Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Grandgirls! Ann! Azalea! 3.23.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:19 pm  

Talk about a step in the wrong direction.

I’ve been learning a lot of weather related words recently.

Rained for a lot of the day.


I like this one.

Love my girls!

Helped Ann with some problems she was having. Changed several light bulbs out. It was really dark in most of the house.

Took out all the trash. There were a lot of bags.

She was having issues with charging her phone. She is prone to falling and with a dead phone no one knew to come help. I went through all the cables and charging bricks, threw out the bad ones and set up two complete charging stations for her to use. Hopefully, she can be contacted now.

Washed and cleaned up her kitchen. Fed and put water out for the dogs. Cleaned up her office and most of the downstairs. It was a big job, but I’m glad I was able to help her. It’s really a sad situation.


Took the girls for Vietnamese this afternoon.It’s one of our favorites. Penelope cracks me up.

Helped the kids at the mission. It was super windy so we set the table up between the apartments like we used to last year. It was much calmer there.

I liked this Christmas picture that Penelope drew.

Everly’s snow man.

I thought Genesis did a good job on this one.


Kathy got a bonus from work for doing on line courses. We sent the money to help with our credit card bill.

A button in my shirt kept coming undone. I sewed the hole together.

I also washed a load of my clothes this afternoon. When I’m exercising regularly, I get a lot more clothes dirty.

Refilled my tap water jugs. I use them to water some of my plants and to clean out the water bowl that the raccoons use. It gets really dirty because they use it to make the dog food I leave out for them soft. I can clean out the bowl and refill it with exactly one gallon of water. I do that every couple of days. It’s a lot easier than having to drag out the water hose.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Everly! Biking! Azalea! 3.22.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:28 pm  

Ways to cut carbon emissions.


Gorgeous weather! Super windy this afternoon.


Got to Global Mall at dawn. Smelled like curry in the parking lot. MMMMMMM.


Love my girls!

Ordered groceries this morning. Picked them up this evening.

Studied hard today.

Everly and I went for our first bike ride together this morning. We had a great time.

Helped the kids with their homework.

Hard to hold on to the papers. So windy!

Miles had fun playing basketball with the kids.

Went by my office to check the mail.


Groceries on the way home. Also went by Kroger to pick up J’s meds.

Deposited checks. Amen.

I order new shoes almost exactly once a year.

Printed Ashley’s newsletter.

Redid the donor list.

Printed labels for newsletters.

Updated the donation list for this month.

Monday, March 21, 2022

Duolingo! Anthony! Podcast! Bike! 3.21.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:22 pm  

I spend a lot of daily effort studying Spanish. It is the second most studied language on Duolingo after English. There are over 34 million users of Duolingo in the world. I am currently in the highest level possible in Spanish. Every week there is a competition of people studying Spanish set up in groups of thirty. This is only the second time that I’ve finished this high out of the group. It’s kind of a big deal for me.

I preordered a book on Amazon this morning called “Plays Well With Others.” I’m on Eric Barker’s email list. His stuff is always interesting, funny and worth reading. I’m looking forward to reading this book.

I’ll also get a couple of bonuses because of my preorder and it helps Eric with his sales.

This is the second item I’ve preordered recently. The other is the DVD set of a documentary on Benjamin Franklin by Ken Burns which I’m expecting to be incredible.


I like the sound of “Electric Storm” or “tormenta electrica.”


Beautiful day!

Great chat with my buddy Anthony!

Also talked with my Mom. I was glad to have Jessi engage with us too!

I recorded a new podcast called, “Initial Finale.” Excellent!


I was talking to Anthony about how my Mom found another Maasai spear when she was cleaning out stuff. Can’t wait to get that!

I’m part of the Carbon Almanac project. I post ideas about how to reduce our carbon footprint on my social media feeds. Today I talked about making sure your tire pressure was set correctly. Had to do some research on that. Turns out pretty much all my tires were low, one of them really low. I just don’t check them. My old car had sensors to tell me when they were low. Pretty hard to just eyeball that.

I also pumped up my bike tires before I went for a ride this afternoon.

Rode 11.37 miles. I’m steadily pushing my mileage back up. I’ve been taking it really easy and not doing too much, too fast.

I liked the way these branches fell on the sidewalk. It looked Japanese to me for some reason.

With Spring finally here, I decided it was time to bring my carnivorous plants back in. I kept them outside during the Fall and Winter because they need to go through a dormant stage. I still brought them back inside when the temperature was close to freezing.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Español! Workshop! Bike! Podcast! 3.20.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:54 pm  

First day of Spring! Wonderful weather!

Loved these passages by John Burroughs.

Perhaps my favorite picture of one of my favorite heroes: Benjamin Franklin!

I like this one.




I took some bags of clothes to Goodwill today. Also went in to look for a bike for Penelope. No luck yet.


We had a dog attack in our neighborhood this morning. I heard terrible fighting sounds. That’s one of the few things I don’t get involved with.

My buddy, Anthony Jacquin, did a great job with his Self-Hypnosis workshop today. Very powerful.

Beautiful weather, but very windy.

Had 1.75″ of rain this Friday.

Rode my bike 8.05 miles this afternoon. Started getting chilly towards the end. My goal was to exercise for about an hour. Mission complete!

With the first day of Spring, it’s time to get my hummingbird feeders out! I reattached some wires for them to hang on.

Cleaned out the birdbaths and filled the feeders.

Also straightened out the windmills. I like to use them as a wind gauge.

Watered my plants. Always a delight to spend time with them. I’m just about ready to take the big ones back outside.

Released an episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Stay Focused.” So good.

Enjoyed playing Horizon Forbidden West.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Christ Church UMC AL, Hindu Immersion! Azalea! 3.19.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:38 pm  

Did some studying about the BAPS Mandir before the team got into town.




Perfect weather.

I set up all my new gear including the projector, my Mac Air, the Pyle speaker system and decorations. Glad to say everything worked perfectly. I decided not to use my wireless microphones. I was plenty loud for the conference room.

Had a wonderful time with my friends Ben and Liz Birdsong from Birmingham AL today! They are now working with Christ Church UMC. What a blessing the team was for me!

I did a presentation on Hinduism as well as have our prayer time together. Then took them on Safari to the BAPS Hindu Temple.

After seeing the temple, we ate at the Shayona cafe, which I thought was really good.

Then a walk around Global Mall and through the Ganesha Temple.

Then over to the Azalea to work with the kids at the mission.

Bible story!

Love was shared!

Over to QT for a little treat before heading home to Birmingham!

I’ve really missed the teams! So far we have three more scheduled for the Summer. Amen.

Friday, March 18, 2022

Everly! Storms! Azalea! 3.18.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:17 pm  


I liked this idea.


Chilly morning.


Love my girls!

Stopped at the temple to shoot this.

Deposited a check.

Gassed up the car.

Checked fluids.


Cleaned and straighten up my St. Francis shrine.

Cleaned my back area.

Contacted one of my youth director friends.

I enjoyed doing some arts and crafts with Everly this morning.

Added some windshield wiper fluid.

First time I’ve ever seen the big Amazon building near my house.

Big thunderstorms blew through our area today.

Penelope and I played a sequencing game today.

LOVE her art!

Looks like Everly will not be getting into Pre-K next year. Fine with me. There are other children that need that spot way worse than Everly. Particularly the kids that don’t speak English.


Stopped by my office to check the mail and water my ficus tree. I wanted to set up for the show tomorrow, but I didn’t like the idea of leaving my stuff out unlocked.

I’ll go over tomorrow morning to set it up. Shouldn’t take very long.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Grandgirls! BAPS Temple! Azalea! Huntley Hills Concert! ISS! 3.17.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:52 pm  

I’m sure this is going to affect a LOT of people.

I was up early working on Spanish.


Foggy morning!

I thought this was an interesting post from Seth Godin.


Love my girls!

Everly and I went to the BAPS Hindu temple this morning. It’s always so beautiful.


Made a reservation for a team coming in June.

Gorgeous weather this afternoon.

Picked up Penelope and cut her bangs. When it gets so long it drives me crazy. I trimmed both girl’s bangs.

Helped the kids with their homework.

The girls and I went to Huntley Hills Elementary School for the kid’s concert. It’s always good to support the children. A lot of my kids were involved.

They also had an art exhibition.

I liked Penelope’s the best!


Saw the International Space Station for the 76th time this evening! I get these alerts in the morning that it’s overhead and visible. Usually, it’ll be visible about three evenings fairly closely together.

Beautiful full moon this evening.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Everly! Washer! Kurta! Azalea! 3.16.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:38 pm  

I’m definitely having a challenge with the time change. I reckon it will take me a while. I’m waking up super early and having a challenge going back to sleep. I’m not sure how this will be in the winter if the time really does stay the same.



Love my girls!

Everly and I went to Publix to pick up some fruit. I love to see her eat healthy!

The trash guys picked up the old washing machine which wasn’t working. It sat in our garage for over a month.

Adelante! This is at the Seventh Level. Duolingo keeps adding more content to the Spanish language tree. It’s the most popular language to study after English.

I’ll be wearing my kurta for my presentation on Saturday for the team coming. We’ll be talking about Hinduism. As I got it from my clothes rack in my storage room, I noticed that it had a major tear in the material. I spent about an hour repairing it and the seam which had split. It doesn’t look perfect because of the size of the material gouged out, but it’s way better than it was.

I contacted Pastor Ben today. He is having surgery on Monday. I really miss him. Church just isn’t the same. I haven’t gone back since the pandemic.

My good friend Anton sent me a parcel for my Mom. We are having some issues getting it delivered.

I saw this today at the Buford Highway Farmers Market. It reminded me of a bit I do with the teams. “I try and teach you guys words from different languages. This is how they say ‘cookie’ in Korean.” I just laugh and laugh.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen this license plate before.

I love Everly’s art.

I helped the kids with their homework.We worked on it for over 3.5 hours. I was pooped.

Heavy rainstorm on the way home. I was glad that Kathy was with me. At least I had someone to talk with.

Checked the mail. Put the repaired kurta in my office.

Pouring down rain.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Traffic! Grandgirls! Team Prep! Azalea! 3.15.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:44 pm  




Stressful trip to pick up Everly this morning. For some reason, the train tracks were blocked off on two of the major roads going North towards 85. Mr. Google really let me down on this one. Normally, it shows when things are blocked.

I finally made it about thirty minutes later than normal. Fortunately, Tuesday I try to get there extra early and everything turned out just fine.

Always great to see my girls!

At breakfast this morning, I showed Everly how we would ride our bikes when we’re on the trail and see people coming. I’m the triangle and she’s the circle. We see people, we slow down, I move ahead. We stay to the right and pass the people, I move back to the middle and call her on back up beside me. My Mom asked me if it was Everly doing the drawing!

I love her so much.

Me encanta esta palabra!

Everly did some chalk art for me. That’s Ashley and Penelope up top. Lake at the bottom.


I have a team coming this Saturday. I got out my new HD projector (the old on we used for nearly ten years!) with my Mac and connected everything up. Ran great! I wanted to make sure all the remotes worked properly and that I had everything I needed. I’ll take a couple of the tables with me on Saturday morning to set the equipment on.

Took the old washer to the curb. They’re finally supposed to pick it up tomorrow.

Got the other garbage cans out as well.

Everly and I stopped at the church on our way to Azalea. We checked the mail. Also went through my office and our storage closet to get all the things I’ll need for the presentation on Saturday. It always pays to start working on that stuff early, just in case I need to get something.

A lot of rain moved through our area today. None of it was especially heavy.

Took the girls over for Vietnamese food this afternoon. It’s definitely one of our favorites and good for us!

Everly had fun showing me her new Playdough ice cream machine.

Lisa is the manager of the restaurant. We’ve become good friends over the years. She always gives the girls lollypops.

Helped the kids with their homework. We all crammed in under the porch since it was raining.

The kids like to draw on the boards.


Picked up groceries on the way home.

Prepped and deposited checks.

We had about .5″ of rain today.

Released Verbal Surgery “Erased Stump.” this evening.

Let go of those old wounds!

Monday, March 14, 2022

#2! Anthony! Podcast! Bike! HFW! 3.14.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:08 pm  

Happy Pi day! 3.14 to infinity!

In further science news, I signed up to have my name put on a flash drive that will circle the moon! Cool!

My son in law Miles, actually thought I was taking a trip to space. Zero desire to do that! Hilarious.

Hell, indeed.

I had a great week with a tight competition on Duolingo. I came in #2 out of 30 of the best students on Duolingo.

I had a fun chat with my buddy Anthony. We chatted about Transactional Analysis, which my Dad used to be really into.



Gorgeous day!

I’ve started collecting jugs of tap water rather than using distilled water on all my plants. Most of them really don’t need it.

While I was on the workshop yesterday, I made a list of new Verbal Surgery titles.

The striping paint machine.

Had a fun talk with Anthony. I was a lot happier than I looked in this picture!


Ordered groceries!

Transported a squirrel.

Paid bills.

Full Sun Moon.

Had a fun bike ride 8.04 miles.

I recorded an episode of Verbal Surgery this morning called, “Do the Play.” Downloaded it onto my Mac this evening.

Had a great time playing Horizon Forbidden West. Such a cool game.

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