Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Verbal Surgery! Groceries! Flowers! 4.2.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:48 pm  

Worked hard on Spanish this morning.



Love the flowers!

My Cherry Blossom is flowering!


Pink Magnolia!

Released Verbal Surgery -931- “Do the Play.” So much fun!

Friday, April 1, 2022

Grandgirls! Planting! Azalea! 4.1.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:31 pm  

I was up way before dawn studying.


So good!

Perhaps you know the old saying, “Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.” Not enough for me, so I’m sending my new clock in for another. If the replacement conks out, I’ll go for another model.

Put the return label on it. Took it to UPS.

Adelante! I’m finishing these lessons rapidly.

Everly helped me repot some little cacti.

I’m stocked up on distilled water. EV and I refilled the six W for tap water jugs. I’ve been mainly using them to clean out the water bowl for the raccoons and possums. They put their food in the water to make it soft. That makes the water go bad within a couple of days. I clean it out and then use a whole gallon to fill it up. WAY easier than getting my hose out and filling up one thing.

Transplanted one of my miniature rose bushes near the driveway where it will get a LOT more sun.


Took the grandgirls to Plaza Fiesta. Always something interesting to see.

Oreo teeth.

Jesse had some extra earbuds that I gave to the kids.

Girls doing gymnastics.


New word from the book.


Thursday, March 31, 2022

Everly! K! Azalea! 3.21.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:45 pm  

Early study.


Rain blew through this morning.

Duolingo keeps trying different ways to learn.

Went to the Walmart on Jimmy Carter to pick up some distilled water. My Walmart is always out. I need it for some of my plants and for Kathy’s CPAP.


Deposited checks.

I’ve been working on the mobile version of Drive today. I want to be able to deposit the checks, process them on my end (which includes taking a picture of every check, signing them), and then enter the amounts on our donation spreadsheet on Google Drive. I think I have it figured out. It’s easier on my Mac, but so much more convenient on my iPhone.

We picked up fruit at Walmart so we could do our “Moana Breakfast.” Includes frozen watermelon.


I saw an interesting video about how to get better rates on SW Airline. My Mom uses them a lot.

Ashley and Miles are working on getting Everly enrolled in Pre-K if possible. We got a brand new lease and all three of us had to sign it. We have a great manager.

My after school table is getting pretty thick.

Spring Break for the kids next week. That means I’ll be watching both girls. Amen.

Went to my office to check the mail and water my ficus.

Kathy got an email from her doctor that her blood pressure was high. We stopped by the Fire Station to have them check it. It was very high. She contacted our doctor who immediately called her right back (to her great relief!) and told her to take more of her high blood pressure medicine and set up an appointment in two weeks. That’s a big 10-4.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Grandgirls! Newsletter! Azalea! Podcast! 3.30.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:58 pm  

It’s really been windy!

I think I’d freak out if I saw this.



Always a useful phrase.

My girls!

I’d been thinking a lot about caves and stalactites because my buddy Anthony Jacquin had recently visited one in Thailand. Then the next day I see this on the back of a truck. Reality is plastic.

Went by Walmart with Everly to pick up some small envelopes and stamps for the newsletter.


Gassed up my car and checked the fluids.

Got the labels complete and stuffed the donation envelopes.


Set up a lunch gig with my treasurer Jon Paul.

Collated and stuffed the newsletters into the envelope.

Got them checked and organized to take over to the Post Office to mail.

Took Everly for Vietnamese food.

Tough doing homework in a wind tunnel. Kids chased their homework down the street.

Love my Penelope time.

Penelope is a climber.

The girls showed me their gymnastic moves.

These two trees growing together is so interesting to me.



We FINALLY got Everly’s birth certificate in the mail. Ashley is going to check on getting Everly on a wait list for the Pre-K class.

Got a new toothbrush head for Kathy.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -930- “Rolling Road Block.”

So good!

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Everly! Dog Bed! Azalea! Clean Up! 3.29.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:51 pm  


Beauty day!

Got to Global Mall early.


Gorgeous sunrise.

My girls!

Useful word.

Not sure what this is. It was on the roof of the Dennys painted to match the color.It looks electrical. Perhaps they had a sign that was lit up there.

I’m finally sending the dog bed on to my Mom.

Took it to the UPS store after I’d put a label on it.

I liked this image.

I had just shaved about about five days. She’s feeling my smooth face. It starts burning my face like fiberglass in my skin so I never let it grow very long.


Everly and I took Jessi to the dentist.

I got chocolate bunnies for the girls.

Helped the kids at the mission.


Someone had taken a dump on the side of the church under the front entrance. I saw it and detested it for weeks. Today, I had the mental preparation to clean it. Turned out to be pretty easy because it was completely dried out. The brush got almost all of it away with hardly any effort.

After I got everything off, I scrubbed the area with soapy water and then rinsed everything off. That’s the kind of guy I am. I’ll do stuff that normal people would never do. It’s mainly because it bothered ME.

Took the newsletter originals to the office to be copied.

Checked on the mail.

Picked up the groceries.

Deposited a check.

Ordered envelopes. I thought I had some. Now I’ll have to swing by Walmart to pick some up. I need stamps from the PO, too.

Blew the leaves out of the garage. They seemed to be almost entirely beech leaves. They only drop their leaves when spring hits.

Got a new clock. Set it and fired up the battery.

Monday, March 28, 2022

Duolingo! Podcast! Nana! Bank! 3.28.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:07 pm  

Sunday night is the end of the weekly round of Duolingo. Out of 30 I came in 3rd. It was a real battle between me and the #2 guy most of the week, but he came through strong at the end. Battle of the language nerds.

It was such a competition that I actually scored over 10,000 points. That’s a lot of right answers really fast.

Beautiful day.



I had a good chat with my Mom. She’d broken a cup. I let her know what I thought would work best.

Deposited checks.

Went by the UPS store to drop off my new shoes headed back to Amazon.

Recorded at Stone Mountain. This time of the month I do a talk-to-text version of our newsletter. Then I get home and produce the pictures and the style of the edition.

Also tracked Verbal Surgery “Inposture” at the mountain.

Got in touch with Jon Paul about getting together next week.


Produced my newsletter.

Printed off the label to send the dog bed to my Mom. My buddy in England finally figured out how to make it work.

Downloaded my episode of Verbal Surgery that I recorded this morning onto my Mac Air.

Enjoyed playing Horizon Forbidden West.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Podcast! Forbidden West! 3.27.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:49 pm  


I’ve been studying vocabulary and wondering how many words I’d need to get along.

Horizon Forbidden West is such a beautiful game. No telling what it’d look like on a PS5 UHD screen!

The kids at the mission and I were just wondering about this word this week.

I need this word.


Español! I’m in a tight race this week for #2 or #3. Definitely motivates me to spend just a bit more time.

Working on getting some new shoes for K.

The shoes I just got from Amazon didn’t fit properly. Sending them back for a refund.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Sophisticated Savage.” I looked up the word to see if there were any other ideas that I hadn’t thought of.

Watered my plants.

Downloaded the episode of Verbal Surgery “Sophisticated Savage” onto my Mac.

Published the Verbal Surgery “Name Game” today. So good!

I’m working on getting a group of NoZe Brothers to make ComeHoming this year.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Carpet! Driveway! 3.26.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:57 pm  



Vacuumed the house.

Cleaned out the parts.

Deep scrubbed the carpets where the traffic patterns were. Mixed up the solution with Oxyclean.

I apply the product with a big cup, then scrub it in.

Then to Lowes to pick up the carpet cleaner.

Azaleas are blooming!

Scrubbed the carpets. A lot of dirt comes out. The machines look new.

After cleaning the carpets, I washed down the sides of the front of my house, blew the driveway and rinsed it off.

Went back to Lowes to return the carpet cleaner. I liked these flowers.

VERY windy!

K and I went to LT for dinner.

Friday, March 25, 2022

Everly! Eggs! Azalea! 3.25.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:51 pm  

My buddy Anthony is in Thailand right now. Phuket is similar to places I’ve visited including Port Antonio,Jamaica and Malindi, Kenya.



Cooler weather, but still gorgeous.

Always great to see my girls! It’s been a really fun week with Everly.

We went by Publix this morning to get some strawberries. They are her favorite fruit. She was kissing the box.

Deposited checks.

Got some new shoes. They no longer make the kind I’ve gotten the last five years. These are cross trainers and are tighter on the top of my foot, which I’m not crazy about.

I just spent about thirty minutes going through Google to find the kind that I had before. Cost me about $20 more, but if I don’t like them, I usually don’t eventually like them. Better to get what I’ve really enjoyed over the years.

Everly and I got some Easter eggs today. We filled them with Jelly Belly jelly beans. Forty different flavors. She was so excited to give them to her friends and family. She’s so sweet.

I repotted my little poinsettia. It was in a tiny little pot before.

I worked with Everly on states of matter and in particular dry ice. We had a fun time with all the bubbling.

I explained Oxygen, Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide. How they work together with our breathing and making water.


I found this interesting. It was the wrapping of a toy that Everly had.

Here is my Easter egg.

Love her so much.

It’s been so windy lately.

Took the girls to Plaza Fiesta. They had fun playing. Penelope wasn’t particularly impressed with the icing.

Clone Mexicans.

One of the mission kid’s impression of me.

Helped the kids study.

Went by my office to check the mail and my ficus tree.

Picked up groceries on the way home.

Refilled the food for my wild friends.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Everly! Doggie Park! Azalea! 3.24.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:06 pm  


Beautiful moon this morning.


Love my girls!

Fun at the Doggie Park!

Gassed up car. Glad prices have dropped! This includes a .10 discount.

Checked fluids.

She likes to climb on the rocks while I’m working on the car.

Managed to get the kitchen window shut. It had come open somehow and a lot of air was blowing in.

She had a good nap. Still pretty stopped up and coughing.

Beautiful day, but still windy for working with the kids.

Helped the kids with their homework. Pretty much got everything done today. It’s due tomorrow.

I had a big group of kids but most of them are camera shy.

Harry on the way home.

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