mine die recently. It shook me up, so I made a resolution to get the physical. My heart is in great shape according to the EKG.

I seem to be quite healthy, although I did have a trace of blood in my urine. Doctor thinks it could be related to my back injury. She didn’t seem particularly uptight about it. I go back in a month for a retest. Pray that everything will be ok then!

They always have trouble getting blood from me. They finally were able to take it from my hand.
Ouch! I just close my eyes and breathe.

Came home for a brief rest before going to the mission. That always takes my mind off my worries.

One of our volunteer’s daughters made me a special hat. King Tim has a nice ring to it. The pink crown appeals to my NoZe Brother nature.

I liked Steven’s picture of him and his girlfriend.

Had a fun supper with Ashley and Jesse.

Came home to watch the Mentalist with K. We also enjoyed an episode of Lark Rise to Candleford. It’s a British show set in the early 1900s. We like it.

Admin duties now.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Rest! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:50 pm  

Today I spent mostly in bed with a heat pad and icy hot on my back.

K and I also made the decision for us to swap vehicles. The Chrysler does ok for a few miles before the oil pressure begins to drop. Hopefully, K can get more time out of her. The old girl has driven over 244,000 miles. She deserves a chance to spend her last days without the torture of driving on 285 in stop and go traffic.

I’ve enjoyed wandering around the Himalayas in Far Cry 4 while I’ve been recuperating.

Jesse came over to our house to pick up his clothes that K had washed for him. Then he rode back with me to the mission in the Expedition that her brother had donated to the ministry almost exactly eight years ago. It has a little over 200,000 miles on her too.

Always great to see the kids, although I wasn’t in a super mood. If I turned the wrong way or put my weight down wrong, WOW, there would be some sharp pain.

I enjoyed watching The Giver with K this evening. I liked it. Jeff Bridges is one of my favorites.

Admin duties now.

I have my annual physical tomorrow morning. Can’t say I’m excited about that. Drawing blood can be problematic for me. I have “hard” veins, at least that’s what they tell me. Fortunately, I have B+ blood. I’m trying to live up to that.

I liked these sections from the newest Time and Wired Magazines. Joel Stein wrote the article on sharing.

I like the phrase “experience economy.” That’s what I do: give people powerful experiences.

This quote is from Rodney Mullin who is a famous skateboarder and computer programmer.

Experience and authenticity. That’ll preach.

I love diffused sunlight through barren branches.

Monday, February 2, 2015


Tim A. Cummins @ 7:37 pm  

Spent almost all day in bed with heating pad. Hopefully, I’ll be better tomorrow.

Talked with my mechanic about my Chrysler. He thinks I’m driving “on borrowed time.”

I feel crappy and sad.

Couldn’t make it to work with the kids.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Roof and Run! Back!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:37 pm  

Did some yard work today. Hurt my back. Bahd luck.

Still went out for some exercise. I thought that would help. Not really. I love these Red Shouldered Hawks.
And beautiful leaves.

Got a heating pad going now.

Watching Lark Rise to Candleford and a bit of the Super Bowl.

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