Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Grandgirls! Thunderstorms! Good Will! Podcast! 7.21.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:21 pm  


Rained pretty much all day long. Sometimes powerful storms.

Big weather patterns.


Another weird car situation at Global Mall. This time a van with all the tires stolen.

Rainy, so we met under the overhang at Global Mall.

Gassed up my car at QT on Jimmy Carter. .24 cents cheaper than near my house.

I introduced the girls to Mr. Bean. They thought he was funny, especially Penelope.

Penelope wanted a hamburger at Metro Diner. We enjoyed it. I missed my buddy Jon Paul. We usually eat there with him.

Chocolate Mousse cake was the bomb dot com.

I brought a lot of food back home to eat later.

Went to Good Will to scope out toys. They got some fun stuff.

Also found some comfortable shirts for K while I was shopping. She seemed to like them so I was glad.

They played with their new toys while I took a nap. I’ve been waking up super early, like 5:30 AM.

We had a family discussion as to how much cheaper it is to use powder rather than liquid detergent. Seems like you get about 15% more when it’s powder.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -959- “Building Blocks 2.”

I got a response back from Libsyn Tech who said the error message I was receiving meant another podcast had the same name. Since I’ve done nearly 1,000 of these podcasts, it’s easy for me to come up with the same title from time to time. I just had to add the 2 to the name and everything worked fine.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Grandgirls! Doggie Park! Lazy River! 7.20.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:56 pm  



Went to Global Mall to pick up the grandgirls!

I saw this car in the Global Mall parking lot. Still can’t figure out what happened to cause this kind of destruction.

Cooler today and extremely humid.

These mushrooms were sprouting from a log in my yard.

The Picture It app gave me this identification.

Took the girls to Hot and Cold buffet. They ate great!

Doggie Park for exercise.

I let Miles know that we were planning to go swimming if it worked out with his schedule. I have limited my driving into Chamblee until school starts again. NONE of the kids at the mission are outside. Just too hot. So Miles has been coming to my house to pick his daughters up.

Kept getting hotter.

Took them to the Aquatic Center. It’s a cool place.

I tried last night and this evening to upload an episode of Verbal Surgery for release. For some reason it’s giving me error messages. I contacted tech support tonight. I’m sure they’ll figure it out. They’ve had some recent “upgrades” which I figure is causing the problem. We’ll see. Still frustrating.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Grandgirls! K! Skating! Storm! 7.19.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:29 pm  

I called my buddy Anthony in England today. They’ve had over 100 degree heat with no AC! What?!



K was with me today. That’s always good! Girls love having her around. We drove into Chamblee to meet Ashley since we were going to stay in Doraville to skate.

I worked on getting this tangle out of Everly’s hair. She wanted to see what it looked like.

Big thunderstorms barreled through the ATL today.

We went to FBCD to let the girls skate in the Fellowship Hall since it was rainy outside.

I reglued the big globe. After it was completely dried, I decided to take it back to my storage area.

T&G got Kathy’s windows working. Going to cost over $400. Ouch.

We went to the Buford Highway Farmers Market for lunch. The girls ate really well. Back to the mission to wait for Miles. While we where there it poured down rain.

Everly got a little henna on her hand which immediately stained her finger. She kind of freaked out about it. Once she calmed down, I was able to get a scrubber and pretty much get it all off. She was happy about that.

Cool clouds.

Tried to release an episode of Verbal Surgery this evening. The website wouldn’t allow it. I’ve learned it’s best not to get too freaked out. Just let it all settle down and try again tomorrow. I have a couple of things I think might work, but usually it’s a problem on their end.

Monday, July 18, 2022

Bank! Flytraps! Mom! Harry! 7.18.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:07 pm  

My hat from England has the Saint George’s Cross on it. I looked up some information about the symbol. The Red Cross on a white background was used during the Crusades.

Mailed in the questionnaire for Kathy’s jury summons.


PNC bank recently told me that they were not going to be dealing with the Earn Up third party bill payment company. Now I’m paying my mortgage directly to PNC. I had to go back to the bank to change something and to make sure that the account for Earn Up had been canceled. Glad I did that because it hadn’t been done by the bank.

I got a couple of new forks from my Mom when I was in Texas. They’re her wedding silver. I have two forks and one spoon which is plenty. I don’t keep the sharp knives in that mug.


There are seven books in the Harry Potter series. Each of them is around 25 hours long. Today I finished the seventh book for the second time! That’s around 350 hours of listening in Spanish. I’m using it as my baseline for listening comprehension. I’m constantly adding to my knowledge base and understanding more.

I’m starting back over with book 1.

A little cooler today. Amen.

Had a good talk with my Mom. Always a blessing.

I’ve been growing Venus flytraps for over fifty years. This year I pollinated the flowers and collected the seeds. They are super tiny! I planted them among the other carnivorous plants in my gardens, specially the sundews. I hope one day I’ll see super tiny little flytraps!

These are the dried flowers and seed pods. The seeds are smaller than a grain of sand.

We got the insurance for the mission at Azalea squared away.

Kathy dropped her phone a few days ago. Fortunately, I had a glass screen protector on it! I swapped the old one out for a new one this afternoon.

The screen on her iPhone would have looked like this! That would have cost $100 to fix. I can buy two protectors for $8!

Picked up my groceries.

I refilled my bags of food for the birds and raccoons.

Kathy and I are taking the grandgirls to Chattanooga next weekend! That should be a really fun trip! We are spending more money than we normally would so it’s nice for the girls and has a pool.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Podcast! Church! Bank! 7.17.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:35 pm  


Almost finished the last of the Harry Potter book series. I’ll watch the movie this evening.

Can’t get over how hot it is in Derby, England where my buddy Anthony lives. These guys live where no one has air conditioning! Chew on that!


Miss my Mom!

Cut my toe and fingernails.

I cleaned my shoes and hat last night after our trip to Texas.

I loved the sun making rainbows on the spiderweb.

Hot. But not Texas hot!

Drove to FBC Doraville to pick up the checks, process them, put them on our spread sheet, and deposit them into the bank.

Also took a bill over to Ashley’s house so she could cut a check for our insurance at the mission.

Ordered groceries.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Building Blocks” and downloaded it onto my Mac Air.

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Travel! Austin to Atlanta! Taco Truck! 7.16.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:02 pm  


We left Georgetown this morning to head back to the ATL.

Tearful goodbyes.


I liked this collage of plates and electronic devices.

We ate breakfast at Earl Campbell’s Taco truck. I thought all the stickers were supa coo.

Our plane was on time and we got to do young family boarding which always helps.

I’m enjoying the book, “Barking up the Wrong Tree.”

We got home safely. Miles and Ashley picked us up at the airport and brought us home. I gave them all the girl’s clothes back. Almost all of them were already washed. That’s always good.

I redid all the bird feeders and water stations. Also cleaned and refilled the hummingbird feeders.

Watered all of my plants. Everything looked fine.

Enjoyed talking with K and J this evening.

Catching up on homework. Great to have powerful internet again. Took patience trying to get work done in Georgetown.

Glad to be back in my own bed. Miss my Mom. She’s a great blessing to me.

Friday, July 15, 2022

David Hooten! Georgetown Supporters! 7.15.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:32 pm  


I released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “PROticipate.”

Always great to have girl time!

I had a fun time with my buddy David Hooten this morning. I don’t have many life long friends like him! He’s recently moved back to the USA after decades of being in Africa. It was great to catch up!

Confirmed my flights for our return on Saturday to Atlanta and got the boarding passes on my phone.

Nana’s printer didn’t work. I spent about an hour running all the maintenance routines. Nothing worked. Got new ink cartridges. That solution also failed. Ended up throwing the machine in the dumper. Hate failing a task!

This afternoon I had a group of our supporters of Whirlwind Missions come over to them Mom’s house in Georgetown. They included Rebecca and Mark Commagere, Lester and Cheryl White, Julie Williams, and Barbara Hays. They have been such a blessing to me.

I packed the bags in preparation for our trip back to the ATL tomorrow morning. It has been a fun and productive trip. I’m looking forward to being home with Kathy!

The girls have been absolutely terrific. I’ve felt sorry for Everly with her toothache, however. She should get that squared away on Monday if all goes well.

I’ll miss my Mom! Glad we got to spend a lot of time together on this trip!

I loved Penelope’s note to Nana.

We got a good FaceTime with Ash and Miles!

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Español! Anthony! Mark! 7.14.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:34 pm  

Studied Spanish!


Had a fun chat with my buddy Anthony in the UK.

Nana has given the grandgirls lots of art projects! Today they worked on painting rocks.

I met up with my buddy Mark Commagere for lunch. We enjoyed some delicious Mexican food and then went to his house to play guitars. I showed him how to play some basic blues lead guitar. He was super happy about that. My fingers are really soft. Actually got some blisters on my first and third finger tips. Ouch!

Their cousins Sadie and Harper came over to play with Penelope and Everly. They kind of go wild and have a ton of fun.

I worked on trying to get Nana’s printer going again. I think it’s out of ink.

Surprised by my lack of pictures today!

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Grandgirls! Dino Hunters! Jim & Kathy! 7.13.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:05 pm  


I liked this quote.

I took the grandgirls on safari today to search for dinosaur footprints!

We found them!

Everly has been hurting with a cavity. It looks like her tooth cracked on something hard.

I had a terrific time with my brother Jim and his wife Kathy! Delicious food at Torchy’s. I had their vegetarian taco which was excellent!


Fun day!

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Birthday! 64! Georgetown Square! Party! 7.12.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:57 pm  


Always learning!

I support this.

I released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Escalate and Evaluate.” Excellent!

Grandgirl art for my birthday!

I went to the Georgetown Square to check out some antique shops. Didn’t find anything I had to have. Love the architecture.

My Mom cooked Mexican food and had a lemonade/icecream pie for my birthday! Great to see my bother and his wife Kathy as well as my cousin Brandon and his friend.

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