Whirlwind Missions

Monday, July 15, 2024

PE! Monkey Bar Park! Taco Veloz! Miles’ Car! Transplant! 7.15.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:16 pm  

The price hike wouldn’t be so bad if the service was any good.

These are four of my favorite shows in Español.




I’m trying to figure out how to contact Don Cheto.

This word is very useful. I’ve only recently figured it out.

My girls. How I love them.

We did our studies. Their attitude wasn’t great because they had to get up extra early to take Miles to work when he couldn’t get his car started.

Took the girls to the Monkey Bar Park. They were complaining that their hands had gotten soft. It’s been too hot to let them go there.

QT for slushies.

We enjoyed a visit to Barnes and Nobles. The kids really didn’t want to go but it turned out to be super fun for them. Except I didn’t buy them anything.

Delicious juegos rancheros at Taco Veloz.

I took the girls home and when Miles got home we got his car jumped off and took the loaner back to Save a tree.

Deposited checks. Thank you, Father.

Went to Walmart to get some big pots and potting mix for the frangipani and the young banana plants.

Some powerful thunderstorms just missed us to the North. We got some sprinkles.

My priority outdoor job today was to get the hummingbird feeders cleaned and refilled. I put birdseed in the feeders and changed the water in the birdbaths.

I dug up the dead banana plants and prepped the soil for the new plants.

They look happy.

Frangipani was hardest to transplant. It didn’t have the root structure that I expected. I still managed to get it out and put it in the pot I prepped for it. She can probably live in that pot of years.

I moved the bromeliads to the north side of the driveway.

Cleaned and put all the tools away. I still need to weed whack that area.

Gloves were washed and now drying with a fan.

Came in #4 last week on Duolingo.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Español! Podcast! Bike! Swim! 7.14.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:14 pm  




Don Cheto.

Biked 12.30 miles.

K and I went to Lazy River for about 1.5.hours. It was fun. After biking, that was a nice touch.

Got gas and checked the oil in the Honda.

Recorded and released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Rinse and Repeat.” Excellent!

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Español! Bike! Prayer Card! 7.13.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:59 pm  

Fun to get some birthday love.

I resemble that remark.

Keep working and get results.



Prepped for bike ride.

Listened to Don Cheto while I rode.

Biked 12.53 miles.

I’ve been working on getting prayer cards. Decided to get 600 for $200. That should last a while.

I sent a picture of an old card along with the logo, layout and instructions.

I’ve been listening to this album. Really good.

Keep going.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Birthday! PE! Van Gogh! Pool! 7.12.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:03 pm  

Stayed up until midnight to see the birthday in. 66. Wow.

I have a friend who lives in Houston without power. Bummer.


I really enjoyed this. All in Spanish.


Sprayed more fungicide on the pink magnolia. Seems to be doing better. I need to trim the foliage near the bottom.

Birthday boy with his girls.

Love notes.

Keep feeding neurons.

Enjoyed Waffle House then practiced balance.

I like to splurge a bit on my birthday. I took the girls to the Van Gogh immersion experience. It was really cool. He’s probably my favorite artist. Did you know he was color blind? What?!

We did the VR experience which was also really interesting. We were actually embedded into the paintings.

We also colored a picture of Starry Night and then “posted” it on the exhibit wall.

I’m always telling the girls, “Spend your money on experiences, not stuff.” I practice what I preach. Last year I took them to the Illusion Museum. It was also amazing.

We had the whole Doraville pool to ourselves for at least thirty minutes. Those girls wore me out swimming laps in this huge pool. We raced. I got creamed.

Don Cheto.

Deposited checks. Thank you, Father!

K and I went to Provino’s this evening for my free birthday meal. I also went to Always Fresh before I came home to get my free meal from them.

I may get edged out of the top three this week. We’ll see.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

PE! Stone Mountain! Geese! Fishing! 7.11.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:16 pm  

Crazy talk!

Killer heat.



Jessi and the girls had fun making robots with magnets and metal.


WX! Enjoyed it cooling down a bit.

Hiked 2.89 miles. 21 hills.

Had a fun lunch with my buddy Jon Paul and the grandgirls.

Sent the photo cards to Stacy in TN.

Went to Stone Mountain to feed the geese. The carillon was actually playing! The girls didn’t know what this object was. I remember having a phone just like it.

I always enjoy teaching the girls bushcraft. Today I got a broken rod and found some fishing line and tied a piece of wood to it so they could practice “casting,” more like just swinging it into the water similar to using a cane pole.

I also taught them about what bait was and how important it is to be quiet and still. I found a bread loaf bag in the garbage with some crumbs in it. I tied a line onto it and we sunk it into the water. Soon little fish began to go in the bag for the food. She pulled the bag out of the water and caught a fish!

I don’t go to the carillon peninsula very often. It’s cool. 732 bells!

Lots of bugs.

Had fun looking at stuff at the Dollar Tree.

Everly got two little dogs. The blue one is going to the vet and the pink one is going to the beauty salon.

Before their parents come, I make sure the girls have gathered all their stuff up and have it ready to go. It’s good to practice that discipline.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

PE! Overnight! Pat & Bill! K! 7.10.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:45 pm  

Girls conked out last night.

Love my orchids. About half of the ones I have are blooming.

I got some photo cards packed up and ready to send to them.


I worked on getting the information together that I need to make the new photo cards. I got into action after Stacy’s request.

I usually send a copy of a previous card so they can see the format we want.

The girls woke up around 8:30 AM. Fixed them some breakfast.

Worked on getting in touch with the team leaders for the group coming next week.


Jessi did some electrical experiments with the girls.

They did their school work including some math tables.

I had a video chat with two of my board members, Pat Barrington and Bill Cordrey. We tossed the idea around about having a banquet fund-raiser. I don’t think we’ll do it this year.

Always good to get loving from the girls!

We had a fun time at the Crazy River with PEK. It was really pleasant outside today.

Keep going.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

PE! Azalea! Goodwill! Fashion Show! 7.9.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:00 pm  

Higher education doesn’t seem to be worth the money any more.




Don Cheto.

My girls are the best!

Kids worked hard.

I bought Penelope a set of letters for the board she found at Goodwill.

After we study, we play Uno or Mario Cart. I have cookies and popsicles too.

I took the girls to Chic-Fil-A and then we went to their house. Penelope got to use her new letters on the board. Everly also forgot her stuffy. She needs them when they spend the night. They usually stay at our house Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Last week they stayed home because I had a team in town.

On the way home, we went to Walmart to get new electric rotary toothbrushes. We bought Oral-B for kids as opposed to the regular little Disney princess kind. Way better made. The Doctor also said to get some dental floss as well as ACT fluoride rinse.

The best news was the girls seem to be for brushing.

Sure felt hot. I tried to keep the girls inside as much as possible.

The girls and I took a new fan over to Ann. I plugged it in and made sure it worked. Her AC is fixed now so she will be a lot more comfortable. We cool our house but we always have fans blowing on us.

Went to Goodwill to look for clothes. They got some really nice stuff in great condition. After Kathy got home they put on a fashion show for us. So cute.

P got a new hat. It says, “Part Mermaid.”

There are alway little things to mend after we go to Goodwill.

Keep going.

Storms blew through. Rained pretty hard but was very localized.

Monday, July 8, 2024

PE! Azalea! Dentist! Downtown! 7.8.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:17 pm  

I’ve become intrigued with the slang that young people use today.

Big storm blew through the ATL last night. Knocked our power out for about an hour.

Came in #6 last week. Broke two million points this morning! That’s a LOT of studying.

Now that’s hot.




I liked Eric Barker’s blog on Resilience today.

Love my girls!

Kids worked hard on their homework and times tables.

I don’t have good cell reception near my house. Frankly, most everywhere since I got Mint Mobile. So when the power cuts out and I don’t have wi-fi either, we are really cut off. Feels pretty weird/bad.

As we were leaving the mission, I got a call from Miles asking me if I could take the girls over to the dentist. Big departure from what we were planning on doing. We still did it. Cleaning went well. Everly has a number of cavities she needs working on.

After the dentist, we jumped on the MARTA at Doraville and went downtown which was our original plan.

While we were at Metro Diner for lunch, I met our server who was from Albania. I learned a couple of words and practiced them with her. Of course that always blows them a way when I’m able to greet them or say thanks in their own language.

We enjoyed playing at the Hyatt. We do different games in the underground ballroom areas. Sort of like hide and seek plus kick the can.

I use Google Maps for navigation. Did you know it can look up the price of gas at each station?

Don Cheto.

Got home pretty quickly.

Keep going.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Hummingbirds! Español! Rockbridge BC! Podcast! 7.7.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:02 pm  

I enjoy finding new music that I like.



Cleaned and refilled my four hummingbird feeders.


Had a fun chat with my buddy, Anthony!

K and I went to Rockbridge BC for their July 4th celebration. I read from the Español version of the NIV Bible.

They had hotdogs and hamburgers with sides. Fortunately, I was able to find enough stuff to eat. Today marks 7 years of being vegetarian. My last meat meal was pork ribs.

I shot and edited a short video for my friends back at Deep Spring BC in TN. The kids have the Sunday night service for sharing.

Don Cheto.

Sent the video I edited to Stacy and Tami in Tennessee.

Went to Stone Mountain to record “Just Human” and the church greeting. Uploaded it to my server and posted it on Facebook.

Good competition this week.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Español! Bike! 7.6.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:29 pm  

Don Cheto.

Hulu will be gonesville.




Another fasciata is blooming!

Prepped my bike!

Biked 12.49 miles.

Enjoyed listening to Juanpalitoschinos and Bandolos Chinos.

I’ll shoot this tomorrow.

Keep going.

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