Anthony! Cleaning! Danou! PE! Azalea! iPhone 16 Pro Max! 3.11.25
I’ve been doing research for my Namibian friend Danou. Bonfire seems the best site for selling merch.
Cleaned my shoes. I’ve been doing that regularly for over five years now. I never did that before!
I cleaned the book case and the glass table in J’s office. I’ve really enjoyed my waterproof gloves.
Talked with Pastor Bill Kelly about the team that’s coming next weekend. We will be using the Fellowship Hall and he wanted to make sure that that wouldn’t be a problem.
I’ll add some pictures of maps to the website I’m working on for The Food Forest Namibia.
My iPhone 16 Pro Max came in today! I’ll be charging and setting it up tonight and getting the cell phone numbers changed tomorrow probably.
I got a text from my Mom that she couldn’t get out of bed because of the pain in her leg. My brother Jim took her to the hospital and it turns out she has a fracture! She was transported to another hospital and will have to have surgery soon. So sad. I was really looking forward to her being with me next week. The Father always has His timing.
I had a good talk with Danou about the website that I hope to make live this evening as well as the emails that I sent to the Christian Schools in Otjiwarongo.
Good chat with my buddy, Anthony!
During the day, I kept getting updates from my brother.
Fantastic weather today.
Wrote thank you notes. I already had plenty of art drawn on the envelopes.
Picked up the girls at the bus and went to Cici’s for lunch.
Helped the kids with their homework.
I normally talk to my Mom during my drive time. She’s in the hospital now. Listened to Don Cheto instead.
I just backed up my phone in preparation for transferring the information to my new phone.
Lot of competition this week.