Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Grandgirls! K! Doggie Park! Azalea! Podcast! 4.13.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:23 pm  




Everly played with her plane. I liked the seatbelt job

K and I went for a walk around the Doggie Park. I had Everly’s beginner bike for her to ride on. We had fun.

Always learning. I think it’s great to see a new plant, open an app, take a picture and voila! Here’s everything you’d want to know about that plant! Fantastic!

These plants were along the trail. Several kinds of berry plants.

Took me awhile to figure out what this is for. Finally realized it was for a trash can.

I saw this on some young pine trees. Miles tells me it’s a fungus that is bad for the tree.

After our hike, we went to the park to let Everly play.

Picked up some trash as I went around.

Hippy plate.

I like finding shiny things. I’m like a crow.

This is in my front yard. So many flowers!

Perhaps the worst design for a clock face EVER.

Always great to see Penelope! I brought her some chocolate cake.

So creative. Cars in a parking lot going around the forest. Now that I think about it, the picture probably relates to our hike around the Doggie Park! Not sure why I didn’t realize that until this moment.

Helped the kids at the mission.

Paid bills.

Cleaned and refilled feeders and water bowl.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery “Inposture.” Are you feeling me?

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Everly! Nana! Stone Mountain! Azalea! 4.12.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:08 pm  


Ordered groceries.


Beautiful morning.

Love my girls!


I love Everly so much. She is such an angel child.

We went to Gigi’s house to get a doll accessory that Everly wanted. I thought Gigi could use a pick me up. Everly is just a ray of sunshine. She was in a meeting, so we went for a short walk.

I’m on a diet. Eating less and higher quality. Fruit just tastes so good.

Interesting match for my word of the day.

Everly and I had a fun FaceTime with my Mom. Always a blessing.

Adelante! I figured out a new way to gain experience points with one of the matching challenges. I can do that stuff at full speed. And what makes it fun is there is always faster!

We went on Safari to Stone Mountain. I noticed an area with lots of fallen trees. We practiced walking on them.

Always learning!

Always watching the sky for unusual clouds.

Helped the kids with their homework.


Checked the mail and made sure my ficus tree is ok.

Processed the checks. Includes signing, alphabetizing and taking pictures for our records.

Went to Walmart to pick up my groceries.

Gassed up my car and checked the oil.

Deposited the processed checks. Took pictures of the receipt. It gives us a scanned b/w image of each check to match up with the ones I shot.

I went through my “store” in my truck of the winter clothes. I have a LOT of jackets, sweaters, hats, and gloves. Every time we went to Goodwill I’d check on jackets. I just kept them in my store for them to look at. There was almost always something new that they hadn’t even worn, so that was fun.

I went through clothes at their house today and started to build my Summer Store. I needed some of the basics. I also got pajama stuff.

Helped K get ready for her eye exam. She needed directions to the place.

I’ve become very competitive in Duolingo. But sometimes you get in groups where the top three are just outstanding. I’m still learning. In fifteen minutes I made 800 points. That’s answering a LOT of questions really fast. Like 900 questions in fifteen minutes with an accuracy of over 97%.

Monday, April 11, 2022

Wysteria! Liriopi! Transplant! 4.11.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:15 pm  

I found this interesting.

It’s hard to come in at the top of thirty motivated people. The last hour I competed against another student. Came in ahead in answers correct. Finished third.

It reset last night. I’m about the third best in this week’s competition too.



Beautiful day.


Rained about 2.5″ over the last few days.

I transplanted the Wisteria that I harvested yesterday. It kept the vines soaking in water overnight.

Got my tools organized. Didn’t need everything.

I dug holes next to the trees I where I put the wisteria.

You can see the vine roots.

I placed the root, filled the hole with soil, and tamped it down with my foot.

Whenever I dug up liriope, I’d transplant it to an area that needed more plants.

After tamping down the soil, I’d water it.

The last five or six small vines or in one case just a long root, I planted in a group.

Definitely looks better. And the concept is working well. I continue to find small plants that are growing between what I transplanted.

Cleaned out my gorilla cart.

One of the plants near my house. It’s getting ready to have berries.

I trimmed and pruned a couple of small trees.
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Good exercise.

Drying out moss.

Showing Anthony my radio.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Carnivores! Wisteria! Podcast! 4.10.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:55 pm  




One of my projects today was to transplant some drosera sundew plants near a bog area by my house. I’m interested in seeing how they do outdoors. There are a lot of similar plants, notably sphagnum moss that like these really wet conditions with lots of sun. Also planted a few Venus Fly Traps. I’ll enjoy visiting them from time to time.

I also harvested some Wysteria plants from the side of the road. It was way harder to do than I thought. Huge, deep roots didn’t want to let go. The above ground plants weren’t very big, however the the roots under the soil were decades old.

Brought them home and let them soak in my Gorilla Cart. I’ll plant them tomorrow.

Went over to Ann’s house this afternoon to figure out her TV situation. I brought two remotes from upstairs to run her TV downstairs. Get it all figured out.

Came home. Got cleaned up.

Uploaded a new episode of Verbal Surgery -933- “Sophisticated Savage.”


Downloaded the edition of Verbal Surgery that I recorded today, “Just Adjust” onto my Mac.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Verbal Surgery! Español! Ben Franklin! 4.9.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:04 pm  

One of my heroes along with Ben Franklin.

I found this to be true.

Fennic Fox. One of the cutest animals ever!

Jacarandas used to be a really famous part of Nakuru, Kenya where I used to live. I think someone may have cut them down.

Keep going.

Pretty cold day.



Had Thai food for lunch. So good.

Two years from yesterday will be the total eclipse of the Sun. Right over Georgetown, Texas.

Horizon Forbidden West is such a beautiful game.

Agreed to some new policies by Apple for the podcast distribution network.

Downloaded a new edition of Verbal Surgery “Thoughts are Springs” to my Mac from my Sony PCM-M10 digital recorder.

I just finished watching the Ben Franklin special on PBS by Ken Burns. I bought the DVD set of the show. It was about four hours long and just excellent. It really gave me a better understanding of the formation of our government.

Friday, April 8, 2022

Grandgirls! Spend Night! Campsite 4! Pool! Parks! 4.7-8.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:46 pm  

The grand girls spent Thursday night. So two days merge on the blog!


Getting a new blood pressure cuff. K and I need to check ours regularly.


Had a chat live with my buddy Anthony who is currently in Thailand. Good times.


Love my girls!

Took the girls to Denny’s for eggs, hashbrowns and pancakes. So good.

Deposited checks.


Took the girls for a hike in a new area I like. We call it Camp Site 4.

Hot N Cold.

Came home to play in the sprinkler. It was a little cold for it. Then went to the Lilburn Aquatic Center.

Drying the stuff out.

The girls slept upstairs by themselves on Thursday evening. I slept in my bed. They went to bed around 9:30pm. Everly came down to see me about 7:00 AM. Then we went back up upstairs to be with Penelope when she woke up.




Chilly Friday morning. The girls played with their tea sets. I let them drink some of my Pop Pop Kahawa, which is basically my version of cappuccino.


Doggy Park. Penelope has had a lot of fun on the different versions of monkey bars. She remembers how she couldn’t do some of them and now they are super easy for her.

I talked with the developers of this property about getting the little Wisteria plants out of there before they grade them over. They were fine with it.

We enjoyed swimming at the Aquatic Center again on Friday. It’s been something they’ve looked forward to for so long.

This is the Library Park. We also went to the Baseball park.

Always learning.

Flame Azaleas.

Finally! I hope they fit.

I met up with Kathy at Sweet Basil where J works. We then went over to the other grandparents to drop off the girls.

Catching up on the blog now. Studied Spanish more this evening.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Grandgirls! Jon! Azalea! 4.6.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:00 pm  


More heavy weather. Very foggy morning.


Love my girls!

Deposited checks. Entered them into the spreadsheet.

The girls always enjoy artsy things like chalk and play dough.

Had a great lunch with the girls and my buddy Jon Paul.

Gassed up my car. Still looks expensive but not AS expensive. Checked levels. Added some oil. Refilled my quart jar with more oil from my BIG jug of oil when I got home.

Checked on the mail.


Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Grandgirls! K! Spring Break! Bills! 4.5.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:36 pm  

I’ve really enjoyed playing Horizon Forbidden West. Such a beautiful game and so much fun!


Kathy and I went to Global Mall to pick up the girls. Ashley called to let us know that Miles had her keys. We went to Azalea to hang out with them.


Everly’s bike had been run over and was completely ruined. Got to admit, my attitude was pretty bad for a few minutes. They leave them out in the street, no wonder they get run over. The other one was completely dead too. Chain and brake issues.

Took the girls to the park.


Big thunderstorms with lots of lightning blew through the ATL today.

We hung out and played games in the FBC Doraville Fellowship Hall.

Someone had left a big mess in the kitchen at the church. Took it upon myself to clean it up.

The girls had fun with some games and art projects I had at the church.



Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery “Initial Finale.”

So tasty!

Printed a page for Jessi.

Paid bills.

Monday, April 4, 2022

Nana! Podcast! Bike! 4.4.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:41 pm  

I really enjoy reading Eric Barker’s stuff. I’m looking forward to reading his new book.

Never heard of this festival but it’s happening today!

This program has really helped me learn languages.



Watered my plants.

I like the “Picture This” app. It’s great for finding out what plant I’m looking at.

I enjoyed a good chat with my Mom. Always a blessing.

This is such a beautiful picture of Penelope. Looking forward to having her around next week.

This is what I call “Nakuru Weather.” This is what it’s like all year long in the Rift Valley of Kenya.

The bird seed that falls to the ground has sprouted and created a sight barrier for the birds. That’s not good because stupid cats take advantage of it. I got the hoe and chopped it down.

Cleaned and filled up the feeders and bird baths.

The plants are so beautiful.

Rode my bike 8.08 miles.

The forest seems happy and waking up.


Recorded an episode of Verbal Surgery called “The Map and the Journey.” Excellent.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Español! Yard work! 4.3.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:53 pm  


Message from NASA.


I liked listening to this song today. It’s one I don’t remember hearing before. It’s from my current favorite band: Metronomy.

I took on a major challenge today: raking the leaves in the front yard. It’s important to have a long-term vision for what you want to have happen in the yard.

Here are some shots of before I started raking.

I started systematically removing the leaf litter from areas I wanted uncovered, primarily where I had planted liriope.

I put the leaves I collected either on an embankment I’m making at the north end of my property or along the path near my house up the hill.

Collected a lot of small branches.

The wild flowers and azaleas are marvelous this time of year.

I believe in letting the leaves do what they’re designed to do: compost.

Why bag up what the forest will turn into rich soil?

Good work out. 2:32 hours hits my exercise goal for this week, although I anticipate getting a lot more. I’ll have Penelope and Everly together. I plan on us doing lots of active things, in particular bike riding. Amen.

Raked up all the front of the house. It really needs bags of bark to keep the soil from eroding.

Nice panoramic shot of my property.

Felt absolutely perfect outside. A joy to work in.

This is about two foot of leaves I’ve spread at the bottom part of my yard. I want to slowly build the level up there to reduce the slope of the yard.

The liriope looks great now that the leaves have been removed. They protected the plants from the intense cold we had this winter.

I found my sprinkler underneath the leaves. Also pulled out the Blue Pool. I probably need to get another one. Mine leaks.

One of the last things I do is to walk around on the piles of leaves to start compressing them.

It really is amazing to me just how fast the mycelium will turn this into nothing but soil.

Cleaned out and refilled my birdbaths and feeders.

Looking forward to playing Horizon Forbidden West and relaxing after a hard day of manual labor.

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