Whirlwind Missions

Monday, July 11, 2022

Grandgirls! Nana! Sweet Eats Farm! 7.11.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:02 pm  

Did well last week in the big tournament. Final round this week with scholars!

Another hot day!


We had fun at the Sweet Eats Farm!


Pig races!

Obstacle course!

Pictures of the fun!

Card games matching numbers.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Grandgirls! Texas! The Falls! Family! 7.10.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:16 pm  

I got this message that my old boss was going to have a big interchange named after him. Cool.




I took the girls on Safari to the Falls subdivision. It has some really interesting geological areas there.

We had a birthday for the girls.

Really HOT!

We had a good group of family members come over to Nana’s house including her cousin Silvia and her helper Troy, my brother Jim and Kathy with their kids Katie and Josiah, Olivia, Sadie and Harper, Everly, and Penelope. Jessi wasn’t feeling well. She was feeling better after everyone left.

Can’t believe I didn’t take any pictures! What?

Everly was conked out after playing with the cousins.

We had a good FaceTime with K.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Grandgirls! Texas! Adults on Mission! Rocks! Lake! 7.9.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:09 am  



Nana time!

Everly at work.

Girls helping at the Adults on Mission meeting at Main Street BC.

Marshall used to work with Steve Jobs!

Presentation about Matamoros Children’s Home.

I gave a few minutes talk as well.

HOT! We stay inside until around sunset.

Took them on a nature walk to look for arrow heads and fossils.

Then to Lake Georgetown!

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Grandgirls! Georgetown Square! Podcast! 7.8.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:03 am  


I liked this picture of Ashley and Miles.

Everly has a tooth that’s hurting her.



Nana and I took the grandgirls to the square in Georgetown to shop at the toy store. They had a great time.

Everly got some marbles. We had fun with them when we got home.

I made a little box where she had to shoot into a hole to score points.

The square in Georgetown is full of marvelous buildings.

We took the girls to Walmart to get some new bathing suits.
They match!

I made a rally-Ball course for the marbles to roll down.

Cleaned the glass door.

It’s been super hot here in the 100s. We went to the river around sunset. The water was really full of algae. Very slippery bottom. We didn’t stay long.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Silk Flowers.”

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Georgetown Cousins! Jim & Co! 7.7.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:29 pm  

Having a great time in Texas!

This morning we went through our Arab chest from Mombasa, Kenya. There’s is a special hidden compartment that the kids had a great time seeing.

I liked this picture of my Dad.

Everly in my Mom’s wedding veil.

Me in my tie from Kilimani Primary School in Nairobi, Kenya.

I set up my Mom’s new weather station.

Girls love playing with the doll set my Mom has.


We went through the silver cutlery. I got a couple of forks I liked.

Sadie and Harper cousins from Georgetown came over to visit

My Mom and I made a schedule for out time here.


Played some badminton.

Always good to see my brother!

All the cousins!

Just in case you wondered if it was hot in Texas!

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Grandgirls! Jessi! To TX! 7.6.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:35 pm  

I’m doing my blog at my Mom’s house and it feels like the old days with dial up in Madagascar! Guess this will be mainly text based!

Español! 956 days!


Finished packing all my gear for the Texas trip.

Miles brought the girls and took us to the airport.

Our flight had a brief stop in New Orleans then on to Austin!

We had a little trouble getting in touch with my Mom to pick me up due to her never having received a call on her cell phone! It was on silent and she didn’t know I had been calling her.

She called me eventually and then brought the car around. I wasn’t used to her driving her new car, I was looking for something completely different. Oh, well. We made it back to Georgetown quickly with hardly any traffic.

We enjoyed driving around the city showing the grandgirls where Pop Pop had gone to high school and his old house.

We had a fun supper together of tostadas.

Got our rooms configured like we like. I brought basically my whole rig. Just wish I had my internet!

Glad to be with my Mom!

Grandgirls all cleaned up and ready for bed. Travel successfully completed!

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Grandgirls! TX Prep! Comforter! Bike! Podcast! 7.5.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:51 pm  



Work week!

Love my girls!

Stopped at QT on the way back to my house. Gas is thirty cents cheaper!

Still figuring out the logistics for the trip.

Went by Walmart to pick up more distilled water. K uses it for her CPAP machine and for my plants. I got eleven gallons.

Used my Gorilla Cart to transport all that water to my room via my back door. I inflate the tires from time to time. I LOVE my cart.

Always some bill stuff to deal with.

Cleaned off the deck and watered all the plants.

Picked up Everly’s bike from Aztec Cycle in Stone Mountain.

We tried to go to the German Bakery but it was closed this week. Went to Hot and Cold instead. Penelope in particular really eats well there. She likes the hibachi grill. They had fun trying the different sauces.

Art projects when we got home.

Did a big job of cleaning the comforter that we keep on the couch on our front porch. Mixed up the oxyclean and soaked it and scrubbed it.

Brought it up to my driveway to really scrub it hard. Hit it with dish detergent and comet. Man, was I every sweaty after that job.

Drying it out. The water gathers at the bottom and I wring it out as much as possible.

I have two, fifty foot hoses that I have connected together. They usually burst after about three months of use. I have two so I only have to replace half at a time. I have a lifetime guarantee on the hoses which I’ve replaced about seven times. The quality continues to deteriorate each year.

The Grandgirls, Jessi and I leave for Texas tomorrow. I got us checked in and printed our boarding passes. When I check my suitcase (which contains the girl’s stuff as well) They usually give us new boarding passes, but I’m so old school I still like a ticket. I have this on my phone as well so I’m not THAT old school!

These are the culmination of my pollination project with the Venus Fly Traps! These shiny black seeds actually contain many even smaller seeds. I’m letting them dry out completely. I have the peat moss and vermiculite ready to mix and sow the seeds when I get back from Texas. It’ll be something that I’ve never tried before in my over fifty years of growing these little plants.

Gave myself a fresh haircut and shave before my trip.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery “Normalized.” “this evening.

Monday, July 4, 2022

Podcast! Family 4th! 7.4.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:38 pm  

I worked on sealing some windows this week. Just used paper towels but better than nothing.

Jessi started transitioning to being a woman two years ago! She seems happier now.

I worked hard last night late and kept my #2 status on the leader boards for Duolingo in the Diamond league.

July 4th means the Peachtree Road Race. Two Kenyans clobbered everyone.

Foggy this morning.


Cleaned the hummingbird feeders and put them up. I’ll be gone for ten days to Texas starting Wednesday morning.

Cleaned and refilled the bird feeders and bird baths. My hose burst. I have two 50ft hoses, so I only have to take back one of them to replace.

Rained 3″ over the weekend.

Went to Jason’s Deli to eat lunch with Jessi, Kathy, Ruth, Ann and Bill. We stayed about six hours! It was a good family time.

Good times!

Started packing for the Texas trip.

Paid all the bills.

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Podcast! Bike! 7.3.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 2:26 pm  

Jessi, the grandgirls and I will be winging our way to Texas this coming Wednesday. Looking forward to hanging out with my brother, his family and especially my Mom. What a blessing!

Hartsfield, the busiest airport in the world, is doing major renovations.



I like this.

The big globe has been leaking air. I’ve worked on it with hot glue. This time I also sealed under the hot glue with a silicon glue that stays flexible but adheres to the plastic. I think this will give me more life over the years. I will probably have to redo it over time. The pressure of the air finds little places to leak.

Went to Stone Mountain to record “Evaluate and Escalate.” Excellent!

Rode my bike today! First time in a while. Pumped up the tires.

The chain came off several times. I need to make sure I’m shifting the gears properly.

It was a strenuous ride. Very humid and hot.

The bike seat wasn’t working properly. the spring had come loose so the right side was lower than the left. Got the vice grips out and screwed it back into the proper position. Always little stuff like this to tweak when I get back into riding after a lay off.

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Kendalls! Skating! Podcast! 7.2.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 3:19 pm  

Enjoying “Plays Well With Others” by Eric Barker.



Looks like the Venus Fly Traps have successfully made some seeds. That’s cool!

Since I got Mercury back, I was able to go to Stone Mountain to record. Yeah, baby! A great episode called, “Silk Flowers.”

K and I went to eat lunch then went over to Skate Along to catch up with Miles, his sister and dad and of course the grandgirls.

Miles said he and his sister had been going to this skating rink since they were in elementary school!

The girls got some fun little toys for their $1.00. Play until you win!

Fun group!

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