Whirlwind Missions

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Walk! Bike! Yard! Class! 7.30.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:57 pm  


Set this up today. I’m going to get the grandgirls to help me with a revised edition.


Kathy likes to know where I am, especially when I’m riding my bike.


Walked 2.47 miles. Much cooler today than it has been. Amen.

Prepped my bike. Includes wiping it down with WD-40 (prevents rusting), pumping up the tires and getting the water bottle cleaned and refilled. I also make sure I have my safety glasses and sun glasses as well as my wireless ear buds if I decide to listen to Spanish or music. Today, I had a quiet ride.

I have two fasciata plants that are blooming. In the twenty years I’ve had these plants I’ve never seen them do that. Makes me wonder if the recent repotting is what spurred them on. I just read that they are from Brazil originally.

I LOVE having my banana plants outside. They seem to be thriving, which fills me with joy.

Tea roses are also blooming.

Hot this afternoon. Nice on the bike.

I rode 15.20 miles. I actually thought I went further but the GPS doesn’t lie.

After I got back from my bike ride, I did yard work. Started with refilling and cleaning my hummingbird feeders.

Refilled my water jugs. I use those for watering some of my inside plants and for refilling the water bowl outside. Easier than using the water hose every time. The F stands for water that also has fertilizer in it for the orchids and African violets.

Then watered my outdoor plants. Super hot and not much rain lately. Only isolated showers.

Blew the driveway and garage.

Then sprayed off the walls and floor with water.

The end of one of my extension cords had the plastic wear off. I put electrical tape on the end to protect the inner wires.

I measure when I do yard work. I put it under the “hiking” mode.

I exercised for over four hours today. I leave for Guatemala in exactly two months from yesterday. I’m pushing myself physically to get ready for the volcano climb and the hiking I’ll be doing. I’m working harder than ever on Español as well.

I blew and washed off the back deck. I watered all the plants and repotted one of them.

I put WD-40 on the door hinges of my car.

Helping Kathy with a class on line.

I’ll come in third this week. Many weeks my score would have won by a long shot. It really depends on the competition.

I only have four more days of getting up at 5:45 AM. I’ll miss the girls when they go back to school next week, but I won’t miss getting up in the dark every morning.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Español! Restoration Church! China Town! Asian Square! 7.29.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:23 pm  


Another hot start to the day.


Beautiful morning.

Worked hard. I wanted to win the tournament last week. Not as much pressure this week.

Walked 2.69 miles in Chamblee.

Love my girls. Penelope was sad. She thought she may have lost her Mama’s book. Turned out to be in her Dad’s car.

Spanish podcast.

Had fun with the team from Restoration Church today. They were rocking from the very beginning of the day!

After The Show, they helped me put everything back like we found it. Amen.

We went to Hibachi Grill for lunch.

On Safari to China Town. Had fun doing calligraphy.

Also to Asian Square to see CD Tower where the Buddhists buy their idols.

It was really hot this afternoon.

Friday, July 28, 2023

Restoration Church! BHFM! Azalea! 7.28.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:22 pm  


It was warm even early this morning.

Walked 2.67 miles.

Love my girls! Everly was sulking because she couldn’t find her plushie. We found it soon after.

I had a good talk with my Mom. Always a blessing.

Picked up my groceries.

Refilled my storage container for the dry dog food I feed to the night animals.

Keeping the competition tight.

Had a great time with my long term partner Cindy Hunnicut and her elementary school team from Restoration Church.

Took them to the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

Because of the extreme heat (100 degree heat index!) we modified the ministry time at Azalea. We knocked on every door at the complex and gave the residents candy and some little toys for the kids.

The team sang some songs for the kids at the mission.

Great day.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Español! Walk! Insurance! Newsletter! Phones! 7.27.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:07 pm  

Great to hear this!



I got the results in from my lab work this weekend. Looks great!

I turned on wi-fi calling if the signal gets too low.


I went up my hill fifteen times during my walk. My legs felt great. I actually took off my shirt today I was so sweaty. My body couldn’t cool off with that shirt on.

I also used a small umbrella. That helped a lot! 4.76 miles in all.

I had a great lunch with my buddy, Jon Paul. He’s always a blessing. I had a whole list of stuff to talk with him about. He’s wise counsel.

It was hot.

Gassed up my car and checked the fluids. Added some oil.

Got fruit.

I was shocked to see these bromeliads blooming! I bet I’ve had them at least five years. I’m glad I repotted them recently.

Worked on life insurance with my agent Tim Deter.

Talked with Tim’s brother about some tax issues.

Wrote my newsletter. Got all the labels done. Still need stamps and to get them printed. That’s a Monday job. The church secretary doesn’t work on Tuesdays or Fridays.

Called Mint Mobile and got Jessi and Kathy’s phones transferred over. Still need to get Ashley’s done.

Ordered groceries. Usually you have to confirm a time you’re picking the groceries up. Doesn’t look like they do that any more.

Looking forward to the team tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

PE! Walk! Lazy River! The Show Setup! 7.26.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:02 pm  


We had breakfast with K at Waffle House this morning. Tasty!


Love my girls!

Walked 3.93 miles. They walked about 1.86 miles.

They had fun with the water hose.

I walked the hill on my normal route four times and the hill in front of my house five times.

We went to Lazy River to swim for about 1.5 hours. We had fun. It wasn’t too crowded when we went.

We got showered off and dressed and drove back to Chamblee. We ate a late lunch at Taco Veloz. It was SO good. Eggs, rice and beans. They ate them with tortillas like tacos. That’s how I normally do it. Fun watching them stuff the tortillas with their goodies. I also got an order of french fries. I like them with Fries in the taco.

The girls helped me set up for The Show this Friday and Saturday with Restoration Church. It’s an elementary school team. The girls were excited about that. I still have the projection and amplifiers to set up, but I don’t like to leave that stuff out. Too easy to rip off.

Listened to Don Cheto on the way home. I continue to get more and more of it. Super fast Mexican Spanish.

We saw this car at the Waffle House this morning. Then I followed it on my way home this evening. Weird.

Released Verbal Surgery “Third Chance.” this evening. So good.

Tough challenge this week.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

PE! Walk! Sprinkler! Mint Mobile! 7.25.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:43 pm  

I feel so sorry for teachers today.



My hill. Went up it 11 times today.

I had Penelope and Everly with me today.

They played with sticks and rocks while I walked up and down the hill.

They made salad.

And put my sticks out for me as I did laps.

Everly carried her big rock baby home. “Rocky.”

Walked 4.13 miles. They did about half that.

I got my home insurance transferred to Cincinnati Home Insurance. I’ll save about $1,000 over Nationwide and get about $100,000 more coverage!

Mande did a great job for me!

Sprinkler fun!

I got my car’s alternator replaced. Glad that’s fixed. About $450.

Took the girls to Hot and Cold.

I transferred my phone over to Mint Mobile from ATT. I’m still not getting a great signal. I’ll call their support line again tomorrow. Certainly not as good as this is saying!

Sweaty day.

Just got the girls to go to sleep. They got kind of sad when they saw their parents on FaceTime.

Strong competition this week.

Monday, July 24, 2023

#1! Jessi! PE! Doctor! Mercury! Laser Show! 7.24.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:49 pm  


Won the tournament and came in #1 the last three weeks. Yowza!

Magic words.

Jessi came with me to the mission today.


Waffle House art.

Keswick Park.

Talking about making shelters.

Tiny mushrooms.

Came by my office to water my ficus and check the mail.

Went to Roswell to got to Jessi’s audiologist. She’s doing great with her new hearing aid!

Deposited checks. Thank you, Jesus!

Girls enjoyed having time with K!

Walked 2.58 miles.

Took the girls to the Laser Show at Stone Mountain. My charging light came on. I met K at the mechanics so they could take a look at it first thing tomorrow.

I took them to the show in K’s truck after dropping her off at home.

Fun day!

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Español! Walk! Physical! 7.23.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:02 pm  


I agree.

I felt like I should have remembered this one.

Not so bad, but sweaty.


Sharing is caring.

This will be the first time I’ve every come first in the tournament for all three rounds. I should win this evening in the finals.


Walked 2.48 miles and studied.

I had the physical for my life insurance policy today. She had to stick me three times to get the blood sample. Even then it may not have been quite enough. I hope so! Blood pressure was great. Her scale was about twenty pounds higher than mine!

Watered my plants.

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Español! Walk! Yard Work! 7.22.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:33 pm  

Worked hard.



Lovely day.

Don Cheto in Spanish.

Walked 3.82 miles and studied. Went up my big hill ten times.

I saw this baby snake on my walk. Looked like a copperhead.

Saw this bird today. Not sure what it is yet. Perhaps a falcon.

I got Jessi and Kathy’s phones unlocked today.

Got my new weed whacker in service. It worked great. I’m no longer using my mower.

Picked up a LOT of branches.

I swapped back and forth between weed whacking, blowing and picking up sticks. Gave my back a chance to rest.

I cleaned out the water meter. It was almost completely full of soil.

Front looks good now.

My banana plants are thriving.

Always surprising how far I walk when I’m doing yard work.

Also blew off the back deck.

Rained about 1.5″ during the storms.

Beautiful sky while I pick up the groceries.

Picked up the groceries. Went inside the store because the app doesn’t show bananas. Talked to an inventory guy. He saw what I was talking about and was stunned. Apparently, bananas are the #1 seller at Walmart. He assured me he’d figure it out.

Lovely way to end the day.

Friday, July 21, 2023

Duolingo! Anthony! Power! Unlock! Fridge! 7.20-21.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:42 pm  

We lost power Thursday night. K and I slept at Days Inn. She needed the cool air and power for her CPAP. Thus the two day report!

This is an all time 7 day high for me in Duolingo. Extraordinary, really. I’m sure a lot of people don’t make that much in a year.

EVERYONE will be dealing with the impact of this. The storm we had blow through last night was scary. The wind was just whipping the trees around like they were nothing.

I’ve been doing a lot of cell phone carrier research. NOT satisfied with ATT. Keeps dropping my calls lately. Very frustrating. I think we’ll go with Mint mobile which uses the T Mobile network.


Had a fun chat with my buddy, Anthony on Thursday.

Walked 2.42 miles.

I was thirsty when I got back!

Looking into shopping around for home insurance.

Tim helped me set up my life insurance request. The group I was using nearly tripled what I was being charged. I’ll have to get a medical test this coming Sunday. Paramedic will come by to draw blood and take vitals. I plan on doing a complete physical in August with my regular doctor. Medicare should cover all of that.

Huge storm blew through our area around 6:00 PM.

Broke a tree limb which clobbered the power line.

Snapped off the top of our pole.

Friday they put in a new one that only has the power line on it.

This was blocking my driveway. That’s the second time this has happened!

I took out my garbage can and the firemen put some tape up to keep people from running over it.

We spent the night at Days Inn. It was better than sleeping on the porch! Plus K could actually breathe. That’s the main reason we went to the hotel really. She needed her CPAP machine.

This morning was cooler. But still super humid.

Walked 3.98 miles. Kind of fun to do a different route. A lot of it was on my bike route.

I saw this on my walk. Interesting bubbles.

I came back to the house early this morning to check on the work. It took them hours to plant the new pole and wire it up. We were out of power nearly a whole day.

I picked up all the external batteries I had and took them to the hotel to charge up.

Just keep going.

All our phones are paid off. In order to go with another carried I have to get them all unlocked. Went of the ATT store to talk to them about that. They said all of it had to be done on line. Weird how in person can’t do things now.

I got my phone and Ashley’s unlocked so far. I have to have the IMEI number of Jessi’s and Kathy’s phone before I can complete the project.

Went by Publix to pick up some medicine for J. Interesting shadow.

Came home to clear out the food that spoiled during the power outage. This stuff I thought was still ok.

Had to clean out the ice maker. It had thawed out and was a big mess.

The frozen stuff seemed ok.

Swept the house.

Talked with the ATT guy to verify that the first two phones were unlocked.

I was planning on doing some yard work this evening when it got cooler. More thunderstorms are blowing through. Hopefully, they don’t knock anything else over!

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